g2 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. earth,” will find all these promises fulfilled. They declared plainly, “that they sought a country, a better country, even a heavenly, wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, and hath pre- pared for them a city.” In that new earth they will have it. There the promise to Abraham, that tie shall be heir of the world, will be fulfilled to him, nd to all who are his seed through the right- eousness of faith. There the father of the faithful will forever inherit the Canaan in which he has ig yet possessed a place on which to set his t V. I believe that the Bible places a great amount of clear and striking evidence before us, that the accomplishment of all these great and mighty things is near, even at the doors, This evidence lies before my own mind in the following form : I find that the prophecies of Daniel were given with the plain design, as it seems to me, of setting forth a connected ‘chain of events from a given pe- riod to the end of this world, and the setting up of Christ’s eternal kingdom of glory. This chain of events is first given us in Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Dan, ii. He saw an im- with head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet part of iron and part of clay with the ten toes. This vision was made known to Daniel by that God in heaven who revealeth secrets. The head of gold, was the Babylonian or Chaldean kingdom; the breast and arms of silver, was another inferior king- dom that should arise after the first; the belly and thighs of brass, another third kingdom that should bear rule over all the earth. Then a fourth king- dom should arise, as strong as irom, to break mn ion; in which were placed before him a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a fourth beast dreadful and terrible, with great iron teeth, and ten horns, three of which were at length plucked, and their place occupied by a single horn, having eyes like a man, and a mouth speaking great things. Then the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, with garment white as snow, and hair like pure wool, and throne like fiery flame, and wheels as burning fire; a fiery stream issuing from before him ;~the beast was slain at length, and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame ; when one, hike the Son of man, came, to whom was giv- en dominion and glory and a kingdom; an ever- lasting dominion that should not pass away, and a kingdom not to be destroyed—with whom the saints of the Most High should take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom, forever even forever and ever. Daniel was then told that these great beasts were four kings (or kingdoms) which should arise out of the earth previous to the establishment of the kingdom of God. We have, therefore, before us, in Daniel's vision, the same chain of events, 2s in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar, with some addi- tional particulars respecting the fourth or Roman kingdom. The figure is now ten horns of a beast, instead of ten toes of an image. The representa- tions are parallel to this point, Now Daniel saw three horns or kingdoms, into which the Roman kingdom had been divided, giving place to a single horn or kingdom, that should speak great words against the Most High, and wear out the saints of the Most High, and have them given into his hand, until time, times, and the dividing of time; when the judgment should sit, and his dominion be taken away; and the kingdom and the dominion, and pieces and bruise; to be at length, in a state of partial weakness, in a condition represented by ten toes; i. e., divided into ten portions, or kingdoms : “ And in the days of these kings (or kingdoms) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom that ghall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, hui it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and shall stand forever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it break in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the Interpretation thereof sure.” That this was a chain of events reaching from Nebuchadnezzar to the end of all worldly kingdoms, and the setting up of God's everlasting kingdom, seems to my mind as plain as a sunbeam ; and equally plain to my mind is the fact, that these events hove all transpired, in the exact order laid down in the prophecy, except the last; and that, consequently, all that we have now future, as predicted in this prophecy, is that the stone, cut out of the mountain without hands, grind the kingdoms of this* world to powder, that they may be blown away as chaff; and become it- self a great mountain, and fill the whole earth.— The Chaldean kingdom, which was the first, the Medo-Persian kingdom, which was the second, the Macedonian or Grecian kingdom, which was the third, and the Roman kingdom, which was the fourth, have all arisen and long since passed away, with the exception of the last form of the fourth or Roman kingdom, which was to continue in the condition represented by the ten toes, until the set- ting up of the everlasting kingdom of God. For, “In the days of these kings (or kingdoms) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed.” This last form of the Ro- man kingdom, as all know, or may learn from his- tory, has now been in existence more than thirteen hundred and sixty years; and yet in the days of these kingdoms will the God of heaven set up his kingdom, which shall never be destroyed. The toes of that great image have already existed in their dissevered state longer than the whole image before them, and the evidence to my mind is forci- ble, that. they must soon become powder, under the stone cut from the mountain without hands, and be own away ; giving place to God's ki shall never be Sontrs od @s kingdom that In the first year of Belshazzar, Daniel had a vis- the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heav- en be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and whom all dominions shall serve and obey. — This, Daniel said, should be the end of the matter. Now that this chain of events, with all these ad- ditional particulars respecting the fourth beast, have had a literal fulfillment, except the giving of thre kingdom to the saints, there is not