6 it on and get it on a proper foundation. God chose a fit man to warn the world about the deluge and he prosecuted the work to a successful finish. Take the exodus: this also required a man of unswerving integrity, superior in mental power, a leader, an organizer of great capacity, a man of a masterly mind, a great thinker, a good finan- cier,—Moses, a very humble, devoted, consecrated servant of his God. Just so when the Jews were to be delivered from their Babylonish captivity a man now was needed in whom the Jews had great confidence and had great persuasive powers so as to influence the Persian king, and Ezra was the man. He overcame the great obstacles and Jerusalem was built again. And so at the first advent God had a man made ready—John the Baptist who real- ized that he was fulfilling a prophecy: ‘I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”” The protestant world all believe God raised up Luther to do a mighty work. A man that just fitted the occasion, a man of an iron will, great courage, strong mind, and deeply devotional; a man able to meet any and all opposition; a man who could combine and generalize rapidly. Miller was a special agent of God’s to awaken the world on the great question of the soon-coming of our Lord and thus to give the first message. These men were all great leaders, well bal- anced men, ready for almost any emergency; not one- sided men, but all-around men." But one says: ‘‘Christ is our leader.” That is right. So was Christ the leader in the days of Moses, Ezra, Nehemiah, yet God chose these men through whom to lead His people. Is it not reasonable to conclude that in forwarding the Third Angel’s Message, embracing so much in its folds, God would lay a special burden on some one or more to direct the work and lay a firm and solid foundation for its prosecution and completion? We all believe He did so. - Now let me say, you cannot find a single case from Adam to Moses, from Moses to Christ, from Christ to Luther, from Luther to Wesley, from Wesley on to Miller, where God laid a special burden upon a man to do a special work, to commence it, where such a one apostatized