ORGAN OF THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN 'DIVISION of the Gemini Calera= of S.D. A. VOL. 8 � SEPTEMBER 1936 QUARTERLY REVIEW NUMBER 3 ,././././././././././././././././././..././././././././..., .././././././././.././../.././././././. • • � \ � • • \ Farewell ! � • • \ • • , • Es e f o r e leaving Europe to enter upon my new responsibilities as secretary of the Home � \ • � \ � • o Missionary Department of the General Conference, I desire to address a few words of � \ � \ � • o appreciation to fellow workers and believers in the Southern European Division where it has � \ � \ � • o been my privilege to be connected with the work since the organization of the Division eight � \ � e o years ago. � \ � \ � * \ � Considering the very marked blessings of God which have been showered over this � • � 4. � \ � \ � large field during these years, and calling to mind the countless, happy associations with fel- � • � 4, � \ � \ � low workers in union and annual conference meetings, in conventions and councils, in visits to � • • \ � \ � churches and in the homes of our dear people, my heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude � • • \ � \ � to God and to those whose friendship and cooperation I have enjoyed so fully, for the privilege � • o \ � \ � of spending so many years in this part of God's great harvest field. � • • � \ � • o In responding to this new call, it is with a sense of real and deep regret that I think � \ � \ � \ � of the fact that my service in Southern Europe has come to a close. These eight years � • � \ � have been the happiest and brightest of the twenty-nine years it has been my privilege to � * \ workGod o thisblessedause.As afamily wehave enjoyedmorethan we are able � * for � in � Cause. � to � \ � \ � e � 4) � express the pleasant and cordial associations with the Division family and the church in � \ � \ � * o Berne. We shall greatly miss this circle of friends and fellow believers, and it is also � \ � \ � • o with deep feelings of regret that we part with fellow workers whom we have learned to � \ � \ � 0 o love and esteem so highly. The spirit of unity and harmony which has marked the work in � \ � \ � • � 0 � Southern Europe these years, has indeed been an inspiration and made difficult and taxing � \ • problems seem light. � \ • \ • While this change � field, I trust � \ e � 0 � in my work necessitates a separation from the � \ � \ � nevertheless to be privileged from time to time to return on visits and assist in the further � . \ o \ � development of this promising field where there "still remaineth much land to be posses- � • • � \ � sed " for God. • Nineteen of the twenty-three years of our married life, Mrs. Rasmussen and I have � \ � spent away from our native land, and in going to America to establish our home there we � . � i � \ � are adding further years of service to those we have spent in " foreign" fields. Yet to us • � \ � Seventh-day Adventists no field is foreign. The world is our field, and heaven our home. � it o �We shall watch with eager interest the progress and the increasing growth of � O. � God's work in the Southern European Division, and we shall continue to pray for its larger � l \ • extension and its speedy triumph there as well as in all parts of the world field. May the \ � 0 � work speedily come to its glorious consummation, and may the day soon dawn when sepa- � ; \ • rations shall be no more, when the ties of friendship so dear to human hearts shall be unbroken, • and when transfers from one part of the field to the other shall be be a thing of the past. o � \ �In this parting word might I not be permitted to appeal to you, dear fellow workers, • � to continue to foster the work for the children and young people in our midst with that � , ,, • � \ � warm and encouraging care and interest you have manifested in past years. Let us spare no � C � effort in bringing them to Christ, in training them at home, in the church, the Sabbath � C, • � \ � school, the M. V. Society and in our own training schools, in order that an increasingly large • � \ � C • to/*/40/41/41/41/*/*/././•/•7./*/*/*/*/*/*/*/•,/o/9/1/*/+/+/././././szoo, (ozo/././+/•/4/4v4./4v4vo/o/o/o/o/o/4 