G PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKIY By the Pacirie UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVE NTISTS I'rew, Cal. Fifty Cents a Year Editorial Committee H .W. Cottrell Claude Conard Mountain Subscription Price, J. J. Ireland Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1906, at the Post-office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1907. Just as we are going to press, word comes trom Sacramento, Cal, that the Sunday constitutional amendment bill, viiteh was considered in the Assembly there Wednesday, February 200 was de- feated by was not, This original bill, but a majority of 36 to 20, however, the a modified substitute whieh was recount mended by the committee before whom the hearing was held. We shall endeavor to give full particulars 1m our next issue, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA News Items Brother W. H. Covell as Academy, now at Fer- nado conducting a canvasser's institute, and has seventy-two earnest voung people in his class, Folder Alfred Whitehead held a two weeks series of meetings at Santa Ana. As ot this effort, three were baptized on Sabbath, the 9th were added to the chureh., recently result hriet st. med four Glendale and Loma Linda Sanitariums are both nearly filled with patients. This Facet 1s a special source of encouragement to those who have put forth great effort prepare these mstitutions tor the tour ISU patronage, Another donation to support a native Arica MeGowan of Brother Linda, Cal. offerings otf this worker in from NE ON This makes twenty-four COMes [Loma Cahfornia Con- and a halt, Kind in the Southern Ferenee during the last vear [Fernando Aeademy debt has been re- duced to $7,000. An average of a thou- sand dolblars a0 month has been made in the reduction of the indebtedness of our academy since the effort began, We hope we ean keep up this average for seven months nore. [Ford, Wash. arrived mn Los Folder ¢ 1, at Spokane, pastor of our chureh recent date, 12th inst. engaged mm until a Angeles ou the will soon be and actively evangelistic labor in the metropolis of shall be number of our conference. hold the suburbs of the city, We hope we able to meetings ina [t is oo source of rejoicing to our peo- ple in Southern California to know that Healdsburg College is enjoying a similar that which has Fernando Academy during the past vear. prosperity to come to In a recent interview with individuals ot ('on- that several responsibility in the California ference, the writer was informed had hundred dollars above the operating ex- Healdsburg College oained penses during the first half of the pres- ent school year, Gi. W. Reaser. Febrnary 15. —_——ep—————— CALIFORNIA (Continued. ) Tithe Received for Month of De- cember, 1906 Alameda, $223.10; Arcata, $107.68; $720.10: Collis, $226.29; Cow, $39.65; Chico, $1,065.65; $06.60: Fresno, $1,063.00; 29.35; Hanford, $320.22; Iealdsburg, $1,025.96; Laton, $63.18; Los $104.00; Lodi, $529.42: Lockwood, $18.- 005 Morgan IT, £372.79; Modesto, $94.- : Mountain £75411: Napa, FIST.95; No San Jaun, $140.85; Oakland, £1.365.74; Oakdale, $97.60; Petaluma, x22 20: Redding, $74.10; Reno, $74.13; Sanitarium, $81.15; San Jose, $251.75; San Luis Obispo, 261.55; Santa Cruz, $464 +0: Soquel, $20.65; F228 St Helena, $33.00; FO2.50; San Armona, (‘on Ferndale, Guerneville, (1atos, View, 67 Stockton, Susanville, Francisco (Laguna St), $795.76; San Francisco (Valencia St), 364.55; Vaca ville, s101.24; Wallace Dist, $76.20 Watsonville, $64.90; Woodland, s141.4 WW. WL Garrahan, $30.00; I, $90.00; I Doty, $14.52; $39.60 Total, $11 442.640, January 1907 Alameda, $5.00; Areata, mona, F1o405 Arrovo Bakersfield, f14.40; Bishop, $225.50; Burrough, $21.10; Cal CDRP E23 0 Chico, £100.21: Dinuba, Foureka, £359.05: Ferudale, X17) oa Miseelliineous, £49.86; Ar- Grande, Berkeley, §287.35; stows St) id SRS £40.09; 25: Fallon, Nev. $103.15; $95.70; Healdsburg, $32.10 45.55; Lao Grande, $47.35; FTO8.50; Los Gatos, £7.66: Lodi, ¥104.05 $42.65: Morvean Hill, $9.- View, $349.26; Monterey, FI2N.00; Grass Fo4.10 Vallev, Hantord. Hughson, Glennville, Lemoore, Me Kindevville, 90: Mountain F66.60 Yokland, $103.66: Pepperwood, $19.35: Placerville, $52.90: Petaluma, £15.50; Red Blulf, $63.25: Reno, Nev. $177.41: Sacramento, $287.60; cisco (Valencia St), $3.60; $803.45; San $132.50; Santa Cruz. $0.00; Santa Rosa, OTR.20 Sebastopol, F160. 14; Selma, $147.14; $21.20; Sto Clair, Nev, $15.00; St, Helena, £220. 05; Susanville, $3.30; Stockton, $422.27 Turlock, £102.15; Ukiah, $83.45; Vallejo. $109.40; Hollister, $3.00: I. Menzel, San Fran- Sanitarium, Jose, Soquel, $100,005 D. Streeter, $35.00; Miscellane- ous, $17.2 Total, $6,006.36. Oat & oro Annual Meeting Notice of the Cal Missionary and Benevo- The tenth annual Medical Association, for the meeting ifornia tent electing purpose of four or more members of the Board of Directors, and transacting any other business that may properly come will be held at San- itarium, Napa Co. Cal, on March 13, before the meeting, Wednesday, 1907, at 12 o'clock ar. [.. M. 5. Ii. Parlin, Bowen, President, Neeretary. -—aPp—o— Sanitarium Food Company The fifth itarium ood Company, Nall for the purpose annual meeting of the of electing directors, and transacting any other business that may properly come will be held at San- Thursday, before the meeting, itarium, Napa Co... Cal, on Mareh 14, 1907, at 12 f.. M. Parlin, Seerctary. o'clock MM. Bowen, President, O—all—@- O—agRPo—— FOR RENT. —A house of two rooms, partly furnished, suitable for a man and wife: with three-fourths of an acre of land to work on shares, Inquire of Mrs. MLL Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal Do “What is the work I have done to-day? Have © left a mark upon the way: A kindly smile, word or a cheery That has lingered in some heart awhile; Stratghtened a path or a crooked road, Lightened the weight of a weary load, Into the Sent shadow of some one’s night of light?’ oven a tiny rav