In the News... A HOT BUSINESS...Buffalo raom on media mogul Ted Turner's Montana ranch. Singer Michael Jackson's estate is home to chimpanzees. But the current rage is the ultra-cut pot-bellied pigs, with a price tag of about $500. U.S. armed forces will have expanded use of military bases in Singapore under a recenly signed agreement. Democrats reelected Mitchell of Maine as Senate Majority leader and chose Ford of Kentucky as his new deputy, suceeding Cranston. Dole of Kansas won another two years as head of the Republicans, but GOP conservatives dropped Chafee from the No. 3 position in favor of Cochran. Budget impasse: When congressional budget summiteers were asked what they had for lunch, Kansas Senator Bob Dole quipped, "We couldn't decide." vfater recall: Koala Springs is recalling its brand of mineral water after some botdes were found to contain benzene. T ammy Cash, Tracy Cash, Anne Swanson, Tony Cash, and Jill Swanson-all, neices and nephew of their teacher, Bemelda Cash (second from left), find themselves in the same class three times a week. r loving Creator; How wonderful is your creation of the universe, V^/the earth, ali nature, and humanity... We thank you for the privilege of being a part of your creation... How beautiful the changing seasons...The rebirth and new life of spring..: The warmth and generosity of Summer... The brilliant beauties and the harvest time offerings of autumn... And the restful, quiet grandeur of winter, the majestic season.:-/ We thank you for the variety, the productivity, and the serenity you bless us with in these changing seasons,/ How boundless and abiding is yoiir lOve... How comforting and encouraging is the love, akin to yours, of family and friends and neighbors... There is no boundary line separating us from a neighbor; for a neighbor may be found in a any part of our whole wide world... We thank you for your great love that moves and motivates our human love... What marvelous blessing it. iis to awaken each morning to a new day... Endless opportunities and possibilities come with every day... We especially are grateful for this precious gift... Help us to use it wisely... Amen.' * • . •, v^wS :' > The Worship Card That Saved Souls page 3 The Slice Sports Review page 7 GUEST EDITORIAL <2 TWENTY SOMETHING 4 AND SO IT GOES BACKWARD GLANCE 9 LINCOLN. NERRASKl 2 - The Clocktower Guest Editorial by Byard W. Parks Of Stampeding Sheep I 've watched many exciting episodes of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom during my lifetime. I have probably seen more herds of animals chased down, tranquilized and relocated than Mutual of Omaha has sold life insurance policies. But one thing I have never seen is "Jim" in his beat up Jeep in hot pursuit of of a flock of stampeding sheep. Do sheep stampede? I've seen every other kind THE CLOCKTOWER Editor Leland Krum Copy/Layout Editor Brenda Dickerson News/Layout Editor Amy Baugher Advertising Editor Arlin Blood Photo Editor Garcie Monthie Sponsor Greg Rumsey Printer Graphic Masters THE CLOCKTOWER is a bi-monthly publication of the ASB. It is a forum for a student-oriented news and opinion.. All letters, personals, stories, poems, king-size Snicker bars, dollar bills, and all loose change should be in our mailbox (in the College Bookstore) by Thursday at noon for inclusion the following week. All unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE CLOCKTOWER and will be written by the editors. All other opinions expressed are those of the author and must bear his or her name. THE CLOCKTOWER reserves the right to edit and/or paraphrase letters for reasons of clarity and space. Address: 3800 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 Phone: (402) 488-2331 of animal barreling pell-mell across the Serengeti plains but never sheep! Can sheep stampede? If a flock of woollies resolved that they were tired of only grazing grass and singing rounds of "Home, Home on the Range," and really wanted to start a rampage, could they muster up enough unflinching courage to move boldly, aggressively and purposely in a unified mass? Could the serene mind set of the sheep be jarred into this kind of spontaneous free-spirited action? I have always wanted to be in on a revival. I am not talking about a small "flicker of hope" type generated by a $23 increase in thirteenth Sabbath offering. This variety of fervor, like an offering plate being passed, quickly comes and goes. I am talking about a bold, aggressive, purposeful, unified mass revival. One that like a spark in an oil refinery will ignite, explode and burst into flame a people fired with Jesus. What we anxiously await is a colossal reviving, the zenith of time, the mighty finale! We await a white hot movement. This spiritual volcano will shower it's molten message unashamedly upon all. It is to be a revival where hearts are melted in such a massive and all inclusive manner that no one will be left unchanged. I look