THE LIFE OF JESUS Bible Workbook FOR USE IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL THE SABBATH SCHOOL, AND THE HOME BIBLE WORKBOOK SERIES When the World Was Young—Genesis The Story of the Exodus—Exodus to Joshua Stories of IsraeL-Judgesto the end of Old Testament history The Life of J«u&-The four Gospels The Gospel to All the World—The Acts of the Apostles, both early and later apostles God’s Great PlajnH-T«he Plan of Salvation tied in RtKIe history, also in Daniel and The Revelation SARAH ELIZABETH PECK, M.A. Fmtberly Qihector of Normal Training for Church School Teachers, $)& Field §up£dntendent of Church School Education. Author of “ijible Ltasoas^-God's ‘‘Bible Lessons—The Gospel to All the World,’‘“True Education Read-i^^ ljature Portfolio,” “Bible Wall Charts on the Life of Iesusi” anci„dther“helps for teachers and children. EIGHTH EDITION Copyright by tH« Author 1926 BIBLE NOTEBOOKfDEPARTMENT Angwin, Napa Co., California, tl. S. A. « List of Pictures with Name of Artist and Bible Reference 1 Subject First Period Artist Refbbencs 1. Birth of Jesus Grass Luke 1:26-35; 2:1-7 2. Telling the Shepherds Plockhorst Matt 2:8-14 Luke 2:8-14 3. Visit of the Shepherds Le Rolle Luke 2:15-20 4. Simeon and Anna Hofmann Luke 2:21-38 5. The Wise Men Hofmann Mate 2:1-12 6. Fleeing to Egypt Plockhorst Matt. 2:13-23 7. Childhood Days Janssen Luke 2:39, 40 8. The Passover Visit Hofmann Luke 2:41-50 9. Subject to His Parents Luke 2:51, 52 10. The Baptism Man. 3:1-17; John 1:29-34 11. The Temptation Mate 4:1-11 12. First Call of the Disciples John 1:35-51 13. The First Miracle Tintoretto John 2:1-11 14. Cleansing the Temple Hofmann John 2:12-25 13. Nicodemus John 3:1-17 16. Humility of John John 3:22-36 17. At Jacob’s Well Hofmann John 4:1-42 18. The Nobleman’s Son John 4:43-54 19. At the Pool of Bethesda Bida John 5:1-18 20. Rejected at Nazareth Second Period Bida Luke 4:14-30 21. Second Call of Disdples 22. The Demoniac Healed Raphael Matt. 4:12-22; Luke 5:1-11 Mark 1:21-28 23. Peter’s Wife’s Mother Webb Mark l:»-39 24. The Leper Healed Bida Mark 1:38-45 23. Healed of the Palsy Bida Mark 2:1-12 26. Matthew Called Bida Mark 2:13-22 27. Plucking Com on the Sabbath Dare' Mark 2:23-28 28. The Withered Hand Healed Mark 3:1-12 29. The Twelve Apostles Siemiradzlti Mark 3:13-30 30. Sermon on the Mount Noack Matt. 5:6, 7 31. The Centurion’s Servant Veronese Luke 7:1-10 32. The Widow’s Son Raised Hofmann Luke 7:11-17 33. John in Prison Matt 11:1-19 34. Parable of the Sower Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23 35. Parable of the Tares Webb Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 36. Calming the Storm Dore' Mark 4:35-41 37. Demoniacs of Gadara Riviere Matt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20 38. Jairus’ Daughter Raised Hofmann Mark 5:22-43 39. Two Blind Men Healed Third Period Matt 9:27-38 40. The Apostles Preaching Dore' Matt. 10:1-31 41. Death of John the Baptist 42. Feeding Five Thousand Dore' Matt. 14:1-12 Murillo Matt. 14:13-21; John 6:1-15 43. Walking on the Water Dore' Matt. 14:22-36 44. Rejected in Galilee Bida John 6:22-71 45. The Syro Phoenician Bida Matt 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30 46. Feeding Four Thousand Von Carolsfeld Matt. 15:29-39; Mark 7:31-37 47. Understanding the Signs Matt. 16:1-12 48. First Foretold His Death Matt. 16:13-28 49. The Transfiguration Raphael Matt. 17:1-13 50. The Demoniac Child Healed Dote' Matt. 17:14-21 51. The Tribute Money Matt. 17:22-27 52. Who Is the Greatest? Hofmann Matt. 18:1-4 Fourth Period Subject Artist Reference 53. At the Feast of Tabernacles John 7:1-31 54. Why Not Arrested? Hofmann John 7:32-53 55. The Man Bora Blind Bida John 9 56. The Good Shepherd 57. Last Journey from Galilee Plockhorst John 10:1-18 Luke 9:51-62 58. The Seventy Sent Out Dobson Luke 10:1-20 59. The Good Samaritan Siemenroth Luke 10:25-37 60. The Home of Martha and Mary Hofmann Luke 10:38-42 61. The Foolish Rich Man Luke 12:13-31 62. The Great Supper Newman Luke 