390 (6) imaginary, which may come in the work; but if he will stop thinking of, and looking for, these things, and ex- pect good and pleasant things to hap- pen every day, it will be different. “ Careless spectators may not ap- preciate your work or see its import ance. They may think it a losing business, a life of thankless labor and self-sacrifice. But the servant of Jesus sees it in the light shining from the cross. His sacrifices appear small in comparison with those of the blessed Master, and he is glad to follow in his steps. . “The success of his labor affords him the purest joy, and is the richest recompense for a life of patient toil,” —Manual for Canvassers, p. JO. F, E. PAINTER, “ Fate is the God’s treasury.” key of — “Iris hardly possible to overesti- mate simple, unquestioning obedience in the growth of character.” ATLANTIC UNION OLEANER PARKERSBURG, W. VA. SINCE my last report, in April, I have sold sixteen “ Object Lessons,” four “ Best Stories, ” and two copies of the ‘“ Ladies’ Guide.” There is much truth in the statement made by one canvasser, When one falls in love with the work, it goes very easy. Our hearts well up with gratitude as people speak of their appreciation of such works as ¢ Christ Our Saviour,” “ The Mount of Blessing, ” and Patri- archs and Prophets ” having been sold to them before. A copy of “ Christ's Object Les- sons” sold to some one, found its way lately into the Sunday-school library here. I ran across it in a house where the family was reading it and liked it very much. “In the morn ing sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand ; for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good "-—all contrib- ute to bringing forth the harvest. New England Conference, Week Ending July 24, 1903. Name | Place | Book | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Del’d Cora A. Spencer, Worcester, Dof A 4 20 18 66.00 950 77550 18.50 C. E. Mattison, Bloomfield, Ct, Dof A 5 30 4 1625 4.75 21.00 Mrs. G[ Laycock,jNo. Grafton, P&P 3 15 9 21.27 4.23 2550 E. W. Fraits, Glastonbury,Ct.,, Hof Mb 37 3 4.25 1275 17.00 Mr, and Mrs, G.B. Mason, - Walpole, N. H,, Sof D 11 11.00 17.50 28.50 D. E. Blake, New Haven, Ct, Dof A 4 38 11 40.00 1.50 4160 Totals, 7 Agents, 21 135 56 £158.77 $50.23 $200.00 £18.50 - New York Conference, Week Ending July 24, 1903. Name | Place | Book | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Del’d G. F. Evans, GC 36 8 21.26 6.16 28.00 2.15 G. B. Stevens, GC 5 3 10.256 1.00 11.25 M. A. Vroman, GP 30 71.85 77.85 8.00 Mrs. Andrew Cobb, BR 24 b 14.00 14.00 Effa G. Gilbert, LG 16 51.00 6.00 b57.00 Miscellaneous sales, 25.90 25.90 Totals, 5 Agents, 95 32 $200.26 $13.75 $214.00 10.75 Union Conference Totals | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Deliver'd 33 Agents, 80 54544 Totals for corresp. week last year, 32 Agents, 673 179 200° $488.77 $125.62 $694.69 $201.90 $432.75 $230.50 $663.34 $200.00 While selling the ¢“ Object Lessons ”’ for the past year and a half, IT have not exerted myself to the neglect of regular household duties ; but have found much enjoyment and satisfac- tion in placing the books in the hands of others. The value of the ‘Object Lessons” alone, which I have sold is one hundred dollars ; besides two copies of the Ladies’ Guide,” and four “ Best Stories” since Apnl 20; also many tracts and papers have been distributed, often in and near my own locality in the city. Iam happy to announce that many are quite interested. The people are ready for this truth; these are opportune times to scatter the seeds. Oh, that more felt the bur- den, the travail of soul to reach out a strong arm to save the perishing around our very doors! Paragraphs one and two on page two hundred and eighty of ¢ Christ’s Object Les- sons” describe truth precious to me, as I sense the sleepiness that is over our people, and the temptations to work for the dollars gained outside of the canvassers’ field of labor, Alas, for such! : I mean to recanvass the territory soon with ‘ Patriarchs and Prophets.” Mgrs. O’D. FLETCHER. ITEMS OF INTEREST MAINE. —We shall be pleased to have those who are owing the Maine Tract So- ciety make the matter right before camp-meeting. Do not wait until you get to the camp, as the money is needed now. —1Is your heart right with God and your mind prepared to take in precious truths at our camp-meeting? If not, do not hinder the work by bringing clouds of darkness into the camp. —The subjects announced at the Gospel Tent in Portland for the pres- ent week pertain to the second coming of Christ and the truths which cluster