BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Dr. Eva B. Dykes was born in Washington, D. C. She received a B. A: summa cum laude from Howard University and a B. A. magna cum laude, M. A. and Ph.D. from Radcliffe College. As a dynamic educator, Dr. Dykes has contributed to the field of education by teaching at Walden University, Dunbar High School, Howard University, Oakwood College, and A. and M. College. Articles written by Dr. Dykes have been published in the Message Magazine, Youth's Instructor, Negro History Bul- Jetin, and the Jouraal of Negro History. She is the author of The Negro In English Romantic Thought, co-editor of Reading for Negro Schools and Colleges, and helped to prepare a Manual for a Beginning Teacher of Linguistics in a Secondary School. and a Manual of English. Active in church leadership, Dr. Dykes has served the Ephesus Church in Washington, D.C. and the Oakwood College church in Huntsville, Alabama. At Oakwood she was a cedi- cated choir director, home missionary leader. and assistant ay activities leader. She has been choir director for three regional gS. D. A. conferences. In the community, she has been active as a lecturer, speaker, and consultant. Professional, honorary, and learned societies that Dr. Dykes holds membership in are Phi Beta Kappa, the Naticnal Council of Teachers of English, National Teachers Association, and the Modern Language Association. Various awards and honors have been bestowed upon Dr. Dykes for her scholarship and distinguished teaching ability and achievement. As a gracious and noble woman of cu.iure, she has inspired many throughout her years of unselfish service. 11 1621, Dr. Dvkes be corm] ce Co uvRes pecare tae First Black = = ecules TE a OTe plete tne reculrenents for a Ph. D enn to 1 . Cg :. the fiela of Inglish Pa. D. Deirze in — ab 1