12 of the celestial scenery. Just turn over to the secont page of your Almanac and learn’ with what admirable accuracy. the Astronomer has calculated, even to 4 rio sieht of timp, When the inoon of yesterday will be passing utidet the sun, and cause the darkness to be seen and felt.” - Some 'mitids may be troubled about the flaming sword being plated at the East of the. Garden, or that we could see the: Lasterni side. This will be better understood by looking: at the motion of our Planet. It is said by As- trénomers that this' Earth in its annual motion, is booming round the sun at the rate of nineteen miles per second ; at the same titne her diurnal motion from’ East to Weit is at'the rate of ten miles per minute: consequently all the objects we see in the heavens, comes from the Fast, and . among the rest this glorious constellation of Orion, all just as natural as it is for us'to see the Sun rive in the East; amd in the same direction the world will soth see what the Second Advent believer has long ‘dnd ‘auxiotsly “been + waiting for: viz. the “glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Fitus 1:13. Now let _ ug take another view ; not through Lord Rosse’s, but: God's great Telescope, which: “declares the end from the be: ginning.” “Isa. 46: 10. B oo BIBLE VIEW. Sn Te ht appeared unto him at Luz, which is Bethel.” Gen. 48 37 25: 26. Here, while a Pilgrim traveller and stranger, he had laid himself down for thé night, he “ dréathed, and Torna der set up onthe earth, and the top of it The patriarch Jacob said to his sons that « God Alm reach Heaven; and behold, the angels: of ‘God as- cending and descending onit.”” Gen. xxviii: 12. Seven: téen huridred and ninety years after this, the Lord says.to. Nathaniel, “ hereafter ye shall sce HEAVEN OvEN, atid the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man.” This, then, is in the future. Next in order, Eze: Kiel has a vision, in the thirtieth year of the Babylonidh captivity by the river Chebar.” He says, * the Heavens. were OPENED, and I saw visions of God.” He proeceds to describe his vision; please read Chap.i: 5,10; 24; 28. He sees as the appearance of a’man—describes also the storthy. cloud with the brightness rotind ‘about it} he also hears a voice from the ‘firmament, and says that the “ord God spake to him. . Now see.Chap. x: 4,5; 19,90; rodeo ig, Novus cn 4% 930 tit gate’ (where. ‘Moses -8ay8 they: were placed) of the. Loud glo God of Israel was over ord’ ase, and the glory of the God of lsrae: fod * Houss, ast Thiy he living ‘creature’ that saw der the God of Israel by the river Chebar, and I fue that they were Cherubims.”” Is it nt plain, Co Ezeldel bas shown the same place and station of the Chern ims which ‘on the East side, keeping the way of the t po! Ste. he oh calls them angels, apd. cris out in terror, « How dreadful is this place, this is none other ot the House of God and this is the gate (or opening) Shah or. en.” 17 v, -Isaidh in a yjsion sees h one high ifte an the #ice'of God,” as did the others. ee hore a few morents to sce what Cheru- : bims ars, and their uso. One wiiter, says, . they appear. o be servants. of God sent to do his will.” Hear : En «and there will I meet with hind will commune with thee from between the two © rains i spon the Ark of the testimony, of all things Shieh T wil five thee in commandment unto the , Sie of Israel” Exo. xxv: 16,22. Proor—" And Hezekia / I htross) prayed before the Lord, and said 0 Lord God of Israel which dwelleth between the Chery es, 2 Kings, six: 15. “And Ged sent Che prophets to ¥ i his prayer was heard.” v. 20... ov him hab reigneth let the people tremble i he Jottelh between the Cherubims, let the earth be moved.” Psl. xe 1 . Then here is where we are to look for the Paradise 2 God, the. Holy City, and where we shall soon hear e voice of God, for he “ sitteth above between We Chern bims,"" as ie represented in the old Tabernacle and en le. «For see, saith he, that thou make all tings scent Ing to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount.” He Hi Bric 5. St. John also describes Jem, aad ul what a 1 + se . i thelr occupations were in heaven. - Rev. v: 11,1. Akagi wil proceed with the testimony concerning ie opening. heavens. John the Baptist bears record, tha when he was coming up out of the water from baptising - the. Saviour, he * saw the heavens OPENED (or cloven or e spirit li i him, and rent) and the spirit like a dove descending upon him, a 4d Low caine HL from heaven,” &c. Meck i: 10, 11; Lukeiii: 20,22; Matt, iii: 16, 17: John i: 32. _ ) Gal od 43 "Here is the opening heavens, and the voice of Go