AN OPEN LETTER TO THE YOUTH AND JUNIORS OF THE WORLD THEIR PARENTS, MINISTERS, AND TEACHERS Dear Friends: This urgent letter will be read with keen interest by 156,000 people in at least seventy-six geographical areas of the earth's surface, and the burden of this world-wide correspondence is obvious — the spiritual welfare and salvation of our millions of young men and women, boys and girls. The international problem of crime and juvenile delinquency becomes more desperate every day, and it is your problem and mine. If we felt as keenly about it as we should, and would do something about it. our youth need never be-come the problem of police courts and penitentiaries. The solution of this vast problem is to be found in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood to save the youth of the world from the power of sin and evil habits. To stem the mounting tide of evil, we must educate, educate, educate! And while we are educating, we must never forget that the Bible is the one indispensable text-book, and the law of the gospel, the one unfailing standard of right. But often the youth find the Bible uninteresting because it is not understood. Realizing this, The Voice of Prophecy — your international radio broadcaster — has prepared as a free public service to the youth of the world, a twelve-color 24-lesson Junior Bible Corres-pondence Course. Forty-two thousand children and youth have already enrolled, and thousands have written to us saying, "Never has the Bible been made so interesting." Youth's organizations and Sabbath-school groups the world around are engaged in this fascinating study. Bible doctrines, history, narrative, and morals are the great themes. Thousands are studying these precious truths of Scripture privately — all alone by the fireside. While the enrollees vary in age from eight to seventy years, the Course has been prepared especially for young people. And remember, it is entirely free, from the first lesson to the last — there is nothing to buy now or later. If we are to save the youth of the world for Christ, we must go beyond what we have already done in our homes, schools, clubs, and churches. This 24-lesson Junior Bible Correspondence Course is the solution to our problem. The enrollment blank on the reverse side should be filled out immediately and mailed to us in the convenient yellow envelope. But do not delay — do it today! Youth and juniors, enroll yourselves and other young people in your neighborhood! Parents, enroll your children and your neighbors' children! Ministers and teachers, list the number of students in your Bible class at the bottom of the reverse side of this letter and mail it to The Voice of Prophecy. Box 55, Los Angeles 55. California today! Here is your golden opportunity to unite in a great universal Bible crusade to win the youth of the world to God. May we hear from you at once? Prayerfully yours for a great youth's revival, Η. M. S. Richards, Director D. A. Delafield, Director, Bible Schools THE VOICE OF PROPHECY P. S. Due to the paper shortage, a special enrollment blank is not enclosed. Kindly mail this letter back to us with enrollments listed on reverse side, although there may be only one. The Voice of Prophecy JUNIOR BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Box 55 Los Angeles 53, California The World's greatest Junior Bible Course. Absolutely Free! 24 illustrated lessons. Students incur no obligation by enrolling. Dear Bible School Director: Please enroll the following in the free Junior Bible Correspondence Course of twenty-four lessons. Complete names and addresses are listed below: Name...................................... Street 4 No.............................. P.0. Box........... R.F.D................. City..................................... Zone.......State......................... 9 1. Name..................................... Street & No.............................. P.0. Box............ R.F.D............... City..................................... Zone........State........................ Name......................... Street 4 No.................. P.0. Box........... R.F.D City......................... Zone.......State............. Name......................... Street 4 No.................. P.0. Box........... R.F.D City......................... Zone.......State............. 2. Name......................................10 Street 4 No.............................. P.O. Box........... R.F.D................ City..................................... Zone.......State......................... 3. Name......................................11 Street 4 No............................... P.O. Box........... R.F.D................ City.......״............................. Zone.......State......................... Name...................... Street 4 No............... P.O. Box........... R.F.D. City...................... Zone.......State.......... Name...................... Street 4 No............... P.O. Box........... R.F.D. City...................... Zone.......State.......... Name.....................................12 Street 4 No.............................. P.O. Box........... R.F.D................ City..................................... Zone........State........................ Name.............................-........13 Street 4 No.............................. P.O. Box........... R.F.D................ City..................................... Zone.......State......................... 14. Name........................._........ Street 4 No........................... P.O. Box............ R.F.D............ City.................................. Zone.........State.................... 15. Name.................................. Street 4 No........................... P.O. Box............ R.F.D............ City.................................. Zone.........State.................... 16. Please enroll my class of....students Name.................................. Street 4 No........................... P.O. Box............ R.F.D............ City.................................. Zone.........State.................... Name......................- Street 4 No................ P.O. Box............ R.F.D. City....................... Zone........State.......... Name....................... Street 4 No................ P.O. Box............ R.F.D. City....................... Zone........State.......... Name....................... Street 4 No................ P.O. Box............ R.F.D. City....................... Zone........State.......... 4 5 6 7 8 Now enclose this in the envelope and mail at once to: The Voice of Prophecy, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. The Voice of Prophecy welcomes you to the large family of juniors enrolled in this intensely interesting Bible correspondence course prepared just for younger listeners. We wish to make a few suggestions to you before you begin your first lesson: 1. DON'T GIVE UP! Whatever you do, determine that you will finish the whole course of twenty-four lessons. Some lessons may seem a little harder that others, but don’t be a weakling and give up; continue to the last lesson, and win your graduation pin and your diploma. 2. TELL OTHER JUNIORS about this free course. Show your lessons to others and enroll just as many as possible. Invite adults whom you know to enroll in our free advanced Bible course. 3. FINISH THE COURSE. You may have as long as you need to finish your course. But you will enjoy the lessons more if you complete the course as fast as possible. 4. YOUR QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS. If you have any special questions on the lessons, or if yon wish to request some %of the material offered over the air, write these questions and requests on a separate sheet of paper and mail this with your lesson. Be sure to write you name and address on the sheet. THE TEST PAPER 1. Read through your lesson, junior sermon, and the lesson in a nutshell. 2. Learn your memory verse. This will count for one or two points on each test paper. 3. With pen or pencil, fill in your answers in the test paper on the last page of your lesson. If you are not sure of the answer, look it up again in the lesson. Following some of the more difficult questions a paragraph number is given in parentheses. This means that the question is answered in the lesson under that paragraph number. That part of the Bible verse which answers the questions is often printed in capital letters. Sign your full name and address plainly. 4. Do not tear off your test paper. Fold your whole lesson and test paper, put it in an envelope, seal and stamp (3c), and mail immediately to the Voice of Prophecy, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. Be sure to write, or print your name and address plainly on the envelope. IMPORTANT With this letter you are receiving two lessons. As soon as you have completed Lesson 1, mail it to us immediately. Your answers to the test questions will be corrected and mailed to you with Lesson 3. While you are waiting for Lesson 1 to come back to you, you can be studying Lesson 2. As soon as it is ready, mail it to us immediately. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed to you with Lesson 4. In this way you will not have to wait so long between lessons. We are often asked to send all the lessons at one time, but we cannot do this. Lessons are sent out only when test papers are filled in and mailed to us. We are looking forward to receive you first lesson and are praying that the Lord will help you as you study this wonderful course. Most sincerelv your friend, THE VOICE OF PROPHECY. Dear Junior Friends: PEOPLE IN IT? WHO MADE THE WORLD AND THE Memory Verse: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1: 1. eners, "I am the living bread which came down from heaven.” John 6: 51. And again He said in John 17:5, ”And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” You can see why Jesus is so interested in this world, since He helped to make it in the beginning. 13 Who was the third Person that helped in the ere-ation of this world? And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And THE SPIRIT OF GOD moved upon the face of the waters. Gen. 1:2. Here we see that three persons called the ”God-head” all co-operated in the creation of this world of ours. Some Junior may ask, ”But I thought we be-lieved in only one God.” We do, but our one God is represented by THREE personalities: (1) God, the Father, (2) God, the Son—Jesus, (3) God, the Holy Spirit. These Three are One in purpose, work, and plan. Let us illustrate it this way: Here is a rope. I ask, ,’How many ropes do you see?” You answer, ”One.” And that is right, but now look carefully and you will see it is made up of three strands — yet ONE rope. Again, look at a shining light bulb. How many lights? One. Turn the cur-rent off and you see (for example) three wires inside, yet their light merges into ONE. In heaven all three Persons of the God-head are interested in us and in our salvation. □ How many did Jesus say make up the God-head ? Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of THE FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Matt. 28:19. In this great gospel verse Jesus shows clearly that there are three — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (”Holy Ghost” and ”Holy Spirit” are the same Person.) THERE MUST BE A CREATOR H What does the Bible say of a person who claims there is no God? THE FOOL hath said in his heart. There is no God. P8. 53: 1. PROBABLY every Junior has wondered many times —Who made the world ? Who made people ? Why am I here ? Who is God ? Where is He ? What is going to happen to the world and the people on it? Why do people sin? How can we know what is right? These questions and a host of others we are going to study in this Bible course. In this first lesson we shall study, ,,Who made this world and the people in it?” Perhaps you live in a Christian home where the Bible is read regularly; if so you will enjoy seeing how many of these questions you will be able to answer. Or perhaps you have heard the Bible read but very little. If so, you certainly will enjoy learning what the Bible says about these interesting and very important questions. It is wonderful how many everyday ques-tions, in the minds of Juniors, are answered in the Bible. As you study, you will be surprised how clear the Bible will become. Even though you have no one to help you, these lessons will be clear and simple so you can take the course by yourself. Many today are neglecting the study of the Bible. When you finish this course you will know much more about God’s word and will be able to explain it to others. And now as you start this lesson, won’t you bow your head in prayer and ask the Lord to make it clear to you? THE CREATION Π First of all, who does the Bible say made the world ? In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1:1. If people would just believe this Bible statement! God made everything! m Who helped in the work of creating this world? God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by HIS SON, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. Heb. 1:1,2. Jesus helped in this wonderful work of making a world. You see Jesus lived in heaven with His Father before He came to earth as a little baby. Referring to Himself as the Bread of Life, He once said to His list- ORIGIN OF ANIMALS AND TREES Q Who did make the trees and the animals in the be- ginning of our world ? And GOD said. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. Gen. 1: 11. And GOD made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Gen. 1:25. If you will read the first chapter of Genesis, you will see that God made the fish, fowls, seas, etc. This chapter explains the origin of all forms of life on this earth — God created all. ש Did man come from the animal family? If not, after whom was he originally patterened? So God created man in his own image, in THE IMAGE OF GOD created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1: 27. It was God who created man on this world in the first place — He created man in His image. Aren’t you glad to know that you were made by God— the Ruler of the universe—instead of ”happening” to spring from animals? ORIGIN OF THE STARS El What else has God made? And God made two great lights; the greater light [THE SUN] to rule the day, and the lesser light [THE MOON] to rule the night: he made the STARS also. Gen. 1: 16. ₪ Who does David say made all the stars and planets in the universe? The heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the firmament sheweth HIS handywork. Ps. 19: 1. When I consider thy heavens, THE WORK OF THY FIN-GERS, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. Ps. 8: 3. Not only is God the Creator of our world, our moon, our sun, and the planets in our system, but He also created all the other stars or suns. HOW DID GOD CREATE ? ש How did God create all things ? By the WORD OF THE LORD WERE the heavens made; and all the host of them by the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH. For HE SPAKE, and it was done; HE COMMANDED, and it stood fast. Ps. 33: 6. 9. This verse tells us plainly that God spoke the word and all things in the universe came into being. m How only can we understand God’s ability to make something out of nothing? THROUGH FAITH we understand that the worlds were framed by THE WORD OF GOD, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Heb. 11:3. We can understand creation only by faith. Let’s not say we don’t believe in God simply because we do not see Him or understand exactly how He works. Let’s imagine you have a little blind, pet dog. He can’t tnink as you can. He can’t do the things you can. Wouldn’t it be foolish for your little dog to say you didn’t exist just because he couldn’t see or under-stand you? I point to a clock on the wall and say, ”Have you noticed how regular that clock is? No one ever made it, it just sort of made itself, and no one ever winds it. ' Again, pointing to an automobile running down the street, I say, "That car just happened. No one ever made it. Some iron from Michigan got together with some rubber from Singapore and kept evolving until it turned into an automobile. No one ever manufac-tured it.” You would say, ”He is not in his right mind — a fool!” And that is exactly what God says about people who are so unreasonable as to say, ”There is no God. The world just happened. No one ever made trees, animals, and man in the first place. They just acci-dentally got started.” ש The Bible says that some would be so foolish as to credit animals with the source of life rather than God. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and TO BIRDS, and FOUR-FOOTED BEASTS, and CREEPING THINGS . . . Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and WORSHIPPED AND SERVED THE CREATURE MORE THAN THE CREA-TOR, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom. 1: 22—25. Isn’t that a wonderful verse! It has been less than a hundred years since many people began to teach the false idea that the world just ”happened”; that animal life on the earth started from some slimy mass millions of years ago; and that it kept changing until man hap-pened to develop. But that is not what the Bible teaches. In the verse above, Paul states that people would actually be more willing to say that animals were responsible for their own origin than that they were made by the Creator. One Wednesday a minister was called to visit a lady at a hospital. She was very sick. Just before prayer was offered she pleaded, "Oh, do pray for my husband! He is a wonderful man, but he does not believe in God. He says there is no God. Please pray that he will change his thinking." Late the next night a call came to the minister to go to a certain hotel where the husband was staying. He was inside his room, sobbing. As he opened the door in response to the knock, he cried, "Oh, my wife died soon after I told her good-bye this evening. 1 can’t believe that she is gone." After a short visit and following prayer, the man said to the minister, "I have always said there is no God. I didn’t believe in a Creator. But as I stood here in my room alone tonight, I was looking in the mirror and saw myself as a living, moving person, and I said, Oh, there must be a God! Someone must have made me! Surely there will be a resurrection!’ I now want to give my heart to God." How good it is that you are studying these things now, so you need not go through such a painful experi-ence. The Bible answers all the great questions and problems of life. ₪ Can Juniors expect to understand God’s plan? And that from a child thou hast known the holy scripturss, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. II Timothy 3:15. ₪ Since God is our Creator, what does He expect of His children? A noted newspaper columnist once said, "A person who says there is no God, no Creator ruling in the uni-verse, is like a frog sitting by the railroad track as the engine rushes by, croaking, "There is no engineer on that locomotive. I have never seen him. That engine just happened!" As we look at the wonderful stars overhead let us not say, "They were never created; they just keep them-selves moving." Or, look at the fields and trees and say, "They just happened." And let us not look at our-selves and say, "We are here by accident and we are our own rulers." GOD'S MEMORIAL OF CREATION [H At the end of creation week how did God celebrate His wonderful work? Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which he had made; and HE RESTED on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God BLESSED THE SEVENTH DAY, and SANCTIFIED IT: be-cause that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Gen. 2s 13־. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Job 38c 4, 7. At the end of His creative work God rested on the seventh day and blessed it and sanctified it. All the created beings in other parts of the universe sang to-gether and shouted for joy in honor of the wonderful work of God’s creation. Let us hear the conclusions of the whole matten FEAR GOD, and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: for this is the whole duty of man. Eccl. 12:13. OUR DUTY TO OUR CREATOR How should we as Juniors regard our Maker? Why? Since God is our Maker, it is expected that we obey and trust Him. He knows how we are made and what the future will bring. He knows what is best for us. He will accept you as His child and will protect and keep you if you will determine just NOW, by God’s help, to obey Him; for as our verse says, "This is the whole duty of man." REMEMBER now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. Eccl. 12: 1. It is a wonderful thing that you are studying these lessons while you are young. Thousands of older peo-pie wish they had chosen to follow God when they were younger. Now they find they have wasted their lives and 44have no pleasure in them." MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson 1 If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Write from memory the memory verse for this lesson........................................................ 2. The Bible says that the world was created in the beginning by....................................(Par. 1) 3. The three Persons who carry on their work together as ONE GOD are (1)..................._.................. (2).............................. (3)........................................-...................(P־t. 2, 3) 4. Before Jesus was born as a baby He lived in..............................and also helped in the creation of ....................................(Par. 2) 5. Fill in the missing words from Ps. 53: 1, "The..................Bath said in his....................there is no...........................” (Par. 5) 6. Cross out the wrong words in the following sentence and put a circle around the right answer: Trees and animals were first created by: a. Accident c. The Word of God. b. Man d. Electricity e. Evolution 7. According to Gen. 1: 27, if it were not for sin, man would now look like: (Put a circle around the right word and cross out the wrong words.) a. Angels b. Monkeys c. God d. Birds. 8. We understand the work of creation by................... (Par. 12). 9. Besides creating this world and all that is upon it,what else did God create?.......................(Par. 9) 10. When God finished His creation of the world on the seventh day He.......................and................ it; and all the sons of God...........................................(Par. 13) 11. Young people need to listen to God, for Eccl. 12: 1 says, "Remember now the days of thy......................” 12. Since God is the Creator of us all, our whole duty is to "......................and........................ his..—....-..............” (paragraph 16). LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The world and its people must have had a Maker. That Maker is God, who created all things on earth and in the universe. The Bible forewarns us that some peo-pie would say that man came from ani-mals and that there is no God, such people according to the Bible are **fools." Since God is our Maker and Keeper we should desire to know and obey Him. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON We will study how our Bible was made, also some of the interesting stories and things the prophets described long before they happened. We will study about a city that was scraped into the sea; also about a man who was called by name over a hundred years before he was bom. And a lot of other fine things! Send this test paper on Lesson 1 to us as soon as you ran. JUNIOR SERMON Text: And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him In the midst ef them, and said. Verily I say unto you, Except ye be con-verted, and become as little chll· dren, ye shall not enter the king-dom of heaven. Matt. 18: 2, 3. Everything in the Bible shows that God loves children. Think of the interest all Heaven took when Jesus was born— not as a big preacher, but as a poor little child. Today Jesus is speaking quietly to your heart and is asking you to yield your life to him. Whether you are poor or rich. Jesus loves you just the same. Accord-ing to our text, only by being converted can we be saved. To be converted is to turn from our past wrongdoings. Won't you just now bow your head and close your eyes and offer a little something like this: PRAYER Dear Father in heaven, please teach me the way to do right. Forgive me the sins I have already committed. Help me to live my life for You today. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name........................ (Laat Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age.........School Grade............... Street and No..................................... City................................... Zone No. State.................................. (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON TWO WHERE DID WE GET OUR RIRLE? Memory Verse : All scripture is given by inspiration of God ... II Timothy 3: 16. portant is the Bible that even Jesus when on earth constantly quoted from the writings of the prophets. Jesus did not have the New Testament from which to preach. That is why He always quoted from the Old Testament. B What did Jesus say about the importance of the Scriptures (the Bible) ? Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have ETERNAL LIFE: and THEY are they which TESTIFY OF ME. John 5: 39. Thus the Bible is our guide to eternal life. Ah, that is why we should be so interested in the study of God's Word, so that we can learn how to obtain eternal life with Jesus! B Can we trust God’s written Word? Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17: 17. Jesus says plainly, ,‘Thy word is truth." When you read the Bible, you can believe every word of it. Π Who gave us the Scriptures and for what purpose ? All scripture is given by INSPIRATION OF GOD. and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, ior instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect. Π Tim. 3: 16. 17. Notice that word, ALL. — The Bible is ALL God's Book. It will show you the perfect way to live. The Bible gives up a complete picture of LIFE; to take away any part of it is to mar that picture. H What challenge does God make to any other who might claim divine power? SHEW the things that are TO COME HERE· AFTER, that we may know that ye are gods. Isa. 41: 23. ... I am God, and there is none else; I am God. and there is none like me, DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done .. . Isa. 46: 9, 10. God asks if anyone else can foretell the future — can tell far ahead of time, what is coming. Or do any other religious teachings, outside the Bible, explain "the former things of old"? No, outside the Bible, there is confusion every· where. Only the Bible tells us (a) who made the world, (b) where man came from, (c) why we are here, and (d) where we are going. The Bible gives the only complete picture of man’s future. No wonder God ki- IN OUR last lesson we studied about man’s origin. Every act must have an actor. Every work de-mands a worker. And everything that is, must have been made. The Maker of all things — the Creator of earth, plants, animals, man, etc.— we call God. One of the noted radio news commentators wrote and told us how he came to begin his search for truth. He summed it up like this: "Every automobile has a manufacturer. And the manufacturer knows how the automobile should be operated and cared for, so he supplies a book of directions with each car. Certainly the Maker of the world would not start it off and leave it without a guide as to how to live and what we are expected to do." For every automobile there’s a maker. And he alone its care can tell; And with each car a book of skilled instruction He sends, that it may function well. Just so, our Maker planned our lives, intending That only RIGHT on earth we’d know: And for our guidance here He gave the Bible To tell the way that we should go. Yes, our Maker has given a Guidebook — a book of directions — THE BIBLE. That Book will be the basis of all our studios in these lessons. Π Who wrote the Bible? . . . No prophecy of the scripture is of any pri-vate interpretation. For prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake, as they were moved by THE HOLY GHOST. Π Peter 1: 20, 21. There are sixty-six books in our Bible, written by many authors. These men lived in different lands, hun-dreds of years apart; yet their writings all agree. They wrote what they were told to write by the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit guided in the writing of the Bible, naturally it fits together perfectly, though dif-ferent parts were dictated to different men. So im- Here is a prophetic picture of how Cyrus, ruler of the Medes and Persians, would attack the city of Babylon. And now let us review what occurred. a. He turned the River Euphrates (which ran through the outer wall across the city of Babylon) out of &s usual course, and by drying up the old riverbed, he was able to march his men under the great outer wall. b. That night the Babylonian king, Beltshazzar, and his leading government men were all drunk. Then while the watchmen also were drunk that night, they failed to lock the gates of the inner wall, and Cyrus was able to march his men right into the city and capture it. c. He cut up the gates of brass and carried away the gold and silver of the city. And REMEMBER God told Isaiah to write all of this more than 100 years before Cyrus was born, even calling Cyrus by name! Surely, then, no one can doubt the wisdom of believing God’s Word. GOD'S WORD OUR ONLY SAFE GUIDE ₪ In these solemn times, as we face the future, of what can we be sure ? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but HE BEVEALETH Hie secret UNTO HIS SEBVANTS THE PROPHETS. Amos 3: 7. It is a wonderful comfort to realize that God knows what is coming, and He has foretold those events in the Bible prophecies. ₪ Why have these events of the past and God’s pic-ture of the future been so carefully written down in the Bible? Now ail these things happened unto them for ENSAMPLES: and they are written FOR OUR ADMONITION, upen whom the ends of the world are come. I Cor. 10: 11· We should be thankful for the Bible because it ex-plains the past, helps us to understand the present, and gives us help, counsel (admonition), hope, and com-fort for the future. ₪ What do we have today that is stranger than armies and sharper than swords ? For the WORD OF GOD is QUICK, and POW-ERFUL. and SHARPER than any two-edged SWORD, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit . . . and is a discemer of the thought and intents of the heart. Hob. 4: 12. For 2000 years men have attacked the Bible. They have tried to change and destroy it, but it still stands, for God has protected His Word from its enemies. Every Junior should have a Bible of his own and should learn to find the Bible references as fast as possible. Never let anyone steal j away your faith in the I Bible. It is a Junior’s j greatest safeguard. It cuts | out every sin in the heart ) and life. You can always j trust it. It will always i help you. And it will bring at last salvation to all who follow it. S ince he had no navy to fight against the island town, he ordered his men to gather all the ruins of old Tyre and cast them into the sea, and so a road (a cause-way) was built out to the island. In building this road to the island, they even scraped up all the gravel from the site of old Tyre. So the prophecy was right!—Tyre would be scraped into the sea! And verse 14 (above) says that Tyre would never be rebuilt. IT NEVER HAS BEEN AND IT NEVER WILL BE! For the Bible is always true. Hundreds of years before the destruction took place the prophet had foretold just how a great city would be destroyed for all time . Π1 What did the prophets say would become of the great, rich, strong, proud city of Babylon? And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beau-ty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall NEVER BE INHABITED. NEITHER shall it be DWELT IN from generation to generation: NEITHER shall the ARABIAN PITCH his TENT there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But the WILD BEASTS of the desert shall LIE THERE; ... and OWLS shall dwell there.... Isa. 13: 19. 20. 21. And Babylon shall BECOME HEAPS .... WITHOUT AN INHABITANT .. . Thus saith the Lord of hosts; the broad WALLS of Babylon shall be UTTERLY BROKEN, and her high GATES shall be BURNED WITH FIRE . .. Jer. 51: 37. 58. The Babylonians thought Babylon could never fall. Its great stone walls were over 300 feet high and 60 feet thick. The city was a mighty fortress. Yet the humble prophets wrote the messages that God die-tated, and these came true—every single word, so that no one who will compare the Bible with history can doubt that the Bible prophecies are true. Let’s see what has happened to Babylon: a. When she was attacked many years after the proph-ecies were given, her great walls were broken to pieces. b. The city of Babylon was destroyed by fire. c. She is still in ruins-—has never been rebuilt and never will be! d. She does not have a single inhabitant. e. Beasts and birds of the wild now occupy the ruins of that once great city. f. The proud Babylonians no longer exist, but the roaming Arabs still pitch their tents in those lands. g. However, no matter how much travelers may offer to the Arabs, they refuse to spend a single night at the ruins of Babylon. Can anyone read these amazing predictions and their wonderful fulfillments and still doubt the Bible? ₪ More than one hundred years before Cyrus was born, what did the Lord say he would accomplish ? Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to SUBDUE NATIONS before him ... to OPEN before him the TWO LEAVED GATES; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will BREAK IN PIECES THE GATES OF BRASS, and cut in sunder the BARS OF IRON. Isa. 45: 1. 2. That saith to the DEEP. BE DRY, and I will DRY UP THY RIVERS. Isa. 44: 27. Owls Over Ruins of Babylon day the writings of St. Paul were accepted by the churches as God-inspired. Many believe that it was the Prophet Ezra, who gathered together the Old Testament books (written by thirty different ·prophets) into one inspired volume. By the year 150 B. C. (Before Christ) the whole Old Tes-tament was accepted as an inspired volume and had been translated into the Greek language. El What did Jesus say of the importance of these Old Testament writings? And he said unto him, Ii they hear not Moses and the pr9phets, neither will they be per-suaded, though one rose from the dead. Luke 16: 31. Here Jesus says the writings of Moses and the other prophets are the greatest evidences of truth that can be found. The writings of the New Testament contain 263 direct quotations from the Old Testament, so we know the New Testament writers believed these proph-ets of old. The New Testament contains the story of the life of Jesus, the story of the early church, and the prophesies about the future of the church. As you continue to study, you v/ill see that the Bible is indeed God’s letter to tell you about His Son Jesus and His plan to save you. PROPHECIES PROVE THE BIBLE INSPIRED It is not hard to prove that the Bible is written by God who, alone, knows the future, instead of being written by man. Over and over God told the prophets to write of coming events, so that when those things happened people would know it was God who had foretold them. Let’s study about some of these won-derful stories of fulfilled prophecy. as What did God tell the prophet Ezekiel would happen to the city of Tyre (or Tyrus)— one of thet largest cities in the world in that day ? And they shall DESTROY the WALLS oi Tyrne, and BREAK DOWN her TOWERS: I will also SCRAPE her DUST from her, and make her like the top oi a rock. It shall be a PLACE for the spreading oi nets in the midst oi the sea; ior I have spoken it, saith the Lord God: . · . And I will make thee LIKE the TOP oi a ROCK: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; THOU SHALT BE BUILT NO MORE: ior I the Lord have spoken it, saith the Lord God. Ezekiel 26: 4, 5, 14. Now when this was spoken by the humble prophet of God, it seemed as if it never could happen to that great rich city north of Palestine, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Tyre is sometimes called the "New York’’ of that day. Yet the prophecy was fulfilled exactly. First, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, de־ stroyed the city of Tyre. But Tyre had to wait 250 years for the rest of the prophecy to come true. The people of that country built a new town on an island a little ways out in the sea and called it "Tyre.” In 332 B. C. Alexander the Great came to attack this new Tyre out on the island. vites, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” Isa. 45:22. Only the Bible points us to a Saviour. Some maintain that the Bible is just a collection of old Hebrew writings that prove Jewish beliefs. Now it is true that most of the Bible writers were Jews (Hebrews),but the strange thing is that these very writings teach many things different from what is taught in ordinary Jewish histories and books on their religious beliefs. If the Bible had just been invented by Jews to teach their own religious ideas, then they would have cut out all parts that contradicted their ideas. But the Bible is God's book. Any religion is true only to the extent that it teaches Bible doctrine. ש In order to preserve the record of God’s plan, what did He ask the Bible prophets to do? And th· Lord said unto Moses, Write this ior a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua.... Ex. 17: 14. The prophets of God in olden times wrote as the Holy Spirit directed them. The prophets were in-structed to write and preserve the inspired writings, which would be of importance for all time. It was God’s plan that those messages should be written in a book׳. Num. 33: 2; Joshua 1:8; John 21: 25, etc. Q What were other Bible writers instructed by God to do in order to be sure they would not be misquoted ? And Joshua WROTE these words IN THE BOOK oi the law oi God. . . . Josh. 24: 26. Then Samuel . . . WROTE IT IN A BOOK, and laid it up before the Lord. ... I Sam. 10: 25. Take thee a roll oi a BOOK, and WRITE there-in all THE WORDS that I have spoken unto thee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations. . . . Jeremiah 36: 2. God had a definite purpose in requiring them to WRITE out their records of the past and present, and also their prophecies of the future. Π What proof do we have that they recognized each other’s writings as inspired? ... I Daniel UNDERSTAND BY BOOKS the number oi the years, whereof the word oi Lord came to JEREMIAH the prophet . . . Dan. 9: 2. Here it pictures Daniel studying the other inspired books of the prophets — Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel — some of them perhaps were even personal acquaint-ances. Also in the New Testament Peter says: As also in all his [ST. PAUL'S] epistles, speaking in them oi these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other SCRIPTURES, unto their own destruction. Π Pet. 3: 16. The apostle Peter here refers to the inspired writ-ings of the apostle Paul as "scriptures.” Even in his Test Paper Lesson Two MY ANSWERS Fill in the answers to these questions from memory. If you are not sure of any answer, then look up that point in the lesson. If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT; if you can answer 9 of these ques-tions, your paper is VERY GOOD; if you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned the memory verse?.............. (If so, you will receive credit for this point.) 2. According to II Peter 1: 21 the Bible was written they were guided by the .............................. (Par. 1) 3. Mark these statements below as true or false: a. There are sixty-eight books in the Old Testament. b. Thirty men wrote the books of the Old Testament. c. They wrote out their visions because they were asked to do so by God........................... d. The New Testament writers never quoted from the Old Testament.................................. 4. Why did Jesus not quote from the New Testament ? (Par. 1) ............................................. Paul says in II Tim. 3: 16, ".........scripture is given by..................of God, and is profitable for ...................,............................................................................” (par· 4) What does Isaiah say that God alone can do?............................................................... ................................................................................................ (Par. 5) Name three Bible writers who said that God told them to write their messages: .................................,....-........................,........................... (Par. 6, 7, 8) What did the prophet say would become of Tyre ?.......................................................... ...............................................................................................(Par. 10) Tell at least three things that happened to Babylon: ........................................................................................(Par. 11, 12) The man, who was called by name more than one hundred years before he was born, was named............ and he destroyed the city of................. (Par. 12) Regarding coming events God promised that before they take place He would reveal them to His servants the.........-...................-...(Par. 13). stronger than anything i n this world. It is sharper than a..............., and teaches the way to all who follow it. (Par. 14, 15.) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. THE LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The Bible was given by the Holy Spirit and dictated to the prophets. They wrote down these important things for future generations. Jesus often emphasized the need of Bible study. God alone knows the future. There are a host of prophecies where God told just what was coming, and history proves the Bible predictions were always accu-rate. The Bible is our great guidebook for the future and a light in darkness. It shows us what to do and where to go. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON We have a wonderfully interesting Lesson 3. Here are some of the many questions we will study: Who made the Devil? Why doesn’t God destroy him? Where did he come from? Does he have horns and hoofs? What are angels? Are they the spirits of little children who have died? Do angels eat? Where do they live? Send in your answers to Lesson 2 as soon as you can so you’ll be sent Lesson 3 immediately. JUNIOR SERMON Text : Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Ps. 119: 11. It’s not easy to overcome some sin; but if you’ll study God’s Word, you’ll find some way to conquer every sin. You need to eat daily to keep alive. In the same way you need to feed your heart, or you will die spiritually. You need to eat often. Don’t go a long time without Bible study. Feed on God’s Word often and regularly—daily! ”Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Ps. 119: 105. You can’t see to walk the dark path of life ahead without the Bible. It is only Jesus who causes the light to shine on your path. That light is the Bible, His Word. Will you just now bow your head in prayer, asking God to help you to follow His Guide-book, the Bible? Will you try to read a little of the Bible every day, and study it as much as you can, so that you will know Truth and be ready for what is coming?....................... MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age...........School Grade........ Street and No................................ City.. State. Give change of address.) (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Teacher’s Remarks: **׳χτ*β Us>· Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON THREE WHERE DID SATAN COME FROM? and WHO ARE THE ANGELS? Memory Verse : The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalms 34: 7. B What־ was Satan called before he was cast out of heaven ? How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning: how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nationsl Isa. 14: 12. Satan, originally, was a beautiful angel in heaven, and he was called "Lucifer,” meaning "day star”; this gives a little idea of his outstanding glory. El What rebellious thoughts came into Lucifer’s heart ? For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ASCEND INTO HEAVEN, I will EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD: I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. Isa. 14: 13, 14. Satan was an angel in glory. But he decided that he no longer needed to be subject to God’s rulership. Notice all of the plans he had in mind: a. ,,I will exalt my throne above the stars of God." b. ,,I will sit in the sides of the north." (Where God’s throne alone was to be.) c. "I will be like the most High." S How does Ezekiel describe the original glory and the following downfall of Satan ? "FULL OF WISDOM, and PERFECT in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering ... in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the ANOINTED CHERUB [angel] that covereth: and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God. . . . Thou wast PERFECT in thy ways from the day that thou wast ere-ated, till iniquity was found in thee. Eze. 28: 12-15. Yes, Satan was a beautiful, created being — an an-gel in heaven. Pride caused his downfall, as Ezekiel 28: 17 says: "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness.” Pride is one of Satan’s most deadly tools. "Thou hast been in Eden,” refers to the first deception (see Genesis 3) when Satan spoke through a serpent and caused Eve and Adam to sin. SOME say there is no sin and no Satan, or devil. Satan is pleased with this; for if people say he doesn’t exist, they won’t try to avoid his traps. Out in some parts of the Orient people have a strange way of trapping elephants. The natives dig a very large pit and cover it over with leaves and grass. Then they build a stockade (large fence) up toward that hid-den pit. With their drums they frighten a herd of ele-phants toward the stockade, until they crash into the hidden pit and are trapped. Satan is trying to hide himself and his traps, so that he can catch more of God’s children. Π What are some of the things Satan is to blame for in this world ? Ye are of your father the devil, and the LUSTS of your father ye will do. He was a MURDERER from the beginning, and abode NOT IN THE TRUTH, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a LIE, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44. Jesus makes it very clear that he knows there is a real devil — Satan — who is to blame for all of the lies, lusts, murders, etc., in the world. Some people say that the devil is just a bad thought, but Jesus shows that Satan is a real being, that he fell from heaven, and that he is carrying on his wicked work on the earth. Another thing — this verse tells us, he "abode not in the truth.” So again, we see that at one time Satan was in good standing in heaven before he was cast out. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as light-ning fall FROM HEAVEN. Luke 10: 18. m Where does Jesus say Satan originally came from ? This verse is a great surprise to many people, but it is just what Jesus says — Satan fell from heaven! A TRAPPED ELEPHANT God wants His followers to obey Him because they choose to and not simply because they are afraid. Each being in God’s universe is left free to choose whether or not he will obey God. ΡΠ What are the wages of sin and what will be Sa-tan’s final reward? For the WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 6: 23. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. ... Is this the man that made the earth tremble, that did shake kingdoms? Isa. 14: 15, 16. . . . Therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth . . . Eze. 28: 18. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone . . . Rev. 20: 10. Satan is finally to be destroyed by fire. ₪ Is there any danger of sin ever coming again to God’s universe? All they that know thee [Satan] among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and NEVER SHALT THOU BE ANY MORE. Ezek. 28: 19. What do ye imagine against the Lord? he will make an UTTER END: affliction shall NOT RISE UP THE SECOND TIME. Nahum 1: 9. When God finally destroys Satan and sin, it will be the complete end. ,,Affliction shall not rise up the sec-ond time.” ANGELS —OUR BODY-GUARDS ₪ Who watches over the lives of God’s children to protect them from Satan’s attacks? The ANGEL OF THE LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Ps. 34: 7. ₪ Are angels the spirits of dead people? St. Paul tells us: Thou madest him a little lower than THE AN-GELS . . . Heb. 2: 7. Man was created lower than the angels. Angels are a higher form of created beings. Angels are sometimes called cherubs, seraphim or cherubim. Before any per-son had died there were angels (see Gen. 3: 24), so angels cannot be the spirits of the dead. They are an entirely different form of being from man. Π3 What is the appearance of an angel? His countenance was LIKE LIGHTNING, and his raiment white as snow. Matt. 28: 3. Because of sin we are not able to look on the glory of heaven. Angels usually hide their glory when on earth; that is why we cannot see them, though they may be very near. ₪ Who watches over every child ? Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven THEIR ANGELS do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. Matt. 18:10. [3 Who cast Satan out of heaven? And there was war in heaven: Michael [Christ] and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon [Satan] fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. Rev. 12: 7, 8. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the DEVIL and SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world: he was CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev. 12: 9. For some time after Satan began planning his re-bellion, he worked slyly and deceitfully among the angels, trying to get them to join his side in rebellion against God. Many joined with him. Then Christ (Michael) rallied His angels, and cast Satan and his rebellious followers out of heaven, down to this earth, Satan has made this earth his headquarters from that time to this. H What is Satan’s appearance? . . . Satan himseli is transformed into AN ANGEL OF LIGHT. 11 Cor. 11: 14. You probably have seen Satan pictured with horns, hoofs, spiked tail, etc. But Paul says the devil appears like an angel of light. It is part of Satan’s plan to make his work appear good — like God’s work. Thus he can deceive more people. Ξ What is Satan trying to do to God’s children in the earth? . . . Your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DE-VOUR. I Peter 5: 8. . .. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea: for the devil is come down unto you, having GREAT WRATH, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Rev. 12: 12. He tries to tempt us to sin and to harm us, because he hates God. Satan knows Jesus loves us dearly. He feels that if he can injure us, he is spiting God. Satan wants to destroy the people who are so dear to the heart of God. The nearer we get to the end of the world, the more bitter Satan will become and the more cruelty we will see. When we sin, we are helping out Satan’s side and we are against Jesus. ש Did God create the devil? A beautiful little baby is born. It has never sinned. The baby grows; as he comes to manhood he falls into terrible sin and finally kills someone. Would you say that the baby’s mother gave birth to a murderer? In-deed not! She brought into the world an innocent, lit-tie baby. As he grew older, he made himself into a murderer because he would not follow the right way his mother taught him. God created Lucifer, a beautiful, perfect angel of light in heaven. But because of pride he rebelled against God. He made a devil of himself. ₪ Why didn’t God destroy Satan when he first sinned ? If God had destroyed Satan when he first sinned, all others in God’s universe would not understand the awfulness of sin. you pray. But when great trouble comes, you will have protection; but, unless they repent, they will have none. If you are true to God, then His angels can watch over you constantly. mm What is the main work of the angels at the present time ? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister [help] for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Heb. 1: 14. The angels seek out every sincere person. God sends them forth to help you when you are in need. That is why you should always pray to the Lord so that you will always have the protecting care of the good angels. TRUE ANGEL STORIES I. Many years ago missionaries went to the island of Sumatra. Where they settled, the people were very wild and were bitter against Christianity. One night a mob came near the mission home. They saw tall, strong guards stand-ing all the way around the house. One man was very bold and said he was not afraid of any guards, so he came near. But suddenly he turned and ran wildly into the jungle. He had seen the angels like guards with flaming swords, and the sight filled him with terrible fear. Later one of those natives asked the missionary where he kept his guards. The missionary answered by quoting our memory verse: ‘4The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them.” Ps. 34: 7. II. One night as a missionary settled down for the week-end in a little hut in the jungle-covered mountains of Borneo, the native minister told this wonderful story about the little six-year-old girl in the house: “About two months previous, the mother sent her little girl to gather some large leaves which they use for dishes. The little girl started playing around in the edge of the jungle and kept going farther and farther, till she was lost. “Night came soon. The father and mother searched in vain. With drums and torches the villagers searched all through the wild dangerous jungle, but no little girl could they find. The broken-hearted parents went home to cry, and also to pray, for they had recently become Christians. “At about two o’clock in the morning they heard the voice of their little girl out-side. They rushed out. over-joyed, to find her still alive. She told them simply, ‘I wan-dered on and on. It got dark and black. I was terribly afraid, so I ran for a long time. I remembered to pray. Then I saw a man standing near me dressed in white. After that I came straight home in the darkness.’ ” How wonderful that this lit-tie jungle girl had learned to pray, and how thankful we all should be for the protecting care of the angels! Each child has a guardian angel who watches over him. Even though we can-not see these angels, they are very real. One time (see II Kings 6: 16, 17) when a prophet was in great dan-ger, the angels surrounded the hill where he was stay-ing. In order that his serv-ant might have greater faith the prophet prayed, asking God to open his eyes, and then the servant could see the angels. The hill was full of them, o the room and turn it on. from every part of the A GUARDIAN ANGEL Bring a little radio i Suddenly you hear mui world. Those radio waves were there before, but the radio made it possible for you to hear them. Someday, we will be able to talk with our guardian angels, and they will tell us how they have protected us from harm and danger. ש Do angels eat? And there came two angels to Sodom .... and he [Lot] made them a feast . . . and THEY DID EAT. Gen. 19: 1, 3. How much more real the angels seem, when we learn that they eat food—real food! ANGELS ENOUGH TO PROTECT ALL m How many angels are there ? And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND, AND THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS. Rev. 5:11. What a wonderful comfort to know that there are millions of angels. You need never fear, for God can take care of you. According to Rev. 12: 4 only about one-third of the angels joined Satan’s rebellion; two-thirds remained faithful to God. So we know that for every one of Satan’s evil angels, Jesus has at least two good angels to help us. David says in Ps. 103: 20 that the Lord’s angels "excell in strength’’; they are stronger than any of Satan’s angels. ₪ When there is terrible trouble on every side, what promise has God made to those who obey Him ? THERE SHALL NO EVIL BEFALL THEE, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER THEE to KEEP THEE in all thy ways. Ps. 91: 10, 11. Sometimes others will make fun of you because you are trying to do right. They will call you silly and old-fashioned because you read your Bible and because ANGEL GUARDS Test Paper Lesson 3 MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned the memory verse for this lesson ? .................................................... 2. Jesus, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the Book of Revelation say Satan originally came from?...................... 3. Before he fell into sin, his name was.................................. (Par. 3.) Some of the following statements are true and some are false. Cross out the false and draw a circle around the true ones: a. Satan was cast out of heaven by Jesus. b. Satan has horns and hoofs and a tail. c. Satan persuaded one-third of the angels in heaven to join him. d. Satan likes to help the children of Jesus. 3. Nahum 1: 9 promises that "...................shall not rise up the.................time.” 6. To complete this sentence cross out the wrong words and put a circle around the right words. Angels are (a) the spirits of dead children, (b) beings created by God and are a higher form of person than man, (c) children of Satan, (d) ghosts, (e) fairies. 7. Mark true or false after these statements: a. Angels look as bright as lightning. (.........) b. Angels never eat anything. (..........) c. There are millions and millions of angels. (..........) 8. Every child has a guardian.............watching over him. (Par. 16) 9. The main work of the angels is to......-...................................................... (Par. 20) 10. Ps. 91 promises: "He shall give his..................charge over............... to...............thee in ................·...thy ways.” (Par. 19) 11. Which are the stronger — the angels of Satan or the angels of Jesus?..........................(Par. 18) 12. When Jesus comes the angels will...................................................(See Junior Sermon.) THE LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Satan was once a good angel in heaven. When he rebelled he was cast out and came to this earth. Since then he has been trying to tempt and hurt God’s children in order to spite Jesus. Satan will one day be destroyed. The good angels are our protection against Satan and his angels. Their home is in heaven, but they are sent to this earth to help us and protect us. At last, if we are faithful they will gather us at Jesus’ coming. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Lesson 4 will answer these questions: Why did Satan stay on this earth? How did man fall into sin? How can we be saved from sin? Why did Jesus have to die? What is Jesus doing now? JUNIOR SERMON Text: And He shall send His angels ... and they shall gather ft· gether His elect. . . . Matt. 24: 31. Yes, the angels will know whom to gather when Jesus comes. Jesus tells us in Matt. 13: 39 that the angels are the reapers. How anxious the angels will be to bring to Jesus those whom they have guarded through many years. But if we are to be with Jesus, we must fight against sin in our lives now. Only in that way can the good angels save us. And now, please bow your head and pray: PRAYER Dear Jesus, help me to overcome sin in my life today. Let thy good angels watch over me and keep me and help me to know and do what is right. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name ........................ (Lust !Name) First Name Middle Name Age......... School Grade............ Street and No................................... City................................. State................................ (Sign name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: f*'NTt0 Us>· Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. ORIGIN OF SIN IN THE EARTH AND ITS CURE Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotton Son, that whoso ever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16. □ What place did God give to Adam and Eve for their home? And the Lord God planted A GARDEN eastward in EDEN; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And a river went out of Eden to water the garden . . . And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Gen. 2: 8, 9, 10, 15. What a wonderful place for a home—a beautiful garden with lovely trees and a clear, cool river! The animals, birds, flowers, fish, trees, all were perfect. There was no sickness, sorrow or pain, and the animals were never fierce. m What special warning did God give to the first couple ? And the Lord God commanded the man, say-ing. Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWL-EDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THOU SHALT NOT EAT of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen. 2: 16, 17. The Lord gave Adam and Eve all the good things they needed or could enjoy. He allowed them to eat the fruit from the different trees. There was just one tree — the tree of knowledge of good and evil — which they were to leave absolutely alone on penalty of death. They were forbidden to eat of its fruit. When anyone disobeys, he forsakes God—the source of life. Death must naturally follow. You may ask, ,,Why did God put a tree like that in the beautiful garden of Eden?” Satan had accused God of forcing others to obey Him. Satan demanded an opportunity to test man and to see if he would dis-obey God, when he is given a chance to choose for him-sefl. God gave Adam and Eve this opportunity to de-cide for themselves whether or not they w0uld obey. God gives every boy and girl the privilege of choosing whether or not they will obey. God does not force any-one to do right. WE WILL study how sin entered the world, how Satan came to make this earth his headquarters, and what is the cure for sin. God’s word ex-plains the origin of sin and gives assurance of victory and hope for the future. Our memory verse, probably the most-loved verse of the Bible, shows that God is taking a personal interest in man’s salvation. He gave His only Son to save the world. No greater sacrifice could be made. MAN'S GARDEN HOME Π Who created man upon this earth? How? And the LORD GOD formed man OF THE DUST of the ground, and BREATHED into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man became a living soul. Gen. 2: 7. Yes, God created man, and He gave him the "breath of life”—then man began to breathe, live, think, talk and walk. B How was the first woman created? And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he TOOK ONE OF HIS RIBS and . . . made a woman and brought her unto the man. Gen. 2: 21, 22. Taking a rib from man’s side, God created the first woman, the wife of the first man. It was God’s plan that the father and the mother in a home should stand side by side, and love and help one another. El When God created Adam, what was to be man’s position in relation to all animal life? And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them HAVE DOMIN-ION OVER the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1: 26, 27. If you will read Gen. 3: 20, you will find that the name of the first man was "Adam” and the name of the first woman was "Eve.” God made them "in His image.” The animals, birds, and fish were all subject to them as rulers of the earth. THE PROMISE OF A SAVIOUR MAN'S FIRST SIN ש That evening as the Lord came down to talk with Adam and Eve, what message of hope did He bring? I will put enmity between thee [the serpent, Satan] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [the followers of Satan] and her seed (the future child descendant of Adam and Eve); IT [the future child from the family of Adam and Eve] SHALL BRUISE THY HEAD, and thou [the serpent, Satan] shall bruise his heel. Gen. 3: 15. This verse is a little hard to understand. But the words written in brackets help you to see about whom God is talking. This is a promise that a future Son of Adam and Eve would crush the head of Satan. Al-though it is stated that Satan would bruise that Son— a prophecy, foretelling the sufferings of the promised Saviour — the final victory of Christ over Satan is as-sured, for He (Christ) shall crush the head of Satan. ש What does Isaiah prophesy about the coming De-liverer ? For unto us a child is bom, unto us A SON IS GIVEN; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The PRINCE OF PEACE. Isaiah 9: 6. That was written more than seven hundred years before the Saviour’s birth. The people were still look-ing for the coming Deliverer, Saviour, and Prince of Peace. Notice that this coming Deliverer or Saviour is called "a son” and ”a child.” It is a prophecy, pointing forward to the future descendant of Adam and Eve, promised in Gen. 3: 15. ₪ When had the plan for the saving of man been made? . . . behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. lohn 1: 29. ... the Lamb slain FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Rev. 13: 8. Jesus is called the ”Lamb” of God. From the very beginning of the world, God the Father and Jesus the ”Lamb” planned that if man should yield to the temptation to sin, Jesus would come and give His life to pay the death penalty in man’s stead. THE SAVIOUR ARRIVES ! ש Just before Christ’s birth, what message did an angel from heaven bring to earth ? And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name ]ESUS: for HE SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE from their sins. Matt. 1: 21. JESUS!—that wonderful name means "SAVIOUR.” For nearly four thousand years the world had been waiting for that Saviour. At last the prom-ised Son, the Child, came to save the world from sin. Jesus had an earthly mother (Mary) and a Heavenly Father. No wonder He has been able to draw heaven and earth so close together! ש Read the sad story of how the serpent deceived Eve and persuaded her and Adam to disobey God for the first time. Now the serpent . . . said unto the woman. Yea, hath God said. Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said. Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman. Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Gen. 3: 1-6. If you read the next few verses, you will learn that when God came down to talk with Adam and Eve, they hid themselves in shame behind the trees. They could not look God in the face because of their guilty con-sciences. If a Junior has done something which he knows is wrong, he loses that straightforward look. Q Who was the serpent? And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, caUed THE DEVIL, and SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world. Rev. 12: 9. The serpent which was hiding in the forbidden tree was none other than Satan, who had been cast out of heaven. Oh, the terrible deception! If Adam and Eve only had realized that it was Satan, who was deceiving them! They disobeyed their Creator; they had forsaken God and joined the side of the enemy — Satan. They were deserving of death. How sad the angels were as they took back to heav-en the awful news ”Adam and Eve have sinned!” Satan, speaking through a beautiful serpent, told them that no harm would come if they ate of the forbidden fruit. He lied! He told them they would never die. Satan now claims them as his subjects and that he is ruler of the earth!” What a terrible mes-sage to carry back to heaven! Satan stole s right to rule the earth. From turtledove to bone with flying mane The animals of Eden all vere tame. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven* Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power oi His Christ: for THE ACCUSER of our brethren IS CAST DOWN. . . Rev. 12: 10. Adam lost the dominion of this world. Satan had usurped the rulership of this world by the deception he practiced on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. By His death, Jesus redeemed for man the possession which had been lost. It was in this way that Satan, the accuser of the brethren, is said to be cast down. Gold and silver could not redeem us; Jesus, the One who had never sinned, had to give His blood; Can anyone reject such wonderful love? ₪ After His death and resurrection, what power was given to Jesus. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, be-hold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and HAVE THE KEYS OF HELL and of DEATH. Rev. 1: 8. When we worship Jesus, we are following the One who was formerly in heaven; who came as a babe; who died in our stead; who was raised again; who now is in heaven; who lives to help His faithful fol-lowers on earth; and who will redeem them from the grave. ש What will Jesus do with our sins if we will only confess them ? If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to FORGIVE US OUR SINS, and to CLEANSE US from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1: 9. What a wonderful promise! No matter how dark your past sins may have been, if you are willing to take them to Jesus, He will pardon them all, and will save you. ₪ What is Jesus doing now ? Him hath God exalteth with his right hand to be a Prince and A SAVIOUR, for TO GIVE REPENTANCE to ISRAEL, and FORGIVE-NESS OF SINS. Acts 5: 31. ... I go to PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU. And. if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14: 2, 3. Jesus, who is now with His Heavenly Father, is making preparations to return to gather all His faithful ones. He will TAKE THEM TO BE WITH Him. Just think of it! No sickness and no more death!—but eternal life in heaven with Jesus! Jesus is waiting for you to give your heart to Him now. He longs to for-give you and save you from sin; and if you will come to Him, He will at last take you to be with Him, in that Heavenly Home. m Did Jesus, as a child, realize that He had special work to do? And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, FILLED WITH WISDOM: and the grace of God was upon him . . . And he said unto them . . . wist [know] ye not that I MUST BE ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS? Luke 2: 40, 49. When only twelve years of age, Jesus already real-ized that He had a special work to do — to bring a saving message to ALL men and to die in man’s stead. Jesus came to save all who would turn from sin and accept Him as their Saviour. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL PEOPLE. Luke 2: 10. Π3 When Jesus was baptized, what public proof was given to the world that He was the Son of God? And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heav-ens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and light-ing upon him; and lo A VOICE FROM HEAVEN, SAYING, THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, in whom I am well pleased. Matt. 3: 16, 17. Jesus was baptized before He began to preach, teach, and heal the sick. At the baptism the Father spoke these wonderful words, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." During the three and one-half years of His ministry, everywhere He went Jesus preached to the people and called upon them to forsake their sins. JESUS1 DEATH AND VICTORY ON THE CROSS ₪ How did the people treat Jesus when He came to the end of His work ? Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, TO PUT HIM TO DEATH . . . When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death . . . And when they had PLATTED A CROWN OF THORNS, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and MOCKED HIM, saying. Hail, King of the Jewsl And they SPIT UPON HIM, and took the reed, and SMOTE HIM on the head . . . and led him away to CRUCIFY HIM . . . And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Matt. 26: 59; 27: 1; 27: 29-31, 37. They crucified Him! This is the saddest picture in all the world! The religious leaders of that day hated Jesus because He pointed out sin in their lives. And they were jealous because the people loved to hear Jesus. So they nailed Him to the cross. They didn’t realize that by His Death on the cross, Jesus would be able to save all who would come to Him for for-giveness and salvation. Jesus volunteered to die in man’s stead. All who believe on Him and obey can be saved. ₪ When Jesus died on the cross, what cry of vie-tory was heard ? Paper, Lesson Four MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your י paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. Have you learned the memory verse?........................................ According to the memory verse, if a person is to besaved, he must believe on......., the Son of......... The first man and the first woman were named..............and........., and their first home was called the Garden of................... (Par. 3, 4) Cross out the wrong statements in the following: a. Adam and Eve were perfectly happy in their home at first. b. God ruled over Adam and Eve, but the animals were supposed to obey man. c. Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs. d. Adam was made out of wood. Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree of...................of....................and -....... (Par· 5) Eve was deceived by the.....................talking to her. It was really...............talking through the................... (Par. 7) The serpent told Eve she would not..........if she ate of the forbidden fruit, and that she would be as ................if she ate it. (Par. 6) Draw a circle around the right answer. When Adam and Eve sinned, God said He would: (a) Destroy them immediately; (b) send a Saviour; (c) destroy Satan immediately. The angel said of the Saviour, ,‘Thou shalt call His name..............................for He shall............ .....-....-.......—-----------------------from their__________________” (Par. 11) The word ,,Jesus” means ---------------------- His mother’s name was................and His Father was......... (Par. 11) Tell at least three cruel things which they did to Jesus at the end of His ministry. (Par. 14)___________ Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: c. Jesus is anxious to forgive our sins. d. Jesus is coming again to take His followers to heaven. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL God placed Adam and Eve, a sinless pair, in a beautiful garden. Everything in the garden was theirs to enjoy—every-thing except the fruit of the forbidden tree. Satan tempted thrm to take of the for-bidden fruit. Not only sin and death thus came on man, but Satan won the rulership of the earth. Jesus left heaven and came as a human baby with a Heavenly Father, to live, to teach, and to preach, and finally to die for all of the human family. Because Jesus never sinned, His death can cover our sins, if we will only accept A Him as our Saviour. His blood was the l price heaven paid, to redeem us from sin and Satan. ☆ ☆ ☆ NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Don’t fail to send in the test paper, so you can get your Lesson 5. Here are some of the questions you will study: What must a person do to be saved? How can a person tell if he is lost? Do we have to confess our sins to peo-pie? How does a person learn to pray? JUNIOR SERMON Text: Acts 4: 12, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven give■ among men, where-by we must be saved. The only saving name in all the uni-verse is the name of Jesus—”He shall save His people from their sins.” Back in 1929 there was a terrible snowstorm in Michigan. A man started home that night in the blizzard and drove until his car stalled in the snow. He started walking across the frozen lake to his home in the woods. When he reached his house, he tried to turn the doorknob; but his hands were frozen. He tried to call his wife’s name, but his jaws were frozen, so he pounded on the door. It was dark and stormy and his wife was afraid to open the door, thinking if it were her husband knocking, he would surely call her name. The night passed. The next morning she found him froz-en to death in the backyard—dead be-cause he could not call her name. Won’t you call on the name of Jesus just now, while He can still save you? PRAYER Dear Jesus, I thank Thee for giving Thy life for me. Hear my prayers, teach me Thy way, and save me at last. Amen. a. Jesus is still in His Grave. b. Jesus is in heaven now. MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age....... School Grade. Street and No....................... City State (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks; m »B■»· Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. HOW TO BE SAVED Memory Verse: "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven/' Matt. 18: 3. Here is a picture of a sinful jailor who suddenly felt his need of a Saviour. He was afraid that he would be lost, and in agony he cried out, ',What must I do to be saved?” Jesus, our loving, merciful Saviour, never passes by a call like that. Quickly Paul answered, "Believe on Jesus and you will be saved.” Only Jesus can save. REPENTANCE B What is the next step toward Jesus — toward be-ing saved? Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. Act 3: 19. Peter said to this group of people, whose hearts were longing for salvation, "Repent.” You ask, "But what does it mean to repent?” Re-pentance is simply turning from the old ways of sin. Sin leads to death. Re-member, ,’the wages of sin is death.” Rom. 6: 23. When you decide to ac-cept Jesus as your Sav-iour you have a change of heart; you turn about in the other direction, to-ward eternal life. Repent-ance is just that simple— turning from the old ways of sin and obeying Jesus. CONFESSION Π After we have repented, what should be our next step ? Now therefore MAKE CONFESSION unto the Lord God. Ezra 10: 11. If we CONFESS our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1: 9. We must co/ι Jess our sins. God promises to/forgive absolutely every sin, and to cleanse us from all un- THOUSANDS of Juniors are longing to know how they can be sure of being saved. In our memory verse Jesus explains that being converted, getting ready for heaven, is so simple that even a child can under-stand it. Π What is our great need, in order that we will have a desire to turn from sin? Speaking of the fearfulness of sin, Paul said, O wretched man that I am I who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Rom. 7: 24. If one is to find his way to Jesus and salvation, he must first realize the awfulness of sin, feel his sinful condition and his need of help. Telling of his struggle with sin, Paul speaks of himself as "wretched.” He compares the load of sin in one’s life to dragging around a dead body. If you visit the museum in Athens (Greece), in one of the back rooms you can see a strange sight — two bodies fastened close together by a heavy chain. The bodies and chains have petrified and become like stone. You ask, "Well, what has that to do with sin?” Long ago the courts sometimes sentenced a crim-inal to die by being chained to a dead man’s body. Imagine how terrible that would be, to come to a slow horrible death, tied to a dead body. Those petrified bodies in the Athens’ museum had been chained to-gether; a living man had been chained to a dead body. When he died, the two bodies had been buried together. Sin is like that. If you stay tied to the sin-life, it will destroy your desire to do right and will finally cause you to be destroyed. In order to be saved you must cut loose from sin. If you admit that you need help to be free from your former wrong ways, then the Lord can save you. BELIEF IN JESUS' SAVING POWER ΨΧ What is the most important question in all the world, and what is its answer? The keeper of the prison . . . came trembling . . . and said. Sirs, WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? And they said, BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16: 27-31. Π How can we know that our sins are forgiven? For we walk by FAITH, not by sight. 2 Cor. 5: 7. Therefore being justified BY FAITH, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 5: 1. When you confess your sins, you can know for cer-tain "by faith” that they are forgiven, covered, and Jesus will ,’remember them no more.” In a revival service a lady who was seeking forgive-ness kept saying over and over, "But how can I know God has forgiven my sins? I don’t feel any different than I did before.” This lady made the mistake of trusting to feeling. Juniors, you must take that by faith. Just believe the promises of God. He says, ”Repent, confess, and 1 will forgive your sins and remember them no more forever.” Just take Jesus at His word. He is able to do this and longing to forgive and save you. NONE REFUSED SALVATION E] Will Jesus refuse to save anyone who is truly re-pentant ? Him that cometh to me I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT. John 6: 37. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come . . . And WHOSO- EVER WILL, let him take of the water of life freely. Rev. 22: 17. These are very important verses. Whoever comes to Jesus will find salvation. If you have a desire and are willing to come to Him, He accepts you. He for-gives the past and gives you strength to live right, in the future. So many radio listeners write in, ”1 feel there is no hope for me. God has rejected me and there is no use for me to try any more. My sins have been too many and too bad. I pray, but it doesn’t do any good. Don’t you think I am lost?” Our answer is, ”No! If a person sincerely wants to change, the door to Heaven is open to him still. The very fact that a person is worried about sin, shows that the Holy Spirit is influencing Him to come to Jesus. Juniors, it is Satan who slips in and whispers, ”There’s no use. Jesus doesn’t hear your prayers. You’re lost.” Jesus says, "Whosoever will may come”; He will never cast us out. Jesus says to us, ”Give me your heart.” Won’t you give your heart to Jesus, just now, if you have not done so already? LIVING FOR JESUS m After turning from our sins, what does God ex-pect of us? What doth the Lord require of thee, but TO DO JUSTLY, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY with thy God? Micah 6: 8. righteousness (wrong doing), through Jesus’ blood. If you have not done so already, you should bow your head, or kneel in prayer, NOW, and ask God to forgive your sins. Confession is asking God’s for-giveness. That is such an important step. H If we have wronged someone, what is our duty? CONFESS your faults one TO ANOTHER. James 5: 16. If a person has stolen from some one; or lied about some one, or in any other way has injured another, he should go to that individual and confess his fault, and should make it right as far as possible. Of course, he should ask God also to forgive him. Wrongs done to others should be confessed to God and to the individ-ual; some sins should be confessed to God alone. GOD'S FORGIVENESS Ξ What has God promised to do with our confessed sins? HE will turn again, he will have compassion (pity) upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7: 19. Juniors, isn’t it wonderful to know that if we re-pent God will have pity on us ;He will subdue all of our iniquities (wrong doing); and He will cast our sins into the depths of the sea! In some places the sea is as much as seven miles deep. Anything cast into the depths of the sea is not likely to be found again. How completely God deals with our confessed sins! Q When we repent of sins, what does God Anally do about them? I, even I, am he that BLOTTETH OUT THY TRANSGRES-SIONS for mine own sake, and WILL NOT REMEMBER thy sins. Isa. 43: 25. Blessed are they whose INIQUITIES ARE FORGIVEN, and whose SINS ARE COVERED. Rom. 4: 7. When we confess our sins the Father forgives them for Jesus’ sake. And He promises, ”1 will remember them no more.” How thankful we can be that God forgives and forgets. He blots out the past and gives us the chance to start all over again with a new clean record, just as if we had never sinned. If you never tried to skate Till you're certain not to fall, You'd be walking all the time— Never learn to skate at all. When wc have turned from the old life of sin, the wrong habits and pleasures, and have given our hearts to Jesus, He just asks us to keep walking humbly with Him from then on. ש What does Jesus require that His children do? My little children. these things write I unto you, THAT YE SIN NOT/' I John 2: 1. ₪ Will anyone be lost because of doing that which he did not know was wrong ? Certainly not! Notice what the Bible says, Therefore to him that KNOWETH to do good, and DOETH it NOT. to him it is sin. James 4: 17. If we want to be saved we must study God’s Word so we can learn what Jesus expects of us. If we study and follow all of the light of truth as it comes to us, we are in a saved condition. If we should die, while we are obeying all we know, or have the opportunity to know, Jesus would save us. As we continue to study, the path to Heaven will become very clear to us. ₪ What is absolutely necessary in living a daily Christian life? PRAY without ceasing. 1 These. 5: 17. And He spake a parable unto them to this end. that men ought always to PRAY and not to faint Luke 18: 1. If we are going to live a pure life as followers of Jesus, we must pray daily. Prayer is talking with Jesus. He wants us to talk to Him; He hears every sincere prayer. Take your heartaches and your disappointments as well as your joys to Him, and He will hear and help you. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so TO WALK, even AS HE WALKED. 1 John 2: 6. He that saith. I know him. and keepeth not his command· ments. is a liar, and the truth is not in him. I John 2: 4. And hereby we do know that we know him. if we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. 1 John 2: 3. Please notice that if we are to abide (live) in Jesus, we ought to walk with Him. If we claim to follow Him and refuse to obey His commandments, we are not telling the truth. If we are to be saved, we must be willing to obey His teachings — His commandments. HELPS IN CHRISTIAN LIVING m Where may we learn what Jesus taught; And how can we live without sinning? THY WORD have 1 hid in mine heart, that I might not sin c-gainst thee . . . Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Psa. 119: 11. 9. THE WORDS that I speak unto you. they are spirit, and they are life. John 6: 63. God’s Word, the Bible, shows us how to live for Jesus. We dare not follow what people tell us unless we know it agrees with what the Bible teaches. That is why we should read and study it. In the final judgment wc will be judged by the standards revealed in the Bible. It would be helpful for you to memorize the Lord’s prayer. You can find it in Matthew 6: 913־. Begin today to follow Jesus by faith. Some one might say, ”1 am afraid to make a start for fear I might fall.” Suppose a child would say to his parents, ”Yes, I believe every child should learn to walk, but you see it’s this way with me: I’ve seen little babies start trying to walk. Over and over they fall down, then start cry־ ing. I’ve made up my might I won’t start walking till I’m sure I can make it and that I will never fall.” Sup-pose a girl would say, ”I'll never start to roller skate until I am absolutely sure I’LL never fall down.” Take the first steps toward Jesus — follow Him. If you fall, go to the Lord in prayer. He will help you rise again. But never give up! Jesus promises, ”Be faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.” Rev. 2: 10. THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Matthew 6: 9-13. MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson 5 If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned the memory verse?................................................................................... (Par. 3). (Par. 4). Have you learned the Lord’s Prayer?.................................................... If one is to find salvation, what is his first need? (Par. 1).......................... According to Acts 16: 31, what must one do to be saved? ............................... In Acts 3:19 Peter says the next step to take in order to be saved is to............... The next step toward salvation is...................................................... If you have done wrong to someone else we should: (Cross out the wrong statements) a. Tell everybody about it. c. Ask that person to forgive us. b. Ask God to forgive us. d. Just try to forget all about it. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. 8. God has promised that He will cast all of our confessed sins into the..:״:.........of the sea, and he will ..........................them no more. (Par 6—8.) 9. We can know that our sins are forgiven when we repent, a. Because people say so. b. Because Jesus has promised, and we have faith in His Word and believe Him. c. Because we feel that we are forgiven. (Make a circle around the right answer.) 10. John 6: 37 promises, "Him me I will in no wise................. and according to verse 6, 11. According to I John 2: 3, we know Him if we. we "ought also to walk even as.............-... 12. Indicate which of the following statements are true and which are false: a. We can know what is right by what people tell us. TRUE FALSE -י· b. The Bible is the only sure guide to right. TRUE FALSE c. Some people want to be saved but Jesus won’t save them. TRUE FALSE d. Jesus will punish a person for wrong, even if that person doesn’t know any better. TRUE FALSE e. Prayer is talking with Jesus, and every junior should pray daily. TRUE FALSE THE LESSON IN A NUTSHELL If we realize our sinful condition and desire to change Jesus will help and save us. Steps to salvation are, Repent-ance—turning from the old ways of sin; confession of our sins; studying God’s Word to learn Jesus’ commandments; walking every day with Jesus; praying daily for His keeping power. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Hurry and send this lesson in so you will receive Lesson 6 sooner. Here are some of the things you will study: How old is our world? Why did Noah make a boat and take all of the animals into it? Why are there so many different languages? Where did the Is-raelites (Jews) originate? Why did God permit His people to he sold as slaves? Was Jesus or man the organizer of the first church? How long ago did Jesus live? What became of the disciples? JUNIOR SERMON Text: “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with ex· ceeding Joy.“ Jude 24. When you give your heart to Jesus, you can know positively that He can save you and keep you from falling. Those who think Jesus doesn’t want to save them do not understand His great love for His children. A child falls into the stormy sea, and is sinking. Quickly a lifeboat is lowered. The father and sailors rush to the rescue. Maybe only a little hand can be seen above the angry waves. They row des-perately toward that hand. The father reaches far over the edge of the lifeboat for that little helpless hand. He pulls his dear child into the boat and to safety. He would risk everything for that child. Jesus is that anxious to save you. Will you pray just now: ״Dear Jesus, I give my life to thee. Please forgive all my sins. Hold my hand; show me Thy way, and lead me home at last. Amen.” Have you given your heart to Jesus be- fore?.......... If not, will you not do so now?.................:... MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name...................... ..... (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age....... School Grade......... Street and No.................. ........- City............................ State..................-........ Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53,_CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON SIX FROM EDEN TO EDEN Memory Verse: "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." Isa. 65: 17. dren grew till bye and bye they had children of their own, so there came to be many people on the earth. H THE EARLY PATRIARCHS. As you read Genesis 3, you will be surprised to see how long Adam’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren lived. The earth was young; people had not yet felt the full effects of long years of sin. Since they were much stronger physically in those days, many of them lived for more than nine hundred years. Methuselah lived the longest — 969 years. Some of these men were very obedient to God. The head of each family was called a patriarch or "father.’’ These godly men taught their children the story of creation and in-structed them in the things which the Lord had revealed to their fathers before them. In those early days God’s messages to His followers were passed on from one generation to another by these patriarchs or heads of families. THIS lesson is different from former lessons. It will be a help to you in all your future Bible study, if you have a clear picture in your mind of the history of God’s people from the beginning of the world down to the end of time. You should begin reading the Bible through so you can learn all of these things for yourself. In just one lesson we can’t possibly go into detail about the past 6000 years; we can touch only a few of the most important events from the Garden of Eden, down to Eden restored. In reviewing this long period of time we will consider twelve main events. Q THE CREATION AND THE ENTRANCE OF SIN. We have studied how this world was created by God. Adam and Eve were placed in the beautiful garden of Eden and were the rulers of the earth. Ac-cording to the Bible record, the creation of this earth and the creation of Adam and Eve took place about 6000 years ago. Because Adam and Eve yielded when Satan tempted them into sin, they were driven from Eden. After that, as long as they lived, they were sub-ject to suffering, pain, and sorrow. Two sons, Cain and Abel, were born to Adam and Eve (See Genesis 4: 1, 2). Abel was true to God, but Cain chose to follow Satan. One day Cain became angry and killed Abel, who was offering a sacrifice as an act of worship. The lamb which he offered was a type* or an object lesson pointing forward to Jesus. By offering a lamb, Abel showed his faith that Jesus would some day come and die for his sins and redeem him from death. Later, other children besides Cain and Abel were born to Adam and Eve (See Genesis 3: 4). These chil- Children were born to Noah’s children, and in a few years there were again many people on the earth. Some of them said, “Let’s build a great tower so that if an-other flood comes, we shall not be drowned!’’ But had they obeyed God’s Word, they need not have feared another flood. They began building this tower. To halt their rebellious plan, God caused them to begin to speak different languages. Since they could no longer under-stand each other, they quit building the tower of Babel and went out into different parts of the earth to live. To this day we find different languages spoken throughout the world. Π CALL OF ABRAHAM. After many years peo-pie forgot about the flood — forgot God’s warnings against sin. A very few remained true to God; one outstanding man was Abraham, in Ur of the Chaldees (the land of Babylon). And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him lor righteousness. Gen. 15: 6. Now the Lord had said unto Abram [Abraham]. Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. Gen. 12: 1. Because most of Abraham’s relatives worshiped idols and ignored God, the Lord asked Abraham to leave them and go to another land — Palestine. This was a little more than 400 years after the flood. God promised to bless Abraham’s children and to make of him a great nation although he had no children at that time. When Abraham and Sarah were very old the Lord remembered His promise and gave them a son, Isaac. B THE FLOOD. As time went on, people became more and more wicked and would not listen to God’s messages sent by His prophets and patriarchs. About fourteen hundred years after creation God gave this message to Noah, one of the patriarchs: My Spirit shall not always strive with man: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years . . . And God looked upon the earth, and. behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. . . . And. behold. I, even I. do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. Gen. 6: 3. 12. 17. God told Noah that He would allow the world to continue 120 years and then destroy it by a great flood. The Lord told Noah to build an ark — a great boat. All who would repent of their sins could enter that ark before the flood came. Only by entering the ark could they be saved. Noah preached 120 years, but only eight persons ac-cepted the last invitation of mercy and entered the ark — Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. The animals obeyed God and came into the ark. Some of each kind were saved, in order that after the flood there would be animals on the earth. It is terrible to think that almost everyone refused to obey God and to enter the ark. Millions were drowned when the flood came because they didn’t be-lieve and heed the warnings. All land life on earth was destroyed. Animals, fish, trees, and people were buried deep in the earth. Fearful earthquakes caused great mountain ranges to rise up. The flood lasted nearly a year. After the water went down, Noah and his family and the animals came out of the ark. for their sins. Moses wrote all of this in a book. (You can read in your Bible about these laws and cere-monies — in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.) Moses led God’s people, Israel, through the wilder-ness to Canaan. But they were afraid to enter the land as God had instructed them because of the threats of heathen nations already there. They did not trust God, so they were forced to wander forty years in the wil-derness. At the end of this period they obeyed God, and went in, and conquered Canaan and settled there. The Lord sent godly men, judges, to lead and counsel His people. After many years they demanded a king; Saul was chosen. Because he became disobedient, the Lord next chose David. He became a very great king and built up the kingdom of Israel. H DISOBEDIENCE AND SLAVERY AGAIN. The kingdom was divided into two parts in the days of Rehoboam, David’s grandson: (a) The kingdom of Judah (ruled by the descendants of David) ; (b) the kindom of Israel. For a period of several hundred years, various kings ruled over God’s people. Solomon, David’s son, had been instructed by the Lord to build a temple in Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom. This temple became the center of all their worship. If Israel had been true to God and had obeyed His laws, they would have grown more and more prosper-ous and would have been leaders for God. Instead of recognizing God as supreme, Israel went further and further in sin. God sent prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and others to warn Isaac obeyed God as Abraham, his father, had obeyed. Two sons were born to him: Esau and Jacob. Because Jacob (later called Israel) obeyed God, the Lord took a special interest in him and blessed him. Twelve sons were born to him; the Hebrew race, often called the Jewish race, has descended from these twelve sons of Jacob. Because of a famine in Palestine the family of Jacob moved into Egypt and there they increased to very large numbers. Because the Egyptians were afraid that Israel (the descendants of Jacob) might become too powerful, they forced them to become their slaves. g FROM SLAVERY TO AN ISRAELITISH KINGDOM. God did not forget His promises to Abraham. More than 400 years later God called Moses, a fugitive Israelitish shepherd in Midian, to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt into Palestine (or Canaan). Moses, together with Aaron, his brother, went before Pharaoh, the Egyptian king, and asked that Israel be allowed to go free. Pharaoh scoffed at the idea, and not until the terrible plagues had fallen on the Egyptians did the king release Israel. In their escape from Egypt the Lord made a path for the Israelites right through the Red Sea. Moses led the people to Mt. Sinai in the Arabian Peninsula. There the Lord gave them THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, written with His own finger on tables of stone. They had been taught that law before, but now they had it in God’s hand-writing in stone, so no one could ever change it. God also gave Moses all the laws which were to govern Israel. He told Moses just how they were to offer the sacrifies which pointed forward, in type, to the time when Jesus, the Lamb of God, would be slain CHRIST HEALING THE SICK Toward the end of Jesus’ ministry, one of the dis-ciples turned traitor and betrayed his Master. Jesus was falsely accused, given an unfair trial, and on Friday afternoon He was crucified. He rested in the tomb over the Sabbath. Early Sunday morning an angel de-scended from Heaven and called Jesus from the dead. For forty days He remained with His disciples. Then one day as He was walking out of Jerusalem, up the mount of Olives, He said to His disciples: Ye shall receive power . . . and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1: 8. (While they were together on the Mount of Olives, sud-denly:) he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said. Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts 1: 911־. Jesus was taken to Heaven where as our great High Priest He now pleads for us. It has been more than 1900 years since Jesus left this earth. □ JEWISH NATION REJECTED AND GEN-TILES ACCEPTED. About three and a half years later the Jews stoned Stephen to death. No longer was the Jewish nation recognized as God’s chosen people. They had sealed their doom by their act of stoning Stephen, who was one of the officers in the early Christian church. However, Jews can be saved as indi-viduals. Israel of their sins and the punishment that would fol-low if they did not repent. But Israel refused to obey God, so He allowed surrounding nations to come in and to attack and to overcome them. God’s chosen people were carried into slavery. While men were later allowed to return to rebuild Jerusalem, never again was the glory of their former kingdom ever restored. This captivity took place about six hundred years before Christ. For a period of several hundred years there is very little recorded of the ac-tivities of God’s people, either in Palestine or in the lands where many were taken as captives. Daniel, whose prophecies we will study later, was among those who were taken captive to Babylon, yet re-mained true to God. Ezra and Nehemiah, and others later helped to re-establish God’s people in Jerusalem and Palestine. Q THE PROMISED DELIVERER. After several years a baby was born in Bethlehem. Listen! And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2: 8-14. This is the sweetest story in all of the Bible. At last the Saviour had come! Jesus had come, and the angel said of Him, "Thou shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.’’ Jesus began His ministry after His baptism at thirty years of age. Jesus preached, taught, and healed the sick for three and one-half years, but the Jewish leaders had strayed so far from God that they refused to accept Jesus. Though they were offering lambs and sacrifices, they failed to recognize that these pointed forward to Jesus and His sacrifice. Jesus chose twelve apostles who were to become leaders in the Christian church. He taught them how to work and pray. Jesus founded the early church. He said unto Peter: Upon this rock [Christ] I will build my CHURCH and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matt. 16: 18. (In regard to the authority given to the church see Matt. 18: 17, 18.) [Π THE DARK AGES. About three hundred years after the Christian church was founded, high govern-ment officials began to join the church and it grew in popularity. The organized church became proud and worldly. By the sixth century the church was very solidly established and its leaders set themselves up as spiritual rulers, corrupting the simple gospel of Jesus. Many false doctrines were brought in to the church by these false religious leaders. For about twelve hundred years there was great spiritual darkness. This period is called "The Dark Ages." During this time the false leaders kept the Bible from the people, for fear they would learn the truth and rebuke the church for its false teachings. But even during these long dark years God had many faithful followers. But they were bit-terly oppressed and were hunted out by the organized church which had grown so corrupt. Thousands, yes millions, of these faithful followers were slain for their faith. They are called "martyrs." Q| THE REFORMATION. About four hundred years ago some well-educated, godly men began to pray and to study the scriptures — the Bible. They discov-ered how far the church had strayed from the original teachings of Jesus. These men began to preach that the followers of Christ should reform (return to original Bible teachings). This resulted in a great religious awakening — an appeal to all to reform and return to the Bible. This mighty revival was called the "Refor-mation." We should thank God that we can live in a day when we are allowed to read and study the Bible, and know the truth. [H EDEN RESTORED. For the last hundred years special emphasis has been given to preaching about the coming kingdom of Jesus. Several of our future lessons will deal with this; next week we will study about HEAVEN — Eden restored! HRIST BLESSING THE CHILDREN THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Paul, a leading Jew, who took part in the stoning of Stephen, was soon afterwards converted and became the great missionary to the Gentiles. Regarding the Jewish leaders’ rejection of Jesus, Paul later said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, 10, WE TURN TO THE GENTILES. Act 13: 46. All who are not Jews are classed as Gentiles. Now, Jews and Gentiles alike can find salvation in accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour. His blood covers the sins of all who will come unto Him, in faith. 