2, THE CHURCH OFFICERS’ GAZETTE Conference and church officers have a part to act as leaders among the people in impressing hearts with the importance oft faithfulness in tithe paying. Note this word: “Many presidents of State eonferences do net attend to that which is their work,—to see that the elders and deacons of the ehurches do their work in the churches, by seeing that a faithful +#ithe is brought into tho treasury. Malachi has speeified that the condition of prosperity depends upon bringing to God’s treasury that which is His own. This principle needs to he often brought before the men who are lax in their duty te God, and who are negleetful and careless in bringing in their tithes, gifts, and offerings to God.”—*Testimonies to Min- wgters,” p, 805. “Prove Me now herewith,” is God’s word to us who believe without question; and so far as we are concerned, may not the answer solve to some extent, if not wholly, What to us may mean depression? T, E. B. Rooted aud Grounded in Him Gop has made ample provision for the growth, stability, and development of His church, The life-giving power of the word, and the manifestation of the “gifts” of the Spirit are “for the perfecting of the saints, . . . for the edifying of the body of Christ.” And if we give due heed to the divine counsel and admonition coming to us through these agencies, we shall “be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every Wind of doctrine” Through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit the church is te be brought inte “the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” and thus “speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.” “Christ is the head of the chureh: and He is the Saviour of the body,” and “we are members of His body.” How close is the relationship between Christ and His chureh! He is the head and Saviour. Wo “are the body of Christ, and members in partieular;” and we are encouraged to look forward to the time when Christ, who “loved the church, and gave Himself for it,” will “present it to Himself a glorious church, not hav- ing spot, or wrinkle, or any sueh thing”—a ¢hureh “holy and without blemish,” How high aro heaven’s ideals for the followers of Christ) The words and promises of God show the wonderful possibilities of the Christian life, for there are no limits to the privileges and blessings which the children of God may receive. i Christ foretold that decelvers would arise, through whose in- fluence “iniguity” should “abound,” and “the love of many” should ‘‘wax cold.” He warned us also that the church would be in more danger from this evil than from the persecution of her enemies. Surrounded as we arc today by the practices and influences of eold formalism, sinful indulgences, and evil, we are in great danger of being drawn away from the sim. plicity of the gospel. The instruetion, admonition, and warning given by the apos. tle Paul to the churches in his day, are filled with lessons of highest value for us. His admonition is, “Beware lest any man ‘spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,” ‘lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.” “As ye have there- fore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him: rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith.” God has a message and plan that is “to make ready a peo- ple prepared for the Lord.” He is to have a church without spot or wrinkle, The power of a higher, purer, nobler life iy our great need. The world has too much of our thought, and the kingdom of heaven too little, In our efforts to reach Gods ideal, we need not despair. Moral and spiritual perfection through grace is promised to all. The message of truth re ceived in the heart through faith will control the conduet and regulate the desires and beautify the character, If we are casily “moved away from the hope of the gospel,” we need to be “grounded and settled” in the faith. If we arg “earried about with every wind of doctrine,” Christ would have us “rooted and huilt up in Him, and stablished in the faith.” Thus the members of the ehureh will “stand fast in one §pirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” And when the blessed Christ shall appear for His prepared and waiting people, they will “be like Him,” and “being rooted and grounded in love,” will “be caught up to- gether” to “ever be with the Lord.” G. W, WELLS. June, 1932 Home Missionary Department METHODS IN PERSONAL WORK Suggestive Program for First Sabbath Home Missionary Service (June 4) OPENING Sone: “Rescue the Perishing” No, 479 in “Christ in Song.” ScrprUrE Leason: Luke 15: 3-11 PRAYER. REPORT oF MIssIoNARY WORK DURING THE MonTH: By Church Missionary Seeretary. Tue HoME MIisSioNARY OFFERING. Song: “Even Unto the End,” No. 537 in “Christ in Song.” ResniNG: “With Christ After the Lost.” Porm: “Helping to Gather the Fruit.” PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES: What Are They? Where Are They? How Shall We Relate Ourselves to Them? CrosING Sona: “Seeking the Lost,” No. 532 in “Christ in Song.” BENEDICTION. Note to Leaders IT has been said that “it is well for every professed follower of Christ to face two facts, and to face them squarely: First, that unless he ig personally seeking to win individuals to Christ, thero is sin in his life; second, that the winning of individuals to Christ is an art, and is the most difficult art in the world. We must resolutely keep these two faets always together, for to think on the second only is to miss the duty enforced by the first. Merely because this supreme duty of our lives is so difficult that it taxed to the uttermost the perfect power and skill of the Son of God, is ne reason for the lowliest follower of His to shirk that duty. For we have the man Christ Jesus as our teacher, and the strength of the glorified Christ ag our present help.” The stirring appeal by Elder MaeGuire for greater personal endeavor in reaching “every creature with the gospel,” will find its way to the hearts of your congrepa- tion, if prayerfully presented at this devotional hour. Call the attention ot all to the need of constant vigilanee in watching for souls. June is known as a dangerous month for the “summer slump” in Christian activities, but it should rightly be eon- sidered as the month of special opporfunities, because of new contacts made in vaeation periods, Perhaps the article en- titled, “Serving by the Way,” may be of value to leaders in concluding the service by a brief survey of “Present Oppor- tunities.” (GENERAL CONFERENCE HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT, With Christ After the Lost BY MEADE MAC GUIRE UproN every believer and partaker of the blessings of the gospel of Christ rests the responsibility of personally seeking to bring others to know Christ and {o accept Him as Saviour, Redeemer, and personal Friend. To ali who profegs the name of Christ, the Master's parting message of instruction is ever applicable: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15. To disregard this command is to stand in the attitude of disobedience, cut off from alt hope of hearing the glad welcome, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: . . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matt. 25: 21. Christ emphasizes the necessity of obedience to this great commission by the parable of a man who had two sons, To one of the sons the father said, “Son, go work today in my vine- yard.” This son’s answer wag quick and decisive, “I will not!” But if is said that “afterward he repented, and went.” Then the father went to the other son and made the same request, and the answer was, “I go, sir!” but he “went not.” Matt. 21: 28-30, Now this parable of our Saviour has a very practical meaning to the church in this day and generation, and it is important that we give careful heed to the lesson which it teaches. The application of the parable is elearly set forth in the following manner : “In this parable the father represents God, the vineyard the church. By the two sons are represented two classes of people. —“Christ’s Object Lessons,” p. 275. Tt ig interesting