2 � QUARTERLY REVIEW army of strong, God-fearing, well-trained workers may be ready for the final conflict and final conquests of the kingdom of God. Let us keep the missions well supplied with men and means, and let us inspire all our church members in a new rallying call to arise to their heaven-appointed privilege of being witnesses for the Master, in order that all the lands of the Southern European Division with its island jewels may be flooded with the light of this blessed Advent message. While assuring you all of the genuine pleasure we have found in the service in your midst, we would kindly solicit an interest in your prayers as we take up work at world-headquarters in Washington. May the Lord of all power and all blessing, our Father of love and grace keep us true and faithful till the glorious appearing of the blessed Master, our Saviour and Redeemer. STEEN RASMUSSEN Advanced Bible School Our denominational Advanced Bible School opened (for the third time) at Pacific Union College, Angwin, California, June 15, and closed August 21, having offered courses in Bible, History and Public Speaking during two succes- sive periods of five weeks each. The best available teachers were secured for this purpose, under the direction of Dean M. Kern. The College has done its utmost in order to give satisfaction to everybody. The place has been pleasant, and the students enjoyed the privilege of meeting with workers of so many different countries. The enrollment was 86, 56 being representatives of seven unions of North America, while the other 30 were from eight divisions outside North America. There were present : 52 teachers, 22 preachers, 3 editors. Our Division was represented by the writer. The China Division sent four repre- sentatives, the Far Eastern Division, six. Our brethren are hoping that next year the Southern European Division will have as good a representation as the other over-seas divisions. Some of our most promising young workers (teachers, preachers and editors) would surely profit very much intellectually and spiritually, if they could spend a few weeks here. My main concern will be to utilize the knowledge here obtained in an ever increasing efficiency in the work God has intrusted to me. Alfred VAUCHER. Home Missionary Items Ingathering Reports from the Division are encouraging. While from Portugal come reports of difficulties making things a little harder than last year, and Spain is entirely out of the picture for the present, France tells us that its half million francs is coming in nicely and that the Franco- Belgian Union can be counted on as usual. The Ingathering spirit in Jugoslavia is strong. Miss Paula Mocnik took as her goal 1000 papers, which means that she must sell them, as no Ingathering can be done. Her example is catching. In Rumania the magazines must be sold also, but Elder Reit assures us that their goal will be reached. The local secretaries have taken as their aim a ten percent increase yearly. Switzer- land must struggle under great difficulties, but is manfully struggling, and Elder Butler, of the German Swiss Conference, informs us that it is going better than last year. So the General Conference can count on this Division for its portion of the world task. Even Turks Ingather Way down in Macedonia a boy felt he should help in the Ingathering. But he was a foreigner, a Turk, and but 15 years old. But he had no peace at night; he could not sleep for the thought that he should help give the message to the world. So he went to the elder and said: "I'll help ingather ; give me 15 papers." He took his papers to a café and told the proprietor : "I have a very important message here for you." " What is the message ?" He informed him that the message was found in his paper. So the owner of the café purchased it. "May I sell the others here? " the young Turk asked quickly. On being informed he could, he sold the other 14 in a few minutes and ran back to tell the church that he too, just a boy and a Turk, had had a part in Ingathering. From Portugal " Here in Lisbon we preach the gospel in six places and if we had more men we could open more places. Some of our nice lay members are just taking interest in missionary work; they are making plans to prepare themselves a little better. In a year or two we shall have a splendid army to fight against darkness and win souls for the kingdom." — A. D. Gomes. Henry F. BROWN. Ord. Ministers 0. O oN v.