WHEN COMPLICATIONS THREATEN By Vincent A. Fenn Band ANY times during His sojourn here Christ ministered to the sick and suffering. By Him sickness was often mentioned as a type of sin. When a miracle of healing was performed, not infrequently He followed 1t with the admonition, “Go and sin no more.” In one instance, as re- corded in John 5: 14, this addition: al word of warning was given: “Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” In times of slight or critical illness there is always the danger of serious complica- tions. The doctor and the nurse must ever be on the alert for signs which indi- cate a change in the patient’s condition. For many types of disease there are specific remedies, specific types of treat- ment. Fortunate indeed is the individual who, when stricken with a serious illness, finds that there is a specific remedy, a method that has been tried and found to be the practical way of promoting re- covery and warding off complications. There 1s a great similarity between the physical and the spiritual life in this re- spect. That there are many forms of soul ‘illness, with attendant serious compli- cations, is a fact well known to the follower of Christ. And many times the real danger is not so much in the primary 1ll- ness as in the complications that are so liable to develop. However, the Great Physician has written for us many prescriptions which are specific remedies for the diseases of the soul. Besides the remedies, there are many preventive measures to be taken for any form of soul disease. These are all written in God’s great Prescription Book, and they are all reliable. In our physical life we are constantly surrounded by germs of all kinds. In our spiritual life we are always exposed to in- fluences of evil. We must continually strive to build up a resistance against soul disease; for the admonition is to ‘“‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Tor it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12, 13. If we neglect to follow the directions given by the Great Physican, we lower our spiritual resistance, and soon fall vietims to some malady which may lead to serious compli- cations. Some of the diseases common to the Christian are discouragement, envy, worry, hatred, and sorrow, all of which are sub- ject to many serious complications. To illustrate, take sorrow. First of all there must be a correct diagnosis, other- wise we might suggest the wrong treat- ment. Sorrow has various forms. Sorrow MAY, 1942 for sin is godly sorrow, and leads to re- pentance. But sometimes a loved one is taken, or we pass through a bitter ex- perience; this causes another kind of sor- row. In such times of stress we should go at once to the Great Physician; He will direct us to a specific remedy. So often we fail to do this, but begin instead to question the justice and love of God, until soon we have developed a serious complica- tion which may result in the death of our spiritual life. But still there is hope. In His great Prescription Book God has left for our encouragment some experiences of others who have passed through just what we are called upon to endure. There is per- haps no greater sorrow than that which can come through bitter experiences In one's own family, or through the death of a son or a daughter, father or mother. In 2 Samuel 18:33 and 19: 1-4 we find the expressions of sorrow uttered by David over the death of a wayward son. As we study the life of David, we find that instead of questioning the justice and mercy of God, he accepted his great sor- row, realizing that God in His wisdom knows what is best. In experiences of this character John 14: 1-4, 18 and 2 Samuel 2-22 are a very y good prescription. Sometimes there is sin in the life as was mentioned in John 5:14 which brings on a train of complications. In aclmon- ishing the man whom He had just healed to go and ‘sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto’ him, the Saviour em- phasized the danger of complications even after one has apparently recovered from the disease of virulent sin. Psalm 51 1s a very good outline to follow when one recog- nizes that there is sin which 1s destroy- ing his spiritual life. In verses 2 and 3 David cries out, “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my trans- gressions: and my sin is ever before me.” Verses 11 and 17 testify to the fact that David had discovered the right remedy, for he says, “Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. . . . The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” Paul was aware of this war against evil and the danger of spiritual death. In Romans 8:7 we find the reason for this, and in chapter 7, from verse 14 on, we find that Paul had discovered a law that, when he would do good, evil was present. In verse 24 he cries out, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Verse 25 is the answer: “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Instead of lapsing into a complication brought about by discouragement over the (Continued on page 18) Perspiring Feet What can be done for perspiring feet? C. S. This condition, which is due to some dis- turbance of the sympathetic nerves, 1s more easily handled when affecting the feet than the hands. Try dusting powdered boric acid in the stockings at the foot end, or apply the same to the feet, and at night soak the feet in either one per cent potas- sium permanganate in water, or a two per cent solution of formalin. See that your general health is built up as much as pos- sible, and that your diet is high in minerals and vitamins, and that your elimination is good. Colitis I suffer from colitis. cure it? D. E. S. Colitis is a word which, like paint, covers a multitude of things. However, I take it, you probably have soreness through the bowels and passage of some mucus, with a tendency to constipation. If you take What can be done to The DOCTOR REPLIES to HEALTH QUERIES... Medical and hygienic information of value to the general reader is given here by Owen S. Parreil, M. D. Inquirers may address the doctor in care of this magazine. coarse foods like bran, the pain is in- creased, and the mucus more in evidence. Colitis is a disease of civilization, caused by devitalized and demineralized foods, together with indoor life and high-pressure living. This then points the way to a cure. Secure bulkage with high minerals and vitamins in your diet, and do not be ill ad- vised to use all white bread and soft, pappy foods to avoid roughage. Have your foods so prepared or chew them so thoroughly that they will not be too rough; but don’t permit any of the precious vitamins and minerals to be discarded. A little wheat germ or rice polish may be helpful, as well as the taking of extra vita- mins, such as the A.B.D.G. Capsules, to- cether with a glass or more of fruit juice daily. Secure elimination by mechanical laxatives or an enema, rather than by ca- thartics which have a drug action. Try to build your health by walking in the open air daily, and take some sun baths as you find opportunity. Page FIFTEEN