SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE, Week Ending May 6, 1922 Grand Totals, Agents ~~ 59 N. Nidleet, Houston 0D 30 43 12025 100 25 13 50 A. A. Prhwitt, Karnes OD 51 35 11525 360 1188 275 A. E. Johnson, Karnes GC 6 2 9150 580 9740 D. V. Cram, Poteet GC 39 10 65150 300 5450 John Kibble, Liberty ‘OD 51 17 4975 250 5225 3 00 C. H. McColrey, Yorktown G C 11 "8 3750 .100 28 50 D. E. Washington, Houston oD 6 i2 329 ~~ 3290 E. B. Sminh, Houston BF 9 11 3250 "50 3300 Emil Wollschlaeger, Yorktn G C 11 3 1450 9% 14 T5. . E. H. Fallbright, Th. Rivers DR 18 2 000 300 1200 5550 Migiel Castillo, Asherton ~~ 0 D 40 47 2 The Stoners, Beaumont 41 27 80 17 80 ‘Agents 12. . 369 161 57245 19 65 59219 122 90 TEXICO CONFERENCE, Two Weeks Ending May 13, 1922 | ‘Rena Turner DR-31 .6 1350 47 1825 275 W.'C. Loveless OD 6 22 6275 . 750 7025 267 “FJ. Mackey OD106 18 4950 6 50 56 00 5 50 ‘A. L. King DR 9% 7 3150 92 4022 1375 E. Staifs OD 92 5 1650 52 217 400 Cs Turner: =. BR 8 19 872 2600 11225 6650 R. Wilkinson - - GC.75 5 2550 375 202 425 Guy Chinn DR 58 1 450 57- 1025 300 R. M. Flores PG 62 24 10550 105 50 11 15 Mrs: McNeely BR 55 -7 3150 600 3750 ~~ 550 Biblds: © : IE 29 25 Agents 10 662 115 42800 7475 B02 75 235 65 2372 671 2759 80 : 500 70 3260 50 1536 35 _ and store near a growing tenth grade school. For particulars address C. U. Taylor, chairman of the school board, Route 4, Jefferson, Teras. 19 FOR SALE'OR TRADE: One hun- dred acre fruit farm for property at Keene, Texas. Located in Cherokee county ‘Texas, milé and half. from Rusk, county seat. Address Mrs, Stannie Weems, Keene, Texas. 8 “The work of the world is ‘done. by a few: : Cee God looks for apart to be done by you.’ IRR RRR RRR f Tracts 0% The Idea Is in the Name CIRCULATE MILLIONS — LIKE THE LEAVES OF AUTUMN ONE THOUSAND TRACTS FOR $3.50 ~ The time to circulate literature * like the leaves of autumn” has come. awakening among our people to arise and finish ‘the work, and these TEN INEXPENSIVE TRACTS will fill a long-felt want for tracts that are cheap, yet filled with the message. The titles are as follows: . Inspiration of the Bible . The Sure Word of Prophecy . Second Coming of Christ Signs of Approaching End . The Bible Sabbath, Which Day and Why The Law of God The Great Threefold Message The Nature of Man, Life Only in Christ . The Millennium, 1000 Years with Christ . "The Home of the Saved . The price of these tracts has been placed so low that they will be sold only by the thousand. Just write your tract society thus: ™ Send me one package (1000 tracts) Leaves of Autumn, for which I inclese $3.50." Join this wonderful campaign. - SOBNO BBN = There is an: PAGE FIVE 53 NEW TRACTS Different from former series. Newly written, with up-to-date set- ting, embodying the latest approved thought of our successful evangel- ists and Bible instructors. All is- sued at the same time, with the idea of giving proper balance to the whole series, not over-stressing any point, but adequately covering all the great fundamentals of our faith. Eight pages each, no more, no less. . The Lesson . Quarterly size, 4% xT inches, has been adopted. Perfectly new, easily read type, with tastefully decorated headings, imparts a freshness of appearance to the tracts that will undoubtedly popularize them among workers and their readers alike. From every quarter comes the call for the best possible literature at the lowest possible price. This Bible Truth Series is an answer to that demand. 1,000 eight-page tracts for $4.00! And such tracts! Little wonder the publishers are printing a first edition of nearly 2,000,000 copies. It will take even more to fill orders already in hand “and others that will be sure to fol- low within the next few weeks, The great possibilities attending the cir- culation of such low-priced, attrac- tive literature prompt the sugges- tion to order a supply and put them to a test in a carefully planned cam- .paign in your home district. Four ways to buy: Sample Pack- age, containing one each of the en- tire set of fifty-three tracts, 25c; Pocket League Package, 250 tracts on sixteen selected subjects, $1.00; Church Package, fifty each on twenty leading subjects (1,000 in, all), $4.00. It will be seen that the price per copy of the $1.00 and $4.00 packages is but two fifths of a cent. Quotations on special quantities and edition lots, also further detailed in- formation regarding this series, may be obtained from your tract society upon application. Character is power. The divinest grace is kindness.