100 or 150 persons. Of the twelve already baptized, Pastor Rocha credits eleven to the work of his faithful lay helpers. Another baptism is planned within the next two weeks. —Dora Reed Fruance-Faitian Two Lay Preachers’ School in Haiti Two important gatherings of lay preachers were held in Haiti during the month of June. In company with our competent home missionary sec- retary of the Division, Pastor V. W. Schoen, we first went to Cape Haitian +in the Northern part of the republic, the headquarters of the North Haiti Mission. From Friday evening until Sabbath of the following week—eight days—we had the joy of studying the secrets of a fruitful lay ministry with one hundred forty lay preachers. It was a real satisfaction to see these brethren and sisters come from the different parts of this mission which has almost 10,000 members. They were faithful, punctual, attentive pupils, taking part in all the instruc- tion given them. Our hearts were moved when, at the close of the school, we were able to invest as mem- bers of this modern group of the “120” sixty brethren and sisters who have already demonstrated their faithfulness and their calling. Doubt- less there will soon be many other lay preachers in the North Haiti Mis- sion who will be joining this glorious company. Sunday, June 28, we left the Cape at four o'clock in the morning and by ten were at Port-au-Prince. That even- ing we met with seventy lay preachers in the South Haiti Mission. During the week we presented the same courses as the week before and to a group equally attentive. All too soon, the end of the week came. This time we were able to invest fifty lay preach- ers as members of the select group, the “120”. Our hearts were moved when one of our veterans entered the darkened room bearing aloft the lighted torch representing the activi- ties of our lay members. How inspir- ing were the words of encouragement given by a sister in the name of the sisters who are lay preachers, bv a OCTOBER, 1959 New Sabbath-keepers preparing ee a fay E FE for baptism in Acapulco, Mexico. young brother representing the in- creasing army of lay preachers, and by the pres:dent of the mission in the name of the mission workers. We believe that these brethren and sisters on their return home will maintain their promise—that of win- ning 2,400 souls in the next twelve months. This figure may seem high, but with the help of the Lord it will be reached. At these two schools we greatly ap- preciated the presence of the mission officers and many of the district lead- ers. We were astonished to hear one of our ordained ministers state that he had never attended a school for lay preachers, but we were happy to hear his statement that this one had opened new horizons to him. The departmental secretaries of the two missions really worked and cooperated in every way possible There is no doubt that hundreds of our Freth- ren and sisters carry in their hearts the insignia of the “120”. —S. F. Monnier Mexican —ra— Adventism in Acapulco Acapulco is renowned in the West- ern Hemisphere as a tourist Mecca and a great resort area. Some months ago Vicente Limon, the president of the Inter Oceanic Mission, challenged the workers and membership of the mission to also make Acapulco a focal point for the Advent Message. During the month of June, 1959, brethren Jose Zazueta and Guizar Is- rael held evangelistic meetings in Acapulco. More than twenty-five have expressed a desire to join the church and are preparing for baptism. Five have already been baptized. A branch Sabbath school of a dozen persons has also been organized by the new Sabbath-keepers in Acapulco. Pray for the preaching of the Ad- vent Message in Acapulco and all of Mexico. —Arthur H. Roth INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER CLYDE O. FRANZ _iiiiniancienn Editor ARTHUR H. ROTH ......... Associate Editor MERCEDES ENGLAND ..... Associate Editor UNION CORRESPONDENTS Antillian oon Alberta Jacobs Caribbean Umon .....ceeeeeiceeee EK. WwW. Whitney Central American Union ............... Dora Reed Colombia-Venezuela Union .... Tirso Escandon Franco-Haitian Union S. i Mexican Union .e.cceeecacroomeeceenn R. F. Williams West Indies Union ..ccceeeeee. Mrs. W. A. Holgate Published monthly as the Official Organ of the Inter-American Division of the General Con- terence of Seventh-day Adventists, Box 760, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Price: $1.00 a year Printed by the College Press, Caribbean Union College, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I. All Communications relating to editorial an! circulation matters should be addressed to “The Messenger’, Box 760, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. J All articles bearing tne credit line “Review and Herald” are reprinted from the Review and Herald. ceneral church paper of Seventh- day Adventists, 11