~ Z( i. Total Gains Canvassers i Sao e, Name of Conference or Mission . � a. i ', � .= 1 f, c3 o' � i, � CD � .ti ,e r3 � 7' �ti Q 4 :_"i i- z v, o A' QUARTERLY REVIEW � 3 Statistical Report of the Southern Europ. Div. of S. D. A. for the Quarter Ending June 30, 1936 1 2 3 � 4 5 � 6 7 8 � 9 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � 18 19 20 � 21 � 22 1. SOUTHERN EUR. DIV. 5 5 8 - - 18 2. FRANCO-BELGIAN U. C. 5 3 6 - - � 14 3. � Belgian � Conference. � 13 563 � 27 - � 4 31 6 � 1 � 8 15 16 579 6 3 6 - 13 � 28 22 � 643 � 523 4. � East France � ) 17 437 � 1 - � 4 5 3 � 1 � 8 12 -7 430 5 2 4 - 14 � 25 17 � 424 � 332 3. � North � » �* 12 588 � 56 - � 3 59 2 � 1 � 7 10 49 637 4 2 10 - 22 � 38 15 � 432 � 352 6. � South � * �* 25 585 � II - � 6 30 3 - 25 28 2 587 4 1 7 - 15 � 27 31 � 390 � 305 67 2173 108 - 17 125 14 � 3 � 48 65 60 2233 24 11 33 - 64 132 85 � 1889 � 1512 7. JUGOSLAVIAN UNION CONF. 4 1 4 - � 9 8. � Danube Conference � 57 1495 � 75 7 � 4 86 18 � 5 � 1 24 62 1557 6 1 - - 23 � 30 60 � 1908 � 1520 9. � Sava � » 33 653 � 72 2 � 1 75 14 � i � 1 16 59 712 3 1 2 - 15 � 21 33 � 920 � 689 10. � Morava � » 24 729 � 23 2 - 25 19 � 6 � 2 27 -2 727 4 - 3 - 17 � 21 27 � 847 � 355 114 2877 170 11 � 5 186 51 � 12 � 4 67 119 2996 17 3 9 - 55 � 84 120 � 3675 � 2564 It. RUMANIAN UNION CONF. 4 2 9 - 15 12. � West Muntenian Conference � 132 4575 209 9 � 84 302 52 � 11 117 180 122 4697 9 6 8 - 21 � 44 132 � 7816 � 5050 13 � East 76 2299 � 91 6 � 73 170 23 � 12 � 43 78 92 2391 10 3 4 - 10 � 27 76 � 3024 � 2188 14. � North Moldavian 76 2453 � 86 15 � 20 121 20 � 4 � 20 44 77 2530 8 - 6 - 10 � 24 76 � 3816 � 2311 15. � South � » 57 1678 � 57 1 � 21 79 21 � 5 � 19 45 34 1712 7 4 3 - 15 � 29 57 � 2644 � 1700 16. � Transylvanian 125 3066 � 46 9 � 44 99 47 � 7 � 64 118 -19 3047 9 2 6 - 14 � 31 125 � 3958 � 2869 17. � Banat 65 1641 � 69 33 � 31 133 20 � 6 � 35 61 72 1713 8 2 6 - 13 � 29 69 � 2429 � 1816 531 15712 558 73 273 904 183 45 298 526 378 16090 55 19 42 - 83 199 535 23687 16934 18. SWISS UNION CONFERENCE. 19. � German Swiss Conference... . 37 1404 � 27 2 � 8 37 15 � 6 � 7 28 9 1413 8 2 8 � 5 26 � 49 48 � 1431 � 967 20. � Leman 20 977 � 20 1 � 1 22 6 � 5 � 9 20 2 979 7 1 3 � 5 15 � 31 24 � 674 � 528 57 2381 � 47 3 � 9 59 21 11 � 16 48 11 2392 15 3 11 � 10 41 � 80 72 � 2105 � 1495 21. IBERIAN UNION MISSION 3 2 1 - - � 6 22. � Spanish Mission � 10 405 - � 4 4 5 - � 6 11 -7 398 3 3 6 - 13 � 25 15 � 405 � 350 23. � Portuguese � » � 6 304 � 12 12 7 � 1 � 4 12 - 304 2 2 4 � 3 11 � 22 5 � 353 � 326 24. � Madeira � * � 1 45 - - - - - 45 1 - - - 1 � 2 - � - � - 25. � Azores � * ... 1 10 - - - - - - 10 1 - - - 1 � 2 1 � 17 � 15 18 764 � 12 - � 4 16 12 � 1 � 10 23 -7 757 10 7 11 � 3 26 � 57 21 � 775 � 691 26. ITALIAN UNION MISSION 1 1 4 - - � 6 27. � North � Italian � Mission � 15 398 � 10 - � 1 11 6 - � 2 8 3 401 6 3 4 - 17 � 30 18 � 406 � 359 28. � South � » � » 12 306 � 3 1 � 2 6 2 � 1 � 3 6 - 306 2 3 5 - 10 � 20 15 � 421 � 330 27 704 � 13 1 � 3 17 8 � 1 � 5 14 3 707 9 7 13 - 27 � 56 33 � 827 � 689 29. NORTH AFRICAN UNION MISS 1 - 2 - - � 3 30. � Algerian Mission � 8 213 � 15 - � 1 16 - 1 - 1 15 228 2 4 1 - 12 � 19 10 � 202 � 176 31. � Moroccan � » 3 61 � 3 - - 3 - 1- 1 2 63 1 1 -- 4 � 6 3 � 103 � 88 11 274 � 18 - � 1 19 - 2 - 2 17 291 4 5 3 - 16 � 28 13 � 305 � 264 32. EQUAT. A ERIC. MISS.*) 2 117 - - � 2 2 - - 2 119 1 3 3 � 5 - � 12 25 � 1773 � 1809 1 - 1 - - � 2 33. MADAGASCAR-Mascarene UM.*) 8 340 � 1 1 � 6 8 7 � 4 � 7 18 -10 330 3- 2 � 7 8 � 20 18 � 790 � 619 34. � Madagascar � Mission 9 478 � 25 1 - 26 - � 1 - 1 25 503 2 - 8 � 2 - � 12 26 � 872 � 562 35. � Mauritius � » 1 50 - - - - - - 50 1 - - � 1 2 � 93 � 66 36. � Seychelles � * _ _ _ _ ___ _ - - 1 - - - - � 1 - � - � - 37. � La 12union � » 18 868 � 26 2 � 6 34 7 � 5 � 7 19 15 883 7 - � 12 � 9 8 � 36 46 � 1755 1247 38. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS *) - - 15 - - 15 - 15 15 1 � 38 � 38 RECAPITULATION 1. Southern European Division 5 5 8 - - 18 2. Franco-Belgian Union Conference 67 2173 108 - 17 125 14 � 3 � 48 65 60 2233 24 11 33 - 64 132 85 � 1889 � 1512 3. Jugoslavian 114 2877 170 11 � 5 186 51 � 12 � 4 67 119 2996 17 3 9 - 55 � 84 120 � 3675 � 2564 4. Rumanian 531 15712 558 73 273 904 183 � 45 298 526 378 16090 55 19 42 - 83 199 535 23687 16934 5. Swiss 57 2381 � 47 3 � 9 59 21 � 11 � 16 48 11 2392 15 3 11 � 10 41 � 80 72 � 2105 � 1495 6. Iberian Union Mission � 18 764 � 12 - � 4 16 12 � 1 � 10 23 -7 757 10 7 11 � 3 26 � 57 21 � 775 � 691 7. Italian � » 27 704 � 13 1 � 3 17 8 � 1 � 5 14 3 707 9 7 13 - 27 � 56 33 � 827 � 689 8. North African Union Mission � 11 274 � 18 - � 1 19 2 - 2 17 291 4 5 3 - 16 � 28 13 � 305 � 264 9. Equat. African � » � *) 2 117 - - � 2 2 - - - 2 119 1 3 3 � 5 - 12 25 � 1773 � 1809 10. Madagascar. Mascar. U. � » � *) 18 868 � 26 2 � 6 34 7 � 5 � 7 19 15 883 7 - 12 � 9 8 � 36 46 � 1755 � 1247 It Cape Verde Islands � » � */ - - 15 - - 15 - - - 15 15 1 - - � 1 1 � 38 � 38 Totals 2nd quarter 1936 845 25870 967 90 320 1377 296 � 80 388 764 613 148 63 145 � 27 320 703 951 36829 27243 2nd � * � 1935 813 24374 833 74 526 1433 225 � 54 541 820 613 2498 138 68 113 � 40 318 677 918 35558 24161 *) Report for the first quarter 1986 4 � QUARTERLY REVIEW Financial Report of the Southern Europ. Division of S. D. A. for the Quarter Ending June 30, 1936 Name of Conference or Mission Total Tithe o 0 42 oar 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 2. FRANCO-BELGIAN � UNION � CONF. 3. Belgian Conference F. Fr. 84862.50 64,899.25 61,094.15 4. East France Conference � a � a 45,941.- 19,392.10 18.25 30.50 46,543.50 5. North a � a 67,345.- 50,620.40 523.35 1.203,90 83,220.- 6. South � a a � a 47,166.- 43,852 05 9,2 -6.60 1,078.70 69,800.- F. Fr. 242,314.50 178,763.80 9,818.20 2,313.10 260,657.65 $ 9,571.40 7,061.14 387.81 91.36 10,295.96 7. JUGOSLAVIAN UNION CONF. 8. Danube Conference Dinar 65,216.50 28,311.13 34,860.- 9. Sava � » n 44,835.- 19,279.63 27,496.- 10. Morava � » v 45,261.80 22,276.- 42,638.- Dinar 155,313.30 69,866.76 104,994.- $ 2,749.- 1,236.66 1,858.39 11. RUMANIAN UNION CONFERENCE 12. West Muntenian Conference � Lei 682,377.20 278;952.- 184,516.- 13. East 271,910.- 120,801.- 129,774.- 14. North Moldavian � » 255,693.- 81,816.75 64.213- 15. South � » 169,006.- 70,149.- 104,363.- 16. Transylvanian 346,478.70 115,33825 71,833.- 17. Banat � » � ..... . 165,9;4.- 52,404.25 94,076.- Lei 1,861,438.90 719,461.25 648,765.- $ 11,168.60 4,316.76 3,892.58 18. SWISS UNION CONFERENCE 19. German Swiss Conf. � Sw. Fr. 39.075.- 21,113.50 3,958.- 6,186.- 31,107.- 20. Leman Conference � a 27,227.70 10,296.13 1,510.51 1,902.50 24,614.40 Sw. Fr. 66,302.70 31,409.63 5.468.51 8.088.50 55,721.40 $ 12,862.60 6.093.46 1,060.89 1,569.16 10,809.94 21. IBERIAN UNION MISSION 22. Spanish Mission � Pesetas 9,196.60 4,840.90 11,703.50 23. Portuguese n » 4,99080 2,350.94 5,496.86 24. Madeira � » a 261.20 48.60 723.55 25. Island � » a 588.60 200.76 ---- Pesetas 15,037.20 7,441.20 17,923.91 1,954.80 967.34 2.330,10 26. ITALIAN UNION MISSION 27. North Italian Mission � Lire 28,644.40 14,290.65 28,781.25 28. South � n � n » 9,746.80 8,333.20 9,815.05 Lire 38,391.20 22,623.85 38,596.30 1,992.50 1,174.19 2,003.14 29. NORTH AFRICAN UNION MISSION . . 30. Algerian Mission � 31. Moroccan � n � F. Fr. 20,887.- 8.232.40 42,785.30 5,293.- 3,313.90 15,727.- F. Fr. 26.180.- 11,546.30 58,512.30 1,034.- 456,07 2,311.24 32. EQ. AFRICAN MISSION *) F. Fr. 3,922.30 1,040.90 154.90 41.11 33. MADAGASCAR-MASCARENE U. M. *) 34. Madagascar Mission � F. Fr. 10,543.80 3,014.50 -.- -.- 4,570.35 35. Mauritius n � » 24,392.50 3,601.40 280.15 614.45 36. Seychelles � » a � a 455.60 319.30 -.- -.- 37. La Reunion � » a � a 153.10 -.- -.- -.- F. Fr. 35,545.- 6,935.20 280.15 6,4.45 4,570.35 1,401.- 273.93 11.06 24.27 180.53 38. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS 5) Es. 589.90 99.45 26.1 0 4.39 RECAPITULATION 1. Southern European Division 2. Franco-Belgian Union Conference $ 9.371.40 7,061.14 387.81 91.36 10,295.96 3. Jugoslavian" � » � n $ 2,749.