THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL “The Love of money says the Apostle, “is the root of all evil.” It robs the Fatherless and the Widow. It causes jails and prisons to be built. It has caused millions of money, and tens of thousands of lives to be lost. It causes short weights and measures, It robs the poor and makes hogs of the rich who trust ni It makes men an abomination In the sight of God. It dethrones intellect and makes fools, It breaks up homes and wrecks happiness. It bribes Senators, Courts and Juries, It causes wrong laws to be enacted and places men 1n position who should not be in office, It burns property and causes the majority of all mur- ders. It turned the noble young man with millions of others, away from God in sorrow, It sends untold numbers to hell, It causes war among nations, as the saying 1s rich man’s war and the poor man's fight.” It makes hirelings in the Ministry, and places beggars in the pulpit. The love of money is truly the root of all evil. Preachers will speak against strong drink, tobacco, un- becoming dress, but who hears about the evils of covetous- ness? Says God, “A covetous person shall be without with the whoremonger, the idolater, the liars and drunkards.” The Apostle says: “If any be a covetous man or an extor- tioner, the saints shall not keep company with him, no, not so much as to eat (Commune.)” Paul said, ‘‘I would not have known sin except the law had said, thou shalt not covet.” He further said, “when the commandment came, sin by the commandment became exceedingly sinful.” He says, “It wrought in me all manner of concupisence, (irregular desires.) “Yes when we see our- selves as sinners by the commandment which forbids cov- etousness, then we see every irregular desire centers in a violation of that commandment. It is the last command of the ten, disobedience to every other command of the ten is caused by the disobedience of the tenth.” This is the root of all evil. There is the foundation upon which the Bolshevik and the Capitalist stand. It is this evil which is to soon overthrow the world. Russia for long centuries has been ruled by Autocracy and Czardom. Ignorance has prevailed. The day at last arrived for the masses to take the rule into their own hands. The first step that opened the door was when Russia entered the war with the Allied forces of the west against Germany. Fate was again against them. Eight million of her men were sacrificed to the sword. As stated by the prophet, “I will turn them back.” Her move was one that brought no relief, She was ‘turned back.” But when turned back it only opened the door for the next step to be taken, and that was the overthrow of her own government by her own subjects. It is at present up to the first of 1920 in that floundering Hence Russia has been, and is yet, as the prophet said, she would be, like a floundering fish wi .th hooks in her jaws. condition. But says the prophet, “I will bring thee forth thou and all the company that are assembled unto thee Russia will be a captain to them all with an army that shall come like a storm and like a cloud to cover the land.” That day is rapidly approaching. “Now says the prophet, “‘when that point is reached, an evil thought shall enter into the mind of the leader of this host. That thought which is evil is for them to plan to “go up to the land called the wealthy nation to take a spoil, and to lay their hand on a people who have gotten rich in cattle and goods to take a spoil. It is ever lawful for the oppressed to seek every honorable avenue for freedom, but to take that which belongs to another by robbery is evil, and only evil. It is right and law- “It is the t—— ful for every individual or nation by economy, industry and exercise of good judgment and industry to gain sufficiently for their comfort. That accumulation should never reach the point of oppression, or to in any way take advantage. Then that would be evil. But for one nation to ‘take the spoil” as the prophet says “their army here described will do, is evil and only evil." The Lord says it is an evil thought. SO RUSSIA HAS A FUTURE. BOLSHEVIKI What is B olsheviki? Bolshevikism is defined best by the principles that govern the movement. As the movement gained its present power in Russia, by these principles, it is well to note the promises made to the people by the leaders of the movement. These are as follows as stated by another writer. As led by the cold and stubborn fanatic Lenine, and the clever adventurer Trotsky, the Bolsheviki solved the problem. This was done by meeting the weary, defeat- ed soldiers to whom they promised a division of the lands. This met their favor. Then they carried to the working men the promise that they should control the labor problem and be master of that branch of industry. Thus with the same proposition which overthrew France in its great revolution. The success has come to the Bolsheviki movement to this day in Russia. Pasedena, Cal. 468 North Madison Ave. Jan. 24th., 1920. Dear Elder Rupert: — I meant to write to you long ago, but for one reason or the other, I have been putting it off. It is * The Yellow Peril” that is occupying my thoughts and you will, perhaps, be interested to hear my views about it. As you know | came from Russia, 1 have lived there a greater part of my life. There I have seen a movement growing which today is generally termed with ‘Bolshevism Some 15 years ag o when in Riga, | became a ‘‘socialist’ and | lived in hopes that there would come a time when the barrier would be lifted between the classes, when’ all would be brothers, when the abolition of money would do away with greed, hatred, poverty and wealth! But at the same time | began to hate those who to my mind were oppressors unscrupulous and cold capitalists. I did not hesitate to re- veal my thoughts, and thus made many adversaries and hindered my own advancement. The terrible events during the trouble years of 1915 and 1916 opened my eyes as to the objects of the extreme social revolutionists and | began to realize that they repre- sented a great menace. At that time, all the other political parties scoffed at this handful of extremists. How could they ever hope of gaining power and the support of the broad masses of the people! Above all, the old Czar reg- ime was far too powerful, any revolution could easily be suffocated in its infancy. For centuries, Russian history represents a continuous chain of revolutionist propaganda of intellectuals who were trying to bring light to the great masses which lived in ignorance, poverty and slavery; but all these attempts failed as they were nipped in the bud by the widespread net of the police and spy system of the Russian government. With unheard of cruelty and barbarity all these movements were suppressed, and thousands upon thousands died in exile and prisons. Most of Russia's most popular poets, artists, and writers died from torture and exposure behind prison walls. How could a small handful of fanatics ever hope of overthrowing the government? The recent events have shown how a small band of determined men could not only accomplish this, but also destroy a great people.