0 THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH GREW RAPIDLY AND PROSPERED. And the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. . . . And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2: 41, 47. From Jerusalem and Judea the gospel was carried to other parts of the world, and the Christian church grew in power. Thousands of those early Christians were put to death for their faith, by the heathen Roman government, which at that time, was ruling most of the known world. All but one of the disciples, John the beloved, were killed for their faith. But in spite of persecution, the church grew in size and power. MY ANSWERS Test Paper, Lesson Six If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?..................................................................... 2. Adam and Eve’s first two sons were named............. and...............Some of their other children live as long as...........years. (See Par. 1, 2). 3. God told Noah to build a great................because He was going to destroy the earth with a.......... Only.................persons were saved besides some animals. 4. Put a circle around the true statements in the following (Par. 4): a. God called Abraham because he was rich. b. God called Abraham because he was willing to obey. c. Abraham had a son named Isaac. d. Isaac did not obey God. e. Jacob had twelve sons. 5. God told Moses to lead Israel out of..............through the desert and finally in to.................. On the way they stopped at Mt................ where God gave the TEN................................... written on tables of................... 6. The second king of Israel was called.................(Par. 5). Later God’s people ceased to obey God’s the Lord allowed them to be taken Babylon. 7. After about 600 years..............was born in..................Wicked men nailed him to the............ 8. One who took part in the stoning of Stephen was named..................... He later became a great mis- sionary to the................ (Par.8). 9. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: a. Jesus had fourteen disciples. b. The disciples were to be leaders in the early church. c. Judas was a disciple and he betrayed Jesus. d. All of the disciples were killed as martyrs. 10. For many years the church grew in power and high government officials joined the church. Many false ...............began to come into the church. Finally the church went so far in sin as to persecute God’s true..........................(Par. 10). 11. To reform means to..................................................................................... The Reformation began about......................hundred years ago. 12. The Christian world is now looking forward to the coming kingdom of........................ THE LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The Lord placed man in the garden of Eden. After sin entered men grew worse and worse till the Lord destroyed the wicked by a flood. After the flood the world again be-came wicked. God called Abraham and told him that his children were to become a great nation—God’s chosen people. Israel later turned to idolatry and re-fused to obey God's commandments. When Jesus came, they crucified Him. The gospel was carried to the rest of the world. After a time apostasy entered. For over one thousand years there was great spiritual darkness; faithful Christians were persecuted by the fallen church. During the past four hundred years there has been a great revival in the study of the Bible. The next event to which God’s people look forward is the coming of the Kingdom of Jesus. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Lesson 7 is a thrilling study about Heaven—Eden restored. Will there be animals in Heaven? Will there be chil-dren there? Do people eat or work in Heaven? Will we know each other in Heaven? What does Heaven look like? JUNIOR SERMON Text: “In all their affliction he was afflicted ... in his love and | in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.’’ Isa. 63: 9. God has led His people through all of ; their past trials. When His people have suffered, He has suffered with them. ! As we see God’s care over His people, in days gone by, we should appreciate more His deep love for us. In every j trial that comes to you He suffers with j you. j God has promised to guide you. He says, ,,and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ׳ ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, j ! and when ye turn to the left.” Isa. 30: 21. : Won’t you listen to the voice of Jesus? | In ages past His people have so often \ disappointed Him. Will you pray: ,,Dear | 1 Jesus, I give myself to Thee to follow in ! Thy way. Keep me from going astray. j Lead me to Heaven, at last, I pray. Amen.” MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name............................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age.......School Grade.......... Street and No.............................. City............................ State........................... Teacher's Remarks: Now mail this lesson and test paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. WHAT AND WHERE IS HEAVEN? Memory Verse: For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind, Isa. 65: 17. Pamphlets Where are the righteous finally to live? Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth. . . . Prov. 11: 31. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Matt. 5: 5. The saved will be rewarded right here on earth. This earth, after it has been made new, is to be the home of the righteous. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus pointed forward to the time when God’s will would ”be done /// earth as it is in heaven.” That day is coming! WE HAVE studied about the creation of the world and about the entrance of sin and how God for about 6000 years has been pleading with men to turn from sin, so that they might live with Him in heaven. In this lesson we will study about that beautiful, eter-nal home, which Jesus is preparing for His people. You will be surprised to learn how real and wonderful heaven will be. GOD'S ORIGINAL PLAN TO BE ACCOMPLISHED WHERE IS HEAVEN NOW? El What is Jesus now preparing for His people? In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14: 2, 3. Jesus is with His Father in heaven and is preparing many mansions in the New Jerusalem, for His people. m What is found in Paradise? ... To him that overcometh will I give to eat of THE TREE OF LIFE, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Rev. 2: 7. The tree of life is in Paradise, and it is near the throne of God. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, WAS THERE THE TREE OF LIFE, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the na-tions. Rev. 22: 1, 2. In Revelation 21:2, the Holy City of heaven is spoken of as the "New Je-rusale in.” The throne of God is in the center of the New Jerusalem and Jesus will be there. . . . But the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it. . . . Rev. 22: 3. Π Why did God create this world? For thus saith the Lord . . . that formed the earth; ... he created it not in vain, he formed it TO BE INHABITED. . . . Isa. 45: 18. This world was created to be inhabited. Eden— paradise—was to have been man’s home. But sin en-tered, and God’s original plan was marred. Neverthe-less, God will bring our sin-cursed world back to its original Edenic beauty. For the Lord . . . will make her wilderness like Eden, and ' her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of mel- ody. Isa. 51: 3. in Micah 4: 8 we read: ”Unto thee shall it come, even the FIRST dominion.” From this we understand that Eden will be restored. The first Eden was lost through sin. We may find a home in Eden restored by letting Jesus save us from sin. How thankful we should be that the Lord will make this wicked world of ours into a place of beauty —a place of never-ending joy and gladness. ΨΧ To what did Peter look forward ? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heaven and a new earth ... II Pet. 3: 13. This is the same thought as is presented in our mem-ory verse, a promise that this old world of ours is to be rc-created. The first three chapters of the Bible speak about Eden and the entrance of sin; the last three chapters speak about the end of sin and Eden restored. Η Why need no child ever be afraid in that city? . . . None shall make him afraid. Jer. 30: 10. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and THE LAMB IS THE LIGHT THEREOF. Rev. 21: 23. Children often are afraid of the dark, although they need not fear if they are following Jesus. But in that Holy City there will be no darkness. No one need be afraid. In the streets of that beautiful city there will be no danger of accidents. The children can play safely in those streets. The streets oI the city shall be iull of boys and girls PLAY-ING IN THE STREETS thereof. Zech. 8: 5. THE HOLY CITY DESCENDS TO THE EARTH ש How is the earth to be cleansed of sin ? The elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein SHALL BE BURNED UP . . . Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelieth righteousness. II Pet. 3: 10, 13. Jesus has promised to return and take His follow-ers to heaven. At a later time, this earth will be cleansed by fire. All marks of sin will be destroyed. The earth will be re-created—fresh and beautiful and sinless. Ξ At the time that the earth is purified, what wonder-ful event takes place? And he shewed me that great city, the HOLY JERUSALEM. DESCENDING out of heaven from God . . . And I, John saw the holy city, NEW JERUSALEM COMING DOWN from God out of heaven . . . Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and HE WILL DWELL WITH THEM, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Rev. 21: 10, 2, 3. The wonderful promise, ,,The meek shall inherit the earth,” will be fulfilled. After all traces of sin have been removed, this earth is to be the home of God’s people. This earth—the birth and burial place of Jesus, the place where He fought His death-struggle with Satan—will become the capital of God’s uni-verse. The Holy City is to be on this earth for all time. The redeemed will go forth out of the city, to inhabit the beautiful re-created NEW EARTH—Eden restored. LIFE ON THE NEW EARTH ₪ What will be some of the activities in the new earth ? For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind . . . And they shall BUILD HOUSES and inhabit them; and they shall PLANT VINEYARDS, and eat the fruit of them. Isa. 65: 17, 21. What a pleasure it will be to build a house just the way we want it, to have all the materials we need, and to plant gardens and vineyards which will not be destroyed by pests. How we shall enjoy the fruit of our labor! Probably, many children will build play-houses for which they longed. Aren’t you glad that life in the new earth will be so real? What are earthly pleasures in comparison to those joys which the saved will enjoy forever in the new earth? David says: ”At thy right hand there are pleas-ures for evermore.” A BANYAN TREE From beneath the throne of God is flowing a cool river, clear as crystal. On either side of this refreshing river grows the tree of life. In the Orient and in other parts of the world, visitors are always interested in the strange banyan tree. Sometimes one sees part of the tree trunk on one side of a wall and the other part of the trunk growing on the other side, yet it is all one tree with branches joined above. How beautiful must be that glorious tree of life—spanning the river of life! Won’t it be wonderful to eat of the fruit of that glorious tree which will bear twelve kinds of fruit and yield its fruit each month! You may ask, ”But why does the Bible say ’the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nation’? I thought no one would ever be sick in heaven?” When Jesus comes to gather His righteous follow-ers of all ages, they will be of varying statures. Many of the redeemed, in comparison to the perfect stature of Adam and Eve, will be mere dwarfs. But as they partake of the tree of life, they will grow up and be healed of the degenerating bodily effects of the past 6000 years of sin. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteous-ness arise with HEALING in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and GROW UP as calves of the stall. Mai. 4: 2. THAT BEAUTIFUL CITY ש What does the Bible say about the size and shape and appearance of that beautiful Heavenly City—the New Jerusalem ? . . . And he shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem . . . having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crys-tal; and had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels . . . And the wall of the city had twelve foundations . . . and the city lieth four-square . . . and he measured the city with a reed, twelve thousand furlongs . . . Rev. 21: 10, 11, 12, 14, 16. The city is built in the shape of a great square, 375 miles on each side, or 1500 miles all the way around. (12,000 furlongs: eight furlongs to a mile.) There are three gates on each side of the city, twelve altogether. Each gate is made of one beautiful pearl. (Rev. 21:21.) The street is paved with pure gold! (If you will read Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, you will learn much more about the beauty of that Heavenly City.) THE END OF SICKNESS AND SORROW ₪ When Jesus comes to gather His children, what physical handicaps will be forever ended? Then the EYES of the BLIND shall be OPENED, and the EARS of the DEAF shall be unstopped. Then shall the LAME man LEAP AS AN HART, and the TONGUE of the DUMB SING_____Isa. 35: 5, 6. And the inhabitant shall NOT SAY, I AM SICK. . . . Isa. 33: 34. A man, unable to move a hand or foot, unable to turn his head, lay on his bed in the hospital. This poor man had been in this condition for forty-two years since he was ten days old. As the minister read to him the above verses, his face brightened up; and he exclaimed: "Oh, heaven will be wonderful; I can be happy there!" Aren’t you glad Jesus will end all sickness and suf-fering and death? In the new earth the flowers will never fade, the people will never grow old, and no one will ever die. Only Jesus can bring an end to all of earth’s troubles. ₪ How will Jesus finally bring eternal joy to the saved ? And God shall WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS from their eyes; and there shall be NO MORE DEATH, neither SORROW, nor CRYING, neither shall there be any more PAIN: for the former things are PASSED AWAY. Rev. 21: 4. In that glad day, as Jesus forever wipes away our tears, all sorrow will end. I want to be there, don't you ? ₪ Who only can hope to enter that Holy City? Blessed are they who DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22: 14. ש Will people know each other? . . . We know that, when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM____I John 3: 2. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: . . . THEN SHALL I KNOW EVEN ALSO AS I AM KNOWN. I Cor. 13: 12. In Luke 24: 3943־ we have a picture of Jesus after His resurrection. These verses speak of His hands and feet and tell of His being hungry and of His eating. The saved will be as real as Jesus was, and they will have never-dying bodies that can eat, drink, feel, and enjoy the pleasures of that better world. A minister found his wife crying. When he asked the reason, she sobbed, "I’ve been thinking about heaven, and oh, I’m afraid we won’t know each other there?" He asked, "Don’t you think we will know as much then, when we are perfect, as we do now?” Paul says, "Then shall I know even as I am known." Here on earth we know people by their voices, their walk, their handshake, their laughter, and their faces. In heaven people will have glorified, sinless bodies; but they will still know each other. [Q What are some of the pets children will have in the new earth? The WOLF and the LAMB shall feed together, and the LION shall eat straw like the BULLOCK . . . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord. Isa. 65: 25. And the COW and the BEAR shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the OX . . . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain . . . And the WOLF also shall dwell with the lamb, and the LEOPARD shall lie down with the KID; and the CALF and the young lion and the failing together; and a little child shall lead them. Isa. 11: 7, 9, 6. Only those who have become children of God and are willing to obey His com-mandments will be able to enter that wonderful, eternal home. If we expect to alk the street of gold, we must walk with Jesus now. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself so to walk, even as he walked. I John 2: 6. Has your heart been maac sad by the death of a little pet bunny or a dog or a kitten ? Here in this world of sin, our pets die, but in the new earth they will never die; every child can have all the pets that it wants. None of the animals will be wild or fierce. Test Paper Lesson 7 MY ANSWERS Fill in the answers to these questions from memory. If you are not sure of any answer, then look up that point in the lesson. If you can answer II of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT; if you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD; if you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Can you repeat the memory verse?.................................................................... 2. God made this world to be................, and it is His plan to make it again like the garden of........... (See Par. 1.) 3. Where is the home of the righteous, finally to be?.......................... (Par. 3) 4. Where is Jesus at present?.........................(Par. 4) ר. Give several names for heaven........................................................... (Par. 5) 6. What benefit will be derived from the leaves of the tree of life?........................................... ................................................................................................. (Par. 5) 7. Fill in the following: The Holy City is built in the shape of a................... It is miles on each side, or ..............miles all the way around the walls. There are gates on each side, or ..............altogether. The street of the city is paved with pure............... We may read about the Holy City in Revelation, chapters.........and.......... (Par. 6) 8. Who will forever dwell with man after sin is ended?..............................(Par. 9) 9. What are some of the things people will do in the new earth? (Par. 10)................. 10. Draw a circle around the true statements: a. We will change so much that we won’t know each other. b. People will eat food in heaven. c. We will be like Jesus. d. We will sometimes get tired in heaven. 11. Name at least six animals that will be found in the new earth. (Par. 12) 12. In heaven there will be no more.......................................................................... (Name four things.) (See Pars. 14 and 15.) If we are to be saved, we should now accept Jesus as our Saviour and Keep His...................................... LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Satan brought sin into this world, ruin-ing the beautiful garden of Eden, but Jesus has promised to make the earth per-feet again. When Jesus comes, He will take His children to heaven. After the earth has been cleansed of sin, the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven; and God's people will make their home in the new earth. There will be no more sorrow or sickness or death. If we are to be saved, we must accept Jesus as our Saviour and keep His com-mandments. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON What will become of the wicked? Will a God of love burn them forever? When and how will the wicked be punished? What and where is hell? Don't fail to send in this week's test paper quickly so you can get your next lesson immediately. Every Junior should know the answers to these questions which are answered in our next lesson! JUNIOR SERMON Text: Father, I will that they be with me where I am. . . . John 17: 24 Jesus is longing and praying for that day when He may come to gether His children to be with Him, and forever end this long reign of sin—of suffering, agony, and death. A conductor awakened a little girl, curled up on one of the seats in the train and asked, "Where’s your ticket, honey?” "Ticket? Do I have to have a ticket to go where Jesus is?” she asked as she looked up at the man. "Mama died and they buried her. She was always so good, and I want to see her so much. She used to sing to me about ,Life's Railway to Heaven.* Mister, won't this train take me to where Mama and Jesus are?" The kind-hearted conductor turned his head as tears came into his eyes. Right there he gave his heart to GocL He and his wife adopted that little girl. Some day, she and her mother will meet again, never to part. PRAYER Dear Jesus, I thank thee for Thy prom-ise of a beautiful home. Help me to live for Thee and be saved so I can live with Thee. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name (Last Name) (Middle Name) (First Name) Street and No.................................... City.................................. State................................. (IMease si^n your name the same on each lesson. (Jive change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. WHAT AND WHERE IS HELL? Memory Verse: "And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22: 12. B When does Jesus say sinners will be punished? For the SON of man SHALL COME in the glory of his Father with his angels; and THEN HE SHALL REWARD EVERY MAN according to his works. Matt. 16: 27. This verse, like our memory verse, states that no one will receive his reward until Jesus comes with all His angels. Therefore, the wicked are not now in a place called ”Hell.” The same shall judge him IN THE LAST DAY. John 12: 48. Again Jesus makes it clear that the wicked will be punished in the ”last day”—at the end of the world. One day, in our radio mail we received a pamphlet entitled, ”Forty-eight Hours in Hell,” and written by a man who was injured in a mine accident. He believed that during the time that he was unconscious he was in hell and he told of the wicked who were there—suf-fering in torment. But is that what Jesus teaches? Π When will fire destroy all sinners? The field is the world . . . The enemy that sowed them (the wicked seed) is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and BURNED in the fire; so shall it be IN THE END OF THE WORLD. Matt. 13: 39, 40. If someone asks, ”Do you think the wicked are now burning in a place called ,heir? ” you can answer; ”No Jesus says the wicked will be destroyed by fire at the end of the world!” B What great event docs Jesus say is still in the fu-tu re ? The hour is coming; in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the RESURRECTION OF LIFE; and they that have done evil, unto the RESURRECTION OF DAMNA-TION. John 5: 28, 29. What would be the need of calling the wicked from their graves in the resurrection day if they were already in hell ? Why should they come up for judgment at the end of the world if they have already been in hell hundreds or thousands of years? That would be very unreasonable and unfair, wouldn’t it? Jesus teaches that the wicked sleep in their graves until the resurrection day, when they will come forth to receive their punishment. They are not now suffering in hell! Pamphlet IN OUR last lesson we studied about the eternal home of the righteous. Those who accept Jesus as their Saviour and obey His commandments will live with Him eternally. Jesus has given each person the privilege of choosing, whether he will be obedient and be saved, or whether he will continue in sin and be lost. There are millions who pay no attention to what the Bible teaches; they will not listen to Jesus; they refuse to obey His commandments. It is impossible for Jesus to take them in their sins to Heaven. What will be-come of these? In looking for an answer to this ques-tion it is not safe to take man’s word. Always make it a rule to insist on knowing exactly what THE BIBLE teaches on every important question. Only God can give us the true answer. HOW MANY ARE NOW IN HELL? π In what direction are most people traveling? Wide is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadth to DESTRUCTION, and MANY there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matt. 7: 13-14. These are sad words from Jesus. There are far more wicked people in the world than there are good people. All who refuse to follow the right way will be lost. Those who neglect to get ready for heaven can-not be saved. Many religions of the world teach that when a wicked person dies he goes immediately to a place called ”Hell,” where he is tormented with fire forever and ever. Many of the heathen religions have taught this for centuries. Several hundred years ago this false teaching came into the Christian church. But the ques-tion is, ”What docs the BIBLE teach?” ΨΧ Does punishment by fire begin at death, or at a later time? But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, RESERVED unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. II Pet. 3: 7. Peter makes it clear that the cleansing of the world of sin, by fire, is still future. Paul teaches the same in Acts 24: 25 when he warned a wicked ruler about the ”Judgment to come." The wicked are not to be de-stroyed by fire until they have been judged. the second death—from which there will be no awak-ening. In order to make a complete end of sin, God must destroy sinners. God is a God of love and He does not delight in torturing the wicked endlessly. Tortur-ing the lost throughout eternity would not be justice. Some of those who will be lost have been terribly wicked while others have neglected to accept Jesus as their Saviour. Would it be right that all should be tor-mented in hell-fire forever? What will happen to the fire that cleanses the earth of sin and sinners? Behold, they shall be as stubble; the lire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall NOT BE A COAL to warm at, NOR FIRE to sit before it. Isa. 47: 14. No fire, not even one hot coal, will be left when the wicked are destroyed. David adds: But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: THEY SHALL CONSUME; INTO SMOKE shall they consume away ... For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt dili-gently consider HIS PLACE, and it SHALL NOT BE. Psa. 37: 20, 10. The destruction of the wicked will be so complete that no sign of their having existed will remain. Ξ How will God bring to an end our memory of the sad past ? And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Rev. 21: 4. How kind God is! His heart aches for the lost. In loving pity Jesus will take the great ”handkerchief” of His mercy and wipe away the tears. He will wipe away the sad memories of the past. In Isaiah 65: 17 we read: ”The former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” And our text says ”neither shall there be any more pain.” There will be a complete end to the suf-fering of the lost. DIFFICULT TEXTS ₪ You may ask: "But do not some Bible texts speak of 'eternal torment’ which will last 'forever and ever,’ of 'eternal fire,’ and 'unquenchable fire?” (If this para-graph seems too difficult for you, do not worry about it. Just go on to paragraph eleven.) As space does not permit a full explanation only a few brief remarks are made. FOREVER AND EVER—Rev. 14: 11 and smiliar texts refer to the word "forever.” The word "forever” in the Bible is often used to describe the life-time of an individual; it is a term of indefinite time until the con-dition changes. (II Kings 5: 27; Ex. 21: 6; I Sam. 1: 22.) In Jonah 2: 6 the prophet refers to only three days as "forever.” The term "forever” does not prove at all that the wicked will always burn. ETERNAL FIRE—Jude 7 speaks of Sodom and Gomorrah, two wicked cities which were destroyed by "eternal fire,” in the time of Abraham. But they are not burning still. When God’s unquenchable fire had destroyed sin and sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah it ceased to burn. WHERE IS HELL? ש How does the Bible describe the final punishment of the wicked? But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished . . . And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and FIRE came down from God out of heaven, and DEVOURED THEM. And the devil that de-ceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. . . . And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into THE LAKE OF FIRE. Rev. 20: 5, 9, 14, 15. The wicked, those who have continued in rebellion against God, will be raised in the second resurrection and it is on this earth that they receive their punish-ment. There is no terrible chamber of horror called ”Hell.” The destruction of the wicked takes place here on this earth. In order to cleanse the universe of sin sinners are to be ”devoured” by fire. THE COMPLETE END OF SIN H What happens to the wicked when they burn ? For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh SHALL BURN THEM UP, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them NEITHER ROOT NOR BRANCH. Mai. 4: 1. And ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ASHES under the soles of your feet. Mai. 4: 3. The wicked will be completely burned up—reduced to ashes. You may read of some of the terrible things men have written, describing the torments of the wicked, forever and ever in hell-fire. But the Bible teaches clearly that the lost will be completely destroyed. Jesus says in John 3: 36 that the lost, ”shall not see life.” The punishment for sin is everlasting death— It will be a fearful day when the wicked stand be-fore the Judge; when they see the face of Jesus Whom they have neglected, ignored, or despised. Jesus has put forth every effort possible, to save them. At last, as they bow in shame and without excuse, all will cry out and confess, "that Jesus Christ is Lord” and "He is just!” Remember, not one individual will be destroyed un-less he has rejected the opportunity to be saved. Jesus will save all who will accept Him as the Saviour but He cannot save us in our sin. Those who knowingly cling to sin must pay the death penalty—the second death. ₪ Since the universe is to be entirely cleansed from sin, how should we now live ? Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner afr persons ought ye to be in all HOLY CONVER-SATION and GODLINESS . . . Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, BE DILIGENT that ye may be found of him in peace WITHOUT SPOT, and BLAMELESS. II Pet. 3: 11, 14. God will soon set fire to the horrible rubbish-pile of sin in this old world. He is going to purge the uni-verse of the very memory of sin. Sin will be destroyed wherever found. In mercy Jesus pleads with you to for-sake sin so that you will not be destroyed in the last days. ₪ Who will be kept out of heaven ? And there shall in no wise enter into it ANYTHING THAT DEFILETH, neither WHATSOVER WORKETH ABOMINA-TION, or MAKETH A LIE: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev. 21: 27. And whosoever was NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE was cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 20: 15. Won’t you give up all sin and give your heart to Jesus just now? No sin-defiled heart can enter Heaven! It was sin that nailed Jesus to the cross. You won’t hold on to it, will you? Let Jesus free you from sin and write your name in the Book of LIFE NOW. ₪ How anxious is Jesus to forgive ? I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions FOR MINE OWN SAKE, and will not remember thy sins. Isa. 43: 25. For His own sake He wants to save you. He can-not bear to think of one soul being lost. Will you say, "Jesus, I surrender all?” -THE DAY COMETH, THAT SHALL BURN AS AN OVEN.” UNQUENCHABLE FIRE—Mark 9: 4348־. Just outside Jerusalem, was the valley of Gehenna, where they cast all refuse, dead animals, and even the bodies of criminals. The fires in the valley of Gehenna were always burning and the ever-present worms ate what the fire missed. Some translators of the Bible have translated this word "valley” as HELL, because it was often thus referred to by the Jews of that day. Matt. 3: 12. "Unquenchable fire” also destroyed Jerusalem (Jer. 17: 27), but that fire burned only as long as there was something left to burn. So it will be at the end of the world. The texts in paragraphs six to nine clearly show that the wicked will be completely destroyed by the fire that purifies the earth. All traces of sin and sin-ners will be forever removed from God’s universe. A GOD OF LOVE ש How does Jesus feel about the destruction of the lost ? Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezek. 33: 11. Oh, why won’t people listen to Jesus now? Why won’t they accept His love and follow Him all the way now? Why will they put off obeying Jesus until it is too late? Why will they die in their sin and be among those who will be lost? m What is Jesus’ attitude toward the sad work of de-stroying the lost? For the Lord shall ... do his work, his STRANGE WORK; and bring to pass his act, his STRANGE ACT. Isa. 28: 21. The terrible work of destroying the lost is a "strange act” for Jesus. His whole life was spent and sacrificed in trying to help and save men. It will be a fearful, heart-breaking hour when Jesus at last comes to do "His work, His strange work”; "His act, His strange act” of destroying those who have rejected His plead-ings—those for whom He gave His life! A strange sad story was printed in the newspapers a few years ago. The executioner in a certain prison was to electrocute a dangerous murderer. As the awful hour arrived, the executioner came to perform his duty. Imagine his horror when he recognized the crim-inal as a boyhood chum. Their lives had parted and they had not met until this fearful moment. The heart of the hardened crim-inal was touched as he met his friend of boyhood days. The executioner hesitated and said: "How can I do this? How can I take your life?” The prisoner broke down and said: "Jim, you’ve got to do it; I deserve it; I’ve lived in sin; I’ve broken the law; I have committed murder, and I deserve to die. You are only doing your duty, and I will not hold it against you.” ₪ What fearful hour is coming? For it is written, as I live, saith the Lord, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW to me, and EVERY TONGUE SHALL CON-FESS to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Rom. 14: 11, 12. MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lessen Eight if you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?......................................................................... 2. How many are now suffering in Hell?......................................................................... 3. When will the wicked be punished?.........................(Par. 3) 4. Where are the wicked dead now?...................................... (Par. 3) 5. The Bible says the wicked will be destroyed on the.. ... (Par. 6) 6. According to....................(give text) the wicked will be reduced to ashes. (Par. 7) According to..............(give text) the fire that destroys the wicked will go out completely. (Par. 8) According to...........(give text) no one will be able to tell even where the wicked have been. (Par. 8) 7. Rev. 21: 4 says, "And God shall.....*..................... all ........... from their eyes; and there shall be no more................, neither ..............., nor...................., neither shall there be any more ............for the............. things are...............................” 8. How does Jesus feel about having to destroy the lost?....................................... (Par. 12) 9. What will the wicked finally admit?..............................................................(Par. 13) 10. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: a. Some of the worst people are now in hell. b. It will hurt the heart of Jesus to destroy sinners. c. The wicked will never cease to suffer. d. If we repent of our sins now, Jesus will surely save us. 11. If we are to be saved our names must be written in the Book of.............. (Par. 15) 12. Have you tried to get some other Junior to enroll in this Junior Correspondence Course this week?............. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Those who have died without giving their hearts to Jesus are waiting in their graves until the Judgment Day. They will finally be raised to receive punish-ment, and will be destroyed by fire, on the earth. They will come to a complete end and will ,be as though they had not been.״ (Obadiah 16.) The memory of the past will be forgotten. Jesus dreads that day of punishment and pleads with all to repent now. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON ״Where Are the Dead?״ You will ap-predate every word of this wonderful les-son. Where are the dead at present? Do the dead know what is going on in the earth? Are the dead in heaven? Can we talk with the dead? Every Junior should study this next lesson without fail. Send in this lesson for correction immediately! JUNIOR SERMON Tut: 11Cast away from you all your transgressions, and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will yc die, 0 house of Israelt'* Ezek. 18: 31 Jesus longs to save every one of His children. There is nothing in all the uni-verse that hurts Him so much as to think of the destruction of even one for whom He gave His life. Said the doctor, ״Your little girl’s arm must be amputated (cut off) immediately or the blood-poisoning will soon take her life. There is not time to take her to the nearest hospital. We will have to operate without an anaesthetic.״ Think of the pain and grief it brought to the heart of that father as he held his little girl on the table during that dread-ful operation. Jesus feels with you as He cuts the poison of sin from your life. But the greatest sorrow will come to Him when He must destroy all sinners. They were His children but He cannot save them be-cause they would not let HIM. Won’t you pray, ״Dear Jesus, cut out all sin from my life now, so that I will not be shut out of Thy Kingdom at last. Amen.״ MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age..........j School Grade....... Street & No................................ City................ State............... Teacher’s Remarks: **'Γη*■® Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Your test-paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LIBRARY LESSON NINE s. D. A; THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ■■■ w M ■ן ■■ h■ ■■■ hm η■ ■η h PARK| WASHINGTON, Q> Cc WHERE ARE THE DEAD? ׳ Memory Verse: "I am the resurrection, and the life, he that be-lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11: 25 Many in civilized countries believe that a man goes to heaven at death, and that animals go to the earth. You probably have heard older persons talking about death or even arguing as to what happens to people when they die. As you read these Bible texts, you can know for sure what takes place at death; you will not need to be confused or worried. How thankful we should be that, in the Bible, God has given an answer to these difficult questions. Let us take the Bible only, as our guide, and believe it just as it reads: For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast . . . All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Eccl. 3: 19, 20. Could language be any plainer? When a person dies he is placed in the ground and remains there until the resurrection day. Very few believe that animals go to a spirit world. This text tells us plainly that men and animals die. alike—they breathe their last breath and return to dust. H Where will the dead be resting until the resurrec-tion day? Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are IN THE GRAVES shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. John 5: 28, 29. Juniors, this is a very important verse, coming direct from the lips of Jesus. He tells us that the dead are in their graves and that they will remain there until He calls them forth in the resurrection, which takes place at His second coming. Π According to Job, when will the dead be raised out of their sleep? So man lieth down, and riseth not: TILL THE HEAVENS BE NO MORE, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep ... If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Job 14: 12, 14. The dead lie in their graves and remain there until the clouds roll back as Jesus comes the second time. WE HAVE studied how sin entered this world, and how sin brought sickness and death. You will recall that Satan lied to Eve in the garden when he said: "Ye shall not surely die." Gen. 3: 4. To this very day, when people die, Satan tries to make peo-pie believe that they do not die. In our memory verse, Jesus states that a man does die, but promises that he shall live again. When we go to the Bible to learn about the dead and where they are, we are reading the words of Jesus, One Who knows and One Who can raise the dead to life again. π What do people fear the most and understand the least ? But man dieth, and wastest away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and WHERE IS HE? ... IF A MAN DIE, SHALL BE LIVE AGAIN? Job 14: 10, 14. Death is feared more than anything else, because so few people understand what death is, and what hap-pens to a person when he dies. In the wild jungle vil-lages of Borneo, when someone dies, the relatives beat drums and pound hollow logs, hoping the noise will frighten away the evil spirits which they think caused the death. Many Chinese, Indians and other people set off firecrackers, for the same purpose. Death reaches into every home, every town and every country. A home may be filled with happiness tonight and by morning filled with sorrow. The little babe may be cooing in the morning and be dead at night. Death enters everywhere: in hospitals, on high-ways and on the battlefield. How sad it makes us to receive a telegram stating that some loved one has sud-denly died! THE DEAD ARE NOT YET RAISED ΨΧ What do many people believe takes place when a person dies? Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? Eccl. 3: 21. Most of the heathen religions teach that when a good man dies, his spirit goes up to some good place. Q What did the angel of the Lord tell Daniel about death and the resurrection ? But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest״ and stand in thy lot at the end of the days . . . And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlast-ing contempt. Dan. 12: 13, 2. The angel told Daniel that he was to rest until the resurrection day, at the end of time, and that he need not fear for death would be a dreamless rest in the grave. ARE THE DEAD CONSCIOUS? ש What happens to one’s thoughts when he dies? His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; IN THAT VERY DAY HIS THOUGHTS PERISH. Psa. 146: 4. There is . . no knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest . . . Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished . . . For the living know that they shall die; but THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING. Eccl. 9: 10. 6. 5. Juniors, these are two texts you should always re-member. They explain, so clearly, what takes place at death: (a) The breath (sometimes called spirit) goes forth—the man breathes his last breath (b) he is buried in the earth and returns to dust; (c) that very day his thoughts perish; (d) in the grave there is no memory of the past; (e) "the dead know not any-thing.” Ξ To what does Jesus compare death? After that he saith unto them, OUR FRIEND LAZARUS SLEEPETH; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Then said His disciples. Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking rest in sleep. Then said Jesus unto them plainly, LAZARUS IS DEAD. John 11: 1114־. Jesus said, "Lazarus is asleep,” and then stated plainly, "Lazarus is dead.” Fifty-four times the Bible speaks of death as a sleep. When one lies down to a good night’s sleep, morn-ing seems to come in just a moment, doesn’t it? When a person dies, all thought stops. When he awakens at the call of Jesus in the resurrection morning, it will seem to him that he has been asleep but a moment. The greatest difference between sleep and death is that only Jesus can awaken one from the sleep of death. That is why we should listen to His voice now, so we will be able to hear Fiis voice in the resurrection day. ₪ The teaching of the Bible that the dead are not conscious, is most reasonable. Have you ever seen a person knocked unconscious by a speeding automobile? As he lies on the street, completely unconscious, I ask "How much does he know?” You answer, "Nothing.” Now suppose a truck should come along and again run over him and kill him. I ask again, "What is he thinking about and how much does he know?” Some will answer, "now that he is dead he knows everything whereas while he was unconscious he knew nothing.” But the Bible says: "In that very day his thoughts perish” and "the dead know not anything1.” The dead are in their graves, resting in unconscious sleep. None of the dead are now in Heaven or suffering in hell. Job believed fully in a resurrection of the bodies of the dead, he said: For I know that MY RE-DEEMER LIVETH, and THAT HE SHALL STAND AT THE LATTER DAY UPON THE EARTH: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. Job 19: 2527־. Job looked forward to the resurrection in the'dat-ter day” when His Redeemer will come to awaken him. He looked forward to the resurrection, when again he will have a living body and see God. What a wonder-ful hope and how real it is! (A remarkable picture giv-ing a description of how the bodies of the dead will be raised to life is found in Ezekiel 37: 114־.) When a Chinese dies, the relatives usually make great preparations for the funeral. Out of paper, they prepare a large house, containing many rooms and fine furniture. Inside the house they place servants made of paper—these servants are supposed to serve their dead masters in the spirit world. Outside of the house they may place a fine paper automobile. The night be-fore the funeral they burn all this, believing that in so doing the man will have a beautiful home, a fine car, and plenty of servants in the spirit world. This seems very strange to us but many people in Christian lands have just as peculiar ideas as to what happens at death. The Bible is our only safe and sure guide. Let’s study more about death from God’s Word. ARE THE DEAD IN HEAVEN NOW? ש How does David emphasize the fact that the dead are not yet in Heaven? The dead PRAISE NOT the Lord, neither any that go down into silence. Psa. 115: 17. For IN DEATH THERE IS NO REMEMBRANCE of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks? Psa. 6: 5. This states plainly that the dead are in their graves and not in Heaven praising Jesus. ש Long after David’s death what did Peter say about him? Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre (grave) is with us unto this day ... For DAVID IS NOT ASCENDED INTO THE HEAVENS. Acts 2: 29, 34. The Bible speaks of David as "a man after God’s own heart,” (Acts 13: 22), yet even David is not in Heaven; he is still in his grave. SPIRITISM ΓΗ What strong warning has been given against try-ing to talk with the dead ? There shall not be found among you anyone . . . that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer, For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord. Deut. 18: 1012־. A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Lev. 20: 27. In Bible times there were spirit mediums who were called tv itches, 1vizards and necromancers, who pro־ fessed to be able to talk with the dead. This was a Sa-tanic deception, even as it is today, for God stated plainly that the dead are dead; that they know not anything; that they are not in Heaven or in some spirit world. So dangerous and terrible is this deception that God decreed that spirit mediums be put to death. Saul, the first king of Israel, was slain because he disobeyed God and tried to talk with the dead through a spirit medium. (I Sam. 28 and I Chron. 10: 13, 14.) If some one urges you to attend a spirit meeting DO NOT GO. The messages which spirit mediums bring are from Satan's evil angels and not from the dead! OUR HOPE—-THE RESURRECTION ₪ Who, alone, can redeem us from death and the grave ? I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Rev. 1: 18. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. John 3: 36. Yes, it is Jesus, Who alone, holds the key to the grave. If you believe in Him and obey His Word you have the assurance of the resurrection power, and the A CHINESE BUILDING How wonderful to know that our dear ones who have died are not now living in some spirit world, look-ing down upon us as we pass through life’s sorrows and heartaches. No, they are resting in their graves, await-ing the call of Jesus, the Life-giver. His promise to His faithful children is: For thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. Luke 14: 14. HARD TEXTS EXPLAINED ש Now we will study very briefly three questions which disturb many people. (If this section seems too difficult for you, do not worry about it. Just go on to paragraph twelve.) a. How do you explain Ecclesiastes 12: 7? In the Bible, the breath of life is sometimes called the "spirit.” (See Job 27: 3.) When a person dies that breath of life (or spirit) goes back to God Who gave it. But there is no consciousness in one’s breath. b. According to Luke 16, did not Jesus teach that people go direct to Heaven or hell at death? No, the Jews taught that idea. No one believes that when a person dies his body is taken to Heaven or hell, for all know, that the body stays in the grave after burial. Yet this parable speaks of various members of their bodies—the finger, tongue and eyes. Jesus is simply using the Jewish idea of death to teach a great moral lesson. In the Bible there is a great moral lesson recorded in Judges 9· It speaks of trees talking, yet no one would try to prove from this that trees actually talk. No, Luke 16 is a parable. In this parable, or object lesson, Jesus used the ideas of His hearers, to teach them the great lesson that in this life we must make our eternal choice. c. According to Luke 23: 42 and 43, didn’t the thief on the cross go to Heaven on Friday. If you place the comma after the word "today,” where it belongs (the punctuation was added by men, and not by in-spiration), the meaning becomes very clear. "Verily, I say unto thee today, Thou shalt be with me in para-dise.” Further more, the thief did not die that Friday (John 19: 31, 33) and Jesus, on the following Sunday, after His resurrection, said that He had not yet been to Heaven. (John 20: 17.) Therefore we know that Jesus and the thief could not have met in heaven on that Friday. Test Paper Lesson Nine MY ANS WERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned the memory verse?............... 2. What is feared most and understood less than anything else?............................................. 3. According to Eccl. 3: 19, 20 (Par. 2) do animals and people go to different places when they die?....... (Answere yes, or no.) 4. Jesus says the dead are still in their...........(Par. 3) 5. Job 19 says, "I know that my................liveth, and that he the............... day upon the..................” He also says, "In my....................shall I see...........” (Par. 4) 6. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: (Par. 57־) a. The dead are now praising the Lord. b. The dead are not yet in Heaven. c. David went to Heaven when he died. d. Daniel was told he should rest until the resurrection day. 7. Psalms 146: 4 says, "His...............goeth forth, he returneth to his............; in that very....... his............................. (Par. 8) 8. Eccl. 9 (Par. 8) says that there is no wisdom or knowledge in the.................. And Eccl. 9: 5 tells us, "For the..................know that they shall die, but the...........know..........................” 9. Jesus compares death to a dreamless..............(Par. 9). When one awakens in the morning, it seems as if he has been asleep but a................ 10. When a person is knocked unconscious, how much does he know?..................When a person dies, how much does he know?.......................... (Par. 10) 11. In Bible times God told the people that one who professed to be able to talk with the dead should be (Par. 12) 12. Since Christ has the only key to the grave, Whom should we obey and follow?...................