leaders, Director E. E. Calkins leaders Senior Teachers Youth Leaders, Teachers Junior-earliteen Leaders Primary Leaders Kindergarten Leaders Cradle Roll Leaders Cradle Roll Teachers Junior Teachers Secretaries Investment Secretaries ANNUAL SABBATH SCHOOL RALLY AND SEEK MEETING VALLEJO DRIVE CHURCH SABBATH, DECEMBER 1, 2:45 p.m. Pastors, and teachers of all divisions are encouraged to attend. Elder Howard Rampton, Sabbath | . school director for the General Conference, oo Se Elder Gil Bertochini, Elder Graham Maxwell, g Alice Lowe, and many other experienced ..y leaders will be instructing on how to make Sabbath School Sabbath school more effective, interesting, and inspiring. INSTRUCTORS Superintendents, Extension-division Virginia Larsen, Cherri Heidenreich Kindergarten, Primary Teachers The Child Evangelism Center will open at 5:15 p.m, so that you may pick up supplies for first quarter. The ABC and Nutrition Center will also be open for your convenience. Sabbath school officers, Elder H. F. Rampton Graham Maxwell Art Lesko Rick Tryon Gil Bertochini Ann Fetrick Alice Lowe Norma Bell William Jamerson E. E. Calkins, Loree Dunn Allen Franzke At Newbury Park Madrigal Dinners Are Slated Newbury Park Adventist Acad- emy Chorale will hold its third an- nual Madrigal Dinners on Decem- ber 8 and 15. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with the processional starting at 7 p.m. in the academy dining hall-turned-English castle. A processional begins the eve- ning with the academy’s Madrigal Singers dressed in authentic Ren- aissance costumes singing ‘‘Deck the Halls.” An old English feast will be served to the audience. Herald trumpet fanfares will an- nounce the entrance of the wassail bowl and the flaming plum pud- ding. After the full-course dinner, the guests will be entertained by the Madrigal Singers’ concert of carols and madrigals for the Christmas season. The program will conclude with a recessional as the singers depart through a drawbridge singing ‘‘Silent Night.” Tickets are $7 and will go on sale November 15 by mail only. Seats are limited. Checks should be made payable to Music Dept., NPAA, 180 Academy Dr., New- bury Park, CA 91320. Young Pastors Get On-the-Job Training in Southern Nearly all Protestant churches ordain their ministers as soon as they complete their seminary training, reported Elder Lynn Mallery of Loma Linda University to a group of ministers in Glen- dale recently. Seventh-day Ad- ventists are different, though, he said. Ordination is delayed several years after seminary and is a con- firmation that a pastor is minister- ing effectively to the needs of his congregation. To help new ministers develop their pastor skills before ordina- tion, the Southern California Conference, in conjunction with the Pacific Union, has a program of continuing education geared especially to their needs. A committee of young pastors works with Elder John Todoro- vich, ministerial director of the Conference, to plan meetings that will help them in the practical areas of church work. Chairman of the committee cur- rently is Dennis Wallstrom, associate pastor at Temple City. Other members are Monty Knittel of Pasadena, Richard Bernal of Spanish-American, and Richie Carbajal of Central Filipino. Many programs are of a ‘‘how- to’’ nature. Elder Miguel Cerna of Burbank Spanish and Pastor Steve King of East Los Angeles i Gib. B rN gE: i The popular Madrigal Dinners at Newbury Park are scheduled for December 8 and 15. [Adventist Hour KDAR-FM 08.3 Each Sabbath 1:30pm} Miramonte Boulevard Church Special Programs To Mark 25th Anniversary Miramonte Boulevard Church will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a week of special programs December 1-8. Under the leadership of Elder William Webb, the church began in 1954 with 40 members. It was an outgrowth of the Normandie Avenue congregation, then known as the Compton Avenue Church. Evangelist Charles Carter was instrumental in building up the church. Originally located on Holmes Avenue, the congregation moved to its present location because of a growing membership. There are now about 300 members. Serving as pastor is Elder James Kyle. Speakers for the 7 p.m. meet- ings will be pastors who have serv- ed the Miramonte Boulevard Church during its first quarter century. Included will be Elder Joseph T. Powell on Sunday, Elder Leslie Anderson on Mon- day, Elder Jackson Doggette, Sr., on Tuesday, Elder Major White on Wednesday, Elder James Melancon on Thursday, and Elder Harvey Kibble on Friday. Sabbath speakers will be Elder William Webb and Elder C. D. Brooks, speaker of the Breath of Life telecast. All members and friends are in- vited to attend these anniversary programs. The church is located at 7617 Miramonte Boulevard in Los Angeles. spoke on ‘‘How To Plan and Conduct Your Own Evangelistic Series.’ Elder Mallery discussed “Organizing the Pastor’s Sched- ule,”” and Elder John Rhodes discussed ‘““What To Expect and Plan for During Your First Year as Pastor.” In addition to pre-ordained meetings, young ministers can at- tend the John W. Osborne Lec- tureship on preaching. The second annual seminar was held October 29 and 30 at La Sierra with guest speaker Elder James Londis of the Sligo Church in Washington, D.C. A three-day intern-supervisor workshop is held annually to aid senior pastors and interns in developing a cooperative ministry. “The complexities of the age and society we live in demand a degree of skill and professional Rolling Hills proficiency in ministry today that was not demanded of the young minister a generation ago. The Pre-ordained Workers Seminars are structured to help young ministers develop the necessary skills to meet those demands in a practical, professional manner,” says Elder Todorovich. SABBATH SCHOOL MISSIONS For a finished work CU HH et 12254 — Church Will Survey Community Hundreds of Palos Verdes Peninsula residents will soon receive a Community Health Survey from the Rolling Hills Church. According to Rolling Hills Pastor Deane Nelson, the survey results will help the Church plan its evangelistic and communi- ty outreach. “We define health in a very broad sense, including the physical, mental and spiritual,” says Elder Nelson. The survey will measure residents’ perception of what they can do about their health, especially in the area of preventive medicine such as weight and stress management, and where they would go to seek help or education. The Church is seeking to find out in a very scientific way what the real needs of the community are and whether its people would respond to the kinds of programs the Church could offer, according to Elder Nelson. The Survey Research Service of Loma Linda University will con- duct the survey, under the direc- tion of Dr. David Abbey. Local church members and Loma Linda University students will carry out the project. The surevey will be based on a sample of the population of the Palos Verdes Peninsula that will represent the various socio- economic strata and geographical regions of the community. Pretesting will take place in ear- ly December and the actual survey will be conducted in January and February, 1980. Results will be available in mid-summer. c Adventist “Heritage Putting you in touch with an exciting past. Progeams and Concerts in Southern “THE HIDING PLACE,” a film of the story of Corrie Ten Boom, will be shown December 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the San Fernando Valley Academy gymnasium, 17601 Lassen Street in Northridge. There will be a slight admission charge. A separate children’s program is also planned in the chapel. SINGLE, divorced, widowed and 18 or over? Come to the Camarillo church, Fireside Room, on Sabbath, December 1, at 5 p.m. for worship, ““people-mixer,” and eats. Dress casually and bring some fruit for salad fixings. THE COTA SINGERS will be at the White Memorial Elementary School, 1605 New Jersey in Los Angeles, on December 3 at 10 a.m., and at the Monrovia Adventist School, 333 Shamrock, on December 6 at 10:30 a.m. W. L. MURRILL, assistant treasurer of the General Conference, will speak at the Glendale City church, 610 E. California, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5. This meeting is of special interest to all retirees (formerly known as sustentees). THE FILM, “GOSPEL BLIMP,” is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on December 7 at the Sunland-Tujunga church, 7156 Valmont in Tujunga. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / NOVEMBER 26, 1979 G. ERIC JONES Sant . ATLANTIC UN. ON COLLEGE SO. LANCASTLR, MA Set