« —— _.......The responsibilty which God has given to men and women as parents, many bave shifted from them- selves to the Sabbath School and church influence. But each inst. umentality has its work, and parents who ~ peglect their part will be weighed in the balance and found wanting. The instruction of Christ trom the Pillar of cloud to the children of Israel, aefines ti. du- ties of parents, and is no* \ndetinite or hard o be under stood. This nstruction is for our admonition and ben- efit. ‘Therefore shall ye lay up these words in your hears and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand; that thev may be as frontlets between your eyes’ -. ‘And ye slall teach them your chil- dren, speaking of them when thou gittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by tho wa, when theu Jiest down when thou risast up’ Mrs. E. G. White in S. S. Worker. 1s there any reason why we sons 80 thoroughly this quarte forget them? \ should no! leara.our ln3- ) r that we shall never | em emt? We thick our schools will ba glad to now that- on? dorawous for the first gix monuhs of 1895 avo to be. giv- | — are held monthly with a good interest. ee As alwhole our school work 18 advaneing , and. we feel that God has greatly tlessed thé efforts put forth.” oe emparn iin eine NEOUS. eit MISCELILA ee — peer sat Just received. A supply of the new book; “Story of Pitcairn Isiand.” by a native daughter of the istand. Price post-paid 81. Discoun ddre ordars to: Minn. Tracy 590. tto societies: ‘Address all Box 989, Min neapolis, Minn - WanrED.—To correspond with any, “one who “dan tell 77° me of a small place to ron AMODE. Sabbath keepers, where wé cah have meenng and sabbath school “privi- Joges. Should-like a place where we cal keep a'cow OF two, or more if we choose; and some , chickens. ° Please write at once stating all particulars to E. 'H. PugLEN, Courtland, Minn. CL ———- RARE Cesb Recetved on Pledges =“: To General Relief Fund. Since Last Re ort. Sp ed. WH en to furtter work in Zambozia. We havo taken much Alde _ interest in the journey of Brn. Wests, Drailtardy de | n - vey aed others into the interior of Africa that we shall Amboy be iad to improve the opportunity of learning more of Brainerd cL that country and aidiog the work there. dll we cana! Budd, Geo. WwW pe article of Bao Wilcox 1a the ruview of Duc. 18 wilt | SOY Wing pe of special interast at this tiwe dnd we hope wili be. Cambridge carefully gtudied by the schools. Alsy t Ly artizie: 10 Canby “the S. 8. Worker on Matobeloland. © ALL Duluth oe Evergreen . | Bagle Lake Garden City — ea pretty swalil Guderian, Bd. as all the brethren and sisters have moved away but'| Hancock wyself snd family. We have our Sabba. lv School every Lake Eunice Sabbath and get our Jessonsand have our ‘genoral re- \ Litchtield ~ views. ‘Myself and wife gil all the offices and we enjoy. ourselves, and God comes near ard that to bless, as we “study these precious lessong on the life of gandear-Say: * Reports from Schools. Osata, N. D.—*Our school at present 3% : i : So } Mi k: to -:lour, and otr hearts go out to him in love and gratitude: i” - aburn for the sacrifice he has made for us. "Pray. for us: hat 1 Qwatouns i. 2 we may remain faithful to the end.” eh a Priceton. " arm rtp Te iave or much’ of the Lord since we organized the littte tami-. .. ‘HovpIzes’ Forp.—“We have enjoyed ©. blessing -of the Ty Sabbath School, and we have learned so much about the goodness of God in the gt of his dear Son. We: : ropuse Lo continue our litt{o school as long: 8s We. ‘Te: aid tin unbroken family.” ; CU ne * Br, Coup —“The family program for the stady: of "the §. 8: lesson has been quite faithtuily presented to. cases 1t is followed. - The resulls when the plan is followed are ull that conld Bs devi | ne ‘0 the topic cards and like them well, They 60 Roattered. 9 i Rasmussen, H. Round Prairie . x. Redwood. Fails. nu ie Riceville, N. Dak. oo 6, Paul, Bog. 86; Paul, ficand “Nov: 181894 to. Jan. 1st }80& Society - Top f . “ay .Union ” 1 , Good Thusder Soa. Society EE A Minneapohs, Eng. . Mmnewaukop, N Jk: Ld Ja Tombros