MINNLCSO E WORKER. ““Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might.” VorLuMmE 8. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. JUNE 16, 1897. NuMBER 30. THE MINNESOTA WORKER, ——ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE—— MINNESOTA TRACT SOCIETY. Subscription Price, 35 cents a year. —~ Send all Communications and Subscriptions to THE EDITOR, I.. B. Losey, - - Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Eutered at the post-office at Minneapolis as second class mail matter. Proceedings of the Minnesota Conference, Thirty-sixth Annual Session, June 1 - 4, 189%. Tie first meeting convened at 9 A. MM. June 1, and opened with singing, and prayer by Bro. Mead. The roll of churches was called, egates Look their seats, to the number of resenting 28 churches. The President gave a brief statement in regard to the work of the past and the present condition of the work in and del- 54, rep- year, the Conference. invited to participate in the deliberations of the Requests for membership in the Visiting brethren present were Conference. Conference. were read by the secretary, from the churches of Osakis, with 22 members; Eagle Bend with 14 member; Pipestone, with 13 mem- bers; Bluffton, with 10 members; and Duluth Scandinavian with 12 members, and they were all accepted as members. The Stowe Prairie church requested that its name be changed to IIewitt, and the Jadis church requested to be known as the Roseau church, which requests were granted. The chair announced the committees tor e\ session, as follows: On nominations, John Em- merson, Andrew Mead, C. H. Parker; on res- olutions, M. H. Ellis, C. L. Emmerson, N. A. ‘Kauble; on credentials and licenses, C. M. Everest, Fred Johnson, Andrew Mead; audit- ing committee; John Emmerson, I‘red Norton J. F. Anderson, Rudolph Nelson, John Clark, IL. 11. Camp. ‘The Secretary presented the following brief report. # TO CONFERENCE. In submitting a briet report of the work as connected with my office, will say, that from THE MINNESOTA the reports made to me during the year, it ap- pears that there have been added to the churches, by letter 59; by vote, 63; by baptism 70: Total additions 192. Dismissed by letter, 102; hy death, 18; distellowshipped, 34; Total 154. The number of churches in the conference is It is impossible to give the exact membership, .for the reason that the clerks of some of the churches do not report regularly, and some do not report at all. During the vear, 30 clerks have reported every quarter; 21 have reported 3 quarters; 6 have reported two quarters; 4 one quarter, and 6 not at all. From the latest returns on hand, the total membership is 2,465. "The treasurers have done much better at reporting than the clerks. Of the 75 in all, 46 have reported every quarter; 15 have reported three quarters; 5 for two quarters; 3 for one quarter, and six not at all. ber who have paid tithe during the year is 1,233, being just half of the total membership of the Conference. A few send in tithe to the Confer- ence treasurer, that are not reported to me. The report of the treasurer will show the amount of tithe paid. The churches that have not reported at all, are Byron, Gordon, Faribault, Irving, New Auburn, and Swanville. Of these, Byron and New Auburn have good comfortable houses of worship, and there are some members left, who, if they could have the proper encourage- ment by some judicious, well-directed labor, in the vicinity, might be a nucleus for a church which would hold up the light of the message to At Faribault there are a few pay their tithe regularly, and who also might be helped by some judicious labor. I have not heen able to get any returns from Irving, Gordon, and Swanville, and 1 think that they may be counted 75. According to these reports, the whole num- the world. who