Thursday, June 18 An “ldeal’ Relationship HOW-TO Key Text: Ps. 139:23, 24 If you had an ideal relation- ship, would you not naturally value and preserve it? For a rela- tionship to be of value, both sides would have to give their part. Just as both sides have to spend time and work together to develop a healthy relationship, we have to fulfill our part in developing a re- lationship with God. What is our part in this relation- ship? 1. Making God our number-one priority. Once we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Saviour and desire His saving power, we must place Him above any other rela- tionship or material possession (see Matt. 6:33). If our closest friend or relative needed our help, we would naturally be right there to do all we could. Just as our most valued relationships here on earth take precedence over those less valued, our relationship with God, being an eternal relation- ship, must be our number-one priority. 2. Seeking God’s guidance. David acknowledged God’s all- knowing wisdom and ability and yearned for His guidance. It was through this great desire of David’s to know God and what His will was for his life that God was able to use David and guide him through day by day. “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God” (Ps. 143:10, NIV; see also Ps. 143:6; 139:23, 24; Strophe 4 of “Logos”). 3. Communing daily with God. Just as a personal relationship takes continual communication, our communion with God needs to be continuous. If God is truly our number-one priority, we will look to Him daily. Looking to Him through study and prayer each day will allow Him to direct our lives. If we will only give Him the opportunity, He will give us direc- tion and insight (see Ps. 143:5-8). 4. Putting it into practice. The most ideal relationship we could ever expect to have here on earth will fall far short of the relation- ship that is possible between our heavenly Father and us. By ac- knowledging our need for Christ and asking for His guidance each day, we can begin to develop a rela- tionship with Him. With Christ as our example, we should surrender to Him our plans daily for His guid- ance and direction, just as Jesus prayed, “Not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:42). If we will only look to God for everything we do, say, and think, He will direct our lives and bring us closer to Him. Nothing can “separate us from the love of God” (Rom. 8:39). REACT How will an ideal relationship with God affect earthly relation- ships? by Jim Warman and Warner McClure Jim Warman, a carpenter, and Warner McClure, a computer scientist, are members of the Stoneham, Massachusetts, Seventh-day Adventist Church. 100