(Par. 13) MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name ..................... (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age........... School Grade...... Street and No............................... City............................. State............................ Teacher's Remarks: K. «.»· LESSON IN A NUTSHELL People fear death because they know so little about it. The Bible describes death as a dreamless sleep—the dead will sleep in the grave until the resurrection day. There is no thought or knowledge in the grave, for the Bible says, ״the dead know not anything.** When Jesus comes, those who have been faithful will be raised and taken to Heaven to be with Him and the loved ones who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour, throughout eternity. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson answers some of the most interesting questions we have studied thus far: Why are there so many wars? Will wars ever end? Can any dictator permanently conquer Europe? What does the Bible say about the Orient? When will the battle of Arma-geddon take place? JUNIOR SERMON Text: “Blessed are the dead which die In the Lard/' Rev. 14: 13. Think of how sad and dark the fu-ture would be if it were not for the promise of the resurrection, at the com-ing of Jesus. Remember, that if Jesus had not come to die for us, the dead could never rise. But Christ has died and is risen; and the dead will rise again. Babies who have died will be given back to their mothers. Brothers and sisters will again be united. What a wonderful hope! *Oh, my mother is gone. I am so lone-ly without her; I can’t stand it. Can I ever see her again?” To the sobbing child the minster re-plied: **Yes, you can see your mother again if you will give your heart to Jesus. He is the *resurrection and the life* and your mother will live again in the resurrection day. She will look for you. Will you be faithful?״* Let us pray: **Oh, Lord, help^ me to be faithful and to do what is right. I want to meet Jesus. Help me to listen to Thy voice now, so that if I should die before He comes again, I will hear Him calling me then. I ask it in Jesus* name. Amen.״* Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Your test-paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON TEN US AND DICTATORS PROVE JESUS' COMING NEAR Memory Verse: And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21: 28 turn—He said: "there shall be wars and rumours of wars, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." The twenty-first chapter of Luke is very similar to the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew. Let us notice some of the verses from Luke. ... Ye shall hear of WARS and COMMOTIONS . . . NATION shall rise AGAINST NATION, and KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM . . . And FEARFUL SIGHTS and great SIGNS shall there be FROM HEAVEN . . . And upon earth DIS-TRESS OF NATIONS with perplexity; the SEA AND THE WAVES ROARING; men's HEART'S FAILING them FOR FEAR, and ior LOOKING AFTER THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE COMING on the earth: for the POWERS OF HEAVEN SHALL BE SHAKEN. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21: Ml, 25-27. Over nineteen hundred years ago Jesus gave this striking picture of the conditions in the last days, just prior to His second coming. Many have taught that the world would become better and better, but Jesus taught that the world would grow worse and worse. As you read or hear over the radio of the horrors of war, you can say, "that just proves that Jesus’ com-ing and the end of the world are very near." H How does the prophet John describe the condi-tions of the nations just before Jesus comes? And the NATIONS WERE ANGRY, and thy wrath is ccme, and the time of the dead, that they should be j'udged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto . . . the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Rev. 11: 18. In events taking place all around us, we see some of the last signs of the last days. How thankful we should be that the Bible has told us these things be- fore-hand! WHEN our poor old world shudders with wars and shakes from bomb attacks, people ask, "What do these things mean? What is com-ing?" When the Orient rages in battle and Europe trembles with marching men, people ask, "Does the Bible say anything about these terrible events in prophecy?" Bad as war has always been, it is far worse today because it is waged against the helpless and the innocent. But some Junior may ask, "Why is the world be-coming worse all the time? Will wars never end?" Let’s turn to the wonderful prophets of the Bible to find an answer to these questions. THE BIBLE ALONE TELLS WHAT IS COMING Π What great question did the disciples ask Jesus shortly before He left the earth? And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying. Tell us, when shall these things be? and WHAT SHALL BE THE SIGN OF THY COMING. AND OF THE END OF THE WORLD? Matt. 24: 3. This is one of the most important questions ever asked, "What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?" If ever we should be searching for the Bible answer to this question, it is NOW. ΨΧ What are some of the signs which Jesus gave ? And ye shall hear of WARS and rumours of wars . . . NA-ΤΊΟΝ shall rise AGAINST NATION, and KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM . . . Matt. 24: 6, 7. Every Junior should read carefully and read often Matthew 24. This chapter is the great prophecy-clock which Jesus gave us, so that we can tell the hour in which we are living. When Jesus described conditions as they would be in the last days—just before His re- Fsl How did Daniel begin to explain the king’s dream ? Thou, O king, art a king of kings: ior the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. THOU ART THIS HEAD OF GOLD. Dan. 2: 3738־. The various parts of the image represented world powers. The golden head of the image was the rich and powerful kingdom of Babylon — the great world empire of that day. Ξ What other kingdoms were to follow? And after thee shall arise ANOTHER KINGDOM inferior to thee, and another THIRD KINGDOM of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. Dan. 2: 39. Babylon was a mighty kingdom and the king thought that the city of Babylon could never be con־ quered. Yet the prophet said, ',after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee.” Babylon the great was conquered in 538 B. C. (Before Christ) by Medo-Persia, a weaker kingdom represented by the silver. But this second great kingdom, Medo-Persia, was overcome by Greece, the third kingdom, represented by the brass. In 331 B. C. Medo-Persia was conquered by Alexander, the daring young Greek general and king. Although the Medo-Persians had twenty times as many soldiers as the Greek; yet they lost the battle, for God had foretold in prophecy that Greece would con-quer and rule the world. ₪ How is Rome, the fourth and last world empire de־ scribed ? And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as IRON: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdtieth all things; and as iron that breaketh all these, SHALL IT BREAK IN PIECES AND BRUISE. Dan. 2: 40. The Greeks were overcome by the Romans in the year 168 B. C. Rome was one of the harshest and most warlike kingdoms; Rome was the ruling power of the world, when Jesus was born. It was while Rome ruled that an effort was made to kill the infant Jesus. Soldiers of the Roman Empire nailed Jesus to the cross. But iron Rome was not to stand forever. For the next verse tells: And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of pot-ter s' clay, and part of iron, THE KINGDOM SHALL BE DI-VIDED . . . Dan. 2: 41. The four world empires were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Notice that Rome, the fourth and last world empire, was not to be overcome by some other great world power. It was to be broken up into various kingdoms — to be ”divided.” |Q Will these different kingdoms into which Rome was divided ever be united again ? And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but THEY SHALL NOT CLEAVE ONE TO ANOTHER, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Dan. 2: 43. This verse emphasizes that the various kingdoms of Europe would never again unite, for God said, ”they WAR PREPARATIONS H What warning does Paul give about the last days ? For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. For when they shall say, PEACE AND SAFETY; then SUDDEN DESTRUCTION cometh upon them . . . and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief . . . Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but LET US WATCH and be sober. I Thess. 5: .6 ,4־2 There is no reason why Christians should be sur-prised by increasing warfare in these last days. Paul warns about the false ”peace and safety” cry that will be sounded everywhere and which will end in sudden destruction. Permanent peace will never come to our poor world. Earth is in her last dying struggles; her increasing agony proves that the end is very, very near. One who has given his heart to God need not fear the end; for to those who are ready in heart and life, that day will be the day of deliverance from sorrow, bloodshed, and death. EUROPE IN PROPHECY B What was made known to Nebuchadnezzar, the powerful Babylonian king ? But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar WHAT SHALL BE IN THE LATTER DAYS . . . Dan. 2: 28. The reason why every Junior should be interested in the king’s prophetic dream is that it foretells the history of the kingdoms of earth, to the end of time. God made known unto the king, ”what shall be in the latter days.'1 ש What had the king seen in his dream? Thou, O king, sawest, and behold A GREAT IMAGE. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine GOLD, his breast and his arms of SILVER, his belly and his thighs of BRASS, his legs of IRON, his feet part of IRON AND PART OF CLAY. Dan. 2: 3133־. B What was to happen to the image in the last days ? Thou sawest till a stone was cut out without hands, which SMOTE THE IMAGE upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces . . . and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. Dan. 2: 3435־. In the last days the image was to be smitten in the feet and utterly demolished by a Power beyond man’s control. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared . . . For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of THE WHOLE WORLD, TO GATHER THEM TO THE BATTLE OF that great day of God Almighty . . . And he gathered them to-gether into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ARMA-GEDDON. Rev. 16: 12, 14, 16. Under the sixth plague, near the close of time, the nations of the whole world will be engaged in war. According to the above prophecy, this last of all battles will be fought in the place called Armageddon. ₪ What brings to an end earth’s last battle, Arma-geddon ? .. . And there came a voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE . . . And there was a great earthquake . . . and every island fled away, and the moun-tains were not found. Rev. 16: 17, 20. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the moun-tains and rocks. Fall on us, and hide us from the face of HIM THAT SITTETH ON THE THRONE, and from the wrath of the LAMB: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Rev. 6: 1417־. The coming of Christ brings to a final end, earth’s wars and sorrows. Next week we will study: ,,How To Know What God Expects of Us.” shall not cleave (stick together) one to another!” Though some of the kingdoms would have the same strength as the iron kingdom of Rome, yet no one would be able to conquer the other kingdoms and rule over them permanently. The nations of Europe are to remain divided until the end of time. In the past, the following powerful kings and dictators have tried to conquer and unite Europe: 9th Century—Charlemagne. 16th Century—Charles V. 18th Century—Louis XIV. 19th Century—Napoleon. 20th Century—The Kaiser and modern Dicta-tors. According to this wonderful prophecy. Europe will never again be permanently united under one ruler! The Bible is true, and no man will be able to break the prophecy. m In the days of the divided kingdoms of Europe what is to happen? And in the days of these kings shall the GOD of heaven SET UP A KINGDOM, which shall never be destroyed . . . It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and IT SHALL STAND FOR EVER. Dan. 2: 44. We are living in the very last days, down in the feet and toes of the image. The divided state of Europe began when ancient Rome broke up. (Another proph-ecy, found in Daniel 7, states that Rome would be di-vided and that seven of these original kingdoms would continue to exist to the end of time.) While Europe is still divided, with no one king-dom in control, Jesus will come and establish His everlasting kingdom. Yes, the terrible war and blood-shed which we hear about on every side is one of the sure signs that the end is very, very near—Jesus soon will come! AWAKENING OF THE HEATHEN NATIONS What does the prophet say about the awakening of the heathen nations just before the end? Why do the HEATHEN rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Ps. 2: 1. Proclaim this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, lei all the men of war draw near; let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords, and your prunninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves and come, ALL YE HEATHEN, and gather yourselves together round about . . . LET THE HEATHEN BE WAKENED, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe ... for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision . . . Joel 3: 914־. This is one of the most remarkable prophecies in the Bible. Hundreds of years before the time of Christ the prophets foretold the great awakening on the part of heathen nations in the last days. When we see the Orient on fire; when we see these nations marching to battle, we know that the end is almost here. ARMAGEDDON ₪ Where will earth’s last battle be fought ? THE GREAT IMAGE MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson Ten Have you learned the memory verse?...................................................................... What great question did the disciples ask Jesus? (Par. 1) .............................................. Jesus said there would be the end of the world draws near (Par. 2) Paul says: "When they say.................. and.................., then sudden.......................... cometh upon them.” (Par. 4). From the time of Daniel how many world empires were there to be?.............................(Par. 10) Name these empires................,............,.................and ........................ (Par. 10) We know that no dictator will ever conquer and unite Europe again, because Daniel 2: 43 says: "they to.....................” While the kingdoms of Europe are still warring and divided,...................will set up His........... (Par. 12) According to Psa. 2 and Joel 3 the.............nations will be awakened and prepare for battle just before Jesus comes. (Par. 13) The last battle will be fought at a place called........................and will be halted by the com· ing of..................... (Par. 14 and 15) 1. 2. 3· 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9· 10. Heart Questions Do you believe that the coming of Jesus is very near?................................ Have you made your decision to follow Jesus all the way and be ready for His coming?. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Jesus said that there would be in-creasing warfare in the world before the end. The prophecy of Daniel shows that Europe will still be divided when Jesus comes; no dictator can ever fully con-quer and unite Europe. The Bible prop-hecies picture the awakening of the heathen nations as earth's last battle ap-proaches. Jesus' coming will bring a halt to the battle fought at the place called Armageddon. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON What does God expect of us if we are to be saved at Jesus' coming? Do we have to keep all the laws concerning the offerings and ceremonies required of the Jews? Is there any list of rules given in the Bible whereby we may know what God expects of one who becomes a Christian? Don't miss this lesson! JUNIOR SERMON Text: A thousand shall fall at Ay side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Ps. 91: 7. In days of war, Psalms 91 is a great comfort to God’s children in every land. When bombs fall from the sky, God’s people find shelter ״under His wings.” The Lord has promised: ״Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” In the awful times which lie ahead, you can find peace and comfort in Jesus, if your life is surrendered to Him. PRAYER Dear Lord, keep me true during days of temptation; protect me in the days of terrible danger ahead. Help me to be ready for Thy coming, I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age......... School Grade............. Street and No..................................... City................................... State.................................. (Please sign your name the. same on each lesson. Ciive change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. HOW TO KNOW WHAT GOD EXPECTS OF US Memory Verse : "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14: 15. book ? This law was placed in the side of the ark. The ark was a sacred chest which was kept in the Most Holy Place in the temple of God, the sanctuary. There was a shelf or pocket attached to the side of this sacred ark, in which the law of Moses was kept. The ceremonial law of Moses was the guiding basis for all of the sacrificial meat and drink offerings, and special services at the temple. The law of Moses also contained government regulations for the kingdom of Isrcal and instructions for the yearly holy days which they were to observe. These yearly holy days were sometimes called annual sabbaths. (See Leviticus 23·) These offerings, ceremonies, and yearly sabbaths all pointed forward, in type, to the cross of Jesus and His sacrifice for sinners. Π When did the offerings, ceremonies, and yearly sabbaths, found in the law of Moses come to an end? Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances . . . nailing it to his cross. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come. Col. 2: 14, 16, 17. These verses make it clear that the ceremonies, the meat and drink offerings, and the yearly sabbaths, and 3ther feast days, all came to an end at the cross. There- — I______ WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR? fore, Christians today are not expected to follow the ceremonial laws of Moses. Since the ceremonies and ordinances pointed forward to Jesus they naturally came to an end when He died on the cross. THIS lesson is a very important lesson, for if we are to be saved we must know just what is ex-pected of us. God’s Word tells us. Π What is our whole duty in the light of the judg-ment ? Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God. and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: for this is the WHOLE DUTY of man. For God shall bring every work into JUDG-MENT. Eccl. 12: 13. 14. From this scripture we see that if we are to be saved, it is our duty toward God to keep the com-mandments. But you may ask, "Which ones?" ΨΧ How many laws did God give to Israel at Mt. Sinai ? If they observe to do according to all that I HAVE COM-MANDED THEM, and according to all the law that my servant MOSES COMMANDED THEM. II Kings 21: 8. Yea, all Israel have transgressed THY [GOD'S] LAW. even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the LAW OF MOSES the servant of God, be-cause we have sinned against him. Dan. 9: 11. Both of these texts refer to the TWO LAWS — the law of God or the Ten Commandments, and the law of Moses, or the laws of ceremonial ordinances and government. It is very important that we keep these two laws separate in our minds. THE LAW OF MOSES Who wrote the ceremonial law and where was it placed ? And it came to pass, when MOSES had made an end of WRITING the words of THIS LAW in a book, until they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites . . . take this book of the law, and put it IN THE SIDE OF THE ARK of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee. Deut. 31: 24, 26. Can you see Moses as he received instructions from God on Mt. Sinai, writing that ceremonial law in a THE TEN C( THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAW THE TEN COM-MANDMENTS The first four com-mandments show our duty to God. The last six teach our duty to our fellow-men. Jesus said that on these two laws— love to God and love to man — hang all the law and the prophets. (Matt. 22: 3740־ is quoted from two texts found in the Old Testament, Deut. 6: 5 and Lev. 19: 18.) Would you like to check and see if you believe every one of the Ten Command-ments ? 1. Do you believe it wrong to worship other gods?. 2. Do you believe it wrong to worship images?....... 3. Do you believe it wrong to swear?................ 4. Do you believe it wrong to break the Sabbath?..... 5. Do you believe it wrong to disobey your parents?. 6. Do you believe it wrong to kill?.................. 7. Do you believe it wrong to commit adultery?...... H. Do vou believe it wrong to steal?..... 9. Do you believe it wrong to lie?...... 10. Do you believe it wrong to covet?.................. ש When one looks at the Ten Commandments, what must he admit? Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Rom. 7: 12. A man once said, ,’I wish Jesus had told us right out what is expected of us: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Then we would know just exactly what is right and what is wrong.” The minister answered: ”That’s exactly what Jesus has done; He has given us the Ten Commandments — a list of ten which He expects us to follow. And yet so many people refuse to follow all of these com-mandments or are trying to persuade themselves that the commandments, at least in part, arc done away.” m Who wrote the Ten Commandments and where were they placed ? And He gave unto Moses, . . . upon mount Sinai, TWO tables of testimony, TABLES OF STONE, WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD. Ex. 31: 18. The tables were written on both sides; . . . and the TABLES were THE WORK OF GOD, and the WRITING was the WRITING OF GOD, graven upon the tables. Ex. 32: 15, 16. There was nothing in the ark SAVE THE TWO TABLES OF STONE. I Kings 8: 9. So important were the Ten Commandments that God did not entrust any man with the writing of them. They were written on tables [tablets} of stone by the finger of God. Isn’t that wonderful, Juniors, to think that God, Himself, with His own hand, wrote the Ten Commandments, and gave them to man? How sacred they are! How could any one dare to change those Ten Commandments ? So sacred were the tables of stone on which the Ten Commandments were written that they were placed within the sacred ark. ש How long were the Ten Commandments to be kept? Concerning thy testimonies [commandments], I have known of old that thou hast founded them FOR EVER. Ps. 119: 152. Q Would the death of Christ on the cross, in any way, do away with the Ten Commandments? Think NOT that I am COME to DESTROY the LAW, or the PROPHETS: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, TILL heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW. till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall BREAK one of these LEAST COMMANDMENTS, and shall teach me t so, he shall be CALLED the LEAST IN the kingdom ct HEAVEN. Matt. 5: 1719־. Who would dare to try to do away with the Ten Commandments after Jesus has spoken such a warn-ing? Not the least part of the law, like the dotting of an ”i” or the crossing of a ”t” can be taken out of God’s law as long as heaven and earth stand! Many people say that some of the commandments are less important than others. Jesus, our example, observed the commandments, and He warns that whoever teaches that any of these commandments is done away, shall be counted by Heaven as the very least of all men. How sad that many are teaching that part of the Ten Commandments are done away. ש Can anyone expect to be saved who keeps only nine of the Ten Commandments? For whosoever shall KEEP THE WHOLE LAW, and yet OF* FEND in ONE point, he is GUILTY of ALL. James 2: 10. The eleventh verse of this chapter makes it clear that the apostle James is talking about the Ten Command-ments. The Commandments can be compared to a large bridge, made up of ten spans. If one of the spans is miss-ing, a person cannot cross the bridge. Even so if we ”offend in ONE POINT, we are guilty of all.” ■ 1 ־·■. ■ ־.■■ ■■· Thou shaft have no other gods before fine. II Thou shelf not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shilt not bow down thyself to them, nor ·se.rve them: for I the Lord thy God. am a jealous God, V visiting the iniquity of the ·fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me; and shewing mercy imto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. III . Thou *halt hot take the name of the Lord thy God1 vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh . his name in vain. IV .':Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days ; shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not. do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, . thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor .thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in si* days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and • all that in them is, and* rested the seventh day: where-Torn the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law. but under GRACE. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid . . . What shall we say then? Shall we con-tinue in sin, that grace may abound. God forbid. Rom. 6: 14, 15, 1, 2. If we endeavor by the help of Jesus to obey the Ten Commandments, we will not be punished because Jesus’ blood "cleanseth us from all sin.” I John 1: 7. In obedience we find grace or mercy in Jesus. Grace is pity or mercy which we do not deserve. Does that mean, then, because we are saved by His grace we can go on breaking any one of the Ten Commandments? The apostle Paul answers, "GOD FORBID!”—NO! A man became suddenly angry and committed a terrible murder. He was sentenced to die. Friends pleaded with the governor to spare his life. They told the governor what a good man the murderer had been before he committed the crime; they told of his fine family. The governor decided to pardon the man and to set him free. Did that mean that the pardoned murderer could then break the law whenever he felt like it? Indeed not! He had to be more careful than ever to keep it. Jesus pardons our sins and with His blood pays our death penalty. Can we, then, break the Ten Commandments as we choose? Paul says, ”God forbid.” From now on we must be more careful than ever to obey His will. ₪ How alone are we saved? For BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT OF GOD. Eph. 2: 8. The Ten Commandments cannot save us; they merely tell us what sin is. Only Jesus’ blood can save us. We are saved by grace, which is mercy that we do not deserve. ”It is the gift of God.” Look in a mirror. You see some dirt on your face. Can the mirror clean your face? No. Only soap and water can do that. (See James 1: 23.) The Ten Com-mandments show us our need, but only the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse away our sins. Jesus has promised to write His law in our hearts, to help us to keep from sinning. 3D Why should we endeavor each day to obey Christ’s commandments? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing . . . Therefore Be ye also READY: for IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH. Matt. 24: 46, 44. As you look over these Ten Command-ments you can see that it is just as wrong to break them now as it was in the time of Jesus. No one can do away with the holy Ten Co m mandments written by God’s own finger! It is just as wrong now to kill, swear, break the Sabbath, steal, etc., as it was before the cross! Jesus said they would stand as long as heaven and earth do! ₪ How do we show our loyalty to Jesus? י:־. - . ; , V י ; ׳; ־ Honovrthy. father and thy mother: that thy days may be lon^ upon the land which the Lord thy God'giveth tiree.\, · ·v| · Thou shalt not kill. ■ ' VII · ־ ־ · ·'·'·: v'Thou.shalt not commit adultery. . ··>·;. . VIII Thou shalt not steal. ' ־' IX־ Thou shelf not beor false witness against thy neighbour. ; .v . ‘ ‘ ' X׳ ·Thou, shaft not :.covet thy neighbour's house, thou shelf not·.covet thy neighbour's wife, nor. his manservant, nor ·his·׳, maidservant,, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing . that U thy neighbour's. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS . . . And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep HIS COMMANDMENTS, and DO THOSE THINGS that are PLEASING IN HIS SIGHT. I John 2: 3; 3: 22. The same thought found in the memory verse. If we are going to follow Jesus, then we will keep His commandments. No one who truly loves Jesus will worship idols, swear, break the seventh-day Sabbath, dishonor his parents, lie, steal, or break any of the other Commandments. When someone tells you it is not wrong to break one of these commandments, you know he is not speaking for Jesus. SAVING GRACE AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ש What is sin, and what are its results? Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW? I John 3: 4. FOR THE WAGES of SIN is DEATH. Rom. 6: 23. The only way we know sin, is by the law — the Ten Commandments. Law breaking is sin and the wages of sin is DEATH. So if we want to be saved we must have help from Christ to observe His Ten Command-ments. As we draw nearer and nearer to Jesus we will draw closer and closer to His rule—His Command-ments. The end is very near. We have not a day to waste or a moment to lose! Those who are going to live in Heaven must learn to obey Heaven’s laws here. We should determine NOW to fol-low Jesus all the way, so that we will be ready whenever He may come. m If one is obedient to Christ’s law, what does He then find? Test Paper Lesson Eleven MY ANSWERS 1. Have you learned your memory verse?............................................................. 2. Man’s whole duty is to...................and ............ .......................... (Par. 1) 3. How many laws are there in the Bible?.................... (Par. 2) Name them.................., .................................. 4. Who wrote the law about offerings and ceremonies? ....... God wrote the Ten..................... on tables of..........-.... 5. The law of Moses about offerings and ceremonies ended at the............. (Par. 4) 6. The law of God will last.................... (Par. 6). 7. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: (Par. 7) a. The Ten Commandments were done away with at the cross. b. Men who take away part of God’s law are counted by Heaven as the very worst deceivers. c. Jesus came to change the Ten Commandments. d. Jesus kept the Ten Commandments. 8. If we break...........of the Ten Commandments, we are guilty of.......... (Par. 8). 9. Sin is the...............of the.............; and the wages (Par. 11). 10. Because we are saved by grace, through Jesus’ blood, we should be all the more careful to keep.. Heart Questions Do you believe that you should keep all of the Ten Commandments? By Jesus’ help, are you determined to endeavor to do so?. When you finish the next two lessons you will be sent a beautiful book. Don’t fail to get this! LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Two laws were given jn written form at Mt. Sinai. a. The law of Moses, writ* ten by him in a book; b. the Ten Com* mandments, written by the finger of God on tables of stone. The law of Moses pointed forward to* and ended, at the cross. But the Ten Commandments, accord* ing to Jesus, will endure as long as heaven and earth stand. If we are to en* ter Heaven, we must start obeying Heaven’s laws—the Ten Commandments —NOW. If we allow Jesus to live His righteous life within us we will endeavor to obey His commandments and His blood will cover our sins. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Every Junior must be sure to get Les son 12. We will study about the great mistake which most of the world is mak-ing. You may never have heard of this before. Send this week’s lesson in im-mediately, so you will be sure to get this surprising next lesson. JUNIOR SERMON Text: “If ye loxe me, keep my commandments.“ John 15: 10. While Jesus was on earth He was careful to keep the commandments. That is why He was able to go back to Heaven. He died on the cross to save us from sin—sin is breaking the command-ments. His sinless life can atone for our confessed sins. He asks you to take up your cross and follow' Him. He said: ”If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Won’t you determine NOW, that with His help, you will obey the Ten Com-mandments ? And pray: ”Dear Lord, I come to Thee for help. In myself I can do nothing. Give me strength to follow all Thy Command* ments. Show me my mistakes and lead me all the way and prepare me for Thy soon-coming kingdom. I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.” ··▼*יי«* Ut>· Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Your test-paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name .............................. (Last Name) (First Name) (!Middle Name) Age.......... School Grade......... Street and No................................. City............................... State.............................. Teachers Remarks: LESSON TWELVE THE COMMANDMENT MOST OF THE WORLD IS BREAKING Memory Verse : "REMEMBER the SABBATH day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the SEVENTH DAY is the SABBATH of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the SEVENTH day: wherefore the Lord blessed the SABBATH day, and hallowed it." Ex. 20: 8-11 God asked people to work six days and rest on the seventh. That is perfectly natural, isn’t it ? Work comes before rest, so God gave the last day of the week as the Sabbath. Some people say it is all right to keey any day of the week. They say this because they are not willing to keep the fourth commandment as God has asked. The fourth commandment tells us that we should observe the SEVENTH day of the week as our Sabbath for when God finished His work of creation He rested on that day. THE SABBATH WAS INTRODUCED IN EDEN ΨΧ Before sin entered our world, what day did God keep as the Sabbath, in Eden? Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the SEVENTH DAY God ended his work which he had made; and he RESTED on the SEV-ENTH DAY from all his work which he had made. And SATURDAY IS THE SEVENTH DAY THIS is a long memory verse, but be sure to learn it. It is the fourth of the Ten Commandments. It will count for two points in your test paper. In our last lesson we studied how important it is that we observe ALL of the Ten Commandments, if we break one we are ז‘guilty of all” Jesus said the Ten Commandments will stand as long as heaven and earth remain. Although one of the Ten Commandments is being broken by most of the world, every Junior should study carefully to be sure that he is not breaking that commandment. If you find that in the past you have been breaking one of the commandments, then you cer-tainly will want to make a change and begin to obey God, wouldn’t you? If we will make the following rule — "What Jesus did and taught, I must obey and do"—the guiding principle of our lives, we may be sure of being saved. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH Π Which day of the week did God command all men to keep holy? (See memory verse above, Ex. 20: 811־.) Please notice, God asks all — men, women and children, and even strangers who may be visiting — to keep the Sabbath day holy. On that day we are not to do any work. God plainly tells us which day is the Sabbath — the SEVENTH day of the week. Look at any calendar. Which is the SEVENTH and last day of the week? Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish calendars all agree that the day which is now called Saturday is the SEVENTH DAY of the week. In times past the days of the week were usually called by numbers — all except the SEV-ENTH day—it was called the SABBATH. It is an in-teresting fact that in many of the languages of the world the SEVENTH day of the week is still called SABBATH. THE TRUE CHRISTIAN SABBATH Q Which is the true "Lord’s Day” of the Bible? Thereiore the Son of man is LORD also OF THE SABBATH. Mark 2: 28. Supposing you would ask Jesus: "Lord, many today say the first day of the week is the ,Lord’s Day.’ Others say it doesn’t make any difference; all days are the same. Which do you claim as your holy day?’’ Jesus would answer plainly so no one need be con-fused, "The Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.” Since Jesus was the Creator and made the very first Sabbath, (See John 1: 13־; Col. 1: 15, 16; Heb. 1:2), we can indeed call the SEVENTH day of the week [Sat-urday] the true ”Christian Sabbath"! B Which day did Jesus keep? And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, AS HIS CUSTOM WAS, he WENT INTO THE SYNA-GOGUE ON THE SABBATH DAY. Luke 4: 16. If you had visited the carpenter shop where Jesus worked, you would have found it closed every Sabbath because it was Jesus’ custom—habit—to attend church on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a sacred appointment between Heav-en and earth. If we wait for our day of worship until the first day of the week, we are one day too late for "the Sabbath of the Lord thy God"—Jesus’ Sabbath. [3 What day did Jesus ask the disciples to keep after the cross? But PRAY ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the SABBATH DAY. Matt. 24: 20. Some people will tell you that Jesus never com-manded that the Sabbath be kept. Juniors, He had al-ready told them to keep all ten of the commandments, and one of those is the command to keep the SEV-ENTH day holy. In this verse He asks them to pray that they would not have to flee from Jerusalem on the Sabbath forty years later, when the city would be sur-rounded by the Roman armies. If the disciples were commanded by Jesus to pray for forty years, that they would not have to break even one Sabbath by fleeing for their lives on that day, then the Sabbath must have been very, very sacred and important in the mind of Jesus! People say that the Sabbath was done away at the cross, because they are not willing to keep it. But if we are to follow in Jesus’ steps we will certainly keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy. A SIGN OR SEAL Q What is the Sabbath called? Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a SIGN BE-TWEEN ME AND THEM, that they might know that I am the Lord that SANCTIFY them. Ezek. 20: 12. God called the Sabbath a sign; it is a sign between Himself and His people. Soldiers sometimes have a password which they and the guards know. This lets God BLESSED the seventh day. and SANCTIFIED it: be-cause that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Gen. 2: 13־. What could be plainer? Friday evening (the sixth day of the week) when God’s work was done, He rest-ed. The SEVENTH day He set aside as the weekly birthday of the world — the SABBATH. SABBATH means Rest. God rested, not because He was tired but as an example to man. Notice, God rested, blessed, and sanctified THE SEVENTH DAY. Sanctify means to make holy or to keep for a holy use. Only God can make a day holy. Twenty-five hundred years after Creation, when God gave the TEN Commandments on tables of stone on Mt. Sinai, He had not changed His mind or His Sab-bath; He still asked ALL to keep the SEVENTH day holy in memory of His creation of this earth. The only commandment of the ten which starts with remember is the one which most of the world has for-gotten, "REMEMBER the Sabbath day [the seventh day] to keep it holy." Had people remembered to keep the Sabbath, they would not have forgotten that God is the Creator. Some people will tell you that the Sabbath is Jew-ish. They say it was meant just for the Jews. If that were true of the fourth commandment, it would be true of all the others, and it would mean that it is wrong only for the Jews to kill, swear, or steal. Is that true? No! Long after the death of Christ, the apostle James, writing to Christians about the Ten Command-ments, said, "If we offend in ONE point we are guilty of all." Jas. 2: 10. Then, let’s not break the fourth commandment, any more than we would break any of the other commandments. One hundred and thirty thousand Sabbaths were kept before the Jews ever came into existence as a peo-pie. Therefore the Sabbath is not Jewish. "It is the Sabbath of the Lord Thy God” It is true that many Jews do still keep the Bible Sabbath because they haven’t forgotten God’s commandments; they know that the only Sabbath God ever gave was the SEV-ENTH day of the week. What a retake to others who pay no attention to the Sabbath of the fourth com-mandment! What a pity that the Jews did not accept Jesus as their Saviour! |ς| What day will all keep in the New Earth ? The new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord . . . And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon [month] to another, and FROM ONE SABBATH TO ANOTHER, shall ALL flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord. Isa. 66: 22, 23. The Sabbath was given before sin entered the world so it was not done away at the cross. In the New Earth the true Bible Sabbath will be kept by ALL the saved. Every Sabbath all flesh [people] come to worship be-fore the Lord. If we are expecting to go to Heaven, we should begin obeying Heaven’s laws now. We can no more change the Sabbath, earth's birthday, than we can change our own birthdays. The Sabbath is to be a beautiful day of rest from our work and our worries — ,'a day of rest and glad-ness." ΓΠ How can we be sure which is the SEVENTH day ? And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments and rested the SABBATH DAY ACCORDING TO THE COM-MANDMENT. Luke 23: 56. Some people will tell you that no one knows which is the SEVENTH day Sabbath; yet all of the large churches agree that Jesus was crucified on Friday and that He arose again on Sunday morning. Luke 24 speaks of the resurrection day as "the first day of the week." SABBATH, the day between Friday, the prep-aration day, and Sunday, the first day of the week, is called "THE SABBATH ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENT." Yes, Jesus died for our sins. He died because the Ten Commandments could not be changed. He, Him-self, rested on the Sabbath in the tomb and He tells us we will all keep the Sabbath in the New Earth together. Thousands these days are turning back to the true Sab-bath of Jesus — will you?.......... THE CHURCH Juniors, won't you show these lessons to others and do all you can to get other children to take this free course? People will be lost if they do not prepare for Jesus’ coming. You should do all you can to help others to get ready. Ask your parents and neighbors to enroll in the free Radio Bible Correspondence Course for Adults. God has a work for YOU to do. Won’t YOU work and pray for OTHERS! Chil· dren can be powerful witnesses for God. TELL OTHERS. them into the camp. The Sabbath is the Lord’s pass-word, sign, or seal. By keeping the Sabbath we prove our loyalty to God and recognize Him as Creator of Heaven and earth. If we refuse to keep the Sabbath, we are showing disloyalty to the flag of the Ruler of the universe. Wouldn’t you think it terrible if you should see someone professing love for the United States of America and then take "Old Glory" and trample it un-der foot? Many people claim love for Christ and yet take His holy sign of sanctification, the SABBATH — the flag which is His emblem as Creator — and trample on it every week. They work, play, buy, and sell on God’s holy day! Fsl How is the Sabbath to be kept ? If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from DOING THY PLEASURE on my holy day; . . . NOT DOING THINE OWN WAYS, NOR finding thine OWN PLEASURE, NOR speaking thine OWN WORDS: then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord. Isa. 58: 13, 14. How careful we should be in observing God’s sacred day — not doing our own work or business, not speak-ing our own words, not seeking our own pleasures. God never intended that the Sabbath should be a holiday — a day for sports and games. On the Sabbath, the SEV-ENTH day of the week, we should not talk about worldly things. We should not read common papers and magazines, or listen to the radio, unless it is a re-ligious program. We should spend the day in Bible study and prayer, and attend church. There is no greater joy than spending Sabbath afternoons out in nature — to go for quiet walks or drives. The Sabbath should be spent quietly and in a spirit of prayer, and we should attend church when ever possible. Jesus taught that it is right to do good on the Sab-bath day. We should care for the sick and do acts of mercy, such as helping injured animals, visiting the poor or discouraged ones. SABBATH BEGINS AT SUNSET El When does the day begin and end ? FROM EVEN UNTO EVEN shall ye celebrate your SAB- BATH. Lev. 23: 23. Deuteronomy 16: 6 tells us that even begins at the "going down of the sun.” Christians should keep the Sabbath from sunset to sunset. The first chapter of Genesis states that the evening comes first, followed by the day. So the Sabbath should be kept from the going down of the sun at the end of the sixth day of the week — now called Friday evening — until the going down of the sun on the seventh day, or Saturday. How beautiful to think of God’s sunset marking the begin-ning and closing of His sacred day in memory of the creation of our world before sin had ever marred it! MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson Twelve If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?.......................................................................... (This memory verse is so long and so important it will count for 2 points in this lesson.) 2. The fourth commandment says we should keep holy of the week. (Par. 1) 3. Draw a circle around the right answers. (Par. 2) : a. God rested on the Sabbath because He was tired. b. He rested on the Sabbath as our example. c. The Sabbath was given before sin entered the world. d. Man can make his own Sabbath if he wishes. 4. The three things which God did in making the SEVENTH day Sabbath were: He.............................י and............................ and.............................. (Par.2). 5................(How many) Sabbaths were kept before the time of the Jews? (Par. 2.) 6. ALL will keep holy in........................................... (Par. 3) 7. Jesus said the Lord’s Day is..................... His custom was to go to church on................... 8. What day did Jesus ask His disciples to keep after the cross?....................... (Pars. 5 and 6.) 9. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: a. The Sabbath is like a "password” or sign between God and us. b. We can be saved even if we trample on God’s flag — the Sabbath. c. Most of the world now works on the Sabbath (Saturday). d. The Sabbath was given only for the Jews. 10. The Sabbath begins at...................and ends........................... (Par. 9.) 11. Jesus was crucified on...............; He rested in the tomb on the and He arose on of the week. Heart Questions Have you, in the past, kept the SEVENTH day (Saturday) as the Sabbath?...................... If not, are you willing, with Jesus’ help to start keeping the SEVENTH day of the week as your Sabbath from now on ?....... LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The fourth of the Ten Commandments commands ALL to keep the SEVENTH day Sabbath. That day is now called Saturday—the day between ״Good Fri-day״ and Resurrection Sunday. On that day God rested. He blessed and sanctified the SEVENTH day of the week, to be kept by us as a sacred sign of our loyalty to Him as Creator. Jesus kept the Sabbath and called it the Lord’s day (Rev. 1: 10) and asked His disciples to keep it after His death. In Heaven ALL will keep the true Sab-bath of the Lord, so we should keep it NOW. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Don’t let anything keep you from get-ting your next lesson. You must read it! Who tried to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? How can we know which is the right day? Will a person be lost if he doesn’t observe the Bible Sabbath? Send in the test paper imme-diately and don’t fail to get the next les-son! To all who complete the next les son we are going to give a wonderful book FREE—the thrilling story of ״THE MARKED BIBLE.” JUNIOR SERMON Text: 4'Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and fol-low me. For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8: 34-36. When we learn that we have not been following Jesus fully, we should change. If in the past we have lived the best we knew He has accepted our sincerity. But in His Love He is calling upon you to follow All of His commandments, Will you take up your cross and follow Him? What if the world does make fun of you. What good is it if you gain the whole world and lose your own souls Even if threatened with death, you must be faithful to God’s commandments. Jesus bore His cross for YOU. Will you be true to Him? Let’s pray: ״Dear Lord, as I learn THY way, found in Thy Word, help me to be willing to follow it no matter what others think and no matter what most of the world is doing. Give me strength to follow all of Thy commandments, I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.” MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name...................... (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age........ School Grade......... Street and No............................... City............................. State............................ Teacher״s Remarks: f*»NT.e Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Your test-paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. THE CHANGE OF THE SABBATH Memory Verse: "Here is the patience of the saints; Here are they that keep the commandments of God« and the faith of Jesus/' Rev. 14: 12 turn at the end of the world and of His people who will be ready to meet Him when He comes and who are keeping His commandments. The Bible describes God's people in the last days, as a commandment-kee ping people; the reason for this is that for many centuries many Christians have been keeping only nine of the ten commandments. Only dur-ing the past one hundred years has there been a world-wide movement back to God and to the keeping of ALL of the Ten Commandments. In Lesson 12 we learned that nearly all of the world has forgotten about the fourth commandment, which tells us to keep holy the SEVENTH day of the week. According to prophecy, God's people in last days will return to the keeping of all ten of His command-ments, including the fourth. The call to return to the observance of God's true Sabbath [Saturday], the SEVENTH DAY of the week, is closely related to the last message that is to be given to the world. The keeping of the Sabbath was not a test in the days of such great men as CALVIN, LUTHER, KNOX, WESLEY, or ROGER WILLIAMS. The Sab-bath movement has to do with these last days just be-fore the end. Although people in the past have been saved while observing the first day of the week, God's world-wide call today is for men to observe ALL of the commandments, including His holy Sabbath. IN OUR last two lessons we have studied how Jesus urges us, with His help, to keep ALL of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. We discovered that the Bible Sabbath is Saturday, the SEVENTH day of the week, instead of Sunday, the first day of the week, which is now honored by most people. Some say it is not necessary to keep any particular day, but that we should keep every day; however one cannot keep from buying or selling, working or playing, every day of the week. Therefore it would be impossible to keep every day holy. Adam was in need of a Sabbath before sin ever en-tered this world; and Jesus, pure and holy as He was, observed the Sabbath carefully. If Jesus needed to ob־ serve the Sabbath then certainly we need to keep it. And surely, we should keep the same Sabbath that He kept and asked us to observe. GOD'S LAST MESSAGE Π What is God's last message to the obedient? And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to GIVE every man according AS HIS WORK SHALL BE... Blessed are they that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have right to the tree oi life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22:12, 14. These are very important verses found in the last chapter of the Bible. With these, please read your memory verse again. These verses speak of Christ's re- FROM EVEN UNTO EVEN SHALL YOU CELEBRATE YOUR SABBATH LESSON THIRTEEN one text in the whole Bible which teaches that Sunday is sacred. Thousands began to study their Bibles to learn the truth, yet to their amazement they could not find even one verse to prove that Sunday is the Sab-bath. Just think what a shock that was to the people! The first day of the week is mentioned only eight times in the New Testament and not once is it referred to as a holy day or Sabbath. The whole Bible teaches the observance of only the SEVENTH-day Sabbath [Saturday], No one has been able to win that $1000 reward because Sunday is a man-made worship day and Sunday keeping is not taught in the Bible. H Does Jesus care if we go on keeping Sunday instead of His Sabbath ? But he answered and said unto them. Why do ye also TRANSGRESS THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD BY YOUR TRADITION? . . . BUT IN VAIN they do WORSHIP ME, teaching for doctrines the COMMANDMENTS of MEN . . . Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, SHALL BE ROOTED UP. Matt. 15: 3, 9, 13. What could be plainer? Jesus has told His follow-ers for all time, that if they follow tradition [man-made rules and teachings] instead of His command-ments, they worship Him "in vain” and their beliefs shall be "rooted up." So we owe it to ourselves to learn which teachings are merely the traditions of men and which are the real commandments of Jesus. PAUL'S CUSTOM El Some people say that Paul, the great missionary to the Gentiles, kept Sunday instead of the Sabbath. But what does the Bible say? And Paul, AS HIS MANNER WAS, went in unto them, and three SABBATH days reasoned with them out of the Scrip־ tures. Acts 17: 2. Paul went to church every Sabbath; that was his manner, his custom, his habit. Aren’t you glad that the Bible speaks of these things so plainly that no one need be confused? Acts 18: 4 gives us the same thought: And he reasoned in the synagogue EVERY SABBATH, and persuaded the lews and the Greeks. Some people will tell you that the Sabbath was not kept after the cross. But Juniors, every time a day of rest is referred to in the New Testament—after Jesus’ death—it is always THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH. Some say that Paul met only with the Jews on the, Sabbath. But this is not true. He chose Sabbath as his day of worship also when he met with the Gentiles. And on THE SABBATH we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made. Act 16: 13. And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the GENTILES besought that these words might be preached to them the NEXT SABBATH ... And the NEXT SABBATH day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. Acts 13: 42, 44. TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY FI If we are Jesus’,disciples, what will be our con-stant guide? Bind up the TESTIMONY, among my disciples. ... To the LAW and to THE TESTIMONY: if they speak not according to this word, it 1s because there is no light in them. Isa. 8: 16, 20. Juniors, these are very strong words. If men teach doctrines contrary to God’s Ten Commandments, we dare not follow them! For God says: "If they speak not according to the law and to the testimony . . . [the life and witness of Jesus] THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM!’׳ You may be greatly surprised to learn that a few years ago a great and learned Catholic priest, Father Enright, offered $1000 cash to ,anyone who could find ΙΚΗΝΑΤ0Ν, AN ANCINT EGYPTIAN KING, WORSHIPPING THE SON Q For over three thousand years the heathen have worshipped the sun. The Old Testament contains many warnings against sun worship for it was such a com-mon practice in those days. (See Deuteronomy 4: 19; 17: 3; II Kings 23: 5, 11; Ezekiel 8: 16.) The people used to observe great feast days, with dancing and drinking, in honor of the sun; sometimes they called these great holidays ״sun-days.” That is where we get our present word ״Sunday.” Millions today, without realizing it, are dishonoring God by worshipping on the heathen holiday of sun-day. As tens of thousands of sincere Christians learn of their mistake they are re-turning to God’s true Bible Sabbath. By honoring God’s holy SEVENTH day they are keeping the fourth commandment as well as the rest of the Ten Command-ments, and are worshipping Him as Creator of heaven and earth. H In 321 A. D. the Roman Emperor Constantine de-creed that the whole Roman Empire should celebrate the first day of the week as a national holiday. All government offices were to close. In making this de-cree he openly called the first day of the week "THE VENERABLE [honorable] DAY OF THE SUN.’׳ He knew that Sunday was a pagan holiday on which sun worship was practiced. (You may read about this in the encyclopedias and history books in your library.) A few years later, at the time of the Council of Laodicea, (about 364 A.D.), the church voted to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday; and thus the church joined hands with the government in forsaking SABBATH VESPERS The sun has set; ,tis Sabbath day, From earthly toil we flee away; We place our burdens at Thy feet, And seek with joy Thy mercy seat! We lay aside our human ways, Attune our ears to heavenly lays; Thy Word we open; ,tis the truth, The stay of age, the guide of youth! Bless, Lord, to us this holy time, With counsel and with praise divine; Inspire our sordid souls to soar Beyond earth's din, to heavenly shore! Help us to truly keep this day, The spirit of its truth obey; While conscience sleeps, men tread Thy law, Teach us to hold Thy day in awe! —LOUISE C. KLEUSER. These verses may not seem so very important to you. But as you talk to your friends about the Sabbath and ask them to keep it, they will often say that the Sabbath was just for the Jews. Many believe that the Sabbath was to be kept only until Jesus died on the cross. But the New Testament shows that the Sabbath was the only day that was ever kept by Jesus or His disciples and the only day which they taught the people to keep holy. These verses show that Paul in his work for the Gentiles observed Saturday as the Sabbath in-stead of Sunday. The Bible records only one meeting which Paul had on the first day of the week — a farewell service (See Acts 20: 7, 8). This was really a Saturday night meet-ing. No one keeps Saturday night holy. In Paul’s time a day was reckoned as beginning at sunset. The first day of the week really began at sunset, Saturday eve-ning. The day which Paul regarded as sacred was the Sabbath, the SEVENTH DAY Sabbath. This is the same day which Jesus gave to man in Eden; He in-eluded the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments, and He tells us that we are to keep this same Sabbath in Heaven — the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH. ORIGIN OF SUNDAY KEEPING s How did the people ever begin keeping Sunday? For I know this« that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise« SPEAKING PERVERSE THINGS« to draw away disciples after them. Acts 20: 29« 30. For the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY DOTH ALREADY WORK . . . with all power and signs and LYING WONDERS . . . And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should BELIEVE A LIE. II Thess. 2: 7. 9. 11. Paul was greatly worried that in the future, wicked religious leaders would come into the church and teach false doctrines and deceive the followers of Jesus. Paul said that they were already at work in his day — like vicious wolves among innocent sheep and lambs. As the early church grew in power, it grew in popu-larity. Growing popular, it grew rich and worldly. Growing worldly, the leaders began to bring into the original Christian church, many false doctrines and heathen practices. They did this because many of them had joined the church in name but were still heathen at heart. They wanted to hold to their former beliefs which the commandments of God condemn. The lead-ers, to accommodate the people, ignored the Ten Com-mandments or changed them to conform to their form-er beliefs. MAN TAMPERING WITH THE LAW OF GOD the Bible Sabbath, for, according to the prophets, the revival of Sabbath keeping, the keeping of ALL the Ten Commandments, is to take place in the last days. ₪ For the past hundred years men of God have con-tinued the work of the Reformation, calling men to return to the whole Bible, including the Bible Sabbath. This message of reform is being preached in almost every country in the world and thousands are forsaking the teachings of men and are obeying the command-ments of God. ש God commands His messengers in the last days to point people back to His holy Ten Commandments. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and SHEW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSION, and the house of JACOB THEIR SINS ... If thou turn away thy foot FROM THE SABBATH from doing thy pleasure on MY HOLY DAY: then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord. Isa. 58: 1, 13, 14. God calls the Sabbath ״MY HOLY DAY.״ Will you, Juniors, heed God’s appeal and return to God’s true Sabbath when so many are trampling it underfoot? Do you say, "But it’s too hard. People will think I am odd. I’ll be all alone if I change and keep the Sab-bath.” Remember, soldiers leave their sweethearts, their fathers, their mothers, their wives, their children, their jobs, their comfortable homes, to follow their flag and obey the call of their country. Won’t you do as much for Jesus who gave up everything for you ? " Jesus I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee All things else I have forsaken Thou henceforth my all shall be.״ -HENRY F. LYTE. Will you make that decision just now?.......... the fourth commandment. They explained that in mak-ing this change they would from henceforth observe Sunday in honor of the resurrection of Christ. But no man or group of men can make such a change nor actually make a holy day. Sunday remained what it always had been — a pagan feast day. El For a long time many could not decide whether to continue to keep the Sabbath Jesus kept or to change and keep Sunday, the man-made day. Of course most of them didn’t care—the same is true in the world now. As you talk to people about keeping God’s true Sab-bath, the SEVENTH day of the week, they shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh what difference does it make?” They don’t seem to realize that when the Bible light comes to them, they will be held accountable in the judgment for refusing to keep the Sabbath. For several hundred years some people kept Satur-day and some kept Sunday and some even observed both days. But in time nearly everyone followed the Roman government and the church, and kept Sunday, the man-made worship day. How sad, to think that Bible truths taught by Jesus, the light of the world, were shut out by the professed church. You may ask, "But how could the church do this?” You see, the church claimed the right to change the Word of God, and even the Ten Commandments, writ-ten by the finger of God. In this way millions were and still are being deceived, and therefore continue to keep Sunday. But we must make Jesus our guide and not fol-low the teachings of men! God is bitterly disappointed when ministers close their eyes to His Sabbath! Her priests have VIOLATED MY LAW, and have profaned mine HOLY THINGS: they have put no difference between the holy and the profane, neither have they shewed dif-ference between the unclean and the clean, and HAVE HID THEIR EYES FROM MY SABBATHS, AND I AM PROFANED AMONG THEM. Ezek. 22: 26. THE REFORMATION El About four hundred years ago there came a great revival, the Reformation. Men began to study the Bible for themselves and to follow its teachings rather than the teachings of false religious leaders. They be-gan to preach "back to the Bible’’ and "salvation by faith in Jesus.” These great men of God brought to the church many important reforms, but they did not bring in the Sabbath reform. God did not ask them to preach the Sabbath message, but gave them messages for their day on other important Bible truths. These men will not be held accountable for failing to observe WHAT NOTED CLERGYMEN AND SCHOLARS SAY ABOUT SUNDAY KEEPING Dr. Edward T. Hiscox, author of “The Baptist Manual/4 in a paper read before a New York Ministers4 Conference, held Nov. 13, 1893, said: “There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not Sunday. ... It will be said, however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week. . . . Where can the record of such a transaction be found? Not in the New Testament—absolutely not. There is no Scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week. To me it seems unaccountable that Jesus, during three years' inter-course with his disciples, often conversing with them upon the Sabbath question . . . never alluded to any transference of the day; also, that during forty days of his resurrection life, no such thing was intimated. Of course, I quite well know that Sunday did come into use in early Christian history as a religious day, as we learn from the Christian Fathers and other sources. But what a pity that it comes branded with the mark of paganism, and christened with the name of the sun god, when adopted and sanctioned by the papal apostasy, and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism!" Bishop Jeremy Taylor (Church of England), in "Ductor Dubitantium,44 part 1, book 2, chap. 2, rule 6, secs. 51, 59. “The Lord's day did not succeed in the place of the Sabbath, but the Sabbath was wholly abrogated, and the Lord's day was merely an ecclesi-astical institution. It was not introduced by virture of the fourth command-ment, because they for almost three hundred years together kept that day which was in the commandment. ... The primitive Christians did all manner of works upon the Lord's day, even in the times of persecution, when they are the strictest observers of all the divine commandments; but in this they knew there was none. Rev. Peter Geierman, in "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine.44 P. 50, 2d edition, 1910. "Ques.—Which is the Sabbath day? Ans.—Saturday is the Sabbath day. Ques>^_W־hy do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? Ans.—We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because of the Cath-olic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." Cardinal Gibbons, in "The Catholic Mirror44 (Baltimore), Sept. 23, 1893. “The Catholic Church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Satur-day to Sunday." James Cardinal Gibbons (R. C.), in "The Faith of Our Fathers/4 p. 111. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1893. "You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [Catholics] never sanctify." Henry M. Taber, (Infidel), in "Faith or Fact/4 Preface by Robert G. In-gersoll, pp. 112, 114, 115. New York: Peter Eckler, Pub. 1897. “Probably very few Christians are aware of the fact that what they call the “Christian Sabbath" [Sunday] is of Pagan origin. “The first observance of Sunday that history records is in the fourth century, when Constantine issued an edict (not requiring its religious ob-servance, but simply abstinence from work) reading, “let all the judges and people of the town rest and all the various trades be suspended on the venerable day of the Sun/' At the time of the issue of this edict, Constan-tine was a Sun-worshipper; therefore it could have had no relation whatever to Christianity." " ‘You might as well commit murder, as violate the fourth command; of the two evils murder is the least/—(Toronto World)." “ 'The Sunday law has neither scriptural authority nor standing room in the law of God.'—(Rev. A. H. Lewis, D.D.)" “ ‘Sunday is no Christian institution.'—(B. F. Underwood.)4' “The claim that Sunday takes the place of Saturday, and that because the Jews were supposed to be commanded to keep the seventh day of the week holy, therefore that the first day of the week should be so kept by Christians, is so utterly absurd as to be hardly worth considering." MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson Thirteen This has been a very heavy lesson, so we will have a simple test paper. See how many of these blanks you can fill in. I have learned my memory verse....... —..... According to the prophecies, God's true followers in the last days will keep ALL of His Ten........................... A Catholic Priest once offered $........—.....reward to anyone who could find in the Bible one text showing a sacred day. No one has been able to claim that money because Jesus always kept the.................holy and taught His disciples to do the same. Paul's custom always was to keep the................holy. Sunday was made a national holiday by Emperor Constantine in the year...........A. D. (Par. 7.) Then the church, in the Council of.................-״changed the Sabbath from Saturday to.................. Those who want to follow the easier man-made day, But those who are willing to follow Jesus all the way will keep the fourth commandment as well as the other nine and observe the Bible............, the SEVENTH DAY of the week, in honor of God as Creator of heaven and earth. Heart Question By Jesus' help from now on I will my Sabbath. (If you have any problems or difficult questions in which we can be of help to you, write us at any time, won't you?) NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson will be on the wonder-ful subject of the Second Coming of Jesus. Will people all over the world be able to see Jesus when He comes? What will happen to the dead? Where will Jesus appear? What will the wicked do? This is one of the best studies in the whole course. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name............................. (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name) Age........ School Grade Street and No......................... City....................... State...................... Teacher's Remarks: b.K>. Now mail in your paper to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, and you will be sent a beautiful book FREE: "The Marked Bible.” one has turned the sign post so it points in the wrong direction. Hundreds of cars follow the sign and go in the wrong di-rection. Now if you follow them, will you reach your destination ? No. Be-cause so many are on the wrong road does not make that the right road. You must study your map, the guide book. When you see that you are on the wrong road, you must change immediately, re-gardless of what hundreds of others are doing! Turn quickly from the path the majority are traveling and take the road that leads toward home. Two groups are calling. The first group is very large, made up of Sun-day-keeping religious leaders with mil-lions of sincere people who are follow· ing them. The second group is smaller and made up of leaders like Peter, James, and John, and all the faithful throughout the ages who with many thousands today are keeping the SEVENTH DAY, God's holy Sabbath. Look! There in the midst of them is a tall Man who stands with arms outstretched. In His hands, see the nail prints! In His voice hear the ap-peal to your heart: ״If anyone will come after Me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.” Will you say, ״Jesus, I’ll come. I am willing to be different from the world, to be like Thee.” Will you pray: ״Dear Jesus, help me to make my decision to follow Thee all the way. Give me strength to obey all of Thy commandments and to keep Thy Sabbath holy. I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.” JUNIOR SERMON Text: “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said: We ought to obey God rather than men.“ Acts 5:29. Juniors, whom will you obey—God o man? Many of the ministers believe that the SEVENTH day is the true Sabbath but do not preach it for fear that their churches will oppose them. Let us pray that many more will see the light and walk in the way of God’s commandments. If it is not wrong to break one of the Ten Commandments then it is all right to break all of them. When Jesus comes it will be an awful day for those who have refused to keep His commandments: ”Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king-dom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day. Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many won-derful works? And then will I pro-fess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work in-iquity." Matt. 7: 21-23. You drive along the highway at nigh and come to a fork in the road. Some- THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS Memory Verse: This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Act. 1: 11. If in THIS LIFE ONLY we have HOPE IN CHRIST we are of all men MOST MISERABLE. I Cor. 15: 19. If this present life is all there is to the Christian’s joy, we are certainly most miserable. But no, there is another hope, and Paul adds: For our conversation [daily living] is in HEAVEN; from whence also we LOOK FOR THE SAVIOUR, the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. 3: 20. We should preach and talk of Jesus’ second coming. That’s all we have to live for—getting ready for Jesus’ return. When the whole world has been told the story of Jesus and His return, ’,then shall the end come.” Matt. 24: 14. That hour is very near at hand! WHAT OTHER BIBLE WRITERS SAY ABOUT JESUS' COMING B Did David believe in the second coming of Jesus? OUR GOD SHALL COME and shall not keep silence. . . . He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Ps. 50: 3, 4, 5. Yes, indeed, David believed in the second coming of Jesus. Did Job, who suffered with boils and lost every-thing, believe in Jesus’ return in the last days? FOR I KNOW (that my Redeemer liveth) and that HE SHALL STAND AT THE LATTER DAY UPON THE EARTH. Job 19: 25. And it is said that dear old Isaiah, who endured so many trials, died by being placed into a hollow tree; then he and the tree were sawn in two. Did Isaiah really believe that some of the righteous will actually see Jesus come and that all their sorrows will end for-ever ? With absolute certainly of faith Isaiah wrote: HE WILL SWALLOW UP DEATH in victory; and the Lord God will WIPE AWAY TEARS from off all faces. . . . And it shall be said in that day, LO, THIS IS OUR GOD: we have waited for him, and he will save us . . . Isa. 25: 8, 9. John the beloved was very close to Jesus when He was on earth. Later he was given wonderful visions of the future which are recorded in the book of Revela- THE second coming of Jesus is the most wonder-ful hope in the world. Every Junior should know just how Jesus will come and what to expect at His coming. This information we can find in the Bible. JESUS' OWN PROMISE Π The last night before His crucifixion, what did Jesus tell His discouraged disciples ? Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I WILL COME AGAIN, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. lohn 14: 13־. Here Jesus tells the disciples that He is soon to leave them and go to His Father and prepare a place for His people. And then He adds: ”1 will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also.” Jesus is coming again to gather His people and take them to heaven! ΨΧ What command and promise did Jesus make to His disciples just before He went back to heaven ? Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, LO, I AM WITH YOU AL-WAY, EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD. AMEN. Matt. 28: 19, 20. And this GOSPEL of the kingdom SHALL BE PREACHED in ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END COME. Matt. 24: 14. Jesus’ followers are to tell everyone about His sec-ond coming. Yet so few people seem to understand how important His second coming is. Jesus came the first time to die for our sins. He is coming the second time to take us away from this world of sin. Some say, ”Why preach about Jesus’ second com-ings? Why not make this world a better place — a heaven on earth?” Listen, if Noah, Moses, Abraham. David, and Paul couldn’t make this world into a heaven on earth, there’s no chance for men now to do it! Men tried to interest Jesus in building up an earthly king-dom, but He answered, ”My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18: 36. Paul says plainly. LESSON FOURTEEN wonderful hope we have! In the very near future, the graves will open, and our sleeping loved ones will come to life again. Some say Jesus has already come. They do not un-derstand what the Bible teaches about Jesus’ return. When He comes, the graves of all of God’s people will be opened. The righteous dead will be raised to life, and they with the righteous, who are living at that time, will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus and will be taken to heaven. ש What happens to the wicked when Jesus appears in His glory ? And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom THE LORD SHALL CONSUME with the spirit of his mouth, and shall DESTROY WITH THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING. Π Thess. 2: 8. How terrible to think that people are not getting ready for Jesus’ coming! Some think it isn’t very im-portant. Again others are so busy with their life that they are not taking time to get ready. It is sad to real-ize that those who reject or neglect Jesus will not be ready; they will be destroyed by the glory of His ap-pearing. It is worth every sacrifice now, to be ready when Jesus comes. Think of what joy it will bring to be for-ever with the dear ones who, too, have been faithful, and to be forever with Jesus in heaven! EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM ש How will Jesus appear the second time? And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and A CLOUD received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white ap-pareL׳ which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? THIS SAME JESUS, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so COME IN LIKE MAN-NER AS ye have seen him GO INTO HEAVEN. Acts 1: 9-11. Jesus was on earth forty days after the resurrection. Then, one day, as he was talking with His disciples on the Mount of Olives, He suddenly began to rise from the earth. His disciples were greatly startled as they saw Him being taken heavenward. An angel went back and comforted them with the wonderful promise that this same Jesus would come again in the clouds as they had seen Him ascend. Aren’t you glad it is "this same Jesus’’, who is to return to earth? Many prophecies of the Old Testa-ment tell about Jesus’ first coming. They were all ful-filled literally. The prophecies about His second com-ing will also be fulfilled in just as real a way. ¥1 How many will see Jesus when He comes? For as the lightning cometh out of the EAST, and shineth even UNTO THE WEST; SO shall also the COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE. Matt. 24: 27. Behold, he COMETH WITH CLOUDS; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him . . . Rev. 1:7. THIS SAME JESUS SHALL COME IN LIKE MANNER tion. He was the last of the disciples to die. Did he actually believe that Jesus will return? BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Rev. 22: 7. What did Paul say? For yet a little while, and HE that shall come WILL COME, and will not tarry. Heb. 10: 37. Juniors, if you should question all other Bible writ-ers, they would agree on the greatest of hopes—that Jesus is coming in person at the end of the world. There are 300 texts in the New Testament that speak of Jesus’ return. What a pity that the world doesn’t pay more attention to the second coming of Jesus and get ready for that wonderful day just ahead! WHAT OCCURS AT JESUS' COMING? Π What will take place when Jesus comes? For the LORD himself shall DESCEND FROM HEAVEN with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the DEAD IN CHRIST SHALL RISE FIRST: then WE, which are alive, and remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN the clouds, to MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR ... I Thess. 4: 16, 17. At His coming Jesus calls to the righteous, who are asleep in their graves, and they come forth. What a In this parable the bridegroom was slow in coming. Those who had been invited to the wedding feast grew tired of waiting and went to sleep. At midnight a cry was heard, "The bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!" But while they slept, the bridegroom came. Their lamps burned out, and they were left in darkness. Too late they arrived at the feast, knocked at the door, and from the inside came that awful sentence — "I know you not." Jesus is pleading with you to come to Him now. He can still save you. But the day is coming when it will be too late to get ready. Those who wait to give up sin till they see Him coming in the clouds of heaven, will be lost. We must BE READY, NOW! ש What final promise has Jesus given us ? And WHEN THESE THINGS begin to COME TO PASS/ then look up, and lilt up your heads; for YOUR REDEMP- TION DRAWETH NIGH. And then shall they see THE SON OF MAN COMING in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21: 28, 27. Jesus has promised to come again; let us believe just what He has promised. A father getting ready to leave on a month’s trip was packing his suitcase. His little three-year-old daughter was helping. Suddenly she stopped and asked, "Why are you packing your suitcase, Daddy?" He re-plied, "Because I have to go on a long trip on the boat." The little tot slipped out quietly and piled chairs high in front of the door. As her daddy started to leave she burst into tears and cried, "Oh, daddy, don’t take those chairs away; I put them there so you wouldn’t have to leave Mamma and me. Please don’t leave us." The father picked up his darling and said, "Honey, I hate to leave you, but I just have to go. We must tell others about Jesus’ coming. Γ11 get something for you while I’m gone, and I’ll come back to you and Mama, dearie." Do you think that fa-ther would go off and never come back to his family? Jesus has prom-ised, "I will come again and receive you unto my-self." He is coming back, Juniors, in just a little while, to take us home with Him. Will YOU be ready? So brilliant will be Jesus’ glory that everyone on earth will see Him coming in the clouds of heaven. There is to be a special resurrection (Daniel 12:2) of those who crucified Jesus, and they will see Him return as King of the universe — the One whom they nailed to the cross. (See Revelation 1: 7.) El How will the glory of Jesus’ coming affect the world ? For whosoever shall be ashamed oi me and 01 my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when HE SHALL COME IN HIS OWN GLORY, and in HIS FATHER'S, and of THE HOLY ANGELS. Luke 9: 26. And then shall appear the sign oi the Son 01 man in heaven: and then shall ALL THE TRIBES 01 the EARTH MOURN, and they shall see the SON OF MAN COMING in the clouds 01 heaven with POWER AND GREAT GLORY. Matt. 24: 30. When the appearance of just one angel at Jesus’ tomb at the resurrection was so bright with glory that all the guards fell as dead men, what glory will there be when Jesus comes with all the millions and millions of holy angels! The reason why most people on earth will mourn at His coming is that they have not prepared for His re-turn. Their sins condemn them; they are crushed by guilty consciences; their eyes cannot look on Jesus; they die as they behold His glory. But those who have been faithful will be given eternal life, and they will delight in the brilliant glory of Jesus’ return. A few years ago a radio play described an imagi-nary invasion of New York by men from the planet Mars. Thousands of people were terribly frightened by the radio announcements, which were describing en-tirely imaginary events. What will it be like when the people of this world actually see our Saviour appearing in the eastern sky! Some have talked about the coming of Jesus as though it were to be some silent secret affair, when the best Christians would be quietly snatched away. But the Bible teaches that this will be the greatest event our world has ever witnessed, and that "every eye shall see Him." Rev. 1: 7. ש What does Jesus urge us to do ? WATCH THEREFORE: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come . . . Therefore BE YE ALSO READY: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt. 24: 42, 44. No one knows just when Jesus will come. But we do know that His coming is near and we must live right all of the time, so we will be ready any time. ₪ What will Jesus be forced to say to those who have put off getting ready until too late ? Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He answered and said. Verily, I say unto you, I KNOW YOU NOT. WATCH THEREFORE, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man com-eth. Matt. 25: 11-13. MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson Fourteen There are 12 statements in the following test-paper. After each statement draw a circle around the word ״true” or ״false,” according to whether the statement is right or wrong. 1. I have learned my memory verse. TRUE FALSE (Put a circle around the word TRUE if you have learned it, and a circle around the word FALSE if you have not.) 2. Jesus promised His disciples He would go to heaven to prepare a place for them, and that He would come to earth the second time to gather His followers. TRUE FALSE 3. We should merely try to make this world a better place instead of preaching about Jesus’second coming. TRUE FALSE 4. All the Bible writers believed in Jesus’ second coming. TRUE FALSE 5. Jesus’ return is referred to 300 times in the New Testament. TRUE FALSE 6. When Jesus comes, the righteous dead are raised to life; they, with the righteous living, are taken to heaven; the glory of Jesus slays the wicked. TRUE FALSE 7. Jesus will come quietly in some secret place where only the righteous will see Him. TRUE FALSE 8. Those who crucified Jesus will see His second coming. TRUE FALSE 9 Most people will not be ready for Jesus’ coming. TRUE FALSE 10. If people are not ready when Jesus comes, He will then give them a chance to get ready. TRUE FALSE 11. Jesus’coming is now very, very near. TRUE FALSE 12. It is worth making any sacrifice for Jesus to be ready for His return. TRUE FALSE LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The whole Bible teaches the second coming of Jesus, which will take place at the end of the world. When Jesus comes, the righteous dead will be raised and, with the righteous living, will be taken to heaven. The wicked will die from the brightness of His coming. We must be ready ALL the time, for we know not just when He will come. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson is different from any we have had before — ״Is It Always Wrong to Steal?” JUNIOR SERMON Text: Be thou faithful unto death, and I ill give thee a crown of life. Rev. 2: 10. A father in the Philip-pines became very angry because his daughters started to follow Jesus and keep all of God’s command-ments. They began to prepare for Jesus’ coming. Finally they were to be baptized. When the day came for their baptism, their father threatened them with death; but they did not yield. They were will-ing to sacrifice anything for Jesus. Not being able to find his big hunting knife, he grabbed a big stick and started toward the baptismal group. He began beating his daughters as they came up out of the water. But Jesus spared their lives and later that father became a Christian. They had been faithful even in the face of death. Will you? PRAYER Dear Lord, help me to live every day for Thee. Help me, no matter how much others oppose me, to be true to Thy word and Thy commandments. Keep me ready always for Thy coming. I ask it in Jesus* name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name ........................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age......... School Grade.............. Street and No..................................... City................................... State.................................. (Please sign your name the same on each lesson.) Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX ■55, LOS ANGELES 53, Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON FIFTEEN IS IT ALWAYS WRONG TO STEAL? Memory Verse: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8: 36 HEAPED TREASURE TOGETHER FOR THE LAST DAYS. Behold, the HIRE OF THE LABORERS who have reaped down your fields, which is of you KEPT BACK BY FRAUD, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are en-tered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. James 5: 1-4. You hear a great deal about labor trouble these days. Many times employers have been very unfair to the poor people working for them. In years gone by, little children have been forced to work for a few cents a day. It is not a sin to be rich. Riches are a blessing if rightly used, but it is a sin to get riches by unfair deal-ings. 0 How does God advise the humble Christian laborer? BE PATIENT therefore, brethren, UNTO THE COMING OF THE LORD . . . Be Ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. James 5: 68־. It is just as wrong for the working man to steal time from his employer as it is for the employer to pay him unfairly. Does God suggest that the laborers should bomb the factory or do any other desperate act for spite ? No, God pleads, ,,Be patient, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." That may seem hard to do, but in the end it is the best way out. When you hear of labor trouble, your heart is made very sad. But Juniors, the prophecy tells us this is another sign that Jesus’ coming is very near. So let us ,,be patient, therefore, unto the coming of the Lord!" For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" INVESTING IN HEAVEN □ What should be the Christian’s chief desire and interest? SUPPOSE you think about that memory verse just a minute. What happiness would you gain if you could own everything in this world and yet lose eternal life? The next verse adds: ,Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8: 37. Which are you going to follow — the ■f■ or the $ sign? A man worth millions of dollars, once said, ”1 would glady give $1,000,000 for a good stomach, so I could enjoy eating.” How much will lost men be will-ing to give when Jesus comes if they could only ex-change their riches to save their souls! Over in Pompeii, Italy, one can see the form of a man who was buried more than 1800 years ago, when the volcano, Vesuvius, erupted. He turned back after his box of gold and jewels. Clinging to it, he was struck dead by the hot lava from the burning mountain. What a pity he was not clinging to Jesus instead of to his gold! DIFFERENT WAYS OF ROBBING Π What does the eighth of the Ten Commandments say? Thou shalt not steal. Ex. 20: 15. That is very plain language and every Junior should think seriously to be sure he is fully obeying this com-mand. There are many ways of stealing besides rob-bing a bank with a gun, or sneaking away apples or watermelons from a neighbor. Some steal by looking on a classmate’s examination paper. It is as wrong to steal answers as it is to steal money. Some steal holy time by breaking the Sabbath. LAY NOT UP for yourselves TREASURES UPON EARTH, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but LAY UP for yourselves TREASURES HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal But SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and his right-eousness; and all THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. Matt. 6: 19, 20, 33. FI How have some become guilty of robbery ? Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have into his own pocket. It is just as bad for a Christian to keep in his pocket God’s holy money—the tithe. Ψ1 What is meant by tithe ? And all THE TITHES of the land, whether the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's it is HOLY UNTO THE LORD . . . And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock . . . THE TENTH shall be HOLY UNTO THE LORD. Lev. 27: 30, 32. Tithe is one-tenth of profits from crops or from stock, after the salary of the help and the other busi-ness expenses have been deducted. For the business man, tithe is one-tenth of his salary or wages or one-tenth of his profits on investments. In paying tithe we show that we recognize that God is owner of all things. Suppose someone hires you to mow a lawn and pays you one dollar. How much of that is "holy unto the Lord?" Ten cents, or one-tenth; tithe means tenth. Besides the tithe we should give freewill offerings as the Lord impresses us. You perhaps have never realized that one-tenth of all you receive belongs to the Lord. If you will begin to tithe, you will receive a great blessing. You should tithe all your earnings and also the money which is given you. If someone gives you two dollars, twenty cents of that is holy. Who would rob God and spend holy money on himself ? Fs| What warnings and blessings are connected with tithe-paying ? Ye are CURSED with a curse: for ye have ROBBED ME. even this whole nation. BRING ye all the TITHES INTO THE STOREHOUSE, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove ' me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I WILL not OPEN THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN, and pour you out A BLESSING, that there shall not be room enough to receive it, and I will REBUKE THE DEVOURER for your sakes, and he shall not DESTROY THE FRUITS OF YOUR GROUND . . . saith the Lord of hosts. Mai. 3: 911־. If we hold back God’s holy tithe we are injuring ourselves. In Deut. 8: 18 we read: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: ior IT IS HE THAT GIVETH THEE POWER TO GET WEALTH. Since God is the one who gives us strength to do. a day’s work, certainly it is in His power to add to our in-come if we are faithful in giving to Him His own. And He has promised to do just that. If we will pay our tithe faithfully, He will pour out upon us a great blessing and will rebuke the caterpillars, grasshoppers, pests, and everything else that would destroy our crops or ruin our business. Very, very few are faithful to God in paying tithe. And do you know, it has been said that in the U. S. A. we are paying out one-tenth of all of our national wealth in fighting pests — the very pests that God said He would destroy if we would pay our tithe into His work ? Down in South America a faithful Christian had a large farm. A plague of locusts (large grasshoppers) came through the land destroying absolutely everything ONE TENTH BELONGS TO GOD The way some Christians live one would think money and success in business means more to them than anything else. If success in this life is all the Christian is living for, then he is the most miserable of all men. We should seek FIRST a place in Jesus’ kingdom and then He will supply all of our needs of life. B Who cares for the birds and the flowers ? Consider the ravens: for they neither sow or reap; which neither have storehouse nor bam; and GOD FXEDETH THEM: how much more are ye better than the fowls? Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12: 24, 27. If Jesus can feed the birds and clothe the flowers, don’t you think He will care for His children for whom He gave His life ? Make a list of the bills in your family each month. Perhaps they will include many of these: 1. rent; 2. grocery bills; 3. electric lights; 4. gas bill; 5. payment on the car or refrigerator; 6. doctor bill; 7. what you owe your neighbor for money he has loaned you. Is that all? NO ! There is one bill and the most im-portant, which you have forgotten! ROBBING GOD —OR HONORING GOD? ש How have many people, even Christians, robbed God? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? IN TITHES AND OFFER-INGS. Mai. 3: 8. It is bad enough to steal from a neighbor, but it is far worse to steal’from God. How have we robbed Him? He answers: "In tithes and offerings." You would be shocked to hear that a deacon at church had taken holy money out of the collection plate and put it WITH HOLES. Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways. ... Ye looked for much, and, 10, it came to little and when ye brought it home, I DID BLOW UPON IT. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of MINE HOUSE that IS WASTE, and ye run every man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit. Haggai 1: 6, 7, 9. 10. Have you heard people say, ”1 just can’t see where all of our money has gone. We never can get caught up with our expenses”? The reason may be you have neglected the Lord’s house, and have put your own wants first. The Lord says, ”Bring ye all the tithes into My storehouse and prove me now, saith the Lord . . . I will pour you out a blessing.” He has promised that He will supply all of your need. Always pay your tithe first, and the Lord will help you with your other expenses. In paying tithe you are going into business with God. If you will pay Him ten percent of your profits, He promises to prosper and help you. Some say, ”I’ll start tithing when I get out of debt.” But the devil hears this and keeps them in debt so they will never tithe. If people will start tithing, they will be amazed at how God will bless them. When Mr. William Colgate, the Christian layman, began his soap industry, he resolved to devote ten percent of his earn-ings to charity. His business prospered from the very beginning and the company has, through the years, donated from twenty to thirty percent of its income to charity. ש An elderly Javanese woman lived on Mt. Klute in Java. Every year she walked down the mountain with her year’s tithe in a bag, which she left at the Mission. One morning as she arose, suddenly there was a great shaking and roaring. She looked out just as the top of the volcano was blown off. The boiling white-hot lava was rolling down the mountain side, destroying every-thing in its path. This trusting woman dropped to her knees quickly and prayed for protection since she had been faithful to Jesus. That hot river of boiling mud went on either side of her garden and roared on down the moun-tain side, destroying thou-sands of lives in a few mo-ments’ time. But this worn-an’s home was spared like an island in the midst of terrible destruction—a tes-timony that God watches over His humble children who are faithful to Him. Won’t you obey the Lord fully by beginning to return to the Lord His tithe? green. This man prayed to God, and as the locusts reached his place, they went around, eating everything surrounding it. This man’s farm, which had been saved from locusts by God’s hand, attracted the attention of many, for miles around. People drove long distances to see this miracle. When they asked the owner to ex-plain how his farm had been spared he read to them these texts found in Malachi 3 and said, ”All of these years I have been paying my tithe to God. He has promised to protect my crops and now you can see how they have been spared!” TITHING IN THE NEW TESTAMENT El How does the New Testament emphasize the pay-ing of our tithe to God for the support of the gospel work? Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things LIVE OF THE THINGS OF THE TEMPLE? . . . Even so hath the Lord ordained that THEY WHICH PREACH the gospel SHOULD LIVE OF THE GOSPEL. I Cor. 9: 13, 14. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocritesl for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: THESE OUGHT YE TO HAVE DONE, and not to leave the other undone. Matt. 23: 23. Jesus taught that we must not only pay tithe but also live right. If one is living right, he will not steal from God, but will be faithful in his tithe. Tithing was practiced long before the time of Moses. Abraham paid tithes. (See Genesis 14: 1920־.) In the temple service the priests were paid from the tithe. Paul says that ministers of the gospel shall be paid in the same way. God never intended that churches should have bazaars, lotteries and chicken dinners to raise money to pay the ministers. No, gos-pel workers are to be paid from holy money — the Lord’s tithe. If church members bring in their tithes faithfully, there is enough to carry on God’s work. But remember this, too: God never intended that the tithe should make the preacher rich. He should re-ceive only a moderate living wage, like the members of his church. The rest of the tithe should be used in car-rying the gospel on to other communities who have no minister. God asks us to bring the tithe into the storehouse, to ”mine house.” We are not to spend the tithe as we think best. It is to go into the sacred treasury of the church. In paying our tithe we should, of course, turn it in to a church that teaches and follows all the Bible; otherwise we are encouraging and helping to spread false doctrines. TITHING PAYS ! ₪ Why do so many have such a hard time ”making both ends meet?” Ye have SOWN MUCH, and BRING IN LITTLE; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that eameth wages earneth WAGES to put it INTO A BAG A JAVANESE HOME MY ANSWERS Test Paper Lesson Fifteen Have you learned the memory verse ?. The eighth commandment says " ........................(tell at least two ways.) ....................................... (Par. 6) ...................................... (Par. 4) Who will care for us if we will be faithful to We can steal by.......................................... The worst way to steal is by robbing God in not paying our The Christian should lay up his treasures in................ Who takes care of the birds and flowers?.................... Him in all things?....................... Tithe is how much or what part of our income?............................(Par. 7). If I earn $1 00 I owe..............cents tithe to God. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: (Par. 9) a. Abraham paid tithe long before the time of the law of Moses. b. Jesus taught that we should pay tithe the way we think best. c. If the Lord’s church doesn’t use the tithe the way we think best, we should spend it for anything good we choose. 7 b People often have a hard time paying their bills and are always in debt because they have failed to pay their 1. 2. 3■ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is the following right or wrong: I should pay all of my bills, and then pay my tithe if there is any money left.......................................... Because the lich man (see Junior sermon) refused to help the poor and return the Lord’s tithe, God said־ ^10u.............י this ..........thy......................shall be required of thee.” Heart Questions With Jesus help will you endeavor to be faithful in returning your tithe to God? 10. 11. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL There are various kinds of stealing, but the worst is robbing God by not paying our tithes. If we pay our tithe faithfully to God, and obey Him in other ways as well, He has promised to prosper us. Many are selling their souls to get rich. But only Heaven offers riches that will last forever. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson covers many surpris-ing points which affect the life of every boy or girl—"What should I give up for Jesus?" You must get this! _ JUNIOR SERMON Text: “But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided.” Luke 12: 20. This man had been greatly blessed of God and had become very prosperous. Instead of returning the tithe to the Lord, instead of helping the poor in his community, he decided to save his profits all for himself. That night he died. What good did his riches do him then? Paul says we have brought nothing in-to the world and it is certain we can take nothing out. Though most people are choosing riches, do you know the aver-age person in the United States dies with only $90 to show for a whole live of toil ? How much better to work and live for eternal riches! The great ship Frances Phillipar was burning at sea. On board was a Chris-tian from the Orient. He said later, "Under my mattress I had $2000, but when the ship went down all I thought of was saving my life and the lives of my family.״* This world will soon be destroyed. We will be able to save nothing of this world's goods. Surely we should not neglect our own soul’s salvation. We should pray, "Oh, Lord, help me to put Thee and Thy work first in my life. Help me to be faithful in returning to Thee that which is Thine ,and give me eternal life. I ask it in Jesus* name. Amen.” MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name............................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age.......... School Grade...... Street and No.............................. City............................ State........................... Teacher’s Remarks: Now mail this lesson and test-paper immediately to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, MUST I GIVE UP SOME THINGS FOR JESUS? MEMORY VERSE: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I John 2: 15 ... I have written you young men. because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. LOVE. NOT THE WORLD, neither the THINGS that are IN THE WORLD. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the LUST OF THE FLESH, and the LUST OF THE EYES, and THE PRIDE OF LIFE, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the WORLD PASSETH AWAY, AND THE LUST thereof: but HE that DOETH the WILL OF GOD ABIDETH FOREVER. I John 2: 14-17. Notice every part of these verses. We are to be strong. There are many things we cannot do which the world counts as all right. Lusts are wrong desires; all wrong is to be destroyed. The world and its mad pleasures and pleasure seekers are all to be destroyed. But the Junior who will take Jesus as his guide will live forever. The Bible doesn’t mention every sinful pleasure by name and then forbid it. If so, the devil would just change the names. Instead, the Bible gives us right and wrong principles for all time. God has not given us just a lot of "don’ts” to make us prisoners. Rather, He has warned us about sinful things to keep us free. (Jas. 2: 12). MOVING PICTURES B What objects of heathen wor-ship did God tell His people to destory when they entered Ca-naan? Then ye shall drive out all the in-habitants of the land from before you, and DESTROY ALL THEIR PICTURES . . . Num. 33: 52. SOME people think of the Christian life as one of having to give up many good things that they en-joy. However the Christian life should be full of joy and satisfaction. David said: Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is ful-ness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forever-more. Psa. 16: 11. God gave us this world to enjoy, but He knows best how we can find true happiness. Satan has many de-ceptions which appear very attractive to us. He has planned to use them for the destruction of our souls. Today jazz, movies, dancing, gambling, etc., have be-come his schemes to lead us away from God. As Chris-tians we must always find out what God would have us do. BIBLE STANDARDS Π What is necessary if a young person is to be saved ? Let no man despise thy youth; but BE thou AN EXAMPLE of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in PURITY. I Tim. 4: 12. . . . NEITHER BE thou PARTAKER OF OTHER MEN'S SINS: KEEP thyself PURE. I Tim. 5: 22. So often young people, in speaking about some pleasures, say, "I can do this because I know some grown folks in the church who do it.” But Paul says that those who are young should be an example and keep pure in word, in deed, and in conversation. There is a reason why we must be careful: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they SHALL SEE GOD. Matt. 5: 8. Let us avoid all things that keep us from leading a pure life, so that we may find eternal life with Jesus. B How does John explain what a young person should, or should not do? And the serpent said unto the woman. Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your EYES shall be OPENED, and ye shall be as gods, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL. Gen. 3: 4, 5. Yes, many young people have had their eyes opened in a show-house. They have seen good and evil, and the devil has whispered to them, י,There’s nothing wrong in your being here; 'ye shall not surely die/ After all, most of the pictures are pretty good and teach good morals, don’t they?” Isaiah 2: 16 says that in the last days God will bring down His wrath upon "all pleasant pictures.” NOVELS Q Who is the author of fiction ? Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER OF IT. Jon 8: 44. Novels and serial stories are first cousins to the movies. Fiction is a nice word for untrue, made-up stories. Novels and story magazines are mostly about murder, lust, and falsehood. Jesus says that Satan is the father or author of all untruth. One who loves to read novels and impure love or murder stories is not only in bad company now, but he will be left out of heaven! Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For WITHOUT ARE . . . MURDER-ERS, and IDOLATERS, and WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE. Rev. 22: 14, 15. Novel-reading makes life seem unreal and often brings impure thoughts into the mind. When a person reads trashy books and trashy magazine stories, his mind becomes like a sieve; it is hard for him to enjoy good reading. Many homes now need to have a bonfire to de-stroy books and magazines. (See Acts 19: 18, 19·) It is just as wrong to listen to novels and question-able made-up stories over the radio as it is to read them. MUSIC m What should our standard be in music ? . . . Teaching . . . one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col. 3: 16. No Christian will play jazz, swing music, cheap or vulgar love songs. There are some secular songs which are perfectly proper for a Christian to sing, such as the old "folk songs.” There are some very beautiful mod-ern songs as well. If you will pray to Jesus and ask Him to guide you, He will help you in deciding which music to select. Early one morning a young Siamese called at a mission in Bangkok. He had been a Budhist but just recently had decided to become a Christian. He said, "You have never told me what music I should listen to. Last night as I was playing some records, something inside my heart seemed to say to me, 'That is not the right kind of music for a Christian to listen to.׳ I have come to ask you if it is wrong for a Christian to hear or to play certain music.” If God asked them to destroy the pictures in their day, what would He say about the movies NOW! He didn’t tell them to destroy only part of the pictures, but ALL. One of today’s popular pleasures, which is probably doing more damage to young people than anything else, is the movie. Twenty million people in the United States go to the shows every day. Seventy-five per cent of these are young people. Satan wants to ruin young lives; if he succeeds, he doesn’t need to worry about them later, for they are already in his trap. Two hundred and fifty films were examined by a committee. In these films were found scenes of ninety-seven murders, forty-five suicides, and ninety-four other crimes too horrible even to mention, to say noth-ing of seeing them on the screen! Of the many char-acters in these pictures, one hundred seventy-six were thieves, twenty-five were wicked women, thirty-five were drunkards. Juniors, can a person go to these movies and see things like these and still be "pure in heart” ? Do you think Jesus would go into a show-house? —Then should we? He that eaith he abideth in him ought himself also 80 to WALE, even as HE WALKED. I John 2: 6. If we are walking with Jesus, we will not go to places where He will not go with us. When a Junior enters a movie, he leaves Jesus and the good angels at the door, for they will not enter such places. Who dares go in, thus unprotected? The Bible asks: Can two WALK TOGETHER/ except they be AGREED? Amos 3: 3. There are some moving pictures, such as travel scenes, animal-life, in- dustrial activities, news, and others which are not in themselves wrong if shown in a school or in a public auditorium. But don't go to Satan’s show-houses to see them. The very pictures on the outside of show- houses tell what to __ expect in the inside. In deciding where to go and what to do, ask your-self, "What would Jesus do?” You and Jesus must agree on the things you do, the things you see, and the places to which you go. You are walking together. A girl said recently, "I don’t go to shows because my folks won’t let me. Why shouldn’t I go a few times just to see what they are like? Then I’ll know for myself the good from the bad.” That is what the devil told Eve when she said that God had told her to keep away from the forbidden tree: ו Yes, the Christian should even dress differently from a worldly person. Jesus expects us to dress neatly and modestly. He asked His followers not to wear jewelry. When Jacob called on his family to draw close to God, they gave up all of their jewelry (Gen. 35: 4). God commanded the Israelites to take off all of their ornaments at Sinai (Ex. 33: 5, 6). In getting ready for Jesus’ coming, we should leave off these things and live modestly and humbly in these last hours. LANGUAGE Cl What kind of language should we use? And whatsoever ye do in WORD or deed, do all IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS______ Col. 3: 17. e Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure . . . think on these things. Phil. 4: 8. As Christians, we will not only give up swearing, but also give up crude slang, vulgar words, impure stories, and joking about sacred things. The Bible says of those who are saved, "No guile was found in their mouth.” Rev. 14: 5. LAST-DAY CAUTIONS m Here are five texts which warn against pleasure dangers. Read them carefully. This know also, that in the LAST DAYS perilous times shall come . . . Men shall be . . . LOVERS OF PLEASURE MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD; having a form of godli-ness, but denying the power thereof. ... II Tim. 3: 1, 4, 5. Wherefore come out from among them, and BE ye SEPA-RATE, saith the Lord, and TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING_____ II Cor. 6: 17. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary THE DEVIL, as a roaring lion, walketh about, SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR. I Pet. 6: 8. . . . Woe to the inhabiters of the earth ... for the DEVIL is come down unto you, HAVING GREAT WRATH, because he KNOWETH that he HATH BUT A SHORT TIME. Rev. 12: 12. Teaching us that DENYING ungodliness and WORLDLY LUSTS, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; LOOKING FOR that blessed hope, and the GLORIOUS APPEARING of the great God and our SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Titus 2: 12, 13. Ah, this showed that the Holy Spirit was speaking to this young man’s heart! One day, when Jesus comes, the wild jazz music and the silly songs will suddenly stop. Let’s stop listening to them now. I will turn your FESTIVALS INTO MOURNING, and your DITTIES INTO DIRGES; the temple hymns shall change to howls as corpse after corpse is flung out with a hushl Amos 8: 3 (Moffatt's). DANCING Ξ What should we do when we see the wrong in some entertainment? Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, ABSTAIN FROM FLESHLY LUSTS, which WAR AGAINST THE SOUL ... Ye are a chosen generation, ... a peculiar people.... I Pet. 2: 11, 9. Of all the pleasures, which people hold to, dancing is one of the most harmful. God’s people are to be pe-culiar, holy, and clean; and they are to leave alone pleasures that are immodest. A great dancing teacher said that dancing was leading more girls into sin than any other entertainment. Thousands of homes have been broken up by the dance. Girls, if you want to keep pure, don’t learn to dance! Jesus’ mother would not have danced. Boys, Jesus would certainly never be found dancing! We ought to ,‘walk even as He walked.” In Bible times the people had sacred rhythmic drills which are called ”dances” in the Bible; these were nothing like the dancing of today; men and women danced separately. Again, some would defend dancing in the home. But one step leads to another. Don’t take that fatal first step, and you’ll remain safe. Q Is there anything wrong in a harmless game of cards ? There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but THE END THEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF DEATH. Prov. 16: 25. A game of cards in the home may seem very harm-less. Remember, though, that most gambling cardplay-ers learned to play well at home before they risked gambling outside. Almost every thief, drunkard, wicket! man or woman is a cardplayer. You will find a pack of cards in the tavern, and other places of sin, but not the Bible. Men seldom gamble over croquet, table tennis, or other clean games. It is most often the game of cards which attracts gamblers. Let us, as Christians, not patronize gambling or gambling games, in any R| What does the Bible say about the use of jewelry? In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in mod-est apparel . . . NOT WITH broided hair, or GOLD, or PEARLS, or COSTLY ARRAY.״ I Tim. 2: 9. Whose adorning let it NOT BE that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of WEARING OF GOLD, or of putting on of apparel. I Pet. 3: 3. RECREATION AND HOBBIES ש What can a Junior do for recreation ? There are many entertainments that a Christian can enjoy, such as homey parlor games, table tennis, croquet, tennis, darts, archery, baseball, golf and horseshoe. There are no finer recre-ations than outdoor sports, such as boating, swimming, hiking, and skating. For a good time with others, you can enjoy campfire suppers, picnic dinners, bonfire marshmallow roasts. There are many enjoyable hobbies that one can carry on, such as woodcraft, leathercrafts, photography, gardening, clay modeling, nature study, stamp collecting, etc. (See books on crafts and hob-bies. They will give you wonderful information and help.) Good clean recreation is a blessing to every Christian young persons. Here are some suggestions in choosing entertainment: a. Don't do anything that leaves a ״bad taste” in your mind. b. Don't go to any place you would not expect Jesus to go, and don't do anything you feel that He would not approve. c. ״When in doubt, don’t.” That is, if there is a question in your own mind as to whether a thing is right or wrong, it is bet-ter not to do it. The prophets describe the last days as pleasure-mad—״Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” Which do you love more? If you love God, then you will give up sinful and useless pleasures for Him. We are to come out and be separate, ״a peculiar people.” Satan, like a roaring lion, is trying to destroy the souls of God’s children because he knows the end is very near. Remember the five foolish Christians in Matthew 25 were off guard only one evening, and they lost eter-nal life. ״Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Test Paper Lesson Sixteen MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?......................................................................... 2. According to our memory verse, we cannot love.....................and the at the same time. 3. If a person is to be saved, he must keep himself................................................... (Par. 1) 4. God told His people that when they came to Canaan to destroy all of the..............................(Par 3) 5. What does Isaiah say God will destroy in the last days?.............................................(Par. 3) 6. Would Jesus go to a movie ?.....................................Then should you go ?........................ 7. Novels are really untrue, the author of all such things. (Par. 4) In many homes are found............................and which should be burned. 8. What kind of music will a Christian not play, sing, or listen to?.................................(Par. 5) 9. Would Jesus or Mary dance?.........................Then do you think it is right for you to dance?.... 10. Is it right or wrong for a Christian to play cards ?........................................(Par. 7) 11. What does the Bible say about the wearing of jewelry? (Par. 8)........................................ s temptations, more than ever be- ? days and must be on guard against Satan Jesus’ help to give up all sinful pleasures ך LESSON IN A NUTSHELL There are many things the world counts all right, which the Christian can-not do. A Christian will not dance, play cards, use bad language, read novels, nor go to shows. By avoiding these things a Junior will avoid many temptations. The nearer we get to the end, the harder Satan will make it for us to resist temptation, and the more careful we must be in our our choice of entertainment. Jesus gave up all for us. We must be willing to give up all for Him. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson is ״The Great Judg-ment Day — How Near Are We To It?” This is a subject you very seldom hear discussed, but it is one which every Junior should study. JUNIOR SERMON TEXT: So likewise, whosoever he be off you that fforsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14: 33. Are YOU willing to give up «11 for Jesus? Do some things seem too dear to you? Oh, remember Jesus gave up absolutely everything for you! Satan will try to make you feel that you just cartt give up certain pleasures. Aren’t you willing to forsake all for Jesus? There is probably nothing in the world today that is keeping more people from living a Christian life than the pleasures of sin. Don't let a ״good time״״ now cheat you out of eternal life in heaven. The end is very near, and we need to be on guard now more than ever before. PRAYER Dear Lord, help me to be willing to forsake worldly pleasures. Keep me from going to sinful places and from doing wrong things. Help me to realize that Thy coming is very near and to live so that I will always be ready. I ask it in Jesus״ name. Amen. 12. Since we are living in the last fore, will you determine with MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name................................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age........School Grade............. Street and No....................... City.. State״ (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teachers Remarks: **»NT«» IN Now mail this test paper immediately to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, BOX 55, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LESSON SEVENTEEN THE GREAT JUDGMENT DAY-HOW NEAR ARE WE TO IT? MEMORY VERSE: And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everylasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Rev. 14: 6, 7. On that day the high priest took the blood of a goat and went into the second apartment of the sanctu-ary or temple, into the Most Holy Place where the ark was kept. The ark was a symbol of God’s heavenly throne. Inside of the ark were the Ten Command-ments. Above the ark was the mercy seat — a symbol of God’s mercy toward His people. Throughout the year the people had confessed their sins and had brought to the temple their lambs and other sacrifices. These sacrifices were a type of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who was later to die for their sins. By faith they looked forward to Jesus’ death; we, today, by faith look back to Jesus’ death for our atone-ment or washing away of sin. The Israelites daily con-fessed their sins, which had collected (in type) in the sanctuary throughout the year. Then, on the day of Atonement (the Judgment Day) the High Priest with the blood of the chosen goat went into the Most High Place to atone (cleanse away) for all the sins of the past year. If anyone did not confess his sins before that solemn ceremony ended, he was no longer counted among God’s people. It was the most solemn day of the year for Israel, for they were lost or saved according to whether or not they had confessed their sins before the final atonement, or before the cleansing of the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary was completed. El What solemn work was Jesus to do in the last days toward the end of the world ? Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of of the world: but now ONCE IN THE END OF THE WORLD hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of him-self. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT. Heb. 9: 25-27. The High Priest went into the Most Holy Place once a year on the day of Atonement or Judgment. Paul says that Jesus likewise was to go into the Most Holy Place once in the end of the world. It is a solemn thought to realize that the Judgment time is here and THIS is a long memory verse. It will count for two points on your test paper. It is a prophetic mes-sage that was to be given in the last days before the end, announcing that the Judgment had begun in heaven. This message was to go to every country in the world. In this lesson we will study about the work and the time of the Judgment. We shall see that the Judgment is very real, that it affects every one of us, and that there is no time to be lost in getting ready for it. A DAY APPOINTED n How many must face the Judgment? For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. II Cor. 5: 10. That’s why you and I should be greatly interested in the Judgment, because it affects every one of us. Because he HATH APPOINTED A DAY. in the which he will judge the world in righteousness. Acts 17: 31. It is clear that, even back in Paul’s time, a definite date had already been fixed in prophecy for the begin-ning date of the Judgment, which would begin some time before Jesus should return. JUDGMENT DAY IN ISRAEL'S TIME ψ\ What is meant by ”the cleansing of the sanctuary” ? Then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people, and bring his blood within the vail . . . and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and before the mercy seat: and he shall make an ATONEMENT for the holy place, BE-CAUSE OF THE UNCLEANNESS of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins . . . Also on the tenth day of this seventh month THERE SHALL BE A DAY OF ATONEMENT: it shall be an holy convoca-tion unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord . . . For WHATSOEVER SOUL it be that shall NOT BE AFFLICTED in that same day, he shall be CUT OFF from among his people. Lev. 16: 15, 16; 23: 27, 29. Yearly in the Jewish sanctuary service a most sol-cmn day was observed, the ”Day of Atonement”; some-time it was called by the Jews, ”The Judgment Day.” On this day the sanctuary was cleansed (in type) of all the sins that the people had committeed during the pre-ceding year. to save to the uttermost! It is Jesus, who lives to make intercession (pleading for forgiveness) for us! Oh, let us never turn from Jesus since He is our Heavenly Saviour, our Redeemer, and our only Hope. HEAVEN'S RECORD BOOKS H From what records are people judged ? And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and THE BOOKS WERE OPENED: and another book was opened, which is the book of Life: and the dead were JUDGED OUT OF THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS, according to their works. Rev. 20: 12. The Judgment started with those who lived earlier in earth’s history. As the records of the dead are com-pleted, the Judgment will review the cases of the liv-ing. What a solemn thought—"judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Our guardian angels are recording each thought and each act of our lives. How does your life look in the pages of heaven’s record books? H Where are the names of those written who have been children of God ? And I intreat thee also, . . . help those . . . whose NAMES ARE IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. Phil. 4: 3. The most important book in the universe, besides the Bible, is the Book of Life. When a person gives his heart to Jesus and decides to follow Him all of the way, his name is written in the Book of Life. It is a wonderful thing to have your name written in that book, for Whosoever was NOT found written IN THE BOOK OF LIFE was CAST INTO the LAKE OF FIRE. Rev. 20: 15. How sad to think that so many are not willing to take their stand for Jesus and have their names written in the Book of Life! How sad that many who have started to follow Jesus are willing to give up so easily. Unless they return to Jesus, He must blot their names from the Book of Life (Rev. 3: 5). π How careful will be the examination of every life? But I say unto you, That EVERY IDLE WORD that man shall speak, they shall GIVE ACCOUNT thereof in the day of JUDGMENT. Matt. 12: 36. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that FOR ALL THESE THINGS GOD WILL BRING THEE INTO JUDGMENT. Eccl. 11: 9. How often young people say, "I want to have a good time. I don’t see why I can’t do this or that. Why does a person have to be so careful? I’ll only be young once. What difference does it make anyway what I do? ’’ Oh, in the Judgment it will make a lot of differ-ence. Then no one will regret having lived carefully. Then every Junior will be thankful indeed that he has given up sinful pleasures, careless talk, disobedience, and impure thoughts. El Why do some love darkness and fear the light of Jesus ? . . . And men loved darkness rather than light, BECAUSE THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL. John 3: 19. When people are doing something which they know is wrong, they don’t want to be seen doing it that Jesus will soon return. How soon the Judgment will close, no one on earth knows. We must be ready all the time, so we will be ready any time. The cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844; inasmuch as the 2300 days or years, referred to in Daniel 8: 14, ended at that time. This date 1844 is one of the most firmly fixed points in Bible prophecy. Since that time the Judgment has been going on in heaven. It was at that time that the books of heaven were opened, and the investigation of the records of men’s lives began. TIME OF JUDGMENT Π How does Daniel describe the beginning of that solemn Judgment scene? I beheld till the thrones were cast down [set in place], and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and then thou-sand times ten thousand stood before him: THE JUDGMENT WAS SET, and THE BOOKS WERE OPENED. Dan. 7: 9, 10. As God the Father took His place to preside, the Judgment began and the books were opened. Who serves as our Lawyer (advocate), our Helper, and Friend in the Judgment work in heaven? . . . And if any man sin, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous. I John 2: 1. For we have not AN HIGH PRIEST which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was IN ALL POINTS TEMPTED LIKE AS WE ARE, yet WITHOUT SIN. Heb. 4: 15. Wherefore he is ABLE also to SAVE them TO THE UTTER-MOST that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lived to make intercession for them. Heb. 7: 25. What comforting words these are. It is Jesus, who lifts us from sin! It is Jesus, who has been tempted in all points as we are, who serves as our High Priest in the Judgment court in heaven! It is Jesus, who is able purity or swearing. But Jesus pleads, ,‘My Father, they have repented and confessed their sins. My blood cov-ers their sins. Save them for My sake.” The heavenly decision is, ”They shall be saved.” All signs show that the end is very near and that Jesus will soon declare, “It is finished. He which is filthy, let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and, behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man accord-ing to his works.” One of these days your name will come up in the Judgment. When your life is placed in the balances, how will it weigh? How will your record appear? Are you living daily for Jesus? Have you repented of your sins, so that His blood can cover them? Soon the last name will have been considered. How will your record stand ? HOW SHALL WE STAND IN THE JUDGMENT ? When Jesus shall gather the nations, Before him at last to appear, Then how shall we stand in the Judgment, When summon’d our sentence to hear? Shall we hear, from the lips of the Saviour, The words "faithful servant, well done," Or trembling with fear and with anguish, Be banished- away from his throne? Then living with hearts fixed on heaven, In patience we wait for the time When the days of our pilgrimage ended, Well bask in the presence divine. HARRIET B. McKEEVER. ”because their deeds are evil.” In the Judgment Day many will long to have their sinful lives hidden, but the light of Jesus will uncover every hidden sin. The warden in an east-ern prison said, ”Many of the hardest criminals, who deny any guilt, will con-fess their crime during the very last moment before they die in the electric chair. They seem to fear death and the Judgment.” CLOSE OF THE JUDGMENT ₪ With what solemn words will the Judgment finally close? HE THAT IS UNJUST, LET HIM BE UNJUST STILL: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is right-eous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY; and my REWARD is with me, to give EVERY MAN ACCORDING AS HIS WORK shall be. Rev. 22: 11, 12. In 1844 the great Judgment Day began. It is very important and interesting to note that in the years just before 1844 a great many men of different denomina-tions began to preach about the Judgment and the end of the world. This Judgment message is more impor-tant now than it ever has been before, and it is being preached today in every part of the world. All of these years since 1844 the Judgment work has been go-ing on in heaven. As each name has come up before God in judgment, the deeds of each life have been re-viewed. The name of King Saul came up. He had been a follower of God, but finally he had decided that obedience was no longer necessary. ”Strike his name from the Book of Life!" is Heaven’s decree. The names of David and Peter also came up. There is the record of all their deeds, faults, and sins of im- IS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE ? Lord, my sins they are many, like the sands of the sea, But thy blood, O my Saviour, is sufficient for me; For thy promise is written in bright letters that glow. "Tho1 your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold: l would make sure of heaven, I ivould enter the fold; In the book of thy kingdom, with its pages so fair, Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, is my name written there? Chorus Is my name written there, on the page white and fair? In the book of thy kingdom, is my name written there? MRS. M. A. KIDDER. Test Paper Lesson Seventeen MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?................................................................. 2. (The memory verse counts double this week, for it is very long and very important.) 3. What must we all face?...............................................(Par. 1) 4. The sacrifices were a type of........................................ (Par. 2) 5. The cleansing of the earthly sanctuary was sometimes called the Day of Atonement or the Day of. .............................. (Par. 3) 6. Our Lawyer and Helper and High Priest in the Jugment is................................. (Par. 3) 7. In the Judgment people are judged by what is written in the............................. (Par. 6) 8. The most important book in the universe, besides the Bible, is called the............................ (Par. 7) 9. Draw a circle around the true statements in the following: a. Some people will be saved whose names are not in the Book of Life. b. Some people's names will be taken out of the Book of Life. c. Young people may do as they please now, but they must face it all in the Judgment. 10. Will anyone be able to hide any secret sin from the eyes of Jesus in the Judgment?.............(Par. 9) 11. When the Judgment ends, in a little while from now, Jesus will announce: "It is finished. Let him which is filty be..............still, and he that is holy, let him be..............still, and, behold, I come \ ..............and with me to give to every......................according as his ..................shall be. Rev. 22: 11, 12. (Par. 10) 12. Do you desire to live day by day, so that you will be ready whenever your case comes up in the Judg- ment ?................................... LESSON ΓΝ A NUTSHELL The Judgment in heaven began in 1844, and it has been going on for about one hundred years. The yv׳hole world is to be told of this solemn work now go-ing on in heaven. People will be judged according to their life record and will be saved if they have accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour and have obeyed the command-ments. The Judgment will soon close; we must be ready every hour. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson will be of great in-terest to every Junior, ,,God's Health Habits for Christians—What Are They?" Will we be lost if we don’t follow them? You owe it to yourself to study the next lesson carefully. JUNIOR SERMON TEXT: Let us hear the con-elusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his com-mandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.' Eccl. 12: 13. 14. In the Judgment we will be judged by the Ten Commandments and all of the teachings of Jesus. We should study the Bible well now, so we can know what is expected of us. The Judgment will uncover all of the details of the life of one who has not repented of his sins. How would you like to have a moving picture of your whole life thrown on the Judgment screen of heaven ? How thankful we should be that our sins can be forever covered by the precious blood of Jesus, if we repent. PRAYER Dear Lord, forgive all of my sins and cover them with Jesus’ blood. Help me to live so that when my name comes up in the Judgment I may be found worthy of Thy saving power. I ask it in Thy name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age.........School Grade............. Street and No.................................... City................................. State................................ ([,lease sign your name the same on eaeli lesson. Γ,ινο change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PRO PHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. GOD'S HEALTH HABITS FOR CHRISTIANS MEMORY VERSE: If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. I Cor. 3: 17 B Why is God so particular about our food and liv-ing habits ? Beloved, I WISH above all things that thou mayest prosper and BE IN HEALTH, even AS THY SOUL PROSPER-ETH. Ill John 2. Soldiers, sailors, and marines are carefully instruct-ed in the best way to develop strong bodies. Even so the soldier of Christ should keep his body in the very best condition. If we are to be wide awake to spiritual things, we must have a healthy body. We must pros-per in body and soul — in health and heart. B Risht from the beginning what interest did God take in man’s food? And God said. Behold. I HAVE GIVEN YOU every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; tc you it shall be fore meat [food]. Gen. 1: 29. After the creation of man, the first thing that God did was to tell man what he should eat. He gave man fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables for food. Then, after the flood, because of a lack of vegeta-tion (Gen. 9: 3), God permitted man to eat meat in addition to his other foods. This was about 850 years before the time of the giving of the law of Moses. A diet of vegetables, milk, eggs, fruits, grains, and nuts is still the best for man. Animals are becoming more and more diseased, so meat is more dangerous to eat now than it was in Bible times. WE ALL admire the Junior with a strong body. We admire the fastest runner, the fastest swim-mer, and the one who can jump the highest. The body deserves more careful attention than the fin-est watch or the most expensive bicycle. Some people say that it doesn't make any difference to God what a person eats or drinks. Men sometimes say, ,'Well, I think what I eat is my own business, and it has nothing to do with my religion.” As we look into God’s Word, it is very surprising to see how much help is given us in regard to food and health. As we study these instructions, let us not just think of them as "don’ts,” but as safeguards to us. Imagine a Junior riding his bicycle down the street; down the road ahead he sees a red light swinging. He asks someone, ״Why is that red light hanging there and swinging like that?” Someone replies, ״That's a danger signal. You are not sup-posed to cross the tracks. A train is coming." What would you think of a Junior if he would say, ״Aw, I get tired of hearing 'you can't do this’ and 'you can’t do that.’ If I want to cross the tracks when I please, isn’t it my own business? Anyway, maybe they put those warning lights there for someone else." You would think a boy like that was foolish, wouldn’t you? Yet many people say of the health advice that God has given in the Bible, "Why must I obey those requirements? They were writ-ten for the Jews. If I svant to eat this or that, isn’t it my own business?" Let us study the health habits which God has given for our good. GOD'S INTEREST IN OUR HEALTH FORBIDDEN MEATS P| What distinction did God recognize in various animals? Of every CLEAN BEAST thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his fe-male: and of BEASTS that are NOT CLEAN by two, the male and his female. Gen. 7: 2. All animals, birds, and fish are divided into two classes in the Bible: (a) The clean, which may Π Who is deeply interested in the health and the care of our bodies? What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost_____and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN? For ye are BOUGHT WITH A PRICE: therefore GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY, and in your spirit, which are God's. I Cor. 6: 19, 20. We are not our own to do as we please. Jesus died for our sins. When we surrender our hearts and lives to Him, we are His from that time on. He dwells in us; we become His earthly temple or dwelling place. Any Junior would think it were terrible to bring some unclean thing into a church. It is just as bad for us to take into our body-temples that which God has called unclean. pie in the United States have this disease. But the doctor adds that the patient is very seldom told the true cause of his suffering. He is usually told that he has heart-trouble, ”flu/’ or rheumatism. How thankful we should be that God did not try to hide the facts from His people! He knows the make-up of each animal. He knows any danger which they may be to the human stomach, or other parts of the body. (Stomachs and bodies of Jews and Gentiles are the same.) In His love for us God has warned us not to eat unclean animals. ש What solemn warning has God given to Christians, who in the last days pay no attention to these food restrictions ? For, behold, THE LORD WILL COME with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind. TO RENDER HIS ANGER WITH FURY, and hi3 rebuke with flames of fire . . . They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gar-dens behind one tree in the midst. EATING SWINES FLESH, and the abomination, and the mouse, SHALL BE CONSUMED TOGETHER, saith the Lord. Isa. 66: 15, 17. Our memory verse says that if any defile their body-temples, God will destroy them. This verse shows that the prohibition against eating swine’s flesh (pork) and other unclean animals, will be still in force at the time of Jesus’ coming. God shows how He feels toward religious teachers who tell their people that it doesn’t make any differ-ence what they eat. Read this: Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, NEITHER HAVE THEY SHEWED DIFFER-ENCE BETWEEN THE UNCLEAN AND THE CLEAN, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Ezek. 22: 26. HABIT FORMING POISONS B What else has God forbidden ? . . . Lest there should be among you a root that beareth POISONFUL HERB and wormwood . . . THE LORD SHALL NOT SPARE HIM, but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and THE LORD SHALL BLOT OUT HIS NAME FROM UNDER HEAVEN. Deut. 29: 18 (marginal reading), 20. This is a very, very strong warning that God will not save those who continue to disobey His will in such matters as the use of ,,poisonful herbs.” Yet there are several poisons which many Christians use freely. a. Tobacco contains many poisons, but the worst is nicotine. It affects the heart, lungs, stomach, throat, and nerves, and beclouds the mind. That is why the best athletes refuse to use tobacco. Some of the big to-bacco companies have tried to bribe athletes to let them use their names to advertise certain tobaccos, but most athletes are too honest for that. They know that to-bacco will ruin any boy or girl who wants to be strong in body. . . . Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we are an incorruptible. I Cor. 9: 25. If men are willing to leave these harmful things alone in order that they may win the applaud of peo-pie, then why should not we be willing to leave these things alone in order to win life that will last forever? SATAN’S TRAP — JESUS WOULD NOT ENTER be eaten for food, (b) The unclean, which are strictly forbidden as food. So important is this distinction that when God called His chosen people, Isreal, He asked Moses to list carefully for them the clean and the unclean meats. You find these listed in two chapters of the Bible, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. The birds which are forbidden as food are named by families. You should look up both these chapters and read them for yourself. Living creatures in the water may be eaten if they have both fins and scales. That is why a follower of Jesus should not eat crabs, lobsters, catfish, eels, and shrimp. These do not have both fins and scales. (See Leviticus 11: 9·) ש What rule is laid down about the eating of four-footed creatures? Whatsoever PARETH THE HOOF, and is CLOVEN-FOOTED, and CHEWETH THE CUD. among the beasts, that shall ye eat . . . And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean unto you. Lev. 11: 3, 6. 7. If an animal has a divided hoof and chews the cud, such as the cow, the deer, the sheep, etc., it may be eaten. If it does not have both, divide the hoof and chew the cud, it is forbidden by God. For instance, the rabbit (hare) chews the cud but does not divide the hoof. It should never be eaten. The hog (swine) has the divided hoof but does not chew the cud. It is forbidden. That is why Christians should not use bacon, ham, or pork in any form; nor should they cook with lard. The Bible pronounces it unclean. Pork is one of the most dangerous of meats. It often contains a tiny worm or parasite, which causes a disease called trichinosis. It causes heart-trouble, cramps, dangerous intestinal trouble, and often in-sanity. An article by Doctor Hall in the February, 1937, Country Gentleman, says that nearly 20,000,000 peo- WINE IS A MOCKER, strong drink is raging: and WHO-SOEVER IS DECEIVED thereby is NOT WISE. Prov. 20: 1. LOOK NOT thou UPON the WINE when it is red. when it giveth his colour in the cup. when it moveth itself aright. AT THE LAST IT BITETH LIKE A SERPENT. AND STING-ETH LIKE AN ADDER. Prov. 23: 31. 32. WOE unto him that GIVETH HIS NEIGHBOUR DRINK. . . . Heb. 2: 15. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your HEARTS BE OVERCHARGED WITH surfeiting, and DRUNKENNESS, and cares of this life, and so THAT DAY COME UPON YOU UNAWARES. Luke 21: 34. Those who drink, even moderately, will be taken by surprise when Jesus comes. It will be too late then for them to change. . . . Saying. I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart. TO ADD DRUNKENNESS TO THIRST: the LORD WILL NOT SPARE HIM . . . And the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven. Deut. 29: 19. 20. How could language be stronger? If a man (a mod-crate drinker) imagines he can drink just enough liquor to quench his thirst or drink when he chooses, can he hope to please God? God will not spare the drunkard, but rather blot out his name from under heaven. ₪ How arc drinking conditions in the last days de-scribed ? Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left . . . They shall not drink wine with a song; STRONG DRINK SHALL BE BITTER TO THEM that drink it. Isa. 24: 6. 9. For while they be folden together as thorns, and WHILE they are DRUNKEN as drunkards, they SHALL BE DE-VOURED as stubble fully dry. Nahum 1: 10. If people could only realize that, if they keep on drinking, they are without any hope of being saved when Jesus comes. In the United States during the last eight years, fifty billion dollars has been spent for fourteen billion gallons of alcoholic drinks. Twenty-five thousand are killed yearly by drinking drivers. Thousands of children have ruined health because their fathers and mother drank. It is said that drink was one of the chief causes for the fall of Norway, France, and the city—Singapore—and for the terrible destruction suffered at Pearl Harbor. A good, loyal American should not drink. A soldier who wants to give his best will not drink. And a loyal Christian will never touch alcohol in any form. ',Touch not, taste not, handle not.” “THESE ARE UNCLEAN TO YOU.” LEV. 11: 31. The tobacco companies put attractive ads in the papers and in the magazines so that people will be de-ceived and buy their tobacco. How happy Satan is to see boys and girls start smoking! One of the biggest life insurance companies (Mu-tual) found that those who do not smoke live nearly one-third longer than the average smoker. How ter-rible it is for any Junior to start smoking! Thousands of our soldiers have had to be discharged from service ,because of the unfitness brought on by tobacco. Lungs, mearts, nerves, digestion, etc., have been ruined by to-bacco. How ashamed America should be of this! Mothers who smoke heavily lose on the average one out of two of their babies. Boys and girls, if you want to be strong, don’t smoke. If you want to live long, don’t smoke. If you want ot go to heaven, don’t smoke. Rev. 21: 27 says: And THERE SHALL IN NO WISE ENTER INTO IT ANY THING THAT DEFILETH, neither whatsoever worketh atom· ination. or maketh a lie . . . b. Tea contains the poison ”theine.” That is why the effect is so hard on the nerves, when users try to stop drinking it. Never start! c. Coffee! How many have ruined their nerves, if not their hearts, by coffee-drinking. Its poison, "caf-feine,” is doing damage to millions of Christians. They don’t seem to realize that God has warned them of the fact that if they defile their body-temples, they are sinning against Him. d. Certain kinds of the cola drinks arc almost as bad as coffee. That is why people, who are tired out, want a drink of cola—”a lift” for ”the pause that re-freshes.” It contains dangerous stimulants. To sell more, the producers try to hide the fact that these cola drinks contain poisons. Don’t let the drink ads de-ceive you. The law of life is ”Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Gal. 6: 7.) A Junior who sows bad habits will reap trouble when he is older, if not now. ש What else is wrong in the using of harmful foods and drinks? WHEREFORE DO YE SPEND MONEY FOR THAT WHICH IS NOT BREAD? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me. and EAT ye that WHICH IS GOOD_____Isa. 55: 2. It is a sin to waste money on harmful things such as tobacco, tea, coffee, colas. America is making over two hundred billion cigarettes a year. Far more is burnt up in tobacco smoke than is spent for all churches, church schools, and for poor children who don’t have fathers or mothers. Let’s not waste any of our money on Sa-tan’s poisons. WARNINGS AGAINST LIQUOR Ξ What warning is given against drinking alcohol in any form, such as wine, beer, whiskey ? Wherefore come out from among them, and BE YE SEPA-RATE, saith the Lord, and TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; and I will receive you. II Cor. 6: 17. We cannot take forbidden foods and forbidden drinks and yet live to the glory of God. If we are to be saved, we must be pure in body as was Jesus. We are to separate from the world and to live differently from careless Christians. We are to be separate and never touch unclean or forbidden things. LIVING. FOR JESUS ש What is God's appeal to His followers in the last days ? Whether therefore ye EAT, or DRINK, or whatsoever ye do, do all TO THE GLORY OF GOD. I Cor. 10: 31. . . . We know that, when he shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him PURIFIETH HIMSELF, even as he is pure. I John 3: 2, 3. Test Paper Lesson Eighteen MY ANSWERS Instead of our regular test paper this time, we will list twelve important health habits and questions. If you are willing to try to follow these, write the words ״I will” after each statement that you agree to. 1. First of all, have you learned your memory verse?.................(Yes, no) 2. Every Christian should refuse to drink liquor in any form. ..................................................... 3. Since tobacco is a poison and shortens life, a Christian will stop or refrain from smoking...................... 4. A Christian will give up tea, coffee, and cola drinks........................................................... 5. Since all who continue to use unclean and forbidden things till Jesus comes will be destroyed, they should give them up now................................................................................................ 6. Write the names of some of the forbidden land or water creatures: .............................................. 7. Before eating fish or any water creature, a person should be sure it has fins and scales....................... 8. Before eating any land animal, a person should be sure it has divided hoofs and chews the cud.................. 9. Since meat from clean animals is becoming more and more diseased, a person should live, as far as pos- sible, on vegetables, milk, eggs, fruits, grains, and nuts..................................................... 10. A person should take plenty of exercise daily in the sunshine and sleep in a room that is well ventilated. 11. A person should keep clean in body by: a. bathing frequently; b. brushing the teeth; c. wearing clean clothing; d. keeping his home and yard neat and clean................................................................ 12. I will take time every day for Bible reading and prayer; and, when I am tempted to do wrong, I will take as my motto: ‘,I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” Phil. 4: 13............................ LESSON IN A NUTSHELL God is interested in our food and our health habits; for, if we are well and strong, we can be happier and better Christians. Our bodies are to be His temples. In the Bible Jesus forbids the use of unclean meats, poison in any form, and alcoholic drinks. Those who con-tinue in the use of these things will finally be lost. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON The next lesson, ,׳THE END OF THE WORLD,” every Junior surely will want to get. What will happen when the end comes? What will happen to everybody on this world? What becomes of Satan? What is the ,,bottomless pit”? JUNIOR SERMON Text: Repent, and turn your· selves from all your transgres-sions, so iniquity shall not be your ruin ... For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye. Ezek. 18: 30. 32. Jesus has given us warnings in His Word for our good and protection. Let us not reject His merciful warnings. ,,Woman overboard!” came the cry down the decks of the Empress of Rus-sta. A woman, trying to end her life, had jumped overboard. The sea was very rough, but a group of sailors volunteered to man the life-boat. They rowed to the rescue, but the woman evaded them. Back to the ship they rowed, exhausted. A second group tried and failed. A third group volun-teered and finally succeeded in saving the woman, against her will. God, Jesus, the angels, and all heaven are interested in saving you. Don’t re-fuse the life-line that the Bible throws out to you. Take hold of God’s promises and heed His warnings and be saved. PRAYER Dear Jesus, give me strength to give up all that is harmful to me and that which Thou hast forbidden. Give me strength to be true no matter what others around me may do. I pray in Thy name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name............................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age....... School Grade......... Street and No.............................. City............................ State........................... Teacher’s Remarks: *e Us.*· Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. THE END OF THE WORLD MEMORY VERSE: Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand. Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you irom the foundation of the world, Matt. 25:34 DOWN AT THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD, and by his fierce anger. Jer. 4: 23-26. Jeremiah says the time is coming when the earth will again be without form and void; it will be in such ruin and desolation that it is referred to in terms mean-ing a "bottomless pit.” Isaiah describes that same terrible condition yet to come: Then said I. Lord, how long? And he answered. Until the CITIES BE WASTED WITHOUT INHABITANTS, and the houses without man, and the LAND be UTTERLY DESO-LATE. Isa. 6: 11. Notice, both prophets say the time is coming when no people will be living on the earth — ”wasted and without an inhabitant.” All the cities will be broken down and even the fruitful places will become a great gloomy wilderness. What a dark, dreary place of hor-ror that will be! All this destruction takes place at the coming of Jesus. THE EARTH DESOLATED H What will cover the earth? And the SLAIN of the Lord shall be at that day FROM ONE END OF THE EARTH EVEN UNTO THE OTHER END OF THE EARTH: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried. ... Jer. 25: 33. The surface of the earth will be strewn with dead bodies, unburied. El How is the earth brought to this terrible condition? Behold, the Lord maketh the earth EMPTY, and maketh it WASTE, and TURNETH IT UPSIDE DOWN and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof . . . The land shall be ut-terly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word. ... The EARTH IS UTTERLY BROKEN DOWN, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is MOVED EXCEED-INGLY. The earth shall REEL TO AND FRO like a drunk-ard, and shall be removed like a cottage. . . . Isa. 24: 1. 