PACIFIC The Mountain View Young Peoule’s Society vilder Tealey addressed the Moana View Young People’s Neeley, Sabbah, ~~ February 23.0 dhs words of encournge ment and nstruetion were cert andy dip one the the preciated hy ooevery present, [eo proceedings ool the briefly touched on Sacramento, cd oteome of / Constitutional Amendment Movenient. The members ot this soetety Were In tensely interested an this work, as they still remember the hors of farthtul sery tee whaddly rendered an helping to wel the the Bteratare ont to They leorslitors with the ree amount of churches throvehout the state. rnished the dated Faberty Number, While the Sunday doetented also H ) Nis January 2a the Religions movement for the . this View the SONS {he oreater Getivity present only in Society to SPHITeS Mountain during This response months vey civen for work. tho : 1] wis evidenced Hy hearty Foceived hiv 1 fovder when he onve opporiinity for members to subscribe for scbhboionad coptes of the Nigos to be used in the work. reget Bor club for the MISSION COPIES oft Noctis of lie Times cost JHst cents aoweeks In less than ten 150 {on Mnntes over copies were subseribe | for, these to he added to the cla of 20 phrecdy hemp used. Thas beanie cifort one society enables our good old plonecr te preach at least S530 sormonis {ruth On present every oweek, Fhe nem mark. A Member, Boers will now work tow red the Hon JP VE, a — ARIZONA Flagstaff We are glad to veport the progress of work in (ieded, are thankiol to see a stesdy growth of the this port of Hi the ooeat har Ves] Whittle ti nor vad mteiest, whieh 1s an omen oi bhetior davs, Ninee or last reports dive hace been baptized and have onited with the Flaostadt church. Thee of tliese were haptized Sanday, November 200 tind vo, | omen and his wifes Sunday, Feb 17. We are expecting others te follow ic the nes Futore, This last baptism was a tie of speci pejoteing or the chareh, as it bron M PN] 0. EN . | Po) R ] 1 R { AE Eh EE APE A EER AE RE A ER I RL ER AS PERE to the chore as ao resident another, \ Lite company of sisters have dn PE ~obay ching on for sey vears, holding coin the Word of ite," and we now see