henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous- ness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4: 7, 8. How very plain that he had his hopes fixed on Herbert Photos, Inc. The Turret of Death at Bokhara, Russia, where many political prisoners were imprisoned and exe- cuted. But the world is full of reminders of the death that inevitably awaits the human race MARCH, 1929 “the day of His appearing.” If he was to be with Christ in some disembodied, spirit form, he never prized such an existence very much. If there was such an existence, it is plain indeed that according to the interest Paul had in the second coming it would be a great relief to get out of that disembodied state into the raised “body.” He speaks of the Lord’s return as ‘‘that blessed hope.” (Titus 2:13.) Would it still be to him ‘“that blessed hope” after he died and was with Christ in that existence without the “body’’? Would he up in heaven with Christ still be longing for the second coming of Christ and thinking of it as ‘‘ that blessed hope”? If so, that dis- embodied existence must be a burden from which he would eagerly await deliverance. The fact is that Paul expected to sleep until ‘His appearing,’ and then the day will come when “the Lord him- self” will “descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first,” and it was after this event that we shall be ‘with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17. So whatever Paul said about being * with Christ” or ‘with the Lord” after death he certainly meant that there would be a period of time intervening that would be until “the day of His appearing.” Since the Scriptures plainly state that ‘‘the dead know not anything” (Ecclesiastes 9: 5), there is no recognition of the passing of time and to Paul it would be just as though he had fallen asleep one minute and had awakened the next instant ‘‘ with Christ.” PERVERSION OF THE ‘‘BLESSED HOPE" [Ef us picture the second coming of our Lord according to the theory of being ‘‘ with Christ” immediately after death as disembodied spirits. We are told (by man, not God) that an immaterial something comes out of the body at death and goes on at once to be with Christ. This, they say, is true of all the millions who have died “in Christ.” They are up there in heaven with Christ now awaiting the day of “His appearing” when the “body” shall be raised. So then the day will come when Christ will announce to these myriads of ‘‘spirits’ that the day of His return to the earth has arrived. Then Christ with all these ‘spirits’ will leave heaven and descend to the earth. As they near the earth the Lord raises lifeless bodies, millions of them. Then Peter in “spirit” form will go down, enter one of these bodies, and return back up “in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” At the same time these other millions of disembodied saints will come down to the ground, enter into these lifeless bodies, and go back up to Christ in the “clouds” and then they will all return to heaven, and that is ‘‘that blessed hope”! What an ugly perversion of the second coming of our Lord! According to such a theory there can be no importance to it, or no “blessed hope” about it, unless it is to get relief from that dis- embodied state and again (Continued from page 33) PAGE TWENTY-THREE