forward to an arrow of contagious enthusiasm that shoots straight and swift to the masses. Our neighbors, co-workers, people we see everyday are not able to avoid hearing the resounding echo of the fantastic things that are happening. They all in a rush for a happier existence want in on the movement. It is a well-spring of love. Love, quenching people's thirst for meaning in life. No longer do we keep to ourselves the good news we have for so long held captive; it has gotten free and nowthe community and world eagerly embrace it. Those discovering Jesus for the first time begin spreading His name and announcing His advent everywhere. This tremor of spiritual zeal culminates in personal life changes as well. Shackles of compromise and complacency will be, by our own choice broken. The wound of uneasiness of expressing our spiritual feelings with friends will be healed. We will as never before talk comfortably and openly upon eternal matters. Jesus' name will never cease to be the core of our conversation. We suddenly find Jesus involved in every facet of our life. Rather we begin restructuring our lives so Jesus is left out of no area. Daily routine is no longer routine because Jesus now captivates our vision of future goals; Jesus now consumes our thoughts; Jesus now compels our every action! We decide to dethrone pseudo- continued on page 4 r — "1 "Stuck at Union" Thanksgiving Dinner F or those students unable to leave during Thanksgiving Break, the Ministerial Club is inviting to Thanksgiving dinner on November 22 at 1p.m. in the Christianson Board Room (6th floor of the Dick building). Anyone interested is encouraged to sign up in the Division of Religion or Campus Ministries by noon on Tues., November 20. Opulence H iA 1/R S^AV u O N 402/489-1311 4035 South 48th Street 'Lincoln. NE 68506 Editorial The Clocktower - 3 The Worship Card That Saved Souls by Shayne Caraway U nion College requires its students to attend a certain number of worship services—35 per semester according to my latest information. Although the intentions of the college and faculty seem worthy in my opinion, the required worship attendance is negative for the individual student and the college as a whole. Firstly and most importandy, a person's religious experience should be between the individual and the individual's deity. It is not Union College's place to try to step in- between God and self; for between God and self belongs no person or institution. I don't believe that the college has the capability or ethical right to dictate what every student needs religiously. Every person's religious needs are different. It is absurd that the college believes its implementation of required worship credits can improve each student's religious experience. Secondly, the students at Union College are legal adults (generally). Adults should not be treated as minors but as adults. I feel that I have been condescended to through the college's implication that I am not mature enough to decide whether or not I am in need of worship services. The college should be concerned with student responsibility. The college appears to believe that by requiring worship service attendance it can instill religious responsibility within students. This is a misconception on the college's behalf. Telling people what to do reduces the amount of responsibility they possess. The way to help individuals become more responsible is to allow them to make their own choices while offering to guide, counsel, and help them in the decision making process. As an adult, I have the right to cast a vote for whom I believe should be president, yet at Union College I don't have the ability to decide whether or not I should attend worship services. Thirdly, human nature has a tendency to oppose that which is required and forced. How can the college expect good feelings about worship services when such worship services are virtually forced upon the students? The idea of required worship attendance burdens me every time I attend. However, if I attend a worship service because I choose to attend, I do not have the thought of worship credits as a stumbling block in my path. Fourthly, I don't believe' that Christianity, or any religion for that matter, should be reduced to numbers—religion is a highly emotional thing. Union College seems more interested in worship counts than responsibility, maturity, freedom, and beneficial religious experience. Union College's success should be measured by the improvement it brings to students lives in terms of education, responsibility, and religious experience; and although attending required worship services may educate students, giving the students the choice to attend would give them the opportunity to learn and experience based on their own decisions. What we leam on our own we learn best. Finally, the college can loose some respect from students and outside individuals. By analyzing the reasoning behind the required worship attendance, some may find the college to be dictating, irrational, un- Christ like, and distrustful of student ability, maturity, rights, and freedoms. I don't believe that Jesus would try to push worship services on students. When Jesus spoke, people came because they were interested and intrigued. We should attend worship services because of our desire to be there. If a worship service can't draw people based on its own merits, maybe it isn't worth offering. A Herman's Hutch 29045 St. 48m Friendly and Homey Atmosphere Very Affordable Antiques and CotlflctihlfiS FAST FUNDRAISING PROGRAM $ lOOO Earn up to '1000 in one week for your campus organization. Plus a chance at *50Q0 more! This program works! No investment needed. Call 1-800-932-0528 Ext. 50 4 - The Clocktower Feature Twenty- something by Shelly Yost U'Tphey have trouble making X decisions. They would rather hike in the Himalayas than climb a corporate ladder. They have no heroes, no anthems, no style of their own. they crave entertainment, but their attention span is as short as one flip of a TV dial. They hate yuppies, hippies and druggies...They possess only a rudimentary sense of their own identity, but a monumental preoccupation with all the problems the preceding generation will leave them to fix." Who are "they?" "They" are us; or according to Time, "they" are the members of the twenty something generation in America. The July 16, 1990 issue of Time sees the 18-28 year olds in this country as a very nebulous group. We seem to be, "lurking in the shadows of society, waiting quietly until we figure ourselves out." The twenty something generation has been raised by television and reared by non-traditional or single- parent families. We have become the best-educated generation in U.S. history, but our learning has made us leery of nearly everything. We are afraid of becoming another money- mad "me" generation; we are suspicious of organized religion and we view our own government with mistrust, if not contempt. We yeam to travel and we are postponing our careers later than any preceding generation of U.S. workers. Time suggests that what most frustrates the twenty something generation is our, "failure to create an original youth culture." We have been handed down everything from music to clothes and have been left with little room for our imagination—or maybe we just don't have an imagination. How do members of the twenty something generation here at Union view themselves? Generally, it could be said that we don't know. Some I interviewed felt that we have learned a great deal from the free wheeling 60's. Others felt that we haven't learned anything—as evidenced by increases in AIDS cases and teenage pregnancy. Half of the students I talked with felt that they were more cautious with money than their parents, the other half felt that they were more reckless. Nearly all of those I spoke with, however, felt that the "meism" of the 80's will only get worse in the 90's. Union students felt that the issues that would mobilize our generation politically ranged from the environment to the Sunday law, and a good many people I spoke with didn't really care. What is the twenty something generation then? Who are we? It seems that we are a little bit of everything, as well as a fair amount of nothing. a Sheep from page 2 spirituality from our lives and let Jesus reign! What would it take to get sheep to stampede? "[The Shepherd] calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. When He has brought out all his own, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice" John 10:3,4. Sounds to me like Christ is the one to lead out and get things stirred up. Our only duty is to make certain that we recognize the Shepherd's voice. Is it possible that Christ right now is shouting to get this show moving? Is it possible we have been grazing contentedly for so long that we have no desire to move at the sound of the Shepherds voice? The rumbling sounds of a Jeep with a tranquilizer gun are getting closer and louder. Will no one in this timid flock move? What would it take to get these sheep to stampede? One little sheep lifts his head momentarily from the grass and asks his woolly friend grazing next to him, "Can sheep stampede?" 6 Why Are We in the Middle East? by Christopher Sanders-a former student from Southwestern Adventist College who has served in the military W hy are we in the Middle East' Is it worth possibly sacrificing the lives of a large number of American servicemen and untold numbers of Iraqi soldiers and civilians? Is all this just for cheaper oil? This issue seems to be very clear cut in a lot of minds at Union College. I have heard a variety of opinions ranging from "Let's go nuke the place," to "I don't care. I don't have to fight." The most common one is "I don't think we should be fighting for cheap oil." There are a lot of things that have not been brought out in a lot of the discussions that I have heard. First of all, is it right to fight for cheaper oil? When you consider the impact that oil has on the economy, not only globally but in your own backyard, then yes it probably is wise to do everything in our power to keep it cheap. If Saddam Hussein comes out of this in power he will have the ability to dictate oil prices. He now posses the Kuwaiti oil fields. That will make him the third largest producer. The economic blockade will not last, so he will be able to sell his oil eventually. Second, Hussein is running an oppressive dictatorship. By nature this type of government is unstable. Dictatorships need a cause to unite the people. External expansion is one of the best ways to do this. Unite the people against a common enemy. Iraq went to war ten years ago against Iran for reasons that are still not clear. These two countries have always been enemies, so it was not to difficult to get a war going. This tended to pull the country closer. This war lasted eight years. Now after two years of peace Iraq and Hussein are going to fight again. The reason is that Kuwait was hurting it's economy. The reality is Hussein had many internal problems. Various factions were becoming restless, and money that the Backward Glance The Clocktower - 5 government would use to pay off these groups was being sucked up by the war debt. A large part of which was owed to Kuwait. Cancel out Kuwait, cancel out debt. If not challenged there is no reason to stop there. Militarily Hussein is a very serious threat. Having him in power is not unlike having a rattlesnake in your house. You always want to know where he is and what he is up to. If he goes unchecked that threat is only going to become worse. He will have more money to upgrade his technology. To buy more "beans and bullets" as it were. This is what he wants. Saddam Hussein has expressed the desire to become a world power. He would also like to unite the Arab world. Should he come out of this in power he would have the prestige to possibly unite the Arab world. He is working on nuclear weapons. It has been speculated that he could conceivably have a crude atomic device within five years. He has been working on developing a space program. Iraq has already put satellite in a low earth orbit. These same rockets could also be used as ICBM's (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles). His chemical capability is quite well known, and he is working on developing biological weapons. All of these put together make him a very formidable enemy. The consequences of a fight in the Middle East are very high. This could unite the Arab world against the West and bring out organized and freelance terrorism on a scale that would be unprecedented. The strong alliance that has been organized could fall apart as the public opinion is rallied against the war. The use of chemical and other weapons of mass destruction could brought to bear resulting in horrendous casualties for both militaries and civilian populations. The consequences of not fighting are also high. If Hussien is still in power he will be able to intimidate and militarily blackmail all the other oil producers in the region. He could threaten Israel, which would throw the whole region into a turmoil, and eventually he would be able to hold the West hostage with his missiles. Hussein would be able to dictate policy to a large part of the world. Hussein must be removed from power. There is no way he can remain in control of Iraq and its military. The military might of Iraq must be destroyed. This includes the industries that support it as well as the actual army. We now have to decide if we are willing to pay the price to do this. We need to take the initiative. We need to choose when and where we will fight To allow Hussein to do that is to give him the upper hand. We also need to remember that we will probably fight him, whether we do it now or later, will determine the amount of damage done and the . number of lives lost. JK Rocky Mountain Conference AdvENiisT WINTER FESTIVAL BRECkLNRidqE, COLORACIO February 28 - March 4, 1991 • Over 600 people expected! Who's invited? Everyone! Young, Old, Families, Singles, Church Youth • Groups, Acadamies, Colleges, Slu Clubs, and You! • Costs: Lift Tickets - $21/day Ski Rental - $6.50/day Condos — $18-$50/person/night • Colorado offers some of the best snow skiing in the world! • Sabbath programming: Friday night drama presentation, "hot" Sabbath moming worship service, Sabbath aftemooon Biblical snow carving contest, concert, and more! • Sunday features a NASTAR race with an awards party For Information Packet contact Rocky Mountain Youth Department. 2520 So. Downing, Denver, CO 80201. Phone (303) 733-3771, Fax (303) 735-1843. GMAT MCAT GRE The Test Is When? l'l.f>ses l oiniing Now JSTANLEY H. KAPLAN Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances 216 N. 11th, Suite 102 Lincoln, NE (402)475-1010 NEXT CLASS GMAT: Nov. 6 GRE: Nov. 15 LSAT: Nov. 28 MCAT: Feb. 3 6 - The Clocktower Health Calendar November 20 - BTM: Omaha, NE November 21 - 25 - Thanksgiving Vacation Happy Vege Turkey time November 22 - "Stuck at Union" Thanksgiving Dinner November 27 - General Student Recital November 30 - BTM: Olathe, KS Vespers: UFC Accapella Concert VI Alternative: Praise & Prayer, Sing & Share December 1 - CVC: Bob Bretsch FES: Warren Miller "Extreme Winter" December 3 - BTM: UC ASB Senate 7th Session December 4 - ASB Convocation December 5 - NEXT CLOCKTOWER Towards a Lighter Weigh by Beatrice Neall W ould you like help taking off some pounds? Avoid weight gain over Thanksgiving and Christmas? Here's a plan. A support group will be started at the college under the auspices of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), a national organization with a coordinator in Lincoln. At TOPS, members share their trials and triumphs with others going through similar experiences. From this sharing come suggestions on how to do better. And a r e n e w e d determination to do it again next week. TOPS does not tell members how much weight to lose, but helps members obtain their weight goals according to the recommendations of their own physicians. (Or we can get advice from a nutritionist.) Any number of people may make up a chapter, with four as a minimum. Meetings begin with members weighing in to have their progress recorded confidentially. Then a program is presented. Sometimes a member will lead out in the discussion. Or there are recognition programs or contests. But most of all members will find at meetings the support they need through the friendship and camaraderie of people helping people. If you would like to join such a group, call 486-3108. A convenient time and a location will be set up. A^- All are welcome. JOi HAPPY Thanksgiving From the Clocktower Staff 61TV Music Videos Over 18 Hours a Day No Cable Required! Now Broadcasting With 5400 Watts Spwiiliztd dan care fir Mn«, milet, wartt, rathei, ACNE Convenient tffie* hturt in Stfurdty, Teutday eveninj, •nd working hturt fir wtrianj petple, ttudenti, Mid children. 1-800-642-6071 »r 483-7806 •r Till A Strut, Mi HO Uftulu, KiMa 0510 Sports The Clocktower - 7 SLICE SPORTS REVIEW by Gary Schlisner H ello sports fans, it's an honor to finally write for the CT. Whoa!! This week in sports was truly exhilarating for the UC Basketball Faithful. Two "come-from- behind" victories in the Thunderdome in four days is enough to make even the mosti stoic observers sweat. For J those three people on campus who somehow didn't make it to the Rockin' Dome (and you know who I you are), I will tell you the' story... Saturday night was the^ home-opener for the Warriors (unofficial name), and they were down by three-points with under twoN minutes to go in the game after relinquishing an early lead. At this moment, freshman guard Doug "Fresh" Hardt fired a Trey to tie it up. A few seconds later, showing poise and control beyond his rookie status, Hardt drilled another to put Union ahead for good. Hardt had five three-pointers in the game to go with his 19 points. Mark "Anvil" Miller iced the game with two free-throws following a comeback attempt by Nebraska Christian. Final score : UC 54, Neb. Christian 51. Tuesday evening saw our men faltering again, but a seven point swing involving a technical foul on Manhattan (Ks.) Christian and some clutch shooting by Demetrius Smith and Scott Miller gave Union the squeaker, 67-64. Miller nailed two of four three-pointers; one coming down the stretch to aid Union's comeback. Thanks guys, for giving p such an outstanding effort, and for being 4-0. Now, to not so exciting news. Conventional wisdom here says that the Broncos are headed for the top five in the NFL In April, that is. It's sad, but this time, I'm afraid even John and Dan can see a Lyght (Todd) at the end of this tunnel. Don't you think the Rocket would look good in orange too? What about Holtz... On the other hand, the Vikings appear to be a model of stability under new QB Rich Gannon. Maybe the playoffs, maybe not. If only they could win their last seven games, then Dallas wouldn't get to choose a new QB to trade. It appears that the missing link has broken. I know that two weeks have already passed, but this needs to be said : COLORADO 27, NU 12. It doesn't matter what a couple of illiterate natives of this state write on 1-80 at the border (check out SI this week), in the words of NU defensive coach Charlie McBride, Colorado "obviously has the better team." They also have the best running back in the country, I might add. Next year : CU 35, NU 7. CU later... Students Shoot for the Stars in Schick Super Hoops F or the eighth consecutive year, students will participate in the country's largest college sports program as the Schick Super Hoops 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament returns to campus. For the 1990-91 season, more than 200,000 students at nearly 800 colleges and universities are registered to compete. Schick Super combines a fun on- campus event and a competitive off- campus tournament with exciting prizes. The grand prize offers the top two male and female teams in each region the chance to compete for the championship at an NBA arena as part of an official NBA game. The program consists of three rounds. First, all participating schools conduct an on-campus 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Then, each of the championship teams competes at one of 22 Regional Festivals against other schools. From there, the top two male and two best female teams in each region play for the regional championship at the nearby NBA arena. Students interested in registering should contact Ric Spaulding at 2525. 8 - The Clocktower And So It Goes Schmitt and Thayer at the Library by Kelly V. Schmii It with Shan Thayer D one any Christmas shopping lately? Or are you steamed because I even mentioned the subject before Santa Claus arrives at Macy's on Thanksgiving Day? This article isn't for you. It's for those of you who have made an honest resolution not to buy any gifts on Christmas Eve this year. It's for those of you on a budget It's for those of you who aren't quite sure what to buy Cousin Edwin or Best Friend Maureen. Books were chosen as the only item on this list because there is truly something for everyone, and frankly there are several excellent books out there that aren't being read. Shan and I Only in New York, Only at NYU The NYU Summer offers terrific academic opportunities. Choose from over 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education courses. Study with leading scholars, scientists, artists, and professionals. Live in the heart of Greenwich Village and enjoy summer in New York. Campus housing for as little as $100 per six-week session. 1991 Calendar Session I: Session II: May20-June 28 Julyl-August9 NYU SUMMER For more information, mail the coupon below or call 1-800-228-4NYU Ext 232 New York University Please send me a 1991 Summer Bulletin. My area of interest is: 25 West Fourth Street ° '""—"•"'OOT Room 633 ._ New York, N.Y. 10012 • GRADUATE NewYork I^MRSflY New York Unjvmtty 11 an affirmative action/equal opportunity inititulion UNION COLLEGE ClTY/STATErZIP CODE SOC. SEC NO SCHOOL CURRENTLY ATTENDING dialogued on this issue, and the following gender-spanning recommendations have been tried by us and found to have galactic appeal. KVS: C. S. Lewis' space trilogy isn't at the top of my list, but I'll mention it first anyhow for lack of a better substitute. The series is comprised of three books: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength. Yes this is science fiction but no it is not boring if you don't usually like science fiction. That Hideous Strength is the darkest and most haunting of the three, but the conclusion shows a glimmer of light, as the dawn when one has the sense that something very great and wonderful is about to happen, and then it ends, and I've given away nothing by telling you so. ST: I must agree, Kelly, quite a fascinating series, but I think I tend to enjoy the second book Perelandra a little more. The book has some extremely strong spiritual overtones, and an infuriating image of what sin is really all about. The fact that the book is science fiction allows the author to give a real twist to reality to get his point across. I like the solid appearance this man gives to an abstract world. The change from science fiction to fantasy is a brief one, and our next selection is The Hobbit, by J. R. R Tolkien. A fine book, and a classic of fantasy readers, this book takes you over and under hill, through gladed forests, over splashing brooks to the end, where you stand and look over what leads into one of the best fantasy trilogies ever written, The Lord of the Rings. This series has a good sense of movement and a powerful and forceful ending. The conflict between good and evil is readily apparent and has reason to be terrifying at times. Unique characters and the grip of rich, fantastical folklore make these books appealing to a wide variety of people. KVS: This narrow-minded reviewer can see no reason why anyone could dislike this splendid series. However, it may be a little long for those who like to take their time or for those who may be daunted by the thought of reading all four books. But let the faint-hearted fear not: the enchanting beauty and piercing prose will more then compensate for the length. ST: The Princess Bride: You've seen the movie, now read the book! I quite fell in love with this book after reading it for the first time. It adds a facet of humanness and warm humor that doesn't exist in the movie. The book is real and so is the author. I strongly recommend that you read the introduction to the book, seeing that it puts the book in quite a different light and gives the reader a unique way of viewing the concepts it presents. Backward Glance The Clocktower - 9 KVS: And yes the book is really written by William Goldman and not S. Morgenstern as you have been falsely led to believe. The introduction is definitely part of the book, because there one meets Helen, William's hot- shot psychiatrist wife who knows when he's looking at leggy blondes in sunny LA while she's at home in wintry New York. In the body of the book, one discovers the real reason behind its existence. It's an immortal truth wrapped up in a comical fairy tale. ST: Two of my favorites are The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett, and The Cardinal of the Kremlin by Tom Clancy. The former is maybe considered a litde juvenile by some, but the strands of compassion, love, fear, and curiosity for those of us big people who are willing to sit down and read it. The latter is a book that stand close to the edge of reality, by the master of the technothriller. A third person perspective of many places and stories happening at once gives the reader a broad view. The plot is excellent, the span is great, and the ending is quite justifiable. KVS: I could not leave without mentioning my favorite book of all time and how I came to read it. I was a freshman here at the time, and my roommate was in love with a guy named Dave. He told her to read The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, and like the obedient adorer that she was, she went out and blew six bucks on the paperback version. Within its covers we both found a dashing mix of chivalry, swordplay, cunning, romance, and a host of other excellent qualities. This book is without a doubt one of the finest unsung novels in existence today. ST: Fine and dashing it is, quaint and antiquated it isn't I really enjoy some of the less-than-perfect characters it presents. I'm quite fascinated by the heroic and failed attempts at love. Although the author waxes a little eloquent in these instances, the feelings are genuine and can be felt by the reader. I just started this book, and I might add as a sidelight to those less tenacious than myself that the book is very easy to get into and enjoy. The Rules of Romance, Part 2 by Garry Treft ??'T1here was one ray of light for the love-smitten swain. Each Thursday was X set apart as the time for 'the calling hour.' A young man could, upon securing permission from the preceptress, call on a young lady "in the public parlor.' A half hour was acceptable although twenty minutes was accounted better taste. "Another break which allowed a bit of mingling was the Sabbath afternoon sing. From dinner until three the girls' parlor was open for ladies and gendemen to sing together. As a precaution to those whose presence was accounted for not so much because of their vocal ability as their social skill, the faculty warned that after the singing was over, no loitering would be permitted on the second floor of the dormitory where the parlor was located. "It was often possible to boodeg a litde visit during the singing, however, since it was logical to sit once in a while to rest from the exertions of vigorous singing and it was not natural to sit alone in an unsociable manner. An ever- present faculty member held that extra-legal sweetness to a minimum." And so we send you to your local bookstore. Frankly, we'd rather tell you to buy these books for yourselves. Cousin Edwin can wait until his birthday next October. a Personal TO: The Seat Take a Stand! My Brain IS Baffled Beyond Belief—Your Brainteaser is a Success! Don't Hide Behind the Seat Forever! Thanks for the Beautiful Gift! r \ Needed: Male or Female willing to work long hours for little pay here in beautiful Den- ver, Colorado. Position involved assisting the Rocky Mountain Conference Youth Department in Youth, Young Adult Programming for one semester. - Person needed by January 1, 1991 - Need your own transportation ideally - Must be organized, sharp appearance, but most of all a committed Christian that wants to share Christ with others For more information contact Rich Carlson's office or call or write: IjSee other R.M.C. advertisement for address.) ^ EVANGELISM 101 Real Evangelism: What Is II? 10 - The Clocktower Ads Why not work at Glacier View Ranch in beautiful Colorado? Get an application from Rich Carlson's office. If you have skills in: White Water Rafting, Rock Climbing, Rappelling, Kayaking, Mountain Bikes, Swimming Instruc- tion, Backpacking, Canoeing, Sail- ing, Archery, or Horseman- ship, you need to apply! "SUMMER CAMP!" WANTED; PLASMA DONORS I - • YOU Can . ; $12C):00 YOUR PLASMA IS URGENTLY NEEDED, DONATE TODAY ASSOCIATED BIOSCIENCE, INC. 1442 'O' Street 475-1358 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 7:30-6:00 •SAT. 8:00-4:00 $15 CASH $1} NEW DONORS BRING IN THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE $20.00 ON YOUR FIRST DONATION RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5.00 WHEN YOU BRING A FRIEND WHO D