go Page Four The Vemmant of Israel Published Bimonthly by Union Publishing Company P. O. Box 215 112 West Seventh St. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA G. G. RUPERT - - - - - =~ - Founder LUCILE RUPERT SMITH - - Managing Editor I. C.SULTZ -~ - - - - Contributing Editor JOHN S. STANFORD - - - Contributing Editor Subscription Price, per year - - - - - $1.00 Vol. 11 MAY, 1930. No. 3 excuse.” Rom. 1:18-20. By the above we can see that even the heathen may be saved throgh perfect honesty with God. He can see by the things about him that there is an all wise God over all creation. He is made with a con- science; and for the proper use of which, he alone is held accountable to God. Just to the extent that the individual yields himself to that which he knows to be right, to that extent he will be perfect, not in know- ledge, but in obedience. Paul says, “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Rom. 6:16. We might put it this way, if we have respect unto God’s law, we are His servant, but if not, we are the servant of the devil. The other day I learned of a family who are very ‘strict in keeping Sunday. Doing up all the work pos- sible the day before to get ready for what they believ- ed to be the Sabbath. They know no law for any other day as their attention had never been called to the fact that Saturday is the seventh day of the week and not Sunday. Are they offenders, and condemned for disobedience? Most certainly not. “For where no law is, there is no trangression.” Rom. 5:15. As a result of perfect honesty, a steady growth in knowl- edge and grace will be obtained. This is not possible while living in harmony with a church creed. The fidelity to church discipline instead of the Bible, is responsible for the loss of power in the churches, over which so many are lamenting today. It causes ministers to preach some things which they have learned through study are not taught by the Bible. To illustrate. The quakers teach that there is no baptism but that of the Holy ghost; absolutely contrary to the teachings of the Bible which says, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,” Acts 2:38. He who preaches that there is no baptism but that of the Holy Ghost, after he discovers from the above scripture and others that water baptism must precede that of the Holy Ghost, is knowingly teach- ing an untruth. Such teaching condemns the preach- er and lowers the spirituality of the church until crim- inals are at ease in its pews. THE-REMNANT OF ISRAEL Other church creeds state that the law was done away at the cross. discovers that this is an error, yet he thinks that he must belong to the church in order to be saved. Paul says, “Where there is no law, there is no transgres- sion.” Then if we take away the law, we take away the transgression and any thing would be right. The result of such teaching would only be to encourage sin, Many ministers, in order to be in harmony with the creed, will stand in the pulpit and teach that the- law was annulled at the cross; while he at the same time is a wilful transgressor. There is no other teach- ing so far reaching in its evil effects. No wonder the church has lost her power; and more than that, she has “done her do” and is doomed to destruction. Bab- vlon has become a “CAGE FOR EVERY UNCLEAN AND HATEFUL BIRD” (wicked men.) Rev. 18:2. And the wrath of God is soon to be visited upon her. Some good people stand aghast at the situation, and say, what shall we do? seeing the churches them- selves have become so corrupt. I would say to such, God has never authorized his people to place their names on the book or an organized church. Of course they all claim that God organized their church, but that does not make it so. It still remains a fact that they are all man organized. All who repent and are baptized, endeavor to keep the whole law honestly before God, earnestly study and believe the word of God with an eye sing- le to doing his will, and accept the atonement that Christ made on the cross for our sins, have fulfilled the requirements of God and are accepted of him. Creeds and isms are not provided for in the word of God and should have nothing to do with the life of the true christian. The name written on the church book of the world has nothing whatever to do with it being writ- ten on the books of heaven. The whole question re- solves itself into that of character, and not a ques- tion of whether or not you belong to this or that church. TI once belonged to a church, and thought all or nearly all that did not believe as I did were lost. Since giving the Bible a more careful study, I am compelled to change my mind considerably. The Bible teaches us very definitely that his professed people will apostatise in the last days, and all churches are daughters of Babylon, and belong. to her. God still has people in Babylon at the begin- ning of the time of trouble that must be gathered. ‘Rev. 18:4; Jer. 51:6, 45. The gathering out of the honest from the relig- ious sets all over the world constitutes the gathering of the remnant (last part) of God’s people. The prophet Isaiah tells us that the gathering will be like the gleaning of grapes among the branches. It will be just one or two here and there. Isaiah 17:5, 6. All of those who think that their church will be saved, or will save them, will be sadly disappointed. That there are honest souls in all churches, there is no doubt: But as yet they have not had sufficient light to step out. As we cannot know the heart of man, we have no right to say, this one or that will be lost. “Man looketh upon the outward appearance, but God looketh upon the heart.” The strictly honest soul who is constantly seeking for added light, and places his confidence in God to lead him into all truth is building a character that will give him entrance into the kingdom of God The ordinary lay member soon i RS i . 5 EN > re fe — a ST