(Prom 18. $2, 1408.) E.G. White Research Center FILE COPY Sanitarium, Culifcornia, April 12, 19005, Neur Protier RBurden,«-- I hear tral plans arc boing laid for Elder ¥W,¥,Simpgon to leaw 2cuttern california Lo labor elgoe- where, If Elder aimpson foels it his duty to go, T have nothing to sw againegt it. But I bad hoped to sec him extend his york from Tos Anreles to Redlands and Riverside. The eondition Rrother Simpson's viealth ls such that greed care must be exercised in regard te tre location of nig field of luwbor, He should have Valuables help, that he may be relieved from the burden of specking so freguently, Redlandg and Riverside haw been presented to me ao places thet ghould Ye worked, These two places shoulc not longer he neglected, I hope soon to sue wn sarnest effort put forth in their krehulf, Please consider the advisability of eatahlishing a sanitarium in the vielnity of these cities, with treatment-roomg in cuch place, to wet uy feeders to the swnitarium. We can net afford te allow these plucey to go unwarned. Instend of Elder Simpson's poling somewhere oclsge Lo luber, would it not Yu hetter to put forth a determined effort Lo strengthen the work in t'ese places? There are other cilicy in Soulhirn California in which a work similur to that curricd on by Rrother Simpson should he conducted, The Lord would have (fig ministers working gealously for those whe huve never heurd the trulh, Our people in Southern Quliforniu need to awaken Lo the marnitude of tre work te Ye done within thelr own borders. Let them awake to prarer and lubor, Let tiem manifest more