Rash & Gueastion: A woman of fiffyv-mine has itchy rash ever se often cn arms, legs aad face, Eyes and lips swell tiop the hand: crucked., What pletss praseribe, During the lost erup- becurne hard, conse; this? rough ong Would you ANSWER: The above description wold seem to suggest an allergic re- such as pork, shelifish, wheat and chooc determined hy os won, Skin tests are often helphull 1EIIINCS CCEA i different JERI Sah 7 I LE | E. [I . PI AN cry onsen whoukd he oss Ath " . - . . . H FRAN BE sontriction of rneat ant Dish sp verweight Question. | am teventy-six years old und weigh about two hundred gonads 1 boave a heart condition with ocesona! bod spells 1 eat cercols of oll kisds, froit, eggs, very iittle butter, milk soups, polotoss, ‘haked with butter), tomatoes, (ara, peas, take without frosting, whole-wheot Bread, ice renm, No meat. How choot nuts? tum frying fo reduce, but if seems the more | try the faites 1 get. } sccm to go wil tw pioces iF 1 cut oul leo much. Please ANSWInE Sodium Benzoale Queshan 15 sodivm benzoate thoi ib put in morgariae harmful to us? ES DAR SCTE [SENG AS RETRES I Hot one Enluryed Heart Question: Would high blood tause enlarged heard? pressures Also, when blood pressure goes down, will heert go back to normel size sguin? 1 have discontinued use of salt at least 75 per cent, hot my heort still pounds © lot, ond | wonder if some- thing else could be recommended te reduce the beart to normal ANSWER JARS 8 tuirad Dwestion: Could you tell ma of sorae hav ut would take the nluce of Yo es | have ne way of prepne- tng this Yoghurt on hand, P ASSASSIN TE FEES ERNDSS SEE AENEAN boion ~a Wort EERE A wer Th Cevirred HT UT : tated Tere altar as 10 will rer renee IEEE EA SES Jr SEES = ! - - v . g SEES: Plre pastines, beer tclicarres he corey w olde When tas in his co pie EERE Collins. Nr olive he GINS TO