- 1,236.66 -.- -.- 1,858.39 4. Rumanian � a � a 5 11,168.60 4,316.76 -.- -.- 3,892.58 5. Swiss �n � a $ 12,862.60 6,093.46 1,060.89 1,569.16 10,809.94 6. Iberian �n � Mission $ 1,954.80 967.34 -.- -.- 2,330.10 7. Italian �» � » $ 1,992.50 1,174.19 -.- -.- 2,003.14 8. North African � » � a $ 1,034.- 456.07 -.- 2,311.24 9. Eq. African Mission 5) $ 154.90 41.11 -.- -.- 10. Madagascar-Mascarene U. M. *1 $ 1,404.- 2-3.93 11.06 24.27 180.53 11. Cape Verde Islands *) 5 26.10 4.39 -.- -.- Totals 2nd quarter 1936 $ 42,917.90 21,625.05 1.459.76 1,684.79 33,681.86 » � 2nd � » � 1935 $ 44,65550 20,395.07 -1 116.78 2,066.79 37,909.18 *)Report for the first quarter 1936. QUARTERLY REVIEW � 5 Specification of Mission Offerings (Column No. 3) Special Offer. "81 L1'5 cn vA gig 0.s, awe cf;`.2 a .0 CC C i. 0.0 tt-4 k0 x4 O a : a 0 � u)0 . . .b.ov 1:4' C a .9. � , ,, iill ,'';`7,-,'(3 CG ' f a g„,, :lila .1.11 48 7 8 9 10 11 �12 13 14 15 1. 2. 3. 9,878.55 1,768.40 45,833.70 85.80 1,716.- � 3,011.55 2,526.45 75.05 3.75 4. 6,385.95 2,993.50 219.- 5.- 4,764.60 4,757.80 211.- 55.25 5. 7,991.25 2,500.90 15,980.10 -.- 7,084.35 17,063.80 -- 6. 5,553.10 1,677.10 21,165.30 -.- 4,298.85 11,135.70 22.- 29,808.85 8,939.90 83,198.10 90.80 1,716.- � 19,159.35 35,483.75 308.05 59.- 1,177 45 353.12 3,286.32 3.57 67.78 � 756.80 1.401.61 12.16 2.33 7. 8. 9. 10. 10,963.75 6,215.50 1,726.75 1,742.75 284.- 216.- 8.865.75 8,261,25 5,422.75 2,345.- 720.50 282.75 327.63 216.38 6,726.75 1,326.50 116.- 106.50 9,358.25 3,889.50 444,75 307.75 23,906.- 4,796.- 616.- 106.50 26,485.25 11,657.25 1,448.- 851.76 423.14 84.90 10.91 1.88 468.79 206.33 25,63 15.08 11. 12. 125,397.25 23,127.- 5,344.- 5,744.- 105,979.50 6,291.- 7,069.25 13. 57,253.- 12,456.- 3,799.- 1,942.- 41,316.- 1,651.- 2,384.- 14. 49,369.- 9,518.- -.- -.- 20,392.- 1,277.75 1,260.- 15. 31,473.- 7,190.- 291.- -.- 29,390.- 281.- 1,524.- 16. 48,774.- 12,135.25 1,419.- 175.- 50,679.25 302.50 1,853.25 17. 24,515.75 6.346.- --- ---.- 20,241.- 100.- 1,201.50 336,782.- 70,772.25 10,853.- 7,861.- -.- � 267,997.75 9 903.25 15,292.-- 2,020.69 424,63 65.12 47.16 -.- � 1,607.99 59.42 91.75 18. 19. 5,540.- 1,155.- 171.- � 6,090.- 6,644.- 1,381.- 132.50 20. 3,947,56 1,337.97 11.- - 374.50 � 2 569.55 1,915.58 124.12 15.85 9,487.56 2,492.97 11.- 545.50 � 8,659.55 8,559.58 1,505.12 148.35 1,840.59 483.63 2.13 105.83 � 1,679.96 1,660.56 291.98 28.78 21. 22. 1,940.75 663.95 103.- � 738.65 1,375.50 19.05 23. 761.43 1,145.13 -.- � -.- 444.38 24. 48.60 -.- -.- � -.- -.- 25. 131.94 32.10 36.72 � -.- -.- 2,882.72 1,841.18 139.72 � 738.65 1,819.88 19.05 374.75 239.35 18.16 � 96.02 236.58 2.48 27. 3,384.-- 1,111.20 25.- 4,914.25 4,731.55 72.50 52.15 28. 1,867.10 602.85 1,000.- 2,262.90 2,453.15 147.20 5 251.10 1,714.05 1,000.- 25.- 7,177.15 7,184.70 219.70 52.15 272.53 88.96 51.90 1.30 372.50 372.89 11.41 2.70 29. 30. 2,329.40 383.60 1,949 15 3,570.25 31. 710.30 188.15 1,147.35 1,268.10 3,039.70 571.75 3,096.50 4,838.35 120.06 22.58 122.31 191.12 32. 670.80 56 05 314.05 26 50 2.21 12.40 33. 34. 1,982.75 494.40 413.60 70.- 53.75 35. 3,453.30 18.25 80.10 49.75 36. 149.65 169.65 -.- 37. -.- -.- -.- 5,585.70 682.30 80.10 463.35 70.- 53.75 220.64 26.95 3.16 18 30 2.76 2.12 38. 82.40 3.64 17.05 -.75 -.- RECAPITULATION 1. 2. 1,177.45 353.12 3,286.32 3.57 67.78 � 756.80 1,401.61 12.16 2.33 3. 423.14 84.90 10.91 1.88 -.- � 468.79 206.33 25.63 15.08 4. 2,020.69 424.63 65.12 47.16 -.- � 1,607.99 -. - 59.42 91.75 5. 1,840.59 483.63 2.13 ___.,_ 105.83 � 1,679.96 1,660.56 291.98 28.78 6. 374.75 239.35 --- -.- 18.16 � 96.02 236.58 2.48 -.- 7. 272.53 88.96 51.90 1.30 -.- � 372.50 372.89 11.41 2.70 8. 120.06 22.58 -.- -.- -.- � 122.31 191.12 -.- -.- 9. 26.50 2.21 -.- -.- 12.40 �-.- -.- -- -.- 10. 220.64 26.95 3.16 18.30 -.- �2.76 2.12 -.- -.- 11. 3.64 -.75 -.- -.- -.- �-.- -.- 6,479.99 1,727.08 3,419.54 7121 204.17 � 5 ,107.13 4,071.21 403.08 140.64 6,381.81 1,635.34 1,479.58 54.47 984.23 � 4,623.45 4,629.82 472.11 134.26 Nf Chapel and Sava Conference Headquarters, Zagreb. 