3. 19. 20. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for FEAR OF THE LORD, and for the GLORY OF HIS MAIESTY, WHEN HE ARISETH TO SHAKE TERRIBLY THE EARTH. Isa. 2: 19. At the coming of Jesus, "the presence of the Lord,” the earth will be shaken violently as the earth is suddenly turned on its axis. A prophet says that he saw the sun go down at noon. (Amos 8: 9, 10.) The sudden motions of the earth at Jesus’ coming causes the most violent earthquake. IN FORMER lessons we have studied many things about the return of Jesus to the earth, about the resurrection of the dead, and about the destruction of the wicked. In this lesson we will bring all these great events and places into one study, so that we will have a correct picture in our minds of what is coming arid when. If you look at the diagram of the millenni-um, on pages 2, 3, and 4, it will help you in locating the time of these great events. THE BOTTOMLESS PIT Π What strange punishment is to come to Satan at the end of the world ? And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and BOUND HIM A THOUSAND YEARS, and east him into THE BOTTOMLESS PIT, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should DE-CEIVE THE NATIONS NO MORE, TILL THE THOUSAND YEARS SHOULD BE FULFILLED: and alter that he must be loosed a little season. Rev. 20: 1-3. Satan is to be bound in the bottomless pit for 1000 years, or for a millennium, which means one thousand years. Some people have talked of the millennium as though it were to be a time of wonderful peace on earth for a thousand years. As we continue our study, we will see what the millennium really is. But first, let’s explain that strange word "bottom-less pit” where Satan is to be bound. What kind of place it is ? and where will it be ? "Bottomless pit” refers to a desolate, barren, use-less void, and usually an uninhabited place. That is just what the world was like in the beginning. And the earth was WITHOUT FORM, and VOID and dark-nesa was upon the face of the DEEP. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Gen. 1: 2. That word "deep” {abyss, from the Greek word abussos) in Gen. 1: 2, is the same as "bottomless pit” in Rev. 20: 3. The world was "without form and void” (desolate). ΨΧ How do the prophets show that this earth will again come to that condition of ruin and desolation ? I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was WITHOOT FORM, and VOID; and the heavens, and they had no light ... I be-held, and lo, there was NO MAN, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a WILDERNESS, and all the CITIES thereof were BROKEN LESSON NINETEEN life, they will throw their: gold and silver to the moles and to the bats» ״ ־ But it is too late! They have waited too long to prepare for Jesus’ coming. Now days young people and old ones are intent on a good time — parties, danc-ing, and wild entertainment. But in that hour when Jesus comes, all will suddenly change. People will look up and, to their terror, realize that the end of the world has come and they are not ready. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heav-en: and THEN SHALL ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH MOURN, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24s 30, 31. Oh, how important it is for every Junior to prepare now! Pray for your parents that they will get ready now before it is forever too late. ש What happens to the wicked in that fearful day? And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled to· gethei; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES IN THE DENS AND IN THE ROCKS OF THE MOUNTAINS; and SAID to the mountains and rocks, FALL ON US, AND HIDE US FROM THE FACE OF HIM THAT SITTETH ON THE THRONE, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH IS COME: and who shall be able to stand? Rev. 6: 14-17. And then shall that WICKED be revealed whom the LORD SHALL CONSUME with the spirit of his mouth, and shall Beginning of the Millennium Coming of Jesus — A great earthquake destroys cities and breaks up earth's surface—Wicked destroyed by the brightness of Jesus״ coming—The righteous dead raised and with the righteous living are taken to heaven — Satan and angels bound by circumstances to a barren earth for 1000 years. And he gathered them to-gether into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Anna-geddon. And the seventh ^an-gel poured out his vial info the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; AND THERE WAS A GREAT EARTHQUAKE, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. Rev. 16: 16-18. The battle of Armaged-don is brought to a sudden halt by the appearance of Jesus and by the greatest earthquake ever felt. This great earthquake shakes down every city and moves mountains and islands. And every ISLAND FLED AWAY, and the MOUNTAINS WERE NOT FOUND. Rev, 16: 20. Back in 1908 Italy was shaken by an earthquake for ten seconds, and 75,000 people were slain. Japan was shaken for two min-utes, and 250,000 people were killed. Turkey had a few earth-quakes, and 20,000 died. What will that terrible day be like when God arises ,,to shake ter-ribly the earth"! The slain in that day are strewn from one end of earth to the other. WICKED SLAIN ש How will the wicked living at the time of Jesus' appearance feel about their gold and silver? And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man· shall CAST HIS IDOLS OF SILVER, and his IDOLS OF GOLD, which they made eac one for himself to worship, TO THE MOLES AND TO THE BATS. Isa. 2: 19, 20. Today most people are too busy with a job, a busi-ness, or the cares of life, to take time for Jesus, for Bible study, and for prayer. The dollar counts most now. In that day, when people realize that they have allowed money-getting to cheat them out of eternal who they thought were very good will then-be missing. One person may have been clinging to some. secret sin; perhaps another thought he need not follow all the Ten Commandments. In that day the cases of all the lost, as well as the records of the fallen angels, will be open for the investigation by the saved, and all will be able to see that God was just in His judgment. El Where is Satan during the 1000 years? Satan and his angels are bound to this earth in its desolate "bottomless pit” condition for 1000 years. For about 6000 years Satan has deceived the people on this earth. During the 1000 years there is no one to tempt or deceive, for the righteous have all been taken to heaven, and the wicked are all dead. For 1000 years Satan will be forced to think over the results of his awful rebellion. Surrounded by the the great ruined cities, terrible wildernesses, and count-less bodies of the dead, he will be brought to some reali2ation of the horror, which sin has brought upon our world. In that day Satan will think of some of you; he will think of how he tempted you and sometimes al-most made you feel that you just couldn’t give up cer-tain things; you just couldn’t obey the Commandments. Then Satan will remember how Jesus helped you, how you firmly took your stand for right, and how you went all the way and forsook everything for the Lord. Because of your surrender you are with Jesus in heaven during that 1000 years. Oh, Juniors, in that day you will be thankful that you gave up all for Jesus! ₪ What happens to the wicked at the end of the 1000 years ? But the rest of THE DEAD LIVED NOT AGAIN UNTIL THE THOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED. . . . And when the thousand years are expired« SATAN SHALL BE LOOSED out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, God and Ma-gog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Rev. 20: 5, 7, 8. At the end of the 1000 years the wicked are raised in that terrible second resurrection, the "resurrection of damnation,” as Jesus called it in John 5: 29. People again cover the earth; millions of the lost of all ages DESTROY WITH THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING. Π ThMs. 2: 8. As the wicked see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven, they cry to the rocks and to the mountains to fall on them. The earth shakes violently under their feet. Nothing is solid; nothing is safe; all is confusion and terror. Then, as Jesus draws near to earth, His glory destroys all the wicked who are still living. Only the roughteous can endure that glory, and they can only endure by the heavenly strength given them by Jesus. All the wicked fall dead at the glorious appear-ing of Jesus. GATHERING OF THE RIGHTEOUS Q What events does Paul connect with the end of the world and Jesus’ second coming? For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and THE DEAD IN CHRIST shall RISE FIRST: then WE WHICH ARE ALIVE and remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.... I These. 4: 16,17. Two great events take place: the righteous dead are raised to life immortal and are taken together with the righteous living to heaven to be with Jesus. In speaking of the first resurrection, the resurrection of the righteous, Revelation 20: 6 says, "And they lived and reigned WITH CHRIST a thousand years.” That the righteous leave this earth and go with Jesus is made very clear in the following words: And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14: 3. All of the wicked are slain, but all of the righteous, including those who were dead and have been raised, are taken to heaven for a thousand years. DURING THE MILLENNIUM Ξ What will the righteous do in heaven? Do ye not know that the SAINTS SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD? . . . Know ye not that WE SHALL JUDGE AN-GELS? ... I Cor. 6: 2, 3. During the thousand years in heaven the righteous will be able to look over the record books of heaven and see why different people were not saved. Many The righteous in heaven with Jesus for 1000 years. Satan and his angels 1000 years on this earth which is in ruins — ,‘the bottomless pit״ Oh, Juniors, that will be a fearful hour! Inside the Holy City will be mothers; outside will be some fathers, or inside there will be fath-ers and outside mothers, numbered with the lost. Those outside had no time for religion before; how they would love to hear a prayer from their wife’s or their husband's lips now, but it is too late. Too late! They put off the sur-render too long, and they are eternally lost. THE END OF SIN m How is the anguish of the wicked forever ended? And they went up on the breadth ! 01 the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city! and FIRE CAME DOWN FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN, AND DE-VOURED THEM . . . THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH. Rev. 20: 9. 14. Led by Satan the wicked come up against the city to capture it, but the fire of God quickly brings their plans to an end. This fire forever destroys all marks of sin and sinners. From the second and final death there will be no awak-ening. ₪ What will God then do for those who are saved? And GOD SHALL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS FROM THEIR EYES; and there shall be NO MORE DEATH, neither SOR-ROW, nor CRYING, neither shall there be any more PAIN: lor the former things are passed away. Rev. 21: 4. For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and THE FORMER SHALL NOT BE REMEMBERED, nor com· INTO MIND. Isa. 65: 17. All the marks and memories of sin are forever wiped from God’s universe. God will then make the earth new, and His people will rejoice forever in that day of everlasting, unending joy. Juniors, any sacri· fice is worthwhile in order to be ready for Jesus’ com-ing, isn’t it? are again alive on the earth. Satan and his angels are alone no longer. They are loosed out of their prison of isolation, and then they go out to deceive the na-tins and to gather them to battle. DESCENT OF THE HOLY CITY fffl What will be seen descending from heaven? And I John ■aw THE HOLY CITY. NEW JERUSALEM, COM-ING DOWN FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN. ... and [he] ■hewed me that great city, THE HOLY JERUSALEM, DE-SCENDING OUT OF HEAVEN irom God. Rev. 21: 2. 10. As the New Jerusalem settled down to earth, no-tice where Jesus’ feet rest: And hia feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east and the mount of Olives shall cleave in th? midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Zee. 14: 4. The last place on earth that Jesus' feet touched be-fore His ascension was on the top of the Mount of Olives, and that is where His feet will again touch when the New Jerusalem descends to earth. As the holy city of heaven, the New Jerusalem, de-scends toward the earth, it is surrounded by the wicked. Through its crystal-clear walls the lost will be able to see into the inside of that beautiful city. An overwhelming flood of despair will rush over the lost as they realize that they have forever lost heaven and eternal life. End of Millennium Wicked are raised in the second resurrection — New Jerusalem de-scends—Wicked attack the city—Fire destroys them—Jesus makes all things new, and the memory of sin is forever wiped from God’s universe. JESUS IS COMING AGAIN. Jbssie E. Strout. Geo. E. Lbs, 1. Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring; Je · sus is 2. Ech-0 it, hill-tops, proclaim it, ye plains; Je - sus is 3. Sound it, old o-cean, in each mighty wave; Je - sus is 4. Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wond’ring throng; Je - sus is 6. Na-tions are angry,—by this do wo know; Je · sus is coming a-gain! Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing; com-ing a-gain! Coming in glo-ry, the Lamb that was slain; com-ing a-gain! Break on the sands of the shores that ye lare; com-ing a-gain ! Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong; coming a-gain! Knowledge increases, men run to and fro; Je-sus is com-ing a-gain! Com - ing a-gain, com-ing a-gain, Je - sus is com - ing a-gain! Test PaperLesson Nineteen ΜΫ ANSWERS If you can answer 16 of these 11 questions, your ;paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer ? of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD.׳ If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. L Have you learned your memory verse?.................._.......״..״״״.״ ...... ........ .............................. 2. The word “millennium” means 1000.._______________._״.״״_״״.________ (Yes, no) 3. Describing the earth as a barren, desolate place, where Satan is to be bound, Rev. 20: 3 calls it a “............. ....................... ...........״..״.pit.” (Par. 1) 4. How many human beings will be alive on the earth during the 1000 years?.........................״..״_......(Par. 2) 5. Who will be on earth?.___________________________and his............... .................. (Par. 9) 6. At the coming of Jesus, the............. ................are all destroyed by the brightness of His glory. 7. The righteous dead are raised from their....״,..... .........., and with the righteous who are alive when Jesus comes are taken to״_______________________״_״..... 8. At the end of the millennium the...................._.........are resurrected. 9· John saw the Holy City, New.------------------.................., descending to the earth. 10. As Satan deceives the wicked into trying to take the Holy City, they rush to attack, but.......................... comes down from the sky and...............................them. (Par. 12) 11. Then Jesus will wipe away all of the sad memory of........................ ............., and He will make all things.......................__״״..״״......- (Par, 1J) Are you determined to live right day by day so you will be ready for the end of the world?״.................״...... And will you work and pray that your loved ones will be ready also?............................:................. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL At the coming of Jesus the earth is shaken by a great earthquake, which de-stroys all the cities, buildings, hills, and many of the wicked. The rest of the wicked are destroyed by the brightness of Jesus' coming. The righteous dead are raised and; with the righteous living, are taken to heaven to live with Jesus for 1000 years. During that time Satan and his angels are in this dark world, which is in ruins and is covered with dead bodies. At the end of the 1000 years the wicked are raised. The New Jerusalem comes down to earth. As the wicked eo to attack the city, they are destroyed by fire. Then Jesus makes all things new, and the sad memory of sin will be wiped from the universe. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Every Junior, by all means, will want to get the next lesson, “If a Child Dies Without Being Baptized, Will It Be Lost?" JUNIOR SERMON Text: The harvest Is past, the summer Is ended, and we . are not saved. Jer. 8: 20. A few years ago an Associated Press reporter was on the ninth floor of a burning building in Chicago. Over the wires he ticked out a description of the fire as it came higher and higher in the building. As the fire reached the eighth floor, he rushed to the fire es-cape to climb down to safety, as others had done from the lower floors. But now it was too late! The fire es-cape was red hot. He sprang toward the life nets spread below, but he missed the nets and dropped to his death. A great many now are planning some day to give their hearts to Jesus and to make a surrender. In a very little while it will forever be too late, and the lost will cry out, “The harvest is past . . . and I am not saved!" PRAYER Dear Lord, give me strength to fol-low Thee fully now. Take out from my heart and life all sin NOW. Give me full victory over sin and help my loved ones to be saved too. I ask it in Jesus* name. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name............................... (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age........School Grade............ Street and No................................... City............................... State.............................. (Sign name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. Your test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. IF A CHILD DIES WITHOUT BAPTISM WILL IT BE LOST ? MEMORY VERSE : And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16: 15, 16 Can parents save their children by having them bap-tized when babies ? Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, THEY SHALL DELIVER NEITHER SON NOR DAUGHTER; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness. Ezek. 14: 20. How could language be plainer? No parent, by any act or goodness of his own, can save his child. A parent can teach a child and lead it to Jesus; but the child must come to the place where it makes its own decision. Many parents have had their children bap-tized or sprinkled, when but little babies; sometimes ,godfathers” or ”godmothers” have been appointed. But this means nothing in the eyes of God, for He says, ”they shall not deliver son nor daughter.” In our first texts Jesus says plainly that, before any are baptized, they should be taught first to observe all that He had commended them. One can not explain to a little baby the teachings and the commandments of Jesus; therefore the baptism of babies has no pur-pose or meaning. When a child reaches the ages of ten, eleven, or twelve, he is getting old enough to understand the Bible for himself and to make his own decisions. If YOU have not been baptized, you should plan to be soon. The fact that you may have been sprinkled when a baby is valueless in the sight of God. When you are old enough to decide for yourself, you must make your own decision about baptism; then it will mean something to you. Out in India a little baby girl may be married to some stranger when she is six months old. She goes to live with her husband when she is perhaps from ten to fifteen years of age. How terrible! The little girl has no chance to grow up and to make her own choice. Jesus does not care to have a meaningless baptism forced on little babies. When they are old enough to choose to come to Him and to be baptized, then Jesus rejoices in their decisions. Children should be taught to pray when they first learn to talk. Thus they will early learn to love Jesus and His Word; then, when they ap-proach ten to twelve years of age, they will be able to understand the Bible clearly enough to decide for them-selves and to be baptized. THIS verse certainly shows that baptism is very, very important; it is so important that every Junior today ought to know what is meant by baptism and what God expects of each one. You cannot go by what man tells you. You must take ONLY THE BIBLE as your guide. As we have already found, false religious leaders have in times past allowed many wrong teachings to come into the church. But the Bible has not been changed, so let us go straight to the Bible for our information. SHOULD BABIES BE BAPTIZED? Π According to Matthew, what were Jesus’ important last words to His disciples ? And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING THEM in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSO-EVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU: and, Ιο, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matt. 28: .20־18 These were Jesus’ marching orders to His disciples as He sent them forth to carry out His great plan of saving the lost. Notice each point: a. All power is given Me. b. Teach the gospel to every nation in the world: c. When you have taught people, be sure to BAPTIZE them, d. Baptize in the name of the Three Persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), e. When you go to teach, don’t leave out part of My Com-mandments, or tone down the message; tell the people plainly that they must obey ALL what I have commanded, f. Through the Holy Spirit I’ll be with you to the end in this great work; I’ll help you to prepare people for BAP-TISM and for My kingdom. ΨΧ What is essential before baptism ? . . . and the eunuch said. See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, IF THOU BE-LIEVEST with all thine heart, thou mayest . . . Acts 8: 36, 37. One who is to be baptized must believe in Jesus Christ and in His power to save. . . . And he answered and said, I BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they WENT DOWN BOTH INTO THE WATER, both Philip and the eunuch; and HE BAPTIZED HIM. Acts 8: 37,38. Before baptism a person must repent of his sins and turn to a new life. (See lesson No. 5.) shows to the world and to heaven that we are pub-licly uniting with Jesus and His church, and that we have decided to live for Him. Before the time of the cross the followers of God offered lambs and other sacrifices. These ceremonies, in themselves, could save no one; but the repenant sinner’s faith pointed forward to the sacrifice of the "Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." That is what Jesus was called by John the Baptist at the time of His baptism. If God’s people failed to offer those sacrifices before the cross, they were lost. Since the cross we look back in faith to Jesus’ death. Instead of asking us to continue offering lambs, Jesus now asks us to be baptized. Very few ceremonies does He now require of us; but the ceremony of bap-tism is certainly essential to salvation when one has had the chance to study the question in God’s Word. The thief on the cross was not baptized by water be-cause it was physically impossible for him. Some have accepted Christ just before death; they have desired baptism, but it was impossible to baptize them because of their physical condition. That is entirely different from the case when a person neglects or refuses bap-tism. Baptism alone will not save anyone; but, if one follows all other teachings in the Bible, and WIL-FULLY refuses baptism, he will be lost! MEANING OF BAPTISM [51 Of what is baptism a symbol or type ? Know ye not# that so many oi us as wore baptized into Jesus Christ were BAPTIZED INTO HIS DEATH? Therefore we are BURIED WITH HIM by baptism into death: that like as Christ WAS RAISED UP FROM THE DEAD by the glory of the Father, even SO WE ALSO SHOULD WALK IN NEW-NESS OF LIFE. Rom. 6: 3-5. When you are baptized, you accept Christ’s death to atone for your sins. If you refuse to be buried with Jesus in baptism, as He has shown the way, then His death will not atone for your sins. When you are buried in the water in baptism, you do not remain un-der the water, but you rise to a new life in Jesus — a Christian life. Baptism is the great memorial of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Some people say they keep Sunday to honor the resurrection of Christ. The Bible teaches that BAPTISM is the great remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection. Baptism is such a beautiful and important symbol, that Satan, hundreds of years ago, tried to mar its meaning. About three hundred years after the time of Christ an imitation baptism was introduced. One would put off baptism till on his deathbed. Then, fear-ing death, he would call for the priest. The priests started the plan of wrapping a sheet around the can-didate and of pouring water over him. They called this baptism. Later, religious teachers decided that it would be enough just to pour water on the person’s head. That was such an easy substitute for baptism that the church leaders started pouring water on well people, instead of taking them down into the water and dipping them THE JAILOR BEING BAPTIZED — ACTS 16: 2533־ Baby baptism was brought into the church several hundred years after the time of Jesus. That is the rea-son why child baptism is never mentioned in the Bible. Religious washings of babies are practiced in many heathen religions. During the Dark Ages this heathen custom of baby baptism crept into the church. Do you know that, about A. D. 1200, the church went so far as to declare that, if a baby or little child died without be-ing baptized, it would never be taken to heaven? But this is not the teaching of Jesus or of the apostles, for there is no record of even one baby being baptized in all New Testament times. If babies or little children die without being baptized, we can trust them to be "safe in the arms of Jesus." We need not fear that they will be lost. IS BAPTISM NECESSARY TO SALVATION? Π Is baptism absolutely necessary in order to be saved ? Then cometh Jesus irom Galilee to Jordan unto John« to be baptized of him. But John iorbad him, saying I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him. Suffer it to be so now: for THUS IT BECOMETH US TO FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then he suffered him. Matt. 3: 13-15. Here Jesus says that baptism is necessary to fulfill all righteousness. That is, if you want to go all the way in the Christian life, the sacred step of baptism is absolutely necessary. Jesus, sinless as He was, insisted on baptism to fulfill complete righteousness. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever DOETH NOT RIGHTEOUSNESS IS NOT OF GOD_____I John 3: 10. This verse shows clearly that the followers of God will do all righteousness. Jesus said that it includes baptism. Whether a person is willing to go all of the way ·in following Jesus’ teachings and example, settles whether he will in the end be saved or lost. You are old enough to make your decision for Christ. Do not neglect bap-tism. How do we show that we have really "put on Christ" ? That is, taken His life as ours. For as many of you as have been BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST have put on Christ. Gal. 3: 27. We are not baptized to show that we are better than other people. Baptism is the sacred ceremony, which decision. Don’t delay. If you are willing to obey all that you have learned in the Bible and you are willing to follow all of Jesus’ commandments, you should be baptized as soon as it can be arranged. (Your next les-son will help you in planning this.) ש How important is baptism ? The like figure hereunto even BAPTISM DOTH ALSO NOW SAVE US. I Pet. 3: 21. Jesus answered and said unto him. Verily, verily. I say unto thee, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER and of the Spirit, he CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. John 3: 5. These are very strong words. Peter says we are saved by baptism. In John 3: 5 Jesus told the rich Jewish ruler, Nicodemus, that unless a person experi-ences rebirth by water and by the Holy Spirit entering his heart, he cannot be saved. Now read your memory verse again, and you will see how absolutely necessary baptism is for YOU and for every one who would be saved. under. Still later, many churches gave up pouring and just sprinkled a little water on the person’s head. What a mockery to baptism this is, and how sad that millions of sincere people are deceived by these meaningless imitations of baptism. Many religious teachers are so careless that they even tell their mem-bers that it doesn’t make any difference. Every Bible baptism record shows that the person was put down under the water — a symbol of Jesus’ burial. Then, he was brought out of the water, a sym-bol of the resurrection of Jesus and of his new life in Christ. When asked what the Greek word baptize (bap-tism) meant, a Greek replied, ”It means to duck or dip something; as when one dips a white dress into a red dye, it comes out red.” Ah, that is what baptism is; it is an example of how Jesus washes away our sins in His own blood! Let your mind drift back more than 1900 years to the banks of the river Jordan. There stands a tall young man, dripping with water, for He has just been bap-tized. Suddenly the heavens open. Listen! — And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Matt. 3: 16, 17. With outstretched, dripping arms, extended toward YOU Jesus now pleads, "Follow Me.” Will you? IN THE MASTER'S STEPS l will follow the steps of my Master As / enter the watery grave. He has said, ffA child shall lead them.״ My young soul He desires to save. Now I begin a new life with Him, And no one shall despise my youth. In earnestness and childhood faith / enter the household of truth. On my lips a prayer for guidance, In my heart a song of praise, With my hand clasped in the Saviour's hand, I arise to walk new ways. He, the Friend of little children, Has promised to strengthen and guide The lambs of the flock who follow His word. / go forth to walk by His side. A JUNIOR FOLLOWS HIsToRD IN BAPTISM Thousands, in the past, have been sprinkled and they sincerely believed that it was Bible baptism. To-day the Bible truth about real baptism is so well known that few need have any excuse. Thousands should take that important step and be baptized as Jesus was, for the Bible says clearly: One Lord, one faith, ONE BAPTISM. Eph. 4: 5. There is only one Bible baptism — a burial under the water. Some have been baptized when the act had little meaning to them. They should be rebaptized, as the Bible advises in Acts 19: 4, 5. If a person has been liv-ing in sin — breaking the Sabbath, or smoking, or drinking, or eating forbidden foods, or robbing God of the tithe, etc., he should be rebaptized when he finds this new light. DANGER IN PUTTING OFF BAPTISM Wk After a person understands the Bible truths and the teachings of Jesus, how long should he wait for baptism? Speaking of Paul, the Bible record says: And now WHY TARRIEST THOU? ARISE, AND BAPTIZED, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. Acts 22: 16. And of the converted jailor, it says: And HE TOOK THEM THE SAME HOUR OF THE NIGHT, and washed their stripes; and was BAPTIZED. . . . Acts 16: 33. And of the Ethiopian prince, whom Philip in-structed, it says: Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scrip-ture, and preached unto him Jesus . . . And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and HE BAP-TIZED HIM. Acts 8: 35, 38. Please notice that, when a person is ready, baptism is not to be put off for a long time. Satan’s favorite and most dangerous trap is to get you to put off your Test Paper Lesson Twenty MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. Most of the following can be answered by the words TRUE or FALSE. Draw a circle around the words TRUE or FALSE, according to which you believe to be correct. 1. I have learned my memory verse? TRUE FALSE 2. It is all right to sprinkle or baptize little babies. TRUE FALSE 3· Jesus said that before a person is baptized, he should be taught to obey (observe) all of His command-ments. TRUE FALSE 4. A baby or little child, who dies without being baptized, will be lost. TRUE FALSE 5. It was necessary even for Jesus to be baptized. TRUE FALSE 6. We are baptized to show the world that we are better than other people. TRUE FALSE 7. Baptism is to show that we are uniting with Jesus to be His, from that time on, and to live for Him alone. TRUE FALSE 8. Baptism is a symbol of our death to our old life of sin, our burial into the death of Jesus, and our resur-rection to live a new life like His. TRUE FALSE 9· The Bible teaches many different kinds of baptisms, so one kind is just as good as another. TRUE FALSE 10. If a person has been baptized as a baby, or has been poured or sprinkled, it is necessary to be baptized again. TRUE FALSE 11. If a person decides to obey the Bible and follow Jesus, it is safe to put off baptism as long as he likes. TRUE FALSE 12. If a person sees the Bible truth about baptism and has never been properly baptized, he must be baptized in order to be saved. TRUE FALSE Your next lesson will help you in your decision as to how you should LESSON IN A NUTSHELL Jesus told His disciples to preach the gospel in all the world and to baptize people after they had been taught to obey all of His commandments. Baptism is a symbol of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. That is why a person when baptized should be burned under the water. Baby baptism and sprinkling were introduced by false re-ligious leaders hundreds of years after the time of Jesus. One who is not baptized cannot expect Jesus’ death and blood to cover his sins. When one sees and accepts the life and commandments of Jesus, he should not put off baptism. ☆ ☆ NEXT WEEK'S LESSON You will certainly be anxious to get your next lesson, ”Must a Person Join Some Church in Order to Be Saved?” Which is the right church? JUNIOR SERMON Text . . . Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Heb. 4: 7. As Jesus speaks to your heart today, will you say, ”Jesus, Fll surrender my whole life to Thee. I'll follow all of the way and be baptized?” ”Not now — I'll be baptized later. I know I must be baptized to be saved, but I can't do it now. Some day I will,” said an elderly man. ”But the doctors have told you that, at the most, you can live only about two years. How do you dare to put off this solemn and important step, baptism?” the minister asked. Two months later, when the man’s wife returned from church one Sabbath, she found him lying dead on the kitchen floor. He had waited too long. Too late! PRAYER Dear Jesus, give me strength NOW to follow all the way. Keep me from putting off my decision. Give me strength to surrender all and to be bap-tized. In Thy name I ask it. Amen. Do YOU desire to be baptized?, arrange for baptism. MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age......... School Grade.............. Street and No..................................... City................................... State.................................. (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: **>NT*e (/.S.A■· Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. Is It Necessary to Belong to Some Church to Be Saved? Memory Verse : Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14: 12. hand must be united with the body to be worth any־ thing?״ What would you say to that? Certainly a hand would not be worth much separated from the body, would it? An eye separated from the body could never see. Yet, many people imagine that they can be just as good Christians on their own, without being united with the church. Paul says all members of the body must be united. Jesus teaches the same, in even stronger language: I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for with-out me ye can do nothing. IF A MAN ABIDE NOT IN ME, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and CAST THEM INTO THE FIRE, and they are burned. lohn 15: 5, 6. A grape branch will die unless it is connected with the main vine. If people refuse to unite with the body of Christ, they will wither away and eventually be de-stroyed. A person that is separated from the church is in a condition that is just as hopeless as a branch which is separated from the vine. In the days of Israel, if people separated themselves from that "church in the wilderness,״ they were "cut off״; they were lost. H What is the gateway to the church ? For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by ONE SPIRIT ARE WE ALL BAP-TIZED INTO ONE BODY____I Cor. 12: 12, 13. Now it is clearer why baptism is so important; it is the door to the church which is the body of Jesus. Then it is a very unsafe thing for anyone to neglect baptism — uniting with Jesus’ church, isn’t it? □ What is absolutely necessary along with baptism ? Then they that gladly received his word WERE BAPTIZED: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls . .. And THE LORD ADDED TO THE CHURCH daily such as should be saved. Acts 2: 41, 47. The Lord did not tell them to be baptized only, but they were also to be added to the church. Surely if church membership is that important, no Junior, or any־ one else, should neglect to be baptized and unit with the church. MANY people wonder why they should belong to a church. Some ask, "Can't I be saved without belonging to some church?" Others reason, "After all, aren’t all of the churches headed toward the same place?" And still others want to know, "Accord-ing to the Bible, which is God's true church today?" These are all very important questions, and we will con-sider them in this lesson. WHY BELONG TO A CHURCH? Π How has Jesus shown His close connection with the church ? ... for which cause he 18 NOT ASHAMED TO CALL THEM BRETHREN/ saying/ I will declare thy name unto my brethren... . Heb. 2: 11, 12. Some people don't care to join a church because they see some unfaithful members (hypocrites) in the church, but Jesus was so closely connected with the church that He was not ashamed to call the other mem-bers brethren. Even though Judas, who betrayed the Saviour, belonged to the church, Jesus was not ashamed to be united with that church. Then why should we be unwilling to belong to the church? God’s church may not be able to keep out all false members, but His church should never allow the teaching of false doctrine. B To what is the church compared? And he 18 the head of THE BODY. THE CHURCH. Col. 1: 18. And the eye cannot 8ay unto the hand. I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you . . . There should be no schism [division, marginal reading] in the body . . . Now YE ARE THE BODY OF CHURCH, and MEMBERS IN PARTICULAR. I Cor. 12: 21, 25. 27. The church is here compared to the human body. All parts of the body are not exactly alike, yet the va-rious parts of the body are all important and must work together in harmony. The head, or brain, is the captain of the body, and it directs the various other parts. Paul tells us that Christ is the head of the body, the church. A hand is of no value unless it is attached to the body. What would you think of a hand that argued, "I feel that I can be just as good a hand all on my own, as I can be fastened to the body. Do you really think a LESSON TWENTY-ONE days of Noah, when the flood came, there was only ONE ARK, and the people had to enter that ark to be saved. Jesus says: And as it was in the days of Noe Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. Luke 17: 26. If we are to be saved when Jesus comes, we must be inside the fold or church. El How many different true faiths, or churches, does Jesus have in the world? One Lord, ONE FAITH, one baptism. Eph. 4: 5. There is only ONE church or faith recognized by God. If a person teaches that any kind of baptism is alk right, or that one church is just as good as another, he is not in harmony with the Bible. ίΠ According to prophecy, what last call would God make to His people in the last days just before the end ? And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was light-ened with the glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN, IS FALL-EN . . . And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Rev. 18: 1, 2, 4. Babylon means confusion. Certainly there is great religious confusion in the six hundred different de-nominations all competing with one another. Jesus is appealing to honest Christians in all of these churches to come out and unite together in His ONE church — ONE fold, ONE body. It is only natural that Jesus would want to call all of His followers together into one organization or church, isn’t it? Why shouldn’t His people come out and be separate ? In Palestine the shepherds often allow their sheep to feed together, but when one of the shepherds calls, all of his sheep come out and follow him; they know his voice. Jesus’ true sheep today will come out and follow into His fold. When people see that their churches have not been following all of the teachings of the Bible, they should have courage to step out and unite with Jesus’ chosen people and determine to follow the Bible all of the way, no matter how much they may be opposed. HOW CAN I KNOW THE TRUE CHURCH ? ש How has God labeled His church? Here is the patience of the saints: here are THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and THE FAITH OF JESUS . . . And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man. . . . Rev. 14: 12, 14. Blessed are they that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22: 14. Many churches claim to be the true church. It is not what men may say or decide that makes a church the right one; it is what God says. In these verses God is describing His church in the last days just before Jesus’ coming; He describes it as a church which will be keeping all of the Ten Commandments, and which will also have the faith of Jesus. "Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,” is God’s great signboard pointing the sincere truth-seeker B What has Jesus plainly said about those who refuse to unite with Him ? He that is NOT WITH ME is AGAINST ME; and he that GATHERETH NOT WITH ME SCATTERETH ABROAD. Matt. 12: 30. An army sergeant’s wife urged, "I see that baptism is very important, but I just don’t want to join the church. I can be just as good a Christian on my own.” The minister replied, "Your husband is in the army. Suppose a soldier would say, Oh, I believe in being a good soldier all right. See,־ I have the uniform, boots, gun, etc. There’s only one thing: I don’t want to be-long to the army.’ Surely, if a man were a good and loyal soldier, he would expect to unite with the body— the army. Certainly, if one is to be a good Christian, he should want to unite with Christ’s spiritual body—the church. We are either wholly for Christ or we are against Him. A person who refuses to unite with the church, the body of Jesus, is against Him.” The lady replied, "I see it now; I certainly ought to join the church, for I want to be united with Christ.” B How long will the organization of Christ’s church continue ? Unto him be glory IN THE CHURCH by Christ Jesus THROUGHOUT ALL AGES, world without end. Eph. 3: 21. Could language be any plainer? Paul says that Jesus would continue to save people and to show His glory, in the church, as long as the world lasts. If you are not yet in the church, you should certainly arrange to unite immediately. DO ALL CHURCHES LEAD TO THE SAME PLACE? Q Was it Jesus’ plan that there should be many dif-ferent denominations or churches ? And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them. Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and EVERY CITY OR HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF SHALL NOT STAND. Matt. 12: 25. There are about six hundred so-called Christian de-nominations in the world today. Jesus is not pleased with all of this division and confusion. How often young people remark, ”1 just don’t know what to do. There are so many different denominations, and they all say that they are right. Does it really make any dif-ference which church I join?” El What statement does Jesus make as to the number of churches or ”folds” which He recognizes? Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber . . . Then said Jesus unto them again. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I AM THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP . . . And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and THERE SHALL BE ONE FOLD AND ONE SHEP-HERD. John 10: 1, 7, 16. Here Jesus compares the church and its members to a large flock of sheep and a great sheepfold. Jesus is the door to that fold, the church. We unite with Him by being baptized. If anyone tries to be saved in any other way, Jesus says he is a ”thief and a robber.” Notice: Jesus says plainly that He has only ONE FOLD and that He is the door to that one fold. In the Below is a brief outline of some of the great Bible teach-ings which must be found in God's true church in the last days. You should be baptized, and you should unite with a church which teaches all of these doctrines. Don't put it off! You can-not go just by what others tell you. Insist on following what the Bible teaches, and do not take just man's word. 1 must join a church which — 1. Believes both the Old and the New Testaments. II Pet. 1: 20, 21; Jn. 5: 39, 46. 47. 2. Teaches the truth about the dead; that they are uncon-scious and are resting in their graves until the resurrection day at Jesus' coming. Eccl. 9: 5; Acts 2: 29, 34; Ps. 146: 4; Jn. 5: 28, 29. 3. Teaches the truth about the destruction of the wicked; that they are not now in hell and will not bum forever. Matt. 13: 38, 39; Mai. 4: 1, 3; Isa. 47: 14; Rev. 21; 4. 4. Is clean and does not allow its members to smoke, to drink, to eat foods which God has called an "abomination" and has condemned as "unclean." Deut. 29: 18, 20; I Cor. 3: 17; I Cor. 6: 19, 20; Lev. 11 Isa. 66: 15, 17. 5. Does not approve of jewelry, movies, dances, novels, card playing, or other worldly pleasures. I Jn. 2: 15, 16; II Tim. 3: 1, 4, 5; Num. 33: 52; I Pet. 3: 3; I Tim. 3: 9. 6. Does not substitute an imitation baptism (sprinkling or pouring) and does not baptize babies, but immerses can-didates after they have studied the Bible and are willing to follow all of Jesus' teachings. Act 2: 38; Mark 16: 15, 16; Matt. 28: 19, 20. 7. Does not allow any of its ministers to teach evolution. (About sixty out of every hundred ministers in the U. S. today teach that man came from the animal family, in-stead of being created by God in Eden.) Gen. 1: 27; Rom. 1: 21-25; Rev. 22: 18, 19. 8. * Is supported by God's holy tithe and teaches its members not to rob God by using the tithe for themselves. Matt. 23: 23; Mai. 3: 8-10; Lev. 27: 30, 32. 9. Believes that we are saved by Jesus' blood (I Jn. 1: 7; 2: 1), and that we are living in the days of the judgment, now going on in heaven. Dan. 8: 14 Rev. 14: 7; Heb. 9: 24-27; Jas. 2: 10; Matt. 19: 17. 10. Believes all of the Ten Commandments and not just nine of them. Jas. 2: 10; Matt. 19: 17. 11. Keeps the Seventh-day Sabbath and not a man-made Sun-day. Mark 2:28; Matt. 24: 20; Ex. 20: 8-11; Isa. 66: 23; Gen. 2: 1-3. (God's true church will observe the true Bible Sab-bath, the seventh day of the week—Saturday, God's holy day.) 12. Preaches the Sabbath truth in spite of opposition from mis-guided ministers and in spite of what most people in the world are doing. Ezek. 20: 12; 22: 26; Rev. 12: 17; 14: 12. 13. Believe in a real heaven. Isa. 65: 17; Rev. 21: 1; 22: 2. 14. Does not misinform people by preaching a millennium of peace on earth. Rev. 20; Jer. 4: 23-27; 25: 32. 15. Preaches that Jesus is coming soon in the clouds of heaven to gather His children and to awaken the righteous dead. Jn. 14: 1-3; I Thess. 4: 16, 17; Acts 1: 8-11; Rev. 1: 7. 16. Believes in the spirit of prophecy and throughout the world teach prophecies which show that Jesus' coming is very, very near at hand; and that we must live like Jesus in order to be saved. Matt. 24; Luke 21; Joel 3: 9-14; II Tim. .5־1 :3 Do you wish to join a church like this?................... to His true church. Follow that signboard. The true child of God will search earneffly~’f0f a church which measures up to the great Bible tests of God’s true church in the last days. The Bible tests are the keeping of all God’s Ten Commandments and be-lieving in Jesus Christ as our Saviour from sin. There are good and godly people in all the churches. Jesus loves them dearly, but He is endeavoring to gather all His followers into One fold. Into that fold He is endeavoring to gather those who have a desire to keep His commandments and those who accept Jesus as their Saviour. A radio listener wrote in, "I had grown weary of searching for the true church. The Bible teaches that the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, but none of the Christian churches which I know keep Saturday. They all hold their services on Sunday. But last week I discovered a Sabbath-keeping church. They hold their services on Saturday. I talked with some of the mem-bers. They seem to be a very good people and seem to hold strictly to Bible teachings. Do you think it would be wrong for me to join them ?” It was a real pleasure to write back to this man and assure him that the Seventh-day Adventists do believe all the Bible and that they are a careful commandment-keeping people who believe in salvation through Jesus’ atoning blood. Happy is the person who discovers such a church ! These great Bible truths, which you have been study-ing in these lessons, are being preached in nearly nine hundred languages of the world. A great spiritual re-vival is stirring the world. It should be that way, for Jesus is about to return. His chosen people, His church, is sounding the message, "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.” Are you ready for Jesus’ return? Are you willing to unite with a people that is giving its whole energy in proclaiming to the world, "Jesus is coming again!" and is teaching "Keep the command-ments” ? Study the list of beliefs of the true church in the display, ”Looking for the True Church.” m How will God’s followers in the last days be treated ? And the dragon Satan was wroth with the woman oi the church, and WENT TO MAKE WAR WITH THE REMNANT OF HER SEED the last church, which KEEP THE COM-MANDMENTS OF GOD, and HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST. Rev. 12: 17. Satan is going to persecute Jesus’ commandment-keeping followers and will bring great suffering on the remnant church. The word remnant means the last on the bolt or roll. The remnant church is the very last church, and it will be a commandment-keeping church. As you begin to keep God’s commandments and to follow all of the teachings of Jesus, you may meet op-position; you may even be persecuted, but Jesus has said for your comfort: BLESSED are they which are PERSECUTED for righteous-ness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 5: 10. Will you take your stand to follow Jesus all of the way and to keep his commandments? Will you enter His fold? Will you make that surrender now?..... LOOKING FOR THE TRUE CHURCH Test Paper Lesson Twenty-one MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?................................................................ 2. Jesus is not ashamed to be connected with the........., and He calls its members His....... (Par. 1) 3. Paul compares the church to the human...................... (Par. 2) 4. Fill in the rest of these sentences: If a hand, or an eye is to be useful, it must be attached to the.............. If a soldier is to be useful, he must join the......... If a grape branch is to live, it must be connected with the........... If a person is to be saved, he must be baptized and unite with the........ 5. Baptism is the gateway to the.................. (Par. 3) 6. All who were baptized in the days of the apostles were added to the............... (Par. 4)) 7. Jesus says, "He that is; and he that is not with me............... abroad.״ (Par. 5) 8. Jesus' church will last as long as the..............does. (Par. 6) 9- How many churches or sheepfolds does Jesus have ?.............................. 10. The marks of God’s true church in the last days will be (1) keeping the............................ of God and (2) having the.................of................... (Par. 11) 11. Mark out the wrong statements in the following: a. One church is about as good as another. b. God’s true church will keep all of the TenCommandments. c. It is all right to join a Sunday-keeping church, even though one knows that the Bible says, ״The seventh day is the Sabbath.” d. When we see the truth from God’s Word, we should take our stand to follow it and unite with God’s last church. 