marked out a way in which His peo- ple are to carry forward a work of physical healing, combined with the teaching of the Word. Sanitariums are to be established, and with these institutions are to be connected workers who will carry forward genuine medical missionary work. Thus a guarding influence is thrown around those who come to the san- itariums for treatment.”—Ibid., p. 54. (Emphasis supplied.) Many warnings are sounded such as these: “The man who makes the working of miracles the test of his faith will find that Satan can, through a species of deceptions, perform wonders that will appear to be genuine mir- acles. . . . ) “Let not the days pass by and precious opportunities be lost of seeking the Lord with all the heart and mind and soul. If we accept not the truth in the love of it, we may be among the number who will see the miracles wrought by Satan in these last days, and believe them. Many strange things will appear as won- derful miracles, which should be re- garded as deceptions manufactured by the father of lies. . . . Men under the influence of evil spirits will work miracles. They will make people sick by casting their spell upon them, SDA'’s and Ecstatic Experiences—6 and will then remove the spell, lead- ing others to say that those who were sick have been miraculously healed. This Satan has done again and again.”—JIbid., pp. 52, 53. (Em- phasis supplied.) None Need Be Deceived But none need be deceived. We have these assuring words that, while the deceptions and tempta- tions will be strong, those who cling to God’s Word will be safe: “‘The voice of a stranger’ is the voice of one who neither respects nor obeys God’s holy, just, and good law. Many make great pretensions to holiness, and boast of the wonders they per- form in healing the sick, when they do not regard this great standard of righteousness. But through whose power are these cures wrought? Are the eyes of either party opened to their transgressions of the law? and do they take their stand as humble, obedient children, ready to obey all of God’s requirements? John tes- tifies of the professed children of God: ‘He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him’ (1 John 2:4). “None need be deceived. The law of God is as sacred as His throne, THROUGH THE 70 YEARS of her ministry to the Adventist Church and the world, Ellen White closely tied in to the work of the Holy Spirit —so0 closely that the Spirit gave her 2,000 visions. She could declare, for example: “While I was praying at the family altar, the Holy Ghost fell upon me.” —Early Writings, p. 14; and, half a century later, “The Holy Ghost is the 14 author of the Scriptures and of the Spirit of Prophecy.”—Letter 92, 1900 (Notes and Papers, p. 94a). She repeatedly spoke of being abun dantly imbued by the Spirit, but there is no record of her ever speak- .ing in an unknown tongue, or in any tongue but English. In a previous article, in which we examined four recorded experiences in the early history of the church in which speak- and by it every man who cometh into the world is to be judged. . . . “If those through whom cures are performed, are disposed, on account of these manifestations, to excuse their neglect of the law of God, and continue in disobedience, though they have power to any and every extent, it does not follow that they have the great power of God. On the contrary, it is the miracle-working power of the great deceiver. He is a transgressor of the moral law, and. employs every device that he can muster to blind men to its true char- acter. We are warned that in the last days he will work with signs and ly- ing wonders. And he will continue these wonders until the close of probation, that he may point to them as evidence that he is an angel of light and not of darkness. “Brethren, we must beware of the pretended holiness that permits transgression of the law of God. Those cannot be sanctified who trample that law under their feet, and judge themselves by a standard of their own devising.”—Ibid,, pp. 50, 51. How could this matter be placed before us more plainly? How up to date is this counsel! What security it gives God’s people! ] ing in tongues occurred, we found no word of commendation from Ellen White, but neither do we have any knowledge of her repudiating the demonstrations. In connection with the experience of certain Sabbathkeepers in Port- land, Maine, who were exercising what they called the “gift of tongues,” Ellen White characterized the utter- ances as “unmeaning gibberish . . .