February 2, 1987 Recorder 13 two hours and cried. I opened my heart to Jesus and let Him come in. I felt a strong sense of reassurance, and peace settled quietly over me. I will never forget that feeling.’ So what is ahead for you? New years often bring thoughts of renewal, and remind us that our work at reflecting the renewed gift of Christ's love in our lives is not yet finished. Others need that special insight that Christians have about their life and God's interest in it. Here is a challenging statement from another student that points up the task ahead of us this new year. Perhaps you know someone who feels like this. ‘I cannot relate to this renewal con- cept at all. I am still searching—then maybe I'll have some sort of conversion which I can understand—I just got bap- tized because I thought was just the People need to see in us the significance of following God. thing to do at the time, especially since my uncle was the pastor and was the one who gave me Bible studies. It wasn’t any real thing, and for ever feeling close to God, I am not too sure that [ have ever had that feeling.” One thing to remember in setting goals and reflecting on new beginnings is to realize that there are people around us who do not know or experience God as we do. These people need to see in us the significance of following God as we do. In what way do we reflect a difference? How are we show- ing what a new beginning 1s all about? Are we illustrating through our lives the meaning of the new birth? How are we coping with problems, trials and disappointments? Have we clearly shown others where we are headed and what goals are important for us? Are we so committed to anything so signif- icant that someone would give up all that they had in order to find what we claim to have? New years give us a chance to begin again, to set new goals, to try once more to move on and beyond. They give us a new start to grow toward God. They give us a chance through Christ to be all new again. Project youth North Hollywood vouth spread jov at Christmas by Marilyn Thomsen It all began when a large toy dis- tributor withdrew its commitment for Christmas toys. Nilda Fricke, coordinator for the North Hollywood Health Center's Christmas Party, appealed to the North Hollywood church for help. Al Martuc- ci, the youth leader, presented the ap- peal to the church, and the youth and Earliteens accepted the challenge. Through Al's personal contacts, the Burbank Studios and their paint depart- ment contributed both toys and funds to assist in the project. On Sunday, December 21, the young people sorted and wrapped the gifts. On Monday, some of them helped to deliver the gifts to the Center. Then on Tuesday they arrived early with cam- eras and plenty of enthusiasm to record the reactions ‘of the children and to assist in giving out the gifts. Marilyn Thomsen is director of public relations for the Southern California Conference. The Center provided helpers who assisted in lining up the several hundred children and their parents, giving them some tasty refreshments. The local fire department provided a ‘‘Santa’” who arrived on a fire truck complete with sirens screaming. The Studios also pro- vided a special chair for Santa. Inmates in prison made Raggedy Ann dolls for the girls and wooden toys for the boys. One little boy provided a special chal- lenge because he was blind. Finally he was presented with a lovely doll. As his fingers began to feel the features of the doll, his face broke out in a big smile. To those who saw the joy and happiness that these gifts brought to the boys and girls, the true meaning of sharing and caring was very real. The Channel 7 evening news in- cluded coverage of the party, and some of the church youth were included in their program. For all the youth and Earliteens who had a part in this pro- ject, there was a new understanding of the words of Jesus who said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Tracy Friesen (center), a member of the North Hollywood church, helps ““Santa’’ (a local fireman) distribute gifts to children at the North Hollywood Health Center.