how completely it depended on human agency, too often on human passion and intrigues; how completely wanting it was of any mark of the divine construc- THE WATCHMAN tion and care,— the offspring of man, not of God, and therefore bearing upon it the lineaments of human passions, hu- man virtues, and human sins.” RECEPT must be upon pre- line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little.” Isa. 28:10. Our Saviour has given the les- sons already studied with a clearness that sends convic- tion, but he does not leave us with sim- ply one line of events that history re- cords. He adds evidence to evidence,— “line upon line.” He leaves nothing undone that can move the hearts of men to willingly and understandingly accept his offered salvation. When his work for fallen man is ended, the great heart of our God, full of “ an everlasting love,” will cry out, “What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?” Isa. 5:4. = li Please turn with me to a prophecy found in the second chapter of Daniel. While I will give you the briefest out- line of this and other portions of the book of Daniel, I would recommend to any who may wish to have a verse by verse study of this wonderful prophetic book, the work ““ Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation,” written by Uriah Smith. The conditions were these. God had allowed Israel, because of her sins, to be sold to a kingdom of this world. Again and again God had offered to ake his people a channel through which o carry his truth to the world, but they ad refused. When Israel would not send their sons and daughters to other ations with light, God sent embassies rom those nations to .inquire of them oncerning the true God, of whose mir- icles they had been told. But instead of A THRILLING PROPHECY CLARENCE SANTEE cept, precept upon precept; THEMES Lesson Eleven teaching them of Israel’s God, they told of their riches and worldly glory. An instance of this is found in Isa. 39:1, 2. The limit of God’s forbearance was reached, and as captives, Israel’s sons were brought to Babylon. Among these were four young men who were espe- cially chosen of God to bear responsibili- ties and make known his name. They were of the few who had believed that Jeremiah was a true prophet of God. He had foretold their captivity, and now they cheerfully accepted the situation, and faithfully began their work. Being earnest, honest, and conscientious young men, they were soon singled out as ca- pable of filling positions near to the king. In preparation for this, as you will read in Daniel 1:3-5, they were to have three years of special schooling. Immediately after the close of this pe- riod, King’ Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream that so impressed itself upon him that, though he could not recall it, he was sure it had been given him by some divine agency. This is the rec- ord: “In the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to show the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king. And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. Then spake the Chal- deans to the king in Syriac, O king, live forever; tell thy servants the dream, and we will show the interpretation. The king answered and said to the Chal- deans, The thing is gone from me. If “he fell asleep and dreamed. 517 ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill ; but if ye show the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor ; therefore show me the dream and the interpretation thereof.” Dan. 2: 1-6. The wise men failed completely. An edict was passed that they should be slain. Daniel and his companions, though they had not been called in before the king, were included in the number. Daniel sought the king, and obtained a delay in the execution of the sentence. He then, with his three brethren, sought God for a revelation of the king’s dream. “Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision.” Daniel knew that God had given him the dream, and with confidence he went in before the king, and there began to make known to him the true God of Israel. In answer to the question, “Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and the interpreta- tion thereof ”? he answered, “ The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magi- cians, the soothsayers, show unto the king; but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these: As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass. But as for me, this secret is not revealed tv me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.” Daniel first speaks of the failure of the king’s magi- cians, and through them, in an indirect way, and yet forcibly, the entire impo- tence of his gods. Then he directs his mind to the God of heaven as the true revealer of secrets, and the only one who could make known the things witnessed in his dream. Instead of dwelling alone upon the present, the king thought upon the fu- ture,— “ what should come to pass here- after.” Pondering this serious question, Listen to