Claude E. Holmes Collection—page 33 Ellen G. White to Bro. Griggs, August 26, 1903 [pages 289-295]. “Testimony to Canvassers” [pages 296-300]. Ellen G. White to Roy F. Cottrell, November 20, 1900 [pages 301-302]. A few extracts from published and unpublished Testimonies regarding the study of the Books of Daniel and Revelation [pages 303-3006]. M. E. Olsen to Claude E. Holmes, July 1, 1919. M. E. Olsen to Claude E. Holmes, May 17, 1920. Bx2 Fld 5 Holmes A (H2-4). Quotations Taken from Testimonies and Articles in the Review and Herald by Ellen G. White Regarding Her Work [pages 1-4]. Extracts from the Testimonies [pages 4-13]. Ellen G. White to the Leaders in Our Work, May 23, 1903 [pages 14-21]. “The Great Controversy,” July 31, 1904 [pages 22-29]. Testimonies on Miscellaneous Subjects [pages 30-44]. “The Work for This Time,” January 2, 1900 [pages 45-47]. Extracts, General Conference Libray 1897 [pages 49-50]. “The Responsibilities of a Conference President,” October 5, 1907 [pages 51-62]. “Management of Conference Affairs,” October 6, 1907 [pages 63-68]. “Counsel to Conference Presidents,” September 27, 1906 [pages 69-72]. “Churches in Washington,” October 19, 1908 [pages 73-78]. Ellen G. White to the Churches in the Large Cities, March 4, 1907 [pages 79-86]. “An Appeal to Ministers” (Manuscripts 51) [pages 87-91]. Ellen G. White to Our Brethren in Positions of Responsibility, January 6, 1908 [pages 92-103]. Ellen G. White to J. A. Burden and others at Loma Linda, March 24, 1908 [pages 104-109]. “The Work to be Done,” February 28, 1900 [pages 110-124]. “The Rejection of Light,” June 17, 1897 (Manuscript 69, 1897) [pages 125-131]. “Hold Fast the Beginning of Your Confidence,” June 29, 1906 [pages 132-135]. Ellen G. White to Those Who are Perplexed, March 30, 1906, [pages 136-139]. Report of Council About Medical Missionary Work, April 13, 1902 [pages 140-150].