| ! 420 INDEX Ostend, 232, Osuna, 88. Ouderkerk, 242, 248. PABLO, S., convent of, at Seville, 39, 44. Pacheco, family, 36. Pacheco, Don Juan, 25. Paciencia La, convent of, at Madrid, 87. Palache, Samuel, 241, 242 Palestine, 6, 171, 208. Palma, 15, 84, 97, 385. Palos, Isabella, wife of Francisco, 142, Pamplona, 223, Panarelli, Teofilo, 5. Paraiba, 157, 287. Paramaribo, 292, Pardo, Joseph, 242, Pardon, General, 90, 91, 92, 277. Paris, 157, 159, 204, 227. Parliament, English, 262. Passover, observance of, 160, 179, 182, Pastoris Aeterni, Byll, 72. Pastrana, 89, Paternoy, Sancho de, 25, 49, 50, Paul III, Pope, 70, 205, 274. Paul 1V, Pope, 206, 208. Payba, Rachel de, 396. Paz, Duarte de, 69. Paz, Isabel de, 157, Pedro, she uel, 13. eixotto, (Picciotto Benjamin, . Peixotto, David, 305. ’ 31 Peixotto, Moses Cohen, 287, 335, Pelayo, Menendez, 397. Penha, Isaac, 356, Penha, Jacob Guttieres, 217. Penn, 289, Pens, B elix Isaac, 336. enso de la Vega, Joseph, 336, 338, Peralta, Fray Aas 5 76. Peregrino (Guer) Abraham, 329, Pereira, Abraham Isaac, 392, Pereira (Pereyra), Abraham Israel, alias Thomas Rodrigues, 250. Pereira, David, 356. Pereira, Diego Lopez, 268, 308 f, Pereira, Duarte, 213, Pereira, Ephraim Lopez, 309. Pereira, Gaspar (Abraham) Lopez, 343; see also Aguilar, Pereira, Isaac, 269, Pereira, Jacob Rodrigues, 227. Pereira, Juan Antonio, 280. Pereira, Manuel Lopez, 240. Péreire, family, 319, Péreyre, Isaac la, 227. Perez, Manuel Bautista, 279. Perez, Marco, 238, Pernambuco ( = Recife), 285, 286. Persia, 6. j Peru, 26, 275, 399, Pesaro, 208. Peter the Great, 396, Petersburg, St., 311, Petrarch, 332. Peyrehorade, 225, 330. Philadelphia, 295, Philip I, of Spain, 82. Philip II, of Spain, 77, 83, 275, 380. Philip III, of Spain, 83, 196. Philip IV, of Spain, 84,93, Philip V, of Spain, 352, 399. Philip, Prince, 274. Philippine Islands, 278. Physicians, Marrano, 63, 77, 78, 151, 153, 227, 245, 248, 250, 253, 268, 289, 294-5, 297, 310, 312, 332 Pichon, Don Joseph, 13, Pimienta, José (Abraham) Diaz, 280. Pina, Paul de, alias Reuel Jessurun, 312, Pinancos, 149. ’ Pigedo, Thomas de, 245, 298, 300 Pinel, Duarte, 326; see Usque, Abraham. Pinero, Arthur Wing, 319, Pinhel, 94, 95, Pinto, family, 247. Pinto, Antonio Dias, 213, Pinto, David, 244. Pinto, Delgado, Jodo, 228, 332. Pinto, Isaac, 327. Pinto, Isaac, Captain, 292, Pires, Diogo, alias Solomon Molcho, 68, Pisa, 77, 213, 214, 303. Plymouth, 253, Poland, 217, Polemical literature, 328 f. Pombal, Marquis of, 349 f., 366, 398, “Ponentine” Community, at Venice, Pope, Elhanan, the Jewish, 379, Pork, abstention from, 179. Porto, Abraham da, 391. Porto, Abraham Israel da, 394, Porto-Riche, Georges de, 319. Portugal, 16, ch. 1, and passim. ortuguese,” in Spain, etc., 172, 224, 289, pain, sc 172, 208, Portuguese Language, use of , 82 ff. Prado, Juan (Daniel) de, 300. Prado, Samuel, 397. Prayers, Marrano, 176; see Liturgy. Printing, 209, 246, 251, 269, 324 ff. Promotor Fiscal, 102. Protestants, Protestantism, 84, 221, 229, 238, 256. Providence of God with Israel, 329. Psalms, 177; translations of , 329 f, Pulgar, Hernando de, 25, 26, Punishments, Inquisitional, 116 ff. Puritan” families in Portugal, 78, Puritans in England, 259, 260, 261. Pyrrho, Didaco, 298. INDEX QUEMADERO, 43, 95, 132, 135, 