International Newsreel Julius Rosenwald (right), President of Sears, Roebuck, and Co. and noted philanthropist, spends hours at Judge Sabath’s Court in Chicago, studying divorce conditions at first hand. Can his millions help cure the divorce evil? and soul. We are forced to the conclusion, then, that the waywardness of youth is due, not to the fact that they are ‘‘innately’ worse than those of preceding generations, but to the fact that the conditions into which they were born — conditions, by the way, provided by their parents and grand- parents and over which the youth have no control — have produced a generation that is without parallel in the history of mankind. SCRAPPING AGE-OLD SCRUPLES T IS a generally accepted commonplace that the World War was the greatest catastrophe in the history of the human race. Men have spent much energy trying to measure the war in terms of its responsibility, number of lives lost, billions of dollars’ worth of property destroyed. But who has the power to evaluate the Great War in terms of its results on the youth of today, who were boys and girls of the most impressionable age during the years of that awful struggle? During those days fathers and moth- ers used every known instrument of instruction, psy- chology, and compulsion, through the press, from the pulpit and the platform, and by legislative act, to teach and force mankind to repudiate every moral standard that had been laboriously worked out and accepted during the course of human history. The attitude toward murder and falsehood will serve as illustrations. Nations that had held murder in horror and the murderer as the worst of criminals ‘suddenly broke out in sturdy anthems of praises for killers and killing.” And it is not to be expected that boys and girls of five to fifteen years of age can well distinguish between ‘‘legalized’ Killing on the battlefield, and killing in an obscure hallway, a dark bedroom, or a PAGE FOUR back street. “The boys [and girls] who are killing now were seven, eight, nine, or ten. They waged mimic wars with tin soldiers and they chose for hero worship the man who had brought down fifteen enemy planes, who had bayonneted twenty in a rush across the waiting trench.” FALSEHOOD AS A WEAPON GAIN, falsehood is a recognized and extremely useful, and hence a highly developed, weapon in modern warfare. 1 quote from a letter recently received from a New York publishing house an- nouncing the publication of the book, “Falsehood in Wartime,” by Arthur Ponsonby, M. P.: “People must never [in time of war] be al- lowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind. Lies are circulated with great rapidity. . . . ““There must have been more deliberate lying in the World War from 1914-1918 than in any other period of the world’s history. Everything was legitimate which could make the soldiers go on fighting. Any attempt to doubt or deny even the most fantastic story has to be condemned as un- patriotic, if not traitorous. This allows a free field for the rapid spread of lies.”” It is a long step from the McGuffey readers, that formed the cornerstone of the education and training of our fathers and grandfathers, to that five-year period in world history when all moral restraint was swept away — when every phase of life that came in contact with our boys and girls was saturated with the worship of hatred, falsehood, brutality, and bloodshed. And today we are reaping the results, not because the youth of today are naturally inferior to, or worse than, those of the past, but because they have had forced into every physical, moral, and spiritual fiber germs that can breed nothing but the worst forms of excess and crime. The boys and girls of any age appropriate those conditions, instruments, institutions, and customs transmitted to them by preceding generations; in this way alone is the continuity of history preserved. But how different the heritage of the present genera- tion from that of any preceding age! And never in the history of the world has humanity reaped a more bountiful harvest from seed sown than 4t the present time. In place of love and reverence for the truth, we fed our boys and girls falsehood and lies; instead of teaching the sacredness of human life, we were butchering men (Continued on page 28) THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE