100 THE SACRED AND SECULAR does not see that such counsel would be ruinous for him to follow? And who does not also see that, great as is the care of the emperor to save that young man, his care that the law of Russia shall be obeyed is still greater 7 Who will say that the abrogation of the first of these covenants, or the establishment of the second one, rendered null and void the law of the empire of Russia 7? With a few words concerning the allegory in Isa. 54, and Gal. 4:21-31, this subject will be concluded. 1. The two women, ITagar and Sarah, represent, not the law and the gospel, but old Jerusalem and Jerusalem above. Tor the mothers of the two families are not the covenants, but the Jerusalems. See verses 25-31. 2. The two covenants, whereby God is in his worship con- nected with these two Jerusalems, are represented by the relation which Abraham sustained to these two women. 3. The children of old Jerusalem are the nat- ural descendants of Abraham. 4. Those of the New Jerusalem are those who are his children by faith and obedience. John 8:39. 5. The bondage of old Jeru- galem was not caused by the law of God, but by sin. John 8:32-36. 6. The freedom of the children of the heavenly Jerusalem is not their liberty to violate the law of God, but their freedom from sin. Rom. 8: 1-7. 7. Those who are not under the law, but under grace, have been pardoned in consequence of faith and repentance. Rom. 3:19-31. 8. Finally, our heirship is under the new covenant, not under the old. We have deliverance from sin through the blood of Christ, but not permission to violate the law of God. The de- sign of the new covenant is to rescue us from the con- . demnation of the law, and not leave us till the law of God is made a part of our very being, and its right- eousness fulfilled in our lives. The old Jerusalem, with its sanctuary, its ark, and its priesthood, has passed away. But Jerusalem which is above is our mother; and in its sanctuary is found, not alone our High Priest