120 Plvapia ¢PAvapla, -as (Phvapds, prating), idle talk, nonsense. pofepds, -d, ov (PdBos), fright- Sul, fearful, ): fr ¢oBéw (PpdBos), f. -fow, to make to fear, frighten, terrify; Pass. and Mid., ¢poBéopa, f. -nbnoo- pac and joopar, pf. weddBnpar, a. épofnbny, to be frightened, Sear, be afraid. dos, -ov, 6, fear, fright. ¢owikeos, -ea, -cov, contr. Powi- kos, -ij, -ovv (Poim§, purple), purple. pile, f. Ppdow, pf. méppaka (§ 275), to tell. Ppéap, Qpéaros, 6 (§ 104. N.), a well. dpovpds, -ov, 6, guard. Dpuyia, -as (Bpv€), Phrygia, the large central province of Asia Minor. - ®pué, -vyds, 6, a Phrygian. ¢uyds, -ddos, 6 (Pevyw), an ex- ile, fugitive. Gui iis (Gebyo), flight, vAdrre, f. -dfe, pf. mepivlaya, to guard, watch; Mid., fo watch for one’s own security, fo be on one’s guard against. Gév, ns, voice, speech, sound. Pas, Pads, TO, light. xaipw, f. xapnowe, pf. kexdpnka {§ 267. 2), to rejoice; farewell. Xa\daios, -ov, 6, @ Chaldean, or one of the Chaldei, a warlike people on the borders of Ar- menia. xAeraive (xakemds), f. -avd, to be or become angry. xa\erds, 7, -6v, hard, difficult, harsh, cross, ferocious. . X@Akeos, -€a, -€0v, CONtr. xa\kovs, 7 -ovv (xakds, copper, brass), brazen, of brass. Xakkndév, -dvos, 1, Chalcedon, a city of Bithynia, at the mouth of the Thracian Bosphorus. XdMos, -ov, 6, the Chalus, a river of Syria. -xapddpa, -as (xapdrre, to furrow), ravine. VOCABULARY. Yilds Xapyivos, -ov, Charminus, a Lace demonian envoy, sent to the army by Thibron. xetp, xepds, 1 (§ 123. y), hand. Xepioodos, -ov, Chirisophus, a acedemonian, chosen com- mander-in-chief of the Greek army. Xeppomacs, -ov, 7) (xéppos vijgos, shore-island), the Cherronese or Chersonese, a long peninsula upon the Thracian side of the Hellespont. : XV» Xs, 6, 1, goose. Xi\wt, -ai, -a, a thousand. xiMdo (ids, fodder), f. -dow, to feed or pasture horses, &c. XtToV, -Bvos, 6, tunic. xirovigkos, -ov, 6 (dim. of yirdw), a small or short tunic. Xtbv, -6vos, 1, SNOW. xopevw (xdpos, dance, cHoir), f. -evow, to dance. X6pros, -ov, 6, grass. xpdopat, f. xpfoopar, pf. kéxpnpar (§ 284. 3), to use, manage. xen, £. xpnoes, impf. éxpiy or xpi (§ 284. 4), impers., & is neces- sary or proper, it must or ought to be. xpite (xpeia, need), f. -oo, to need, desire. Xpiipa, -aros, 6 (xpdopat), thing used ; pl. goods, property, money. xphopos, -1, ~ov (xpdopar), useful. Xpbvos, -ov, 6, time. Xpioeos, -€a, ~€op, CONE. x pvoods, 71, -obv (ypvads, gold), golden. xpvoriov, -ov (dim. of ypuads, gold), gold-money, gold. xopa, -as (xdpos), & country, ter- rilory. ‘ xopiov, -ov (dim. of x@pos), a place or spot, esp. a fortified place, hold. xwpls, apart from. x@pos, -ov, 6, space, place, district. Yreudiys, -és (Yeddopar), false. Vevdopa, f. -gopar, pf. Epevopar, to falsify, lie, deceive. Yihds, -1, ov, bare; not covered with armour. Yixos VOCABULARY. dpeloy 121 \ vxo0s,-€os, 76 (Yrixw, to cool), cold. Pores 0, w Xe ideas. 2. subj. of elu. &de (88e), thus, so. ouds, =, -6v, cruel, savage. ovéopas, f. oopar, pf. ébmpuay, 2 a. émpuapny (§ 301. 8), to buy. &pa, -as, hour, season, time for a thing. os (6s, 9 63), as; when; how; that, so that, in order that; w. numerals, about; w. acc., as prep., to. See §) 601, 628, 640, 662. woavtes (6 adrds), in the same manner, in Like manner, domep (bs, wép, Just, § 328. b), Just as, as. dare (bs, T€), s0 that, so as. aris, -idos (ols), a kind of bustard with long ear-feathers, dcpehov, see Speilw. "THE END.