I12 THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE, TENN., FEBRUARY 12, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. Poetry. PAGE Compensation vuveevecsrsessissrteessssssssssssnanas 99 Enough ...iiiieiiiieiiiieiiansssennsssesaesscssses 102 The Price of a LICENSE. .cvvvsiierreanionressavancnns 103 General Articles. Faithful and Slothful Servants, Mrs E G WHITE... 99 Israel: the Return of the Jews.-No. 7, ] S WASHBURN 100 ““ Moses Wro.e of Me,” PHILIP GIDDINGS..coveceeens 101 The Home. — The Golden Wedding — Retreshing Sleep — Boys, Cigarettes, Doctors...cevevuvane 102, 103 Bditorial., — Organization — No.1, GIB — An lIm- portant Question Answered, s N H — Why Did Christ Die ? 1. A s — The Canvassing Work and the Council, GEO Il BUTLER ciivvieverinrsaneenansns 104-106 BAitorial Notes »eoceerrrenecriitiersssssssscsnscsensos 107 The $150,000 Fund. — The Widow's Offering, | S WASHBURN — The Pacific Press, GENERAL CON- FERENCE COMMITTEE Cites eiesssaesreiaseraeraasans 107 From the Field. — Notes of Progress—How to Conduct a Review, C F DakT — The First Session of the West Indian Conference, G F ENOCH....ovvnven 108-110 Things Here and There. — Life in a Submarine....... 110 THE BEGINNING AND CLOSE OF THE SABBATH SUN sets Friday, February 22, . . . 5:44 ¢ ¢ Saturday, February 23, . 5:46 WATCHMAN RATES 12 Months in advance - - - -$1 00 6 Months in advance - - - - - 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrapper, per year, each - 75 In Clubs of five to one address, for three months - - 94 In Clubs of five to one address, for six months - - 188 Ten copies one year to one address - - - 750 Ten copies six months to one address - - - 375 Ten copies three months to one address - - - 188 Persons receiving copies of the WATCHMAN without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are forwarded by other parties or sent trom this office at their request. Please read the WATCHMAN and hand it to your friends. WHEN requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. Our people in California have been prom- ised a hearing on the Sunday-law bill, which has been brought before the legislature of that state. JEHOVAH says: ‘“ Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work” Seventh-day Adventists rest on the seventh day as God has com- manded, and work the remaining six days as God has directed; and for doing this they are brought before the courts as criminals. The only trouble is that men have enacted Sunday laws, laws which interfere with con- science and the law of God. Such laws cannot be constitutional under any just gov- ernment. THE question, What is right? is always a more important one than, What is the law? In other words, what God says is always of more importance than what man says. THE WATCHMAN Wt have received the sad news of the death of Elder A. G. Bodwell, who was well known to many of our readers, having been for some years state canvassing agent in Texas, after which he went to Mexico, and later to Colo- rado, in which fields he rendered efficient service. Brother Bodwell was recently elected president of the Arizona Conference, and while on a journey in that territory, was drowned in attempting to cross a river, February 1. He was well versed in the Spanish language, and by his death the cause loses a most useful la- borer. The sympathy of all who knew Brother Bodwell will go out to the bereaved wife, upon whom this heavy blow has so sud- denly fallen. AN English paper says: “A wave of earth- quakes is sweeping the world. Within the last six weeks thirteen separate and severe earthquakes have been recorded. The area of disturbance has ranged from Italy to Australia, from Sweden to Ceylon.” We are told fur- ther by those taking scientific note of these occurrences, that the delicate instruments which have been devised to record slight shocks that would not be noticeable to the senses, show that the whole earth is now in almost continuous vibration. Decidedly, something must be wrong with this old earth when it has reached such a condition as this. “ DUrRING the past year five governments — France, Russia, China, Belgium, and Canada — all passed laws in behalf of Sunday observ- ance,” says an ILnglish exchange. “Reports from several other countries,” it adds, “show that the same tidings may be expected from them also before long. It is beginning to be noted by observers of the times that an aston- ishing movement is in progress everywhere on behalf of the Sunday institution.” This move- ment, it may also be said, is very prominent just now in the United States. The decay of morality and the loss of faith in the Bible do not at all hinder it, but on the contrary appear to stimulate it. A coop many people are living in this coun- try to-day who are of the generation that saw, in the darkening of the sun and moon and the falling of the stars, signs of the approach of the day of God, and proclaimed them as such to the world. Very many of this generation have passed away, but that many yet remain is evidenced by statistics which show that there are even a goodly number of centen- arians still alive and comparatively vigorous. Here is one of which the Springfield Repub- lican makes note: — “There is a venerable mother in Israel in Portland, Ore., Mrs. Mary Ramsey L. Wood, who will pass her 120th birthday May 20. Her age is well accounted for, as she was born in Knoxville, Tenn., in 1787. She removed to Oregon in 1854. Mrs. Wood's philosophy is of the soundest sort. ‘I always try to keep from worrying about little things,’ she re- cently said. ‘I always attended to my own business, and knew that if I did my work the Almighty would see that I was well looked after, Mrs. Wood has just subscribed to a magazine for five years, and says she expects to read the last issue.” Tuar Bible prophecy is being fulfilled by the events of these days, is noted by other people than Seventh-day Adventists. For ex- ample, under the title, “A Prophecy Fulfilled: Nahum 2:3, 4,” Collier's Weekly recently de- voted a full page to three illustrations show- ing, (1) a number of automobiles of different varieties speeding along the public highway, answering to the words of the prophecy, “The chariots shall rage in the streets; ” (2) a num- ber of automobiles jostling against each other, some in actual collision, as might naturally happen where many were gathered together, fulfilling the words, “They shall jostle one against another in the broad ways;” and (3) the scene presented by a number of these ma- chines on the street after nightfall, with their brilliant lights illuminating the highway, an- swering to the words, “The chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his [Gods] preparation.” That this language of Nahum’s prophecy is strikingly fulfilled in this latest method of fast locomotion, is evident to peo- ple who do not believe that we are living in the day of God's preparation. This prophecy is usually applied to the railway trains, but it seems to be fulfilled even more to the letter by these modern chariots which run almost “like the lightnings” through the streets of our modern cities. AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH Tur Saviour said it would be here as it was then. The ark was built. The work for the world was done; the last soul warned. The beasts went into the ark. Noah and his family went in, and the angel came down and shut to the door. The world was shut out, and Noah was shut in. The world mocked on. For seven days their doom was forever sealed before the preaching of that man of God was verified. The flood took them all away. Every one was destroyed. So shall the coming of the Son of man be. The righteous and the wicked will be here in their mortal state. At that time there will be two in one bed, two in the field together, and one will be seized with the plagues and the other left. Men will be planting and building, eating and drinking, all unconscious that the final and irrevocable sentence has been passed. ‘The sentence is passed, the censer is thrown down, the high priest lays off his priestly attire, and puts on the gar- ments of vengeance. Reader, with what party will you belong? Ss. N. H. Hoip fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor to your liberties. Write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future.— Ulysses S. Grant.