G. T. LAY, Vice Prest. July 17th. IMG. Mr. Arthur Barnard, Saginaw, Mich, Dear Sir:- We hold a note $38,00, past due given by JJ,M. Hobe^ts, who formerly was in business in your city, but is now employed as traveling salesman by Hemet er Cigar Co, This note was received under peculiar circumstances, which we will explain to you- here-after in case it is necessary* We have been trying to moke collection but without any success . The party is paying everyone else and letti g us go* We thought as you are located close by where he is employed, by using your influence, collection could be made without difficulty, although it might tahe~ three or four payments to wipe it out. Undoubtedly, he would rather make payment than to have any trouble with his position, How, if you are willing to take hold of this, we will send you the note at once. Please advise us what the chances would be, arid oblige, Palmer, Yours truly, Michigan Duggy Co, M. H. LANE, President F. B LAY, Sec. & Trees