Herbert Photos, Inc. Professor Albert Einstein, considered to have the keenest mathematical mind the world has ever known HILE the great mass of the people do no hard, serious thinking, but allow their minds to become sluggish and shallow, there is another class who are veritable mind worshipers. They even set their minds above God. They discount the teachings of the Bible. They tell us the story of creation has been proved by scientific minds to be untrue. They say man has not fallen but rather is continually rising into a higher state of being. They deny the virgin birth of Christ, and declare Him to be only a good man rather than the God-man. The miracles of the Bible are called simply fairy tales. They say the writers of the Bible were inspired only as Shake- speare or any other writer. The Bible, instead of being God's book, they say, is the best book that men at that time could write about God. At a recent ministerial meeting the writer listened to a review of a book dealing with the question of the inspiration of the Bible. The passages emphasized were all those that belittled the Bible to the level of human fancies. For example, the author claimed that the prophets used the phrase ‘Thus saith the PAGE FOURTEEN MIND Does God no longer rule? Lord,” not because God spoke to or through them, but because they meditated until they convinced them- selves that their own thoughts were the voice of God. In this he ignored that the prophets spoke often what they did not themselves understand, and predicted events that have been coming to pass ever since. Thus it becomes easy, according to this author, to believe that the prophets were inspired if we believe all people are inspired. “If you bring all into one class then the doctrine of inspiration becomes credible.” Back of this can be seen the motive that has actuated men from the be- ginning, to exalt self at the expense of the Divine; to refuse allegiance to any power outside of the human mind. TRAITCROUS FRIENDS HE Bible has always had its enemies. It has withstood the attacks of a countless number of its foes, but today it is being assailed by those who pretend to be its friends. Rank infidelity is masquerading un- der the disguise of the ministry of God. The Lord has said, “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them- selves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3, 4. Again our Saviour, as with prophetic eye He discerned the apostasy of the last days, said: *‘ Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. The Bible claims that it came into existence not as the product of great minds but rather, “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1: 21. Good, sound thinking is not to be stifled. God wants men to think, but always the thoughts of men should be guided and kept balanced on the side of truth by bringing every thought to the test of the Bible. Jesus declared concerning the word of God, “Thy word is truth.” John 17: 17. The Bible is more than the best thoughts of the deepest thinkers and the smartest men. If that is all it is, as many today are claiming, then why do not some of the smart men today write another book like THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE