ECHOES FROM THE FIELD FIELD REPORTS. Farmington, N. M. Our church has been strengthened by the addition of four to its membership— - one by letter and three by profession of faith. Remember us in your prayers. : C. H. Bates. Idaho Springs. There were twenty-five who took part in the ordinance at our last quarteriy meeting. We had a good spiritual meet- ing. The Lord is blessing us. Seven dear souls united with us last quarter, for which we feel very thankful. Flora E. Puderbaugh. Capitol Hill. The little company on Capitol Hill are of good courage, and without one dis- senting voice, can say that we earnestly desire a deeper work of grace in our hearts, not only to prepare us for the things which we know are coming on us in the near future, but that we may do more efficient service now. We are glad to report that there are four earnest souls whom we expect soon to follow their Lord in baptism. There are about eight others who are deeply interested in the message for this time. We desire an interest in your prayers for the work and the workers in Denver, in accord- ance with Luke 10:2. B. H. Shaw. ~ Fort Collins. When Brother Trueman and-I begun work in this county it was the day of the big circus at Ft. Collins, so we went north to Wellington, thinking, perhaps, some would be away to the circus so that we would be unable to see them. Brother Trueman worked north, and although he was among the Germans, (and his book, Ladies’ Guide, is not pub- lished in German,) yet he took nine orders. I was working south of him and took eleven orders for Controversy. I have been thinking since of how tmuch better that was than to have gone to the show or even quit work. The next week I had great success, although I was un- able to work more than four days, yet 1 took thirty-one orders, the value of which was 8102.50. These orders were "all straight cash orders except two or three, and they are to be paid at least one-half in cash the rest in laundry or board. \ I also canvassed the Germans where Brother Trueman had been and took. #10 worth of orders one day. I wish those at home would remem-- ber the workers and the ones being worked for in their prayers. ‘We need them, and God wants all to be saved. The fields are white, already to harvest, and unless the work is done now there will be many lost who might have been saved. . I ask God to pardon me for having not used the time he has given me to a better advantage, Pray for me. The earth is full of sin and crime, and many times while at work, although I have had many good experiences, vet. I so wish and long for the Lord to come, and sin and sorrow be at an end. When I read the last chapter in Great Controversy, it puts new courage and energy into my life. Your brother in the Lord's work, W. R. Stevens, Our Sanitarium Work. . The work of the Sanitarium during the last two weeks has been moving forward very encouragingly. A number of our old patients are returning for the sum- mer, Others who have never been with us are also coming in from day to day. Several very critical operations have been performed during the last two weeks, and the patients are getting along most encouragingly. Mrs. J. L. Shaw is representing the Sanitarium at the Chautauqua during the present season. At the recent Educational Cenvention held at College View, it was voted to send Brother and ‘Sister R. R. Cook, two of our old workers, to India with Brother and Sister Shaw this coming autumn. It is an encouragement to know that as a result of our Sanitarivm work young men and women can be trained to go out and carry the last message to heathen lands. Brother and Sister Herboltzheimer, who recently went to Japan, have arrived safely at their destination, and are of good courage in the work. Co A new nurses’ class will startin the Sanitarium January 1. A new nurses’ catalogue is now being printed and will be sent out to any who. are thinking of taking up this work. Applications for catalogue, or any inquiries regarding the nurses’ training course should he ad- dressed to the Secretary of the Training School, Miss Helen N. Rice, Boulder, Colorado. ol oo Francis M. Wilcox. Elder Hoover reports three recent ad- ditions to the church at Albuquerque. to plan for a church” school. Church School Work: at rr y The church at Longmont have" “hegin