nite LE COBY Conta DE | | C . Np esit - LLL DF 4 FD For a booklet getiving Torth ithe coun= sels of the Spirit of Prophecy regarding Sanitarium work in Southern California, and the establishment of the College of Medical tvaugelists. Tha «im of ikhis Looklet would he to perpeiuate the sounsels given as the foundation principles upon which the wedical sohoui chould Le conducted. The thrilling story of a cali to tae seenlugly impossible, and sone of the remarkable providcneces that made possible the resyonse, amid tremendous difficulties, gives a setting that makes more intelligible the counsel received through the gift of prophecy INT RODUCTURY “his might set Torih She call for the training of medical missionaries und physicluas, sith a brief but tact- ful statevicnt of the school at Battle Creek, and its Gepuriture irom right principles till the messages cane warn.iag our people not to send their youth there for an educstinon. The perplexity of counseling prospective medical students. EART I _ THE SECURING OF Libis LINDA I & Cail to sXiraordinacy Bffort in Southern Calii’ornia counsels against centralization Plans for large Sanitarium in Los algeles vimely Coumnsels received Location of Sani tariumns Southern Califoraia as a tourist center Immediate Action Called for II Purchase of the Paradise Valley Sanitarium The call for iuany small sani tariuwms 4a conference action ae search for properties near Jan Diege The Potts sanitarium at Faradise Valley Visited by Mrs. White Favoraovle Offers Action Delayed Tne Golden opportunity Investment of irs. whlte an. irs. Gotzian The rlace secured Findi.ig -ater Pian of Organization III Tue Glendale Saaitariunm Jeccured