SPIRITUALIZING ADVENTISTS--page 5 "I must say that you as an editor have been more ready than most others to admit to your paper those fixigzrx scriptural arguments of the Character, Personality, and Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, which as you understand them, you are pleased to call 'anti-scriptural spiritualisms.' I have been watching for some time to see some Xighk little testimony against the views of those brethren who believe with Paul, that shen Jesus Christ is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels (clouds of heaven) in flaming fire, that that revelation will be "in his saints;' . . We endeavor to show from the vord, that 'he is the true God and eternal life:.'! '"The only wise manifest in the flesh;' "The word was with God and the word was God;' ' All things were made by him;' ' But he that built all things is God;' 'The word (or God) was made flesh, and dwelt among us;' "God is a Spirit;' 'No man nath seen God at any time,' ' Who only hath immortality dwelling in the igikhx light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen or can see, to whom be honor and power everlasting, Amen', . . Having quoted a few passages to show hx what the person and character of Christ is, and whikexm which makes him none other than the Great Jehovah, and that this God whom we serve is a Spirit and ® can never be seen by man; we put the question to all the brethren, and ask if the first coming when Christ was born of Mary, (God manifested in the flesn,) so far as the Deity was sof Pi manifested, was not a spiritual coming, as well as a literal coming in "the fashdon of a man'?, . . .Again, let the kxrkk brethren ask the question; will not this revelation be both literal and spiritual for when he appear, we shall be like him, and see him as he is; or as Job says, 'In my flesh shall 1 see God, whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behld, and not a stranger,' (gargin.) Job had the faith "once delivered to the saints' of which Jude speaks, for he expected to see Christ in his own flesh and be 'partakers of the Divine nature,' 2 Peter 1:4. Amen!! This is the true God, and Eternal Life. Little children keep yourselves from idols, Amen."