SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD 9. How were the children of Israel supplied with clothing during their sojourn in the wilderness? 10. What people were the Israelites instructed to pursue to the deajh? Check yourself up. If you read your Bible through and study to become a member of Attainment you will know the answers to the above ques- tions and much more. Be able to converse intelligently about he Bible. ALFRED W. PETERSON. °- ! Oklahoma Conf. Oklahoma City, Okla. Box 1077 3 é¢ President - Elder M. B. Van Kirk Sec.-Treas. “ C. L. Stilson SABBATH .SCHOOI _ Sabbath School Conventions will be held as follows: Sapulpa-March 25. Oklahoma City-April 1.’ We extend a cordial invitation to those livimg in the vicinity of these churches to be present. ‘Have you seen the new book entitled “From Acorn To Qak”? It is written by Mrs, L. Flora Plummer, and gives a complete history of our Sabbath school work from the time Elder James White wrote the first set of Sabbath school lessons in- 1852, until the present time. Tt is written in Mrs. Plummer’s own inimitable style, and you will enjoy it. "The price is cnly twenty cents. . Order from the Tract Society, - CARRIE LUKENS, RINGWOOD Brother Dart and the writer had the privilege of visiting the newly organ- ized church at Ringwood, Sabbath and Sunday, March 11 and 12. We had meetings all Sabbath after- noon, Sabbath night, Sunday all day and Sunday night. During the day time we saudied various phases of : ‘missionary activities and at the two evening meetings Brother Dart gave us two good sermons on “Health” all scemed to have enjoyed what he said. The fact that there is a fine class : of young people at that place and :. that the older church members seem to be proud of their young people as well as Interested in missionary work gives - promise that the Ringwood co chureh will grow into a strong church, vo G. F. EICHMAN., "elass, ELDER McDONALD HOLDS MEET- INGS TWELVE MILES WEST’ OF WALTERS, OKLAHOMA My husband and I have always been isolated having accepted the truth several years ago. We have longed and prayed to be of some service to our Master and to be able to sow the words of truth in our immediate neighborhood. After years of scattering tracts and waiting the opportunity came. Having no religious services of any kind in this community the people de- cided, in May 1921, to organize a union Sunday school. ) Some of the leaders ih the neighbor- hood asked if I would teach the Bible class, should they organize. Of course I told them.I would. The Sunday school was organized. However no literature was ordered for the Bible which gave me a chance to begin Bible readings on.the doctrinal points of our faith, at once. The Sunday school was well attend- - ed for a while, however, late in the * fall all had dropped out except the Bible class, and it was finally decided to quit the Sunday school. I managed to keep up the interest wih Bible read- ings from house to house. In the meantime I: wrote Elder McDonald, explaining the situation. I told him I felt that I had done all I could and asked him to come and hold meetings. He gave me a favorable reply promptly, arriving, January 27. He held meetings every night for four weeks with a splendid attendance. Sickness and weather conditions hindered somewhat the last few nights however we have much to be thank- ful for. Fourteen expressed a desire and a determination to obey the command- ments of God. A Sabbath school was organized with an enrollment of twenty-one, Elder McDonald labored untiring- ly preaching with power and to the’ point. If the Lord is willng he will return in April or May to finish the work and baptize all who wish it. God has greatly blessed us with answers to our prayers. Pray for these dear people who have expressed a desire to obey the voice of God, that they may be well estab- lished in the faith. Mrs. J. K. MeGAVOCK. Subscribe for the Recrrd. w PAGE SEVEN OKLAHOMA NEWS NOTES —RElder Van Kirk spent Friday and Sabbath at Muskogee meeting with the white church both Sabbath morn- "ing and evening. There was a good attendance. The seats in the hall be- ing practically filltd. He returned by way of Tulsa stopping for a few hours "to counsel with Elder Dake. —The Oklahoma City church was filled with sadness last week because of the death of Sister Cooper, the mother of Elder H. C. Cooper of Enid. Sister Cooper has been a faithful be- liever in this message for over 35 years. The bereaved family have our gincerest sympathy.. —The Shawnee brethren have ord- ered a supply of Leaves of Autumn and have plans to send the SIGNS to interested persons. They will also place the Watchman magazine in the public library. The Shawnee church seems to be quite alive to the needs of the hour. —Elders Lukens and Van Kirk left Monday afternoon far College View, Nebraska, .to attend a special session of Union College board. They plan to return by Thursday, if possible. ~—Miss Guida Davidson who has been confined at home for the past two weeks with a slight touch of inflam- matory rheumatism. is rapidly improv- ing and expects to he at her post in the office by first of next week if all goes well. —Filder Sturgeon and wife were called to Olive, Okla, last week on account of the serious illness of his _ brother-in-law. He reports good meet- ings at both Jennings and Perry dur- ing his recent visits. —The Sapulpa church building is lathed entire and if all is well the plaster will be finisned this week. —The Muskogee brethren are again agitating the building proposition. —We are pleased to announce the arrival of Clifford James Hein both to Elder and Mrs. Hein of Okeene, Okla., on the morning of March 8, 1922. We wish these happy parents much joy in their association with this little fellow. —Flder Harrison and Brother Young cur field agents are at Clinton, Mo, attending the institute at the Semin- ary. —Have you noticed how our colpor- teur work is growing? The ratio of crders is in direct proportion to the amount of time put in. It is work that counts.