in my mind one shadow of a doubt, Three Roman kingdems wera subverted, according to the representation of three horns plucked up; and upon their founda- tion was established the papal pewer,—the horn that had eyes, and a month speaking great things; and he has worn out the saints of the Most High, and had them in his hand during time, times, and the dividing of time. I believe that the Herulian, the Vandalian, and the Ostrogothic, three of the original Roman king- doms, were subverted, and that then, by decree of Justinian, the Bishop of Rome became head of all the churches, in the year 538. This was the com- mencement of papal power, and since that time the pope has worn out the saints of the Most High, and had them in his hand, until, according to the Religious Encyclopedia, “it has been computed that fifty millions have suffered martyrdom by his authority.” I believe that the time, times, and di- viding of time, should be reckoned, as a year, two years, and a half year, making 1260 days, reckon- ing 12 months in a year, and 30 days in a month; arf that each of these days was designed to. de- note a year; so that time, times, and the dividing of time includes 1260 years, From 538, when the power of the pope commenced by decree of Justinian, 1260 years would terminate in 1798.— I believe that in February of that year the pope was taken prisoner by Berthier the commander of a French army, and carried captive into France, where he died ; that that, therefore, was the ter- mination of the time, times, and dividing of time. Since that time there has been an attempted resus- citation of papal power; but the saints have nev- or since that time been in the hands of that power, —but protestantism, contrary to the will of the pope, has been tolerated in all the kingdoms over which he formerly had sway. I believe, therefore, that this vision of Daniel was designed to set forth a connected chain of events, from the time of Belshazzar, to the final end of all worldly kingdoms, and the full establish- ment of the everlasting kingdom of God, and that this chain of predictions has had an unbroken ful- fillment, with the single exception of the coming of the Son of man with the clouds of heaven, to take his everlasting dominion and glory and king- dom, giving the body of the beast to the burning flame. 1 believe, therefore, that all we have now to look for, is this one mighty event, that shall make that chain of predictions complete. And hence, I believe that it is near, even at the deors. By their fruits ye shall know them. Turse were the words of our Saviour te hig disci- ples, warning them to beware of false prophets which should come to them in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly were ravening wolves. It places in our hands at once a criterion by which we may try the doctrines of men to see of what manner of spirit they are. By this each false theory becomes its own detecter. By their fruits ye shall know them, is the immutable decree of Heaven, and men cannot evade it. Grapes will not grow on thorns, nor figs on thistles; the fruits will speak for themselves and no artifice of man can make them lie. If there ever was an age of the world in wich peo- ple had need to make use of this criterion and search for truth as for hid treasures, it seems to be the present, when we are assailed on all sides by the su- perstitions of men, seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. To illustrate our subject we introduce a spe- cimen of the fruits of spiritualism. It is am extract from an article in the Spiritual Telegraph for Aug. 13th, 1853, entitled, Wrestling with a Spirit. It says — “At another time several friends had come together to witness the strange power thal seemed to be at. work at the house of Brother J. A. While the rap- ping was going on, one of the company denounced the whole thing, said he did not believe if was Spirits, or if it was, they could not rap and move tables, ete.— And he defied and dared the Spirits, saying he could throw down or whip any Spirit. The Doctor then inquired of the Spirit that was rapping at the time if he could wrestle; he said he could. The Spirit was then asked if he was willing to wrestle and show fight with that gentleman ; he said he was. The brave man then told the Spirit to follow him out into the yard, and started ; all the circle rising from the table, when it commenced moving toward the man, rose frem the floor and hit him several hard blows before he reached the door, which hastened his steps ; and a3 he passed out, the table, or rather stand, was thrown at him, only missing him a little, striking the door facing about midway, denting and scarring the facing, bursting off the top of the stand, breaking the legs, splitting the upright post, leaving indentations as though bullets and shot had been fired into it, the medium not touching it, only following close after, and out into the yard, where the spirt-fighter had arrived unhurt. ’ But now commenced a new struggle: he began striking, jumping as though he was contending with flesh and blood, manifesting all the signs of deter- mined bravery, and to fight it out to the last. He was several times thrown hard on the ground, then struggled and re-gained his feet, and down he would come again. This mode of testing the invisibles con- tinued until the Spirit's adversary was sorely wound- ed, and worried out of breath and physical strength. He finally re-gained his foot-hold and made a hasty retreat into the house up a flight of stairs, taking to himself & private room, closing the door after him, ‘declaring that he never wanted to fight Spirits.any more, and that if they let him alone he would let them alone; the Spirit not pursuing a flecing foe, for I presume they are too noble for that. Thus ended the contest between a man in the flesh and one out of it.” By this we are reminded of an occurrence which took place in the days of the apostles, recorded in Acts xix, 13—16. “Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know ; but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil . spirit was, leaped on them, and over-came them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and ounded.” It is universally admitted that like agents produce like results; hence, like spirits will do like works;