6 � QUARTERLY REVIEW Echoes from Jugoslavia It is some time since I have made a report concerning the splendid work that is being accomplished in Jugoslavia. But today, while certain impressions are still fresh in mind, I wish to tell you something of the Pente- costal blessings we received at the time of our union conference session held recently in Novi-Sad. From all corners and ends of our field came our dear brethren and sisters to attend this important meeting. Some had to travel nearly 800 km , and that means much for our members who are generally very poor. An old grandmother of 66 years of age walked with two other sisters and a brother over 160 km. From everywhere our brethren and sisters came, desirous of receiving the Lord's blessing. And they were not disappointed, for the Lord certainly revealed Himself mightily to all present. The union session and the meetings for workers and colporteurs which preceded it, were equally blessed. We were happy to have from outside of our field W. H. Branson, vice-presi- dent of the General Conference, A. V. Olson, president of the Southern European Division, and H. F. Brown and F. Charpiot for the Home Missionary and Publishing Departments. All these brethren were a great blessing to our meeting. Sabbath was, of course, the best day of the feast. In the shadow of several large trees, giving the impression of pillars of a gigantic temple, more than 920 brethren and sisters and friends gathered to hear a mes- sage which fell as heavenly dew upon the hearts of all present. An invitation was extended to all to make their peace with God and to join the church by baptism. In response, forty souls decided to follow their Lord. Such experiences left im- pressions which shall never be forgotten. The days of the session were days spent in the pre- sence of God. We never have had a union conference session so well attended in Jugoslavia, and it is likewise true that never before have the needs of our union been felt so keenly as at this time. When I see the hun- dreds of new members who are being gathered in, and the young people and children who desire to prepare themselves for the service of the Lord, and I consider at the same time our meagre edu- cational facilities, represented in fact by our little school in Zagreb, my heart is moved and I realize that we can no longer wait for help. The need for new workers is constantly growing in Jugo- slavia. I repeat: we can no longer wait for help. The last four and a half years our union has made encouraging progress. During this period QUARTERLY REVIEW � 7 we have baptized 1600 souls. This is cer- tainly encouraging. But unfortunately, due to increasing difficulties, our finances have not increased in the same proportion. This explains why we have not been able to add one single worker to our staff during the last four and a half years. Added to this is the fact that some of our workers, due to overwork and strain, have failed in health. We do need a group of younger and stronger men. Now you can imagine the situation of a field where the membership increases the way it does in Jugoslavia, and the number of workers remains the same. We have tried to remedy this situation by organizing the work differently. But the real remedy can come only from an additional number of workers. This solution would have a happy influence on our finances, for thus the new members would be more thoroughly instructed and the churches would be better cared for. I can also say that our evangelistic work presents the very best prospects. From all parts of our country calls come to us from people who have been in contact with our faithful " book evangelists. " Because of a lack of workers we are unable to follow up the interests created. Many sections of our country are still waiting for the third angel's message. In old Macedonia we have scarcely begun the work, and the same is true for Montenegro, Bosnia, and Slovenia. In Herzegowina and Dalmatia we do not even have a group of believers,and the one and a half million Mohammedans of our field are still waiting for the message. So far only two of them have been won for the Lord. Another of our important problems is the development of our work in the larger cities. Last year we succeeded in filling one urgent need : in the city of Zagreb, Croatia's capital, we were able to erect a fine chapel in which the church members have found their home. In Belgrade, the capital of Jugoslavia, we have not yet succeeded in finding a suitable place of worship. And yet, as long as we do not have our own places of worship, the work can not go forward in peace. At the end of the third quarter, our member- ship will exceed 3000. Our small staff of work- ers and faithful colporteurs are united and true to their calling. We rejoice over this fact and we take it as a good omen for the future. The Lord of the harvest knows that we need workers and means, and we are trusting in Him to receive with both these, and above all, a more abundant measure of His Spirit for the finishing of the work in Jugoslavia. H. BAUER, President Jugoslavian Union. Welcome to our new Secretary! At the time of the General Conference session in San Francisco, Brother W. R. Beach, who during the past four years has served as president of the Franco-Belgian Union Conference, was elected as secretary of our Division to replace Brother Steen Rasmussen, who was elected secretary of the Home Missionary Department of the General Conference. Brother Beach is no stranger to Southern Europe and its problems, having already served the Cause of God here in various capa- cities during the last ten years: first as department secretary in the old Latin Union Conference, then as president of the Belgian Conference, and next as president of the Franco-Belgian Union Confer- ence. In all these posts Brother Beach has rendered faithful and efficient service, and God has richly blessed his labors. We are glad to welcome him to his new duties in our Division office. He and his family are now comfortably located in their new home here in Berne. A. V. OLSON " There is not an impulse of our nature or an inclination of the heart, but needs to be, moment by moment, under the control of the Spirit of God." ••••••••••••••••11.••••••••••• " Christ alone can save this world. But Christ can not save this world alone. " CONTENTS Farewell ! � 1 Steen Rasmussen Advanced Bible School � 2 Alfred Voucher Home Missionary Items � 2 Henry F. Brown Statistical Report � 3 Financial Report � 4 Mission Offerings � 5 Echoes from Jugoslavia � 6 H. Bauer Welcome to our new Secretary � 7 A. V. Olson News Notes � 8 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN QUARTERLY REVIEW Organ of the Southern European Division of Seventh-day Adventists published every quarter Subscription prices : France 4 frs. Other countries � 6 frs. Address of Editor (to whom all manuscripts should be sent): Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland, W. R. Beach � Editor 8 � QUARTERLY REVIEW NEWS NOTES We are able to announce that the Winter Council of the Sou- thern European Division will be held in the city of Zurich, Switzer- land, December 1 - 8. Some very important problems will be consi- dered at this Division Council, and we ask the prayers of our workers and leaders everywhere in its behalf. * A few weeks ago, Brother Ch. Cornaz arrived in France on fur- lough from Cameroon where he gave two years and a half of faithful service. We are sorry that climatic conditions are such in the Cameroon that Brother Cornaz returns in a state of health necessitating a period of rest. The return of Brother Cornaz brings again to our minds the faithfulness of our missionaries in the trying circumstances of foreign service. Let us daily remember them in our prayers. * On September 24, Brother and Sister K. Sturzenegger and their daughter sailed from Marseille on the S/S Azay-le-Rideau to take charge of the work in the Sey- chelles Islands. Brother and Sister Sturzenegger are responding to an emergency call. We are happy that the special mission offering taken at the Swiss and the Franco- Belgian Union sessions made it possible to send a mission leader to the Seychelles. We are sure that the prayers of our workers and believers everywhere will follow Brother Sturzenegger and family to this far-away field. We are happy to welcome Elder H. F. Brown and family to our Division staff. Brother and Sister Brown spent several years in service in the Cause in Mexico and South America and come to us from the Southwestern Union Conference. Brother Brown gave splendid service to the Home Missionary work in these various fields, and we are happy to have him in our Division for this same department. We feel confident that Brother Brown will give a new impetus to the- activities of this important department. We wish him good success and bespeak in his behalf the hearty cooperation of the Division field. The Collonges school opened its doors again to the youth of Southern Europe, Wednesday, September 9. 