INTERNATIONAL HERS ¥ Tuna-clippers and purse-seiners have been converted from peace-time fishing pursuits to the war- (me business of patrolling the Pacific. They are part of the so-called Splinter Fleet” of wooden ships of various kinds assisting in the protection of the shores of the Western Hemisphere, required by “the iragedy of wnpreparedness” of which Mr. Cottrell speaks. danas ,CENT events in history have emphasized the tragedy of unprepared- ness. Had the boys 1m blue been watching and vigilant, how altogether different the record of Pearl Harbor might have been! But there stands the amazing unvarnished statement of Secretary Knox that the armed forces of America “were not on the alert.” We are dazed by the seem- ingly incredible; yet in certain other mat- ters the careless, indifferent attitude of many 1s even more astonishing. One of these days Jesus Christ will return to earth in glorious majesty and power; and to large numbers His coming will be an overwhelming surprise. In this modern- istic, materialistic age, multitudes repudi- ate belief in a divine revelation; they ridicule any thought of the supernatural, while at the same time the vast majority of these have never investigated the evidence. But there it stands, unshaken and unim- peachable. The Bible is true. Jesus Christ was just as real a personage as George Washmgton or Abraham Lincoln. He actually died, was buried, and within three days arose from the dead. Many an honest infidel and atheist who has closely examined the resurrection narrative with the inten- tion of attacking and exploding it, has been forced to surrender to the convincing evi- dence. Study 1t; investigate thoroughly, and vou too will be satisfied of its verity and truth. TWELVE Page By Hoy F. AN HOURV Cottrell Approximately three hundred prophecies of the Old Testament foretold the events of the first advent, all of which were minutely and remarkably fulfilled in the parentage, birth, childhood, life work, rejection, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascen- sion of our Lord. By no possible chance could all these circumstances merely “happen” to one individual; neither could an 1mpostor have successfully posed to meet all the specifications and conditions. After the most careful and exhaustive study of all the facts in the life of Christ, there can be but one logical conclusion— the verdict announced by the Roman cen- turion who crucified Him, “Truly this was the Son of God.” Scripture prophecy 1s equally positive and eloquent concerning Hix second per- sonal, glorious appearing as © King of kings and Lord of lords.” In the New Testament alone there are two hundred sixty chapters containing more than three hundred state- ments about the return of Jesus to this carth. And these predictions are radiant with confidence and assurance. “No Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time with- out sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9: 2K, On the eve of His crucifixion, when the Master's heart was “sorrowful, even unto death,” and the faith of His disciples was to be severely tested, He directed their The minds to the future delightful home-going when all would be safe from =m and trouble: “Let not vour heart be troubled: ve believe 1m God, believe also in Me. In My “ather’s house are many mansions: if it were not =o, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for vou. And if I go and prepare a place for vou, I will come again, and receive vou unto Myself; that where I am, there ve may be also.” John 14: 1-2, O happy goal of Christian confidence! The hope of our Lord's return 1s not a vain expectation, for it rests upon the clear and definite promise of God's own Son, 1 will come again.” A few day= prior to this conversation the disciples had sought mformation conecern- img the sign of His coming and the end of the world. In reply the Master stated that all the peoples of earth would actually “see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30. Alco at His trial when placed on the witness stand by the high priest, our Lord answered: ©“ Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Matthew 26: 64. From earliest times the truth of Christ's second coming was believed and taught. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophe- sited, ** Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints.” Jude 14, 15. The “blessed hope’ of Christ's return cheered Job in the dark hours of his affliction. It kept him from despair, and his triumphant faith found expression in the assurance: “I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, vet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.” Job 19: 20-27. At the call of God, Abraham went forth from the majestic old capital of Ur of the (‘haldees. He was willing to become a pilgrim and a stranger upon the earth, for his hope and desires centered in a “better country.” ‘He looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker 15 God.” Hebrews 11: 10, 16. David, the “sweet singer of Israel,” volced his confidence in songs and psalms: “Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence.” Psalm 50:3. “When the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory.” Psalm 102: 16. Likewise Isaiah declared, “The Lord God will come: behold, His reward 1x with Him, and His work before Him." Isaiah 40: 10. The disciple whom Jesus loved wrote with confidence: ** Beloved, now are we the son= of God, and 1t doth not vet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He 1.77 1 John 3: 2. James, the brother of our Lord, gave counsel to the church: Be patient there- fore, brethren, unto the coming of the WATCHMAN MAGAZINE