12. Are you willing to take your stand and be baptized, and join God’s last Sabbath-keeping church—a people who are waiting for the coming of Jesus ?.......................................................... SOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOOCOOQOO Would you like for us to arrange for one of our ministers, a friend of the Voice of Prophecy, to call on you, to help you, and to answer any questions that you may have?.......................... Do you want us to remember you in special prayer?............................. LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The Bible makes it very clear that it is necessary to belong to the church to be saved. All churches are not teaching all of God's Word or keeping all of the Ten Commandments. The last church is marked by the fact that it (1) keeps the commandments of God, and (2) has the faith of Jesus. The true church of God will keep all of the commandments, including the fourth. They will observe the seventh-day Sab-bath and will be looking for the advent (coming) of Jesus. NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Our next lesson is one that each Junior will certainly want to study: "How can we know when Jesus' coming is at hand?" Does anyone know the exact date of Jesus’ coming? Falling stars! Air-planes! Earthquakes! Nineteen sins! — Study about these in your next lesson. JUNIOR SERMON Text: He that loveth father or mother more than, me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me Is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. Matt. 10: 37, 38. One of the sad facts about Jesus’ church is that when His children deter-mine to follow Him all the way, they are often misunderstood. Often parents for-bid their children to obey Jesus. Then again children have sometimes opposed their parents who desired to keep the commandments. This brings many heart-aches. But the Bible says plainly: "We ought to obey God rather than man." (Acts 5: 29·) No matter who opposes you, when the light of God’s Word comes to you, you must follow it, if you are to be saved. Many children, by taking a firm stand for Jesus, have been able to lead their parents to God. Be faithful! PRAYER Dear Jesus, give me strength to step out by faith to be baptized and unite with Thy people. Keep me from fearing what the world thinks, and keep me true. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name........................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age...........School Grade............... Street and No........................................ City...................................... State..................................... (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. Give change of address.) ☆ Teacher’s Remarks: **▼·יי** IN Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PR OPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. PROVE JESUS' COMING NEAR SIGNS WHICH Memory Verse: Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matt. 24: 42. amazing of all — with the airplane. It is claimed that some men have flown six hundred miles an hour. Just think of it! That is ten miles in one minute — ״run-ning to and fro” in the time of the end. One of these fastest modern planes can fly ,,from Dan to Beershe-ba,” the length of Palestine, in eleven minutes. During that length of time Abraham could travel only three-fourths of one mile. What a change has come in these last days. Then suddenly the world seemed to go speed-crazy. Think of the years it took Magellan to sail around the world. Recently men flew around the world in a little less than a week. This is what Daniel was told in a vision, for we read, ,,at the time of the end men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” The great increase in speed has proved to be a mighty blessing in speeding up the carrying of the gos-pel to the ends of the earth. Have you ever read this remarkable Bible picture of the speeding ,,iron chariots” of the last days? ... The CHARIOTS shall be with FLAMING TORCHES in the DAY OF HIS PREPARATION . . . THE CHARIOTS shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall SEEM LIKE TORCHES, they shall RUN LIKE THE LIGHTNINGS. Nahum 2: 3, 4. As we see chariots of iron (automobiles, streamlined trains, etc.) racing across the country, who can doubt but that we are in the last hours of the ,,day of his preparation”? All of these great inventions are help-ing to speed up the finishing of the gospel work and to prepare for the coming of the King. In this vision of the time of the end, Daniel was also told that ,,knowledge shall be increased.” Think of some of the wonderful discoveries of the last one hundred years: the telephone, telegraph, X-ray ma-chines, adding machines, electric lights, anaesthetics for operations, great printing presses, and one of the most wonderful of all — the radio. And remember, Juniors, these have all been developed during the last one hun-dred years. Think of how God is using these great in-ventions (,,knowledge shall be increased”) to carry the gospel to millions. Surely the end is near, even at the door! MANY ask if anyone can tell the exact date when Jesus will return. Many have tried to set dates, but without Bible grounds. Jesus says plainly in Matt. 24: 36, ,,But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." He also says, regarding signs which He gave that would mark the approaching hour of His return, "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." Matt. 24: 33. As we see all of "these things" taking place, we realize the startling fact that Jesus’ coming is very near, "even at the door." SCOFFERS Π What did Peter say would be one of the signs of the last days? . . . There shall come in the last days SCOFFERS, walking after their own lusts, and SAYING, WHERE IS THE PROM-ISE OF HIS COMING? ... II Pet. 3: 3, 4. Never before have there been so many scoffers ridi-ailing the idea of Jesus’ soon coming. Thousands of people of the world, as well as professed Christians, mock at the idea that Jesus will return in the very near future in the clouds of heaven. We must ever be on guard lest we might say in our hearts, if not with our lips, ,,My Lord delayeth His coming.” Matt. 24: 48. Let us study these remarkable prophecies which show Jesus’ coming is ,,even at the door.” INVENTIONS AND SPEEDY TRAVEL ΨΧ What great developments were to take place in the last days before the second coming of Jesus? But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, and KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED. Dan. 12: 4. Only about a hundred years ago the world was still moving at the same speed that it was in the days of Abraham. People still rode horseback, camelback, drove oxcarts, or at best, rode in horse-drawn carriages. Then suddenly a great change took place. In rapid succession came inventions which caused men to ,,run to and fro” with bicycles, steamboats, trains, electric streetcars, automobiles, tanks, submarines, and most LESSON TWENTY-TWO b. “FAMINES." War brings famine. Crop lands are torn up by battle; also, as men are taken off to war, there are not enough men left to raise sufficient food. Added to that, Satan has sent drought in some parts and floods in other parts; this causes millions more to starve to death. Seven million people are reported to have starved a few years ago in one part of Russia. How cruel Satan is! As we near the end, God's Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the earth, and Satan will bring increasing terror and calamity on man. How important it is that we be true to Jesus, so that we may find shelter “under His wing" in the dark hours just ahead. c. “PESTILENCES." Following the last world war, a strange disease called influenza swept the world and put 18,000,000 people into their graves. That is more than the number killed in the war itself. Why, oh why, won't people take these calam-ities as warning signs that the end is “even at the door"! From now on we must expect increasing scourges and plagues of sickness; but, if we have surrendered our hearts to Jesus, we need not fear. We are safe in His care. d. “EARTHQUAKES." If Jesus had given no other sign of His return except the fact that there would be a great increase in earthquakes, it should be enough to shake the world into a realization that the end is nearly here. In the first one hundred years after the birth of Jesus there were only fifteen destructive earthquakes. Jesus said that it would not be like this in the last days. There were to be increasing earthquakes of destruction all over (,,in divers places”). In the last one hundred years there have been more than three thousand de-structive earthquakes. Nelson’s encyclopedia shows that there have been a larger number of destructive earthquakes in the last forty years than in the one hundred years preceding. Juniors, when you hear announcements over the radio about another earthquake or read about it in the news papers, you can say, ”Ah, there’s another sign that the end of the world is 'at the door.’ Jesus will soon come. I must be ready all of the time, and do what I can to help others to be ready.” NINETEEN SINS MARK END OF THE WORLD B What nineteen sins does Paul list that mark the last days before the end? This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, PROUD, blasphemers, DISOBEDIENT TO PAR-ENTS, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-bearers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, LOVERS OF PLEASURES MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. II Tim. 3: 1-5. Juniors, please read those verses over very care-fully. Here Paul lists some of the great signs in the lives of men and women, and of boys and girls, in the last days. We cannot study each of these nineteen sins in detail, but we will mention a few of them: a. “PROUD." One of the main reasons why more people do not take their stand to be baptized and to join the true church, in these last days, is because they are too proud. They are ashamed because they fear what others will think of them. What a pity people are too proud to carry their crosses for Jesus! b. “DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS." In all of the past ages of sin, there has been one thing which has helped to save na-tions in the past, children have been taught that they must respect and obey their parents. But in the last few years a ter-rible change has come. You have been shocked as you have heard some Juniors talk back to their parents and pay no atten-tion to what they were told. Juniors, these themselves are a sign of the last days—“dis-obedient to parents." Ii a Junior expects to be saved, he should obey his parents carefully; that is, unless they ask him to do something the Bible forbids. By careful obedience many a Junior has helped his parents to draw closer to Jesus. SUN, MOON DARKENED —STARS FALL B What strange signs would appear in the sun, moon, and stars before the end ? Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the SUN BE DARKENED, and the MOON shall NOT GIVE HER LIGHT, and the STARS shall FALL FROM HEAVEN, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Matt. 24: 29. Here is one of the most remarkable of Jesus’ prop-ecies. The fulfilling of those signs should have been enough to shock the whole world into a realization that Jesus’ coming was near, and yet one hardly ever hears those startling events even being mentioned these days. It shows how Satan makes people ignore signs which Jesus gave, so that they will not be stirred and will not get ready for the end. The great Dark Day, when the sun became black toward noon, was May 19, 1780. You can read all about that in history books and encyclopedias. That following night the moon became the color of blood. People thought that the end of the world had come. In the night of November 13, 1833, the whole heavens became a blazing mass of falling stars. Thou-sands thought that it was the end of the world. Science has not been able to explain, fully, these startling events. These were signs which Jesus had given to an-nounce that the earth had reached her last days. The darkening of the sun and moon and the falling of the stars are mentioned over and over in the Bible. (Lk. 21: 25; Mk. 13: 24, 25; Rev. 6: 12, 13; Joel 2: 10.) Since the falling of the stars in 1833, the world has seen in rapid succession an amazing increase in the signs of Jesus’ return. The end is very near, even at the door! Why don’t people get ready? WARS, FAMINES, DISEASES, EARTHQUAKES □ What fearful catastrophes did Jesus say would in-crease in the last days ? For nation shall rise against nation, and KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM: and there shall be FAMINES, and PESTILENCES, and EARTHQUAKES in divers places. Matt. 24: 7. a. “WARS." We have already studied about the great in-crease of war in the last days when millions would be killed. But we are considering other signs in this lesson. WHAT OF THE NIGHT ? Wdtchman on the walls of Zion, What, O tell us of the Night? Is the day star now arising? Will the morn soon greet our sight? O’er your vision Shine there now some rays of light? Tell, O tell us, are the landmarks On our voyage all passed hy? Are we nearing now the haven? Can we e’en the land descry? Do we truly See the heavenly kingdom nigh? Light is beaming, day is coming! Let us sound aloud the cry; We behold the day star rising, Pure and bright in yonder sky! Saints, be joyful; Your redemption draweth nigh. We have found the chart and compass, And are sure the land is near; Onward, onward, we are hasting, Soon the haven will appear; Let your voices Sound aloud your holy cheer. Author Unknown. Mode of Travel in Abraham’s Day and in the Twentieth Century. c. "LOVERS OF PLEASURE MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD." You have seen churches advertise dancing parties, card parties, raffles, shows, etc. They are trying to hold their young people and keep them from going to the world. But it is just as bad for a church to offer these worldly amusements as it is for the young people to look for them in the world. One of the signs which shows that Jesus is just about to return is the fact that the world — yes, and thousands of Christians — has gone pleasure-mad — "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." Yet they are trying to hang on to at least a form of religion. God condemns this. So then because thou are lukewarm, and NEITHER COLD NOR HOT, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Rev. 3: 16. God has more respect for the worlding who is liv-ing in sin and is making no profession than for one who claims to be a Christian, yet keeps holding on to the world and its pleasures. (Rev. 3: 15.) THE LAST SIGN Ξ What only stands between us and Jesus’ coming? And this GOSPEL of the kingdom shall be preached IN ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto all nations; and THEN SHALL THE END COME. Matt. 24: 14. When the gospel message of Jesus’ coming is car־ ried to the world, He will return. These same truths, which you are studying, are being carried to the world by God’s last commandment-keeping church, in nearly nine hundred languages. The greatest sign that Jesus’ coming is near is the fact that thousands in all lands are taking their stand to keep God’s commandments and to prepare for Jesus’ coming. The world is rapidly being warned. And when the world-wide warning has been sounded, Jesus will announce in heaven, ,,It is done!” Will YOU be ready? A mother and her four children were all excited because daddy was coming home that day. He had been away for months on a ship. Now he would be home in just a few hours. A knock came at the door. It was the minister. "Lady, I have terrible news for you. Just a few hours out of port, your husband's ship went on the rocks and he was drowned." In her agony that poor mother cried out, "Oh, so near home, but lostl" Juniors, we are nearly home. Jesus’ coming is very, very near, "even at the door.” We are nearly home; how terrible if you should fail to follow Jesus all of the way and be lost! Oh, yield your life to Him NOW ! “The Night Is Far Spent, the Day Is At Hand.“ Test Paper Lesson Twenty-two MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these 12 questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?........................................................................... 2. The nearer we get to the end, the more people the Bible teaching that Jesus’ coming is near. And others will say, "My Lord...................his....................” (Par. 1) 3. Dan. 12: 4 says of the time of the end, "Many and............., and.................. shall be.....................’’ (Par. 2) 4. Write down eight modern inventions, or methods of speed travel. (Par. 2) 5. The sun and moon would be......................before the end. This took place in the year.........(Par. 3) 6. The stars would...................from heaven, before the end. This great sign took place in Nov............, 18...... (Par. 3) 7. Matt. 24: 7 describes four calamities which would increase toward the end: a................................, b........................, c................................................, d.................... (Par. 4) 8. In the first century (100 years) there were.............(state how many) bad earthquakes; but in the last 100 years, there have been.................destructive earthquakes. (Par. 4) 9. In II Tim. 3: 15־ (Par. 5) Paul lists...........sins that show the end of the world to be very near at hand. 10. If a Junior is to be saved, he must not only obey the Lord; but must also obey his................. In the last days people would be "lovers of....................more than lovers of........................” (Par. 5) 11. In Matt. 24: 14 Jesus said, "This................of the................shall all the..................., . . . and then shall the.......................’’ (Par. 6) 12. Do you believe that the end of the world is very near ? .................................................... Are you determined to do everything you know is right, so that you will be ready when Jesus does come ? LESSON IN A NUTSHELL The record of the Bible has listed many signs of the nearness of Jesus’ re-turn: modern inventions, disease, the darkening of the sun and moon, the fall· ing of the stars, and nineteen sins listed by Paul. Everything points to the fact that Jesus’ coming is "even at the door.” ☆ ☆ ☆ NEXT WEEK'S LESSON Here is the lesson that answers the question which millions have asked, "What is the Unpardonable Sin?” You are nearly through with your course — only two more lessons. Hurry this lesson back for correction to the VOICE OF PROPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. JUNIOR SERMON Text: And, behold, I come quick-ly and my reward Is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be . . . Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22: 12, 14. This is Jesus’ last call (in the last chap-ter of the Bible) to His people to obey His commandments. He is coming soon. The world is hearing its last appeal to surrender. We have reached the last hours. Three girls were given only six months to live because of lung poison-ing which had developed while working in a factory. The factory gave each $5,000. How would you spend your time and your money if you had $5000 and just six months to live? We are not sure of life, even that long. We draw our breath this moment, but we cannot be sure of the next. Nor do we know how long till the judgment will finish in heaven and Jesus will come. Oh, we must be ready all the time, for Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door.” PRAYER Dear Jesus, help me to realize more than ever that the end is almost here. Help me to live right daily and to be ready. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name.................................... (Last !Nairn*) (First Nairn*) (Middle Name) Age..........School Grade............... Street and No........................... City.................................... State................................... (I’lease sign your name (he same on each lesson. Give change of address.) ☆ Teacher’s Remarks: ד־ד THE UNPARDONABLE SIN Memory Verse : And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Eph. 4: 30 hope of his repenting. When those false religious lead-ers scoffed at the power of the Holy Spirit in the mir-acles and work of Jesus, they were driving away the only power in the universe that could lead them to re־ pentance, for, in saving souls, God always work through the Holy Spirit in the heart. WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ΨΧ What is the Holy Spirit’s work since Jesus went back to heaven? And when he is come, he will REPROVE the world OF SIN . . . Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH . . . John 16: 8, 13. It is the Holy Spirit that speaks to you and tells you whether or not something is right or wrong. He points out sin, so that you can avoid it. He also points out the truth to you, so that you will know what to fol-low. That is why you should always bow your head in prayer before reading or studying the Bible, so that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand and obey it. A person drives away the Holy Spirit by refusing to listen to His voice and by refusing to obey God’s Word. 13 How does the Holy Spirit direct us ? But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and BRING ALL THINGS TO YOUR REMEM-BRANCE. WHATSOEVER I HAVE SAID UNTO YOU. John 14: 26. And thine ears shall HEAR A WORD BEHIND THEE, SAY-ING, This is the way. walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Isa. 30: 21. The work of the Holy Spirit is to help us under-stand the Bible — the teachings of Jesus. You have sometimes felt as though you could almost hear a voice speaking to you when you started to do something wrong. If you listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice, it will keep you from falling into sin. If you refuse to listen and reject the Holy Spirit you are without hope and are sure to fall. STOP CLUICKLY MANY arc worried for fear they may have com-mitted the unpardonable sin, and fear that they will never be able to find forgiveness for their sins. They think that they are lost, and that there is no use anymore for them to try to be Christians. Satan is happy to have them feel this way; he wants to drag them down to despair and destruction. In this lesson we will learn what the unpardonable sin is, how one can know if he has committed it; and, most important of all, how one can keep from committing it. Many people are going on carelessly in sin, break-ing God’s commandments, clinging to bad habits, to sinful pleasures, and to man-made false doctrines. These people are in danger of committing the unpar-donable sin, but they are little concerned about it. They need to be warned of their danger. Π What is the one sin that is never forgiven? Wherefore I say unto you. All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST shall NOT be FORGIVEN unto men. Matt. 12: 31. Some Junior may ask, "Well, does that mean then that if a person curses, using the name of the Holy Spirit, it is worse than using the name of God, and that one can never be forgiven?" No, there is much more to it than that. Many have used terrible language, even naming the Holy Spirit, but they have repented and have found forgiveness. Jesus had been preaching to the people, healing their sick, and teaching them the prophecies. The false religious leaders of that day were jealous of Jesus be-cause the people loved Him so much. They did every-thing they could to stop the work of Jesus. Finally, one day, they angrily brought the accusa-tion, "The spirit, or power, which is working through this man Jesus is the power of the prince of devils." They had felt the Holy Spirit working on their hearts. But many refused to yield to His pleadings. They were going too far. They might ridicule and persecute Jesus as a Person; but, if they mocked at the working of the Holy Spirit through Jesus, they were driving away their only chance of salvation. The Holy Spirit works with an individual as long as there is any LESSON TWENTY-THREE The Holy Spirit sees some Junior following along a course of sin. "STOP!" He cries. If that Junior does not hearken, finally he will go too far for the Spirit to save him, and he will fall over the cliff into sin so deep that he will never get out again. RESISTING THE SPIRIT m To excuse themselves in their sins, what false claims are many making? And hereby we do know that we know him. ii we keep his commandments. HE THAT SAITH, I KNOW HIM, AND KEEPETH NOT HIS COMMANDMENTS. IS A LIAR, and the truth is not in him. I John 2: 3. 4. Isn't that startling? If a person claims to love Jesus, and refuses to keep the Ten Commandments, that per-son is called a "liar." That is the reason why it is so important that every Junior obey his father and mother in harmony with the fifth commandment. That is why it is so important that you keep the seventh-day Sabbath carefully. Most of the world laughs at keeping Satur-day for the Sabbath, and the great majority trample on God’s holy day every week. Many claim to be good Christians, yet knowingly, they break the fourth com-mandment weekly. Unless they repent they are with-out hope, after the Bible truth has come to them. He that TURNETH away HIS EAR FROM hearing THE LAW, even his prayer shall be ABOMINATION. Prov. 28: 9. It is a serious matter for people to keep on break-ing God’s law after the Holy Spirit has brought it to their attention. If they keep on rejecting, they are lost. Of those who were committing the unpardonable sin in Stephen’s day, he said, ... Ye do always RESIST THE HOLY GHOST: as your fathers did, so do ye . . . who have RECEIVED THE LAW by the disposition of angels, and HAVE NOT KEPT IT. Acts 7: 51, 53. How great a mistake to refuse to keep the law when [11c Holy Spirit points it out to you! H What warning does Paul give? Quench not the Spirit. I Thess. 5: 19. With this read your memory verse again. There are many ways of quenching or grieving av/ay the Holy Spirit. Many, by drinking liquor, drive away (quench) the Holy Spirit from their hearts. Some gamble. Others go to showhouses; some go to dances, or taverns, or pool halls. Some listen to questionable radio programs. Others read bad boks or use strong language. Some go with bad company. Others steal. Some disobey their parents. Others break the seventh-day Sabbath. Some refuse to be baptized. Others smoke or eat food that God has forbidden. Some refuse to pay tithe. Some cheat in school. Juniors, any; sin if held to, will finally quench the Spirit. RESISTING THE CALL Q Who dictated the Bible? For prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST. II Pet. 1: 21. Since the Holy Spirit dictated the Bible, He will never tell you to do something contrary to the Bible. Some people have seen what the Bible teaches, and they have said stubbornly, "I know that’s what the Bible says, but I don’t have to follow that. I go as I am lead by the spirit, and He has told me that it isn’t necessary to keep the commandments anymore." Listen! That person is not being lead by the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit dictated the Bible; and whatever God’s Holy Spirt tells me to do will agree perfectly with the Bible. What will the Holy Spirit, working in the heart, lead a person to do? Speaking of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of His followers, Jesus said, He that HATH MY COMMANDMENTS, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me . . . John 14: 21. SANCTIFY THE THROUGH thy truth: THY WORD IS truth. John 17: 17. If one follows the direction of the Holy Spirit, he will obey all of the Ten Commandments and will fob low all of God’s Word — the Bible — and he will be saved. If one long resists or rejects the appeal of the Holy Spirit to his heart, he will certainly be lost. By continuing to reject His appeals people finally commit the unpardonable sin, for they have no more desire to obey, and there is nothing more the Holy Spirit can do, for disobedience means death. "STOP QUICKLY!" a voice seemed to say to a missionary down in South America, who was rushing through the darkness on horseback to the bedside of a sick Indian. He pulled the horse up immediately. At that same moment there was a flash of lightning, and the missionary saw a terrible drop-off just ahead. If he had gone ten feet farther, he would have gone over the cliff and would have been dashed to death. He obeyed the Holy Spirit’s warning and was saved. FINDING FORGIVENESS get up and shut it off. Next day you let it ring longer, ,'Ding-a-ling—g—g—g—g—g." Then you shut it off. The next day you let it ring still longer, "Ding-a-ling—g־—g—g—g—g—g—g.״״ Thursday the alarm rings a long time, till it is all unwound. You finally get up and dress for school. But Friday morning you probably will sleep right through, and you won't even be awakened by the alarm. You are past feeling! The Holy Spirit warns you about some sin, ,,That is wrong. You must not keep on doing that if you expect to be saved." Or, to another he says, "You must obey all of the commandments and be baptized, if you are to be saved." The longer you wait, the greater is your danger of committing the unpardonable sin of not obeying and repenting. Bye and bye you will no longer feel condemned for doing wrong. One who feels no guilt of conscience when he does wrong is in great danger. m Is there any hope for a person if he keeps on in dis-obedience ? Therefore to him that KNOWETH to do good, and DOETH it NOT, to him it IS SIN. James 4: 17. For IF WE SIN WILFULLY after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth NO MORE SACRI- FICE FOR SINS. Heb. 10: 26. Oh, Juniors, don’t reject the truth of God’s Word! Mr. Moody tells the stirring story of a man who was helplessly drifting down a river near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His boat got out of control and was rap-idly being swept downstream toward the falls. The man realized that the falls meant destruction, and he cried for help. As he passed under a bridge, a rope was thrown to him, but he missed it. As he went under the second bridge, another rope was thrown. He tried des-perately to catch it, but missed again. He had only one more chance as he passed under the third and last bridge. As the lifeline was thrown to him, he sprang for it and just barely caught it, and he was saved. Jesus is throwing the lifeline to you. A last chance comes in every life. Don’t pass by Jesus’ pleading invitation to you. If you yield your heart to Him, He will save you and will wash away all sin. Don’t put Him off. There’s great danger in delay. If you have not done so already, won’t you come to Him today? Jesus says to you, "Turn unto me and live." Will you ? QJ If a person truly repents of any sin, can he be sure to be forgiven ? If we CONFESS our sins, he is FAITHFUL and just to FOR-GIVE US OUR SINS, and to CLEANSE us from ALL un-righteousness. I John 1: 9. Oh, the wonderful love of Jesus! The blackest sin can be forgiven, if one will only repent and confess it. The unpardonable sin is the unconfessed sin. If a Ju-nior isn’t willing to repent, he won’t confess his sins; so he is in a lost condition. But if a person will only repent, he can be sure to find forgiveness. The person who has committed the unpardonable sin has no more desire to repent, and he isn’t worried about his sins. I tell you. Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13: 5. Every person who will not repent, and who clings to unconfessed sin, is gradually committing the unpardon-able sin. Jesus says that a person will certainly perish unless he repents. Have you repented of all of your sins and confessed them ? Are you endeavoring to obey all that you know that God asks of you? ש How only is a person saved ? . . . Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out . . . No man can come to me, EXCEPT THE FATHER which hath sent me DRAW HIM . . . John 6: 37, 44. Anyone can be saved who will come to Jesus; but no one has that desire to come unless the Holy Spirit is working on his heart and is drawing him. If we refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit and to obey the command-ments of the Bible, then there is no way by which we can come to Jesus. LAST CALL OF THE SPIRIT ₪ What finally happens to persons who keep on re-fusing to listen to the Holy Spirit? . . . having their CONSCIENCE SEARED with a hot iron. I Tim. 4: 2. In Ephesians 4: 19, Paul speaks also of being "past feeling It is an awful thing to resist God’s appeal to your heart, till you no longer hear His voice. One who doesn’t feel condemned anymore for sins which he is committing is "past feeling"; his conscience is "seared." You set the alarm to get up for school at 7:30 Mon-day morning. "Ding-a-ling—g—g—g." Finally, you "COME UNTO ME" Test Paper Lesson Twenty-three MY ANSWERS If you can answer 11 of these 12 questions, your paper is EXCELLENT. If you can answer 9 of these questions, your paper is VERY GOOD. If you can answer 6 of them, your paper is GOOD. 1. Have you learned your memory verse?..........-....................................................... 2. The unpardonable sin is sinning against the Holy................. (Par. 1) 3. In Jesus’ day the false religious leaders said that His work was done by the power of the ......................................... (Par. 1) 4. Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, "He into all......................." and "He will ..........................the world of...............” (Par. 2) 5. The work of the Holy Spirit is to help us to understand and to obey the....................... (Par. 3) 6. Who dictated the Bible?.............................. (Par. 4) 7. Will He lead anyone today differently from what the Bible teaches?..................................... 8. One who follows the voice of the Holy Spirit will obey all of the Ten......................... What does the Bible call a person who claims to love Jesus, but who refuses to keep all ten of the commandments?. ............ (Par. 6) Prov. 28: 9 says, "Even his..........are the................״״ 9. Name some of the ways people "quench," or grieve, the Holy Spirit. (Par. 7)............................ 10. If a man truly repents, will God forgive every past sin, no matter how bad?......(Par. 8) 11. The voice of the Holy Spirit can be compared to an alarm clock. If we keep on neglecting or refusing to listen to the Spirit’s voice, bye and bye our consciences will become ".,’’ and we will be "past ................’’ (Par. 10) 12. James 4: 17 says, "To him do..........., and doeth it......., to him it is...״’ (Par. 11) ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ Have you determined to obey all you know that God expects of you?........................ LESSON IN A NUTSHELL If one feels condemned for sin, it is a sign that God’s Spirit is still working in his heart. But, if a person resists over and over again, and continues in sin, bye and bye he will become calloused and won’t repent. There is nothing more the Holy Spirit can do, so He will finally leave that individual, never to return. Thus, people gradually come to commit * the unpardonable sin. Any sin, no matter how dark, which is truly repented of and confessed will be forgiven. NEXT LESSON Our next and last lesson is entitled ”Living for Jesus.” It is entirely differ-ent from former lessons. You’ll greatly appreciate the help it will give you in living every day for Jesus. One more lesson, and you will be graduated. Are you endeavoring to live up to all you have learned from the Bible? MY NAME AND ADDRESS Name................................ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age........ School Grade............ Street and No.................................. City................................ State............................... (Please sign your name the same on each lesson. (live change of address.) Teacher’s Remarks: JUNIOR SERMON Text: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man. but the end thereof are the ways of death. Prov. 16:25. How many there are who are going happily on in their sinful ways! They don’t seem to feel condemned at all for their wrong doings. Nevertheless, the "end thereof are the ways of death.” The doctor jabbed a big needle into the Chinese patient’s diseased heel. The man never moved. He didn’t even feel anything. The doctor whispered in Eng-lish, to a watching friend, ״Leprosy.” Ah, that’s why the man didn’t feel the pain; his disease had gone too far for him to feel. Many have no feeling of condemnation for their sins. Their dan-ger is great. Don’t put off surrender. If you have not done so already, you should make your decision quickly and unite with the commandment-keeping church, in these last days before the end, while the Holy Spirit is still speaking to you. PRAYER Dear Jesus, help me to hearken to Thy Spirit’s voice, and to obey. May He not forsake me, but lead me to do right, and help me to go all the way in living Thy Word. Amen. Now send your paper to THE VOICE OF PR OPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. Your.test paper will be corrected and mailed back to you with your next lesson. LIVING FOR JESUS Memory Verse : Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev. 2: 10 Juniors dare to go to bed without asking Jesus to pro-tect and care for them ! One day my little girl asked, "Daddy, who makes me wake up every morning?" Here is the Bible answer: . . . He wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear . . . Isa. 50: 4. Some Junior answers, "But it’s my mother who awakens me each morning." Ah, but it is Jesus who causes your ears to hear your mother’s voice. Your very life depends on Him. So don’t forget to pray. Through prayer, trust your life in His hands every night; yes, and every day. Every morning kneel by your bedside and ask Jesus to protect and care for you through the day. Never face a day without first going to the Lord in prayer. The first moments of every day should be spent in prayer. Daniel not only knelt in prayer morning and eve-ning, but he also prayed regularly each noon. ... He KNEELED upon his knees THREE TIMES A DAY, and prayed, and gave thanks -before his God, as he did afore- time. Dan. 6: 10. Oftentimes, through the day, you will meet special temptations. Don’t forget to pray. Even though sur-rounded by many other children, you can offer a silent prayer to God in your heart. Jesus hears the faintest cry from His weakest child. A radio speaker utters a faint whisper into the microphone. That faint whisper can be heard, perhaps 12,000 miles away. When you offer a quiet prayer to God anywhere, anytime, He will hear and help you. So don’t forget to pray! Sometimes you may become discouraged, and every-thing may seem very dark. Oh, don’t forget then to pray! With Jesus talk over your great disappointment or heartache. He will take tender interest in the pain of your broken heart. Perhaps you will pass through some great sickness or lose a loved one in death. Don’t forget to pray. At the tomb of Lazarus "Jesus wept." (John 11: 33.) Jesus told His disciples that He even feels it when a Dear juniors : This is our last study together in this course. This is a personal letter to you, a heart-to-heart talk on living for Jesus. You will not have a regular test paper to fill out, but we do want you to read over carefully each part of this last lesson. It makes me feel a little sad to come to our last les-son in this course. It has been a pleasure to have you follow clear through. I am hoping that many of you will now be able to take the more advanced course for adults. That covers many of the same subjects as you have studied in this course, only it includes more ma-terial. I also want to urge you right here to do all you can to get other Juniors to take this course. Visit or write to your friends and urge them to enroll right away. Perhaps some other Junior will find the way to God through your asking him to study these lessons. Pray that the Lord will help you to win at least one soul to Him. There are several things about which I wanted to write you just before you get your diploma and gradu-ation button. Here are several suggestions which will help you as you endeavor to live your life for Jesus from now on: Q You should take time every day for prayer. Every morning, when you first awaken, you should kneel in prayer by your bedside and ask the Lord to keep you true to Him throughout the day. Prayer is just talking with Jesus. He loves to have you talk with Him. Perhaps you have a chum who has a telephone. If you do not telephone for a long time that friend will feel disappointed; he will feel you’ve forgotten all about him. From now on Jesus wants to be your close Friend — your closest Friend. Call Him up often on heaven’s telephone — PRAYER. Jesus is never too busy to talk with you, so don’t forget to pray! Every night, before you lie down to sleep, kneel quietly by your bedside and offer a prayer to Jesus. Jesus holds our lives in His hands. How do some LESSON TWENTY-FOUR of you. In the judgment day the Bible will be God s measuring stick for each life. You should read every page of it. Whenever you open the Bible to read it, always offer a quiet prayer to God that He will send His Holy Spirit to help you to understand and obey it. In these lessons you have learned many new teachings found in God’s Word. Keep on reading and studying your Bible. The Holy Spirit will be your teacher. Never accept any religious teaching unless it is founded en-tirely on the Bible. As you talk with others about religious subjects, you will find many strange beliefs in the world. Be-fore you accept any doctrine, always insist that people show you where it is taught in the Bible. The Bible, and the Bible alone, must be your guide. Satan hates to have you read your Bible. In order for you con-stantly to become a stronger Christian, read your Bible every day. According to prophecy, the time is coming when in many countries laws will be passed forbidding min-isetrs to preach these truths which you have been study-ing from the Word of God. When that times comes, children must be God’s messengers. Learn your Bible well now, so that you can tell others about these great Bible truths. B BE PATIENT, always. That is one of the hardest things to do. It is not enough to know what the Bible teaches. You must live these truths before others in your everyday life. As one has said, ,,Your life is the only Bible which some people will ever read.” Keep-ing our patience will be all the more necessary in these last days. Just think of what some of God’s faithful followers in times past have had to go through. Read the following: And others had trial of CRUEL MOCKINGS and SCOURG-INGS, yea, moreover of bonds and IMPRISONMENT: they were STONED, they were sawn asunder, were TEMPTED, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheep-skins and goatskins; being DESTITUTE, AFFLICTED, TOR-MENTED. Heb. 11: 36, 37. Jesus adds: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. BLESSED ARE YE, when men shall revile you, and PERSECUTE YOU, and SHALL SAY all manner of EVIL against you FALSELY, for my sake. Matt. 5: 10, 11. Perhaps you will be scoffed at and ridiculed; but as you now live and wait for the return of Jesus, be sure to live a kind, patient, Christian life. Remember, of God’s people in the last church, it says: Here is the PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14: 12. It is not enough to keep the Ten Commandments and to believe in Jesus; in your everyday life you must have patience. They word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Ps. 119: 105. wounded sparrow falls to the ground. So take your sorrows to the Lord in prayer. The Bible promises: And THE PRAYER OF FAITH SHALL SAVE THE SICK, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be lorgiven him . . . The effectual FERVENT PRAYER of the righteous man AVAILETH MUCH. las. 5: 15. 16. In sickness always go to the Lord in prayer for help. Perhaps one of your loved ones has not given his or her heart to God. Don t forget to pray. Constant prayer has softened many a hardened heart. Juniors, PRAYER will be your greatest power. When you pray, you are calling on all of heaven for help. God will not forsake you. So don’t forget to pray! If you slip and yield to some sin, don’t say, "Oh, there’s no use for me to try any more; I’m just too weak.” Satan wants you to give up in discouragement. Jude prayed: Now UNTO HIM THAT IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALL-ING, and to PRESENT YOU FAULTLESS before »he presence of his glory with exceeding joy. lude 24. Saint John, the beloved, reminds you: My little children, these things write I unto you. that ye sin not. And IF ANY MAN SIN. WE HAVE AN ADVOCATE with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous. I John 2; 1. So don’t forget to pray! If you repent and go to the Lord (our Advocate) in prayer, and ask Him to forgive your sin, He will hear and will cover that sin with His blood. So, if you fall into sin or make some mistake, no matter how discouraged you may be, don’t forget to pray. Your prayer may not seem to go any higher than the ceiling. It may seem as though no one hears — that Jesus has forgotten you — but He hasn’t. So DON’T FORGET TO PRAY ! ΨΧ Take time every day to read the Bible. When you read the Bible, God talks to you. When you pray, you talk to God. Don’t let the conversation be one-sided. You should plan on reading the Bible clear through. If you would read two chapters in the Old Testament and one chapter in the New Testament each day, you would finish reading the Bible through in just a little over a year. The Bible will become more interesting to you as you become better acquainted with it. The Bible is God’s letter to you; it is telling you what He expects While still here on earth, we should form the habit of being regular in our Sabbath worship. m Tell others of your new faith in Jesus. There are thousands of people who are longing for a simple knowledge of what the Bible teaches. You are to be God’s witnesses. You should tell to others these new truths which you have learned. In that way thousands more will learn these things before it is too late. L· Jesus is coming soon. You must do everything you can to tell others and to help them to get ready. Many who will not listen to a preacher will listen to you. As you tell others in a simple way what the Bible teaches, and as they see you live carefully for Jesus, many will decide to follow all of the way. 0 THE GATHERING DAY is just ahead. What a wonderful thrill it will be to meet all of you Juniors who have accepted Jesus through studying these les-sons. I am not going to tell you goodbye, for we want to meet ,,over there/’ I just want you to be sure to find your way into Jesus’ last church. I want you to be sure and to be ready daily for His coming. I want you, with all of the other VOICE OF PROPHECY Junior Graduates, to meet Jesus face to face at His coming. 1 want all of you to enjoy an eternal home in heaven. YOU’LL BE THERE, won’t you? Forever your friend, The Voice of Prophecy P. S. We want you to continue to write to us from time to time and keep in touch with us always. Whenever we can be of any help to you, please let us know. And don’t forget to pray for us! I have finished my course. II Tim. 4: 7. “Prayer Is the key in the hands of faith.” Some will make fun of you because you won’t eat everything that they do; others will say mean things because you won’t do all of the things that they do. Just quietly tell them why you can’t do these things, and be sure, always, to be pa-tient. That is hard to do, but it always pays. As you take your stand for Jesus, people are going to be very critical of you. They will try to ,'pick you to pieces.” You may not always be able to answer all of their arguments about Bible doctrines, but you can al־ ways live the truth before them. Your kind Christian life is the best sermon that can be preached. Not only your diploma and your graduation pin, but above all, your life should show that you have successfully fin-ished this course. If you ever slip and say something unkind, go back to that person and ask his forgiveness. As he sees that you are determined to do right, it may help him to de-cide for Jesus. But better still, always BE PATIENT. PI Be regular at Sabbath school and church. If there is a Seventh-day Adventist church near you, you should become a member immediately and attend regularly. If there is none, you can be baptized into the Sabbath keeping church by a visiting minister. You can have Sabbath school by yourself or with some neighbor chib dren. Sabbath school lesson quarterlies are prepared just for Juniors, and we will be glad to help you get one, or ask the minister who baptizes you for a Junior Sabbath school quarterly. If your parents keep the Sab-bath, and there is no Sabbath-keeping church near-by for you to attend, of course you can have a fine Sab-bath school in your home. You can invite your friends to your home Sabbath school and thus help others to find the truth. In the New Earth we will all go to Sabbath school together: And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to an-other and FROM ONE SABBATH TO ANOTHER, shall ALL ilesh COME TO WORSHIP BEFORE ME. saith the Lord. Isa. 66: 23. LESSON 24 MY COVENANT WITH GOD Accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour from sin and desiring to follow Him all the way, in His strength — 1. I will endeavor to follow all that I have learned from God s Word and will continue to make the whole Bible my rule of faith as l continue to study it. 2. I will be baptized and unite with the true Sabbath-keeping church.................... 3. I wall do what I can to tell others about what 1 have learned, so that they too can be ready to meet Jesus at His coming............................................................. 4. I will always try to get as many as possible to take the Junior or Senior Bible Correspondence Course. 5. I will pray regularly every morning and every evening................................ 6. I will read the Bible every day...................................................... 7. I will ask God’s forgiveness whenever I commit any sin............................... 8. I will ask forgiveness if I do any wrong to someone else.............................. 9. I will make it my rule not to go any place that I cannot take Jesus, and not to do anything on which I cannot ask His blessing.......................................................... 10. I will, by His help, live true to the Ten Commandments and to the life and teachings of Jesus, and I will endeavor to live daily for His soon coming. You may wish to check each of these ten points which you purpose to follow . If you desire to make this covenant with God, please sign here: (Note: You are not required to sign this covenant in order to get your diploma and graduation pin, but we will be happy if you do. Feel free to sign it if you are in harmony with these points.) MY ANSWERS ★ ☆ ☆ 1. Have you learned your memory verse? 2. Have you read over all of this lesson and the covenant? 3. If you have done this, you are now ready to receive your diploma and grad-uation button. 4. Send in this lesson to THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, California. In a few days your lesson will be returned to you svith your di-ploma and graduation button. 5. Our sincere congratulations are extended to you for your many months of faithful study, and may the Lord’s blessing be with you as you face the future! JUNIOR SERMON Text: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my de· parture is at hand, I have fought a good fight, I HAVE FIN-ISHED MY COURSE. I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day ..II Tim. 4: 6-8. These words were spoken by Paul a little while before He was beheaded for his loyalty to Jesus. He tells us that his reward for finishing his course will be eternal life. Your true reward for finishing this course, if you will ,,keep the faith,” will be eternal life in heaven with Jesus, Paul, and the other Juniors who have been faithful, and with all of God’s chil-dren. PRAYER Dear Lord, as I come to the end of my course, give me strength to follow on in Thy way and help me to be faithful to the very end. Help me, here and now, to surrender all to Thee, and may I find my place in heaven at last. I ask it in Jesus’ n:me. Amen. MY NAME AND ADDRESS (Last Name) Name (First Name) (Middle Name) Age............School Grade.................. Street and No................................ City......................................... State........................................ (Please si^n your name as you wish it to appear on your diploma. (Jive change of address.) "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." Bev. 2:10.