86 students were enrolled and present at the first chapel exercise that day, and many others were expected to arrive within the next few weeks. The Collonges school administration feels certain that 120 students will matriculate during the school year 193607. We are thankful for this good result which not only shows the fine work done in the field by the representatives of our school and the field leaders, but also that Advent youth is considering seriously its preparation for the finishing of the work in the vast Latin territories. * During the months of August and September, five unions of our Division field have held their quadrennial sessions. No changes in leadership were made in Rumania and Jugoslavia, but important changes were made in the Franco- Belgian, the Swiss and the North African Unions. Brother I. Rey, after eight years of faithful service in North Africa, asked to return to Switzerland. His request was granted, and Brother J. de Caenel was appointed superintendent of the North African Union. Brother de Caenel comes back to us after having spent seven years in Haiti, six of which he was superintendent of the mission. We wish Brother de Caenel good success in North Africa. Robert Gerber was called to the presidency of the Swiss Union, with 0. Fasnacht as secretary-treasurer. Brother 0. Meyer was again called to the presidency of the Franco-Belgian Union. He served formerly the Franco-Belgian Union in the same capacity. According to reports, these various uni-m sessions have been blessed with a wonderful spirit of devotion and cooperation. Elder W H. Branson, general vice-president of the General Conference, rendered much appre- ciated services at the Swiss, Franco- Belgian, Jugoslavian and Rumanian meetings. We shall be glad to welcome Elder Branson back to our field again. May the Lord bless in a special way during the four coming years the workers upon whom their brethren have laid the heavy responsibility of leadership. * On September 16, Elder Steen Rasmussen and family left Berne for Denmark, en route to Washing- ton. Upon arrival in Washington, Elder Rasmussen will take over the heavy responsibility of leader- ship in the Home Missionary Department of which he was elected secretary by the General Conference session in San Francisco.. . It seems altogether fitting, as Brother Rasmussen leaves Berne, that we voice the sentiments of workers and members throughout our Division in expres- sing the deep appreciation of all for the splendid services rendered by Brother Rasmussen during the twelve consecutive years of his association with the European and the Southern European Divisions. Brother Rasmussen has labored untiringly for the progress of the Cause in Europe and in the mission fields, and his efforts have not been without success. Southern Europe owes him, in a special way, a debt of gratitude. His connection with the staff of our Division as secretary and leader in the Mission- ary Volunteer and Home Mission- ary Departments has been a source of inspiration and spiritual encour- agement. The Advent youth of Europe are especially indebted to him for the remarkable develop- ment of denominational endeavor in their behalf during his leadership. Brother Rasmussen has given of his best unstintingly and unceasing- ly, and we are happy that his fine qua- lities of leadership, among which a persistent optimism and a genial enthusiasm are not the least, will now be the advantage of the world field. Our best wishes accompany Brother Rasmussen and family. Imprimerie du Seminaire Adventiste - Collonges-sous-Saleve - Haute Savoie (France)