In most cases, it could but be the outgrowth of impulse and fancy. It provides for easy divorce, which at best is a stigma of shame. It would be a step toward the situation in Soviet Russia where a marriage of many years’ duration and much shared labor may be sacrificed to the caprice of a day’s infatuation and terminated with but scant ceremony. It would produce millions of widows and widowers, Anne Shriver, N. ¥. United homes are the foundation of society, government, religion and untold anguish and suffering of mind and spirit. It would create an army of orphan, or half- orphan, children. ‘““Companionate,” the report continues, “is a noble word, but all that it connotes of comradeship exists between every man and woman who are well mated. The word is so rich in meaning that it should not be degraded by being fastened to any form of trial marriage, but increasingly associated with permanent and successful marriage.” “The church should lift up the Christian ideal of marriage with all the power of its great influence” and ‘‘ throw about it every possible religious sanction. The ideal of marriage for life is the only union that the church can teach.” ‘Especially should the church emphasize the sterner obligations of marriage, the difficulties which may be expected, and develop the will to meet them.” “The committee appeals with great earnestness to young people not to break through the restraints of family loyalty. Great numbers of them are taking JULY, 1929 their lives into their own hands. Many are sinning grievously with little consideration for those who love them. . . . What young people need is restraint, voluntary restraint of course, and not greater freedom in the form of indulgence.” But there is yet another aspect that none should overlook. The social conditions of this modern age stand forth in striking fulfillment of New Testament prophecies. (Matthew 24:37, 38; 2 Timothy 3: 1-5.) Moral standards and safeguards are everywhere shattered, which things serve as momentous signs of the times de- claring that we live amid the perils of the “last days”; and that Jesus is soon com- ing as King of kings to terminate + this wild orgy, and renovate our earth to become the fair homeland for a pure and sinless "people. GODLESS ODAY, wed- lock is bat- tered and broken because men and women have bro- ken faith with God. The popular theory of. evolu- tion denies the power of the Crea- tor and the fact of creation. It denies the historic truth of the original Paradise; denies that man came forth as the perfect masterpiece of divine handi- work ; denies that God solemnized the first marriage; and hence denies that wedlock is a sacred, holy estate, bearing the seal of the Infinite. The next step is easy: if marriage came only by the caprice or fancy of man, who shall say it may not as readily be altered or discarded? We may speak and write, educate and legislate, but there will be no universal reform this side of Christ's second coming. Yet there is an individual remedy for today’s needs. Let men and women return to God; and through His infinite grace homes that have been blasted by sin and discord may be fashioned anew. Hearts that have been embittered and estranged may through divine power be united again in bonds of a love that is precious and enduring. Even so, in its unity, peace, and fragrance, the family below may become as a miniature of the family above. (Continued on page 34) PAGE FIVE