14:15-24 63. The Lost Sheep Soord Luke 15:1-10 64. The Lost Son Dore' Luke 15:11-32 65. Lazarus Raised to Life Reubens John 11:1-46 66. The Priests Plotting 67. The Pharisee and the Publican Bida John 11:47-54 Dore' Luke 18:9-14 68. Blessing Little Children Plockhorst Luke 18:15-17 Mark 10:13-16 69. The Rich Ruler Hofmann Luke 18:18-30 70. Blind Bartimeus Copping Mark 10:46-52 71. Zaccheus Luke 19:1-10 Fifth Period 72. Anointed at Simon’s House Hofmann John 12:1-11 73. The Triumphal Entry Plockhorst Luke 19:28-44 74. The Barren Fig Tree Matt. 21:17-22 75. Second Cleansing of the Temple 76. Parable of the Vineyard Kirchbudc Matt. 21:12-16, 23-27 Matt. 21:33-46 77. The Wedding Garment Matt. 22:1-14 78. Tribute to Caesar 79. The Great Commandment 80. The Widow’s Mites 81. "We Would See Jesus” 82. Prophecy of Matthew 24 Bida Meith Matt. 22:15-22 Matt. 22:34-46 Mark 12:28-34 Mark 12:41-44 John 12:20-43 Matt. 24 83. The Ten Virgins Piloty Webb Matt. 25:1-13 84. The Talents Matt. 25:14-30 85. Coming of the Son of Man Matt 25:31-46 86. The Last Passover Supper Zimmerman Mark 14:12-21 87. Ordinance of Brotherly Love Bida John 13:1-17 88. The Lord’s Supper Bida Matt. 26:26-35 89. The True Vine Melville John 15:1-17 Sixth Period 90. In Geduemane Hofmann Matt. 26:36-46 91. The Arrest Hofmann Matt. 26:47-56 92. Before Caiaphas Hole Matt. 26:57-75 93. Before Pilate Munkacsy Matt. 27:1-18; Luke 23:1-6 94. Before Herod Luke 23:7-11 95. Dream of Pilate’s Wife Dore' Luke 23:12-25; Matt. 27:19-31 96. On the Way to Calvary Thiersch Luke 23:26-33 97. Down from the Cross Kramer Mate 27:34-56 98. In Joseph’s Tomb Hofmann Matt. 27:57-66 99. The Resurrection Plockhorst Matt. 28:1-15 100. The Walk to Emma us Plockhorst Luke 24:13-35 101. Appearing to the Ten Luke 24:36-48 102. At the Sea of Galilee John 21; Matt. 28:16-20 103. "I Go to My Father” Biermann Luke 24:50-53 Mark 16:19, 20; Acts 1:9-12 2 3 3a THE LIFE OF JESUS Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52. Put the frontispiece here. Tip only the upper edge or the comers of the picture with paste. Name School Book begun.. ~19_ Book completed.. -19- To the Student How to Fill out the Diagram. Most of the events of the life of Jesus cluster around Capernaum and Jerusalem. The upper long horizontal line in each section of the diagram, which passes through Capernaum on the map, locates the events that occurred in and near Capernaum. The lower long horizontal line, which passes through Jerusalem on the map, locates the events that occurred in and near Jerusalem. Four double circles on the Jerusalem line are the Passovers mentioned in the Gospels after Jesus began His public ministry. They are numbers 14, 19, unnumbered below 42, and 86. With green crayola, color the space between each of these double circles. The other three double circles—10, 49, and 81 — are the events at which the voice of the Father was heard speaking to His Son. Color the space between these double circles with red crayola. Each number within a circle indicates a poster picture having the same number. On workbook day, cut out the required pictures and mount them in the circles provided for them. The poster pictures are bound in the middle of the workbook. With different colored crayolas outline the various countries named on the map. Give the corresponding color to the lines connecting the circles, thus showing when Jesus passed from one country to another. At the arrows pointing upward, near the top of the diagram, place the correct date, and tell whether it is spring or autumn. Under each picture, print (print usually looks neater than script) the reference that tells where the story is told in the Bible. Do all writing with good black ink. When you are filling out any of the first four sections of the diagram, keep the map of Palestine unfolded so that you can easily follow Jesus from place to place. When you fill out the fifth and sixth sections, you will need the map of Jerusalem on page 18 and the diagram of the temple on page 