136, 157, 163, 165. Quito, 262, RAB DE LA CORTE, 81. Ragusa, 201, 298. Ramos, Jeronimo José, 398. Ran, family, 227, Rashi, 4. ] Reccared, King of Spain, 7. Recife (Pernambuco), 285, 286. ‘Reconciliation,’ 118. Reconquista, 11, Reformation, 4; see Protestants, Protestantism. Reggio, 232, 391, “Relapse,” relapsados, 127. “Relations” of autos-da-f2, 138. ‘Relax,’ relaxados, 122, 385. Rembrandt van Rijn, 248, 298, 320. Restoration, The, in England, 266. Reubeni, David, 68, 148, 149, Rhineland, massacres in, 4, 12, 16. Ribeiro (Ribero), Diogo Nuiies, 311, 39 Ribeiro, Francisco, 285. Ribeiro, Moses Yesurun, 219, Ribeiro, Sanchez, 387, 396. Ribeiro, Sanchez Antonio, 311, 349, 3 50. Ricardo, David, 319, Ricaut, Peter, 266. Richelieu, Cardinal, 159, 333. Rio de Janeiro, 158, 284, 287, 393-4. Rivera, Jacob Rodrigues, 294. Rivera, Maria de, 174. Robles, Antonio Rodrigues, 265. Rocamora, Isaac (Fra Vincente) de, 246, 298, 337. Roderick, 7. Rodrigo, 144, Rodriguez, Anna, 143. Rodriguez, Benjamin, 319. Rodriguez, Daniel, 211, 298. Rodriguez, Dionysius, 253. Rodriguez, Enrique, alias Samuel Cohen Rodrigues, 231, . Rodriguez, Felipe, see Montalto, Elijah. Rodriguez, Francisco, 277. Rodriguez, Juan, see Amatus Lusitanus. Rodriguez, Maria Alejandra, 143. Rodriguez, Miguel, 87. Rodriguez, Raphael Gil, 283. Rodriguez, Violante, 161. Rojas, Fernando de, 26. Romances, 332. Rome, 5, 48, 82, 197, 209, 232, 391, 392. Romero, Rainoldo, Bishop of Tiberias, 44, Rofia, Antonio de la, 253. Rosa, Diogo Lopes da, 153. Rosa, Ezekiel, 138, Rosales, Jacob, alias Immanuel Bocarro Frances, Count Palatine, 219, 298. Rothschild, Baron Edmond, 372. Rotterdam, 243, 247, Rouen, 160, 228, 306, 324. Royal Society, 268 Ruiz, Simon, 255, 257. Russia, 232, 310, 311, 396. SABBATAI ZEVI, 6, 172, 249, 326, 334. Sabbath, observance of, 20, 100, 170, Sabbatha, Captain Campoe, 289. ‘*Sabbathist Cabanists,” 401. Saboca, family, 381. S4 e Mesquita, Francisco de, 105. Safed, 192, 201, 396. Sahl, Abu-Ishak Ibrahim ibn, 9. Saint-Jean-de-Luz, 223, 243. Saint-Esprit (Bayonne), 225. Saints, among Marranos, 171. St. Alban’s, Duchess of, 316. St. John, Oliver, 262. Salamanca, 381, 396; University of, 34, 155 Salom d’Azevedo, David, 305. Salonica, 63, 199, 208, 236, 242, 297, 9, . Salvador, Francis (Daniel), 319. . Salvador, S., church of, at Seville, 42, Salvador, S., 284. Salvador, S., bishop of, 284. Sambation, 389. Sambenito, 128, 131, 350, 387. Sampaio, Francisco de, 301. Samuda, Isaac Sequeira, 268. Samuda, Joseph, 319. “Samuel,” 358. Samuel, Wilfred, 372. Sanchez, Gabriel, 25, 49, 272, Sanchez, Luis, 25. Sanchez, Rodrigo, 272. oo. Sanchez, Ribeiro, Antonio, see Ribeiro. Sandoval, Manoel de, 159. Sanhedrin, Napoleonic, 355. Santa Fé, Francisco de, 49, 50. Santa Fé, Ger6nimo de, 18, 49, 51. Santa Maria, family, 24, Santa Maria, Alfonso de, 25. Santa Maria, Gonzalo de, 25, 51. Santa Maria, Paul (Pablo) de, 19, 24, 163. Santa Maria, Bishop of Burgos, 19, 24, Santangel, family, 21. Santangel, Luis de, 22, 50, 271, 273. Santangel, Pedro de, 22 Santarem, 68, 92, 382. Santiago, 25, 84, 204. Sapaio, 148, 389. Saragossa, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 49, 84, 380, 382, 383. Saraiva, Luis, alias Arraya, 226. Saraiva, Duarte, 392. Saralbo, Joseph, 209. Sardinia, 198.