704 THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE, TENN., OCT. 29, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER POETRY. PAGE To the Backslider, E H MokroN...... 691 Some Mother's Child.................. 695 GENERAL ARTICLES. Living for Christ, Mrs I G Waite. ... 091 The Rule of the Judgment, C SANTEE. . 692 To Whom Should We Listen? C I RENTFRO viii een 093 Fulfilling the Law, H W CorrreLL.... 093 THI; HOM. —Be Cheerful, D HH Kress, M. D.— Menu for November, Mgs M HH Tuxrorv — The Cripple’'s Gar- dell vr 694, 095 EDITORIAL.-—The Seventh-Part-of Time Folly, ¢. 1. B.— Entirely too New, L. A. $.— The Zenith of the Papal Em- pire, r. 1. M.—Good Testimony on Sun- day Laws, 1. A. s.—By What Author- HY? Lo A Serine nnn 090 - 698 LDITORIAL NOTES ......... ..... 608 FROM THE FIELD. —A Just Judge — Rome in the West Indies, W Jay Tan- NER—Philadelphia, O O BERNSTEIN — Chile, South America, W J WESTPHAL — A South Pacific Volcano, LiLy M 052 10):3 3 CX 699 - 702 THINGS HERE AND THERE. —Monte Carlo ooo a 702 OUR SCRAP BOOK.—Repudiating the Declaration of Independence — The United States as a World Power...... 702 12 Months in advance - - - - $100 6 Months in advance - - - - 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrap- per, per year, each - - - - 75 In Clubs of five to one address, for three months - - - - - = 94 In Clubs of five to one address, for six months - - - - - - 188 Ten copies one year to one address 7 50 Ten copies six months to one address 375 Ten copies three months to one address 1 83 Persons receiving copies of the WATCHMAN without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are for- warded by other parties or sent from this of- fice at their request. Please read the WarcH- MAN and hand it to your friends. When requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. RECENTLY a great Sunday-closing campaign was inaugurated in Kansas City, Mo., the movement having the active support of Gov- ernor Folk. Doubtless the latter would have no sympathy with the prosecution of Christian people who for conscientious reasons based on the plain wording of the fourth precept of the decalogue, make the seventh day the day of rest instead of the first; but he 1s drawn into this movement because it has the appearance of being in the interests of good government. Its real nature is not shown on the surface, and many good people are de- ceived into giving it their support. To know what is really in it and to what results it must lead, one must read the Bible and the history of Sunday legislation. THE WATCHMAN WE would again invite our readers to for- ward to us matter suitable for our Scrap Book Column. Many have expressed their interest in this department of the WATCHMAN, and we know they are not unwilling, but only forgetful, to lend us their assistance in raising this department to the highest degree of in- terest and value. WE expect soon to begin in the WarcuMan a series of articles relating to special features of life mm the South, and their bearing upon the prosperity of our work in this part of the United States. cial interest and value to our readers in the North. Further these articles will be given later. These articles will be of spe- announcements regarding How much truth can there be in the asser- tion that this is a Christian nation when it spends its money, as this nation does, after this fashion? “ For chewing gum, $15,000,000; for ornamental jewelry, $60,500,000; for coffee and tea, $98,229,310; for soft drinks, $r107,- 536,000; for confectionery, $178,000,000; for tobacco, $949,500,000; and for whisky, gin, rum, and beer, $1,744,447,0672; and for foreign missions the insignificant sum of $7,500,000.” Tur series of valuable historical articles by Prof. P. T. Magan will soon be brought down to our own time, and then the writer will take up the subject of the Eastern Ques- tion, for which the preceding articles will have laid the historical foundation. ‘These articles will add greatly to the value of the WATCHMAN as a missionary paper. Almost everybody is interested in the Eastern Ques- tion, and we know of no other journal which is giving particular attention to this great sub- ject. Many thousands of the papers contain- ing these articles ought to be used in mis- sionary work. IN a report of the closing exercises of the Lipiscopal convention at Richmond, Va., it is stated that “Rev. Dr. Wilmer, of Georgia, a deputy, rising to a question of personal priv- ilege, declared that he never said, as reported, that ‘the Bible is the most fruitful source of infidelity in the world” What he said was that ‘calling the Bible the word of God is the most fruitful source of infidelity in the world.” When the very ministers in the pulpits de- clare that the Bible is not the word of God, is it any wonder that spiritual declension pre- vails in the churches, and that spiritual re- vivals come no more? Read 2 Tim. 3:71-5. To know and to love the truth is not merely to know and love an abstract sentiment or fact. No person can love a mere abstraction. Love always centers on a person; and to truly love the truth is to love Him who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” We cannot truly know the truth unless we know him. H “The truth as it 1s in Jesus” is the real truth, and the only saving truth. All gospel truth exalts Jesus as the Saviour of sinners. We may know the truth intellectually as a theory, and yet not have the love of the truth in our hearts, because we do not have the ‘love of Christ. And if we love not the truth, we shall be overcome by some strange delusion (2 Thess. 2: 10-12), the intellectual light that 1s m us will turn to darkness, and we will abandon even the theory of the truth. We cannot be saved by mere knowledge; we can obtain salvation through Christ alone. PriesippNT Roosgverr made a visit to the city of Nashville Tuesday, the 22nd, and made a speech in which he said that the govern- ment’s investigation and prosecution of some of the great corporations in this country “rep- resents the effort to punish successful dis- honesty.” He stated that he was responsible for turning on the light (over the doings of these corporations), but he was not respon- sible for what the light revealed. It is not at all likely that any successor of the present chief executive will more vigorously seek to defend the interests of the people against cor- porate dishonesty, and when the present effort to curb the selfish exercise of the power of wealth fails, and the people realize that they cannot depend on the power of the govern- ment to save them from being exploited by the trusts, then what will come? The Bible and history both answer this question. To the righteous who suffer from such condi- tions the word of inspiration is, “ Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” James 5:7. The coming of the Lord — that is the thing that is going to right the wrongs that triumph over law and justice in this world. REceENTLY quite a discussion has been started by Collier's Weekly over the question of the propriety, from a moral standpoint, of giving space in periodicals to the advertise- ments of quack medicines. Many religious journals print such advertisements, and at- tempt to justify themselves by the plea that it is no business of theirs whether the things advertised are good or bad; they are merely selling space to the advertiser, etc. We wish to say to the readers of the WATcHMAN that we would not knowingly, on any consideration whatever, allow in this paper any advertise- ment that is not of a strictly honest char- acter. Any paper that will lend itself to furthering the sale of so-called medicines which are intended only to enrich the manu- facturer by creating an appetite on the part of the user for alcohol, morphine, cocain, and similar drugs, returns cvil for good by scek- ing to deceive and injure the very people who support it by their subscriptions, and is not one whit better morally than the evil business which it thus fosters, no matter how high its pretensions or denominational standing. Back of all the excuses made by religious editors for such advertising, is simply that love of money which is the root of all evil.