25a. While you are studying the life of Jesus and filling out the diagram with the pictures and points of information, frequently go back to the beginning and follow the pictures carefully in their order. As you do this, think of Jesus as your personal Saviour and Friend, living His life on earth to help you. When all the posters are mounted, you will have a pictured panorama of the life of Jesus from His birth to His ascension, which will not only be a beautiful study in art, but it will be useful in all your future study of the Gospels. The Author. When Jesus Was Twelve Years Old First Period Diagram 4 Jesus’ Early Life, and Work in Judea 5 On the map of Palestine write the number, or letter, showing the location of the following places: Cities and Towns 1. Bethlehem 5. Bethsaida 8. ^non 2. Jerusalem 6. Cana 9. Salim 3. Nazareth 7. Capernaum 10. Sychar 4. Bethabara Countries Bodies of Water Other Places I. Judea A. Jordan River a. Wilderness of Judea II. Galilee B. Jacob’s Well (Where John preached) III. Samaria Why are numbers 10, 14, and 19 doubly circled ? How should each be colored ? First Period Review Put the right ward or words where the blanks are. 1. In the days of................... was a priest named________________________ the king of Judea, there _____, and his wife, named ------------------------- These people had................children. One day while this priest was burning the temple, there appeared to him an ................... who told him that he should have a son named______________ This angel’s name was .................... Because the priest did not believe the words of the angel, he was made ------------------for nine months. When the child was____________________ days old, the neighbors and relatives wanted to name him after his ------------------, but Elisabeth wanted to name him____________________. Then they made signs to his father how he would have him called, and he wrote, M__________________________________________________” Immediately Zacharias was able to............ was filled with the_________________ ing, "Thou, child, shalt be called . and he praised God. Then he ..............and prophesied, say- ; for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to__________ 2___________ from God to tell. . months after Gabriel visited Zacharias, he was sent __________, who lived in____________________~, that God would give her a Son whom she should name _ Nearly a year later, Mary and . , her husband, went to There was no room m the . they had to stay in a......................... Here Jesus was bom. 3. In a field near Bethlehem,........................were watching their________________________ Suddenly, the darkness of the night was lighted by the--------------------, who told them where to find Jesus. Then the sky was full of_________________singing, --------------------------------- disappeared; and the _ Him to the temple in . . to present Him to the Lord. The offering made by Mary was a pair of--------------------------------. A good old man, named ____________________________, had been promised by God that before he should die, he should see the — this time the Holy Spirit led him to the - ______; so at When he saw Jesus, he took Him in his arms, and said, "Lord, mine eyes have seen .............................” Then a prophetess, named...................., came and spoke of Jesus in the same way. 5. When Jesus was bom, wise men in the East saw . , and came to Jerusalem to find Him. When they arrived, they asked, "Where is He that is bom . _______________?” This troubled . the------------ ________________ He called , and asked where Christ should be born. He called the wise men, and asked them when they had first seen the----. Then he sent them to________________________________________to find the Child, and told them to come back and tell him so that he might go and ___________________ Him also. The star led them to Jesus, and they gave Him----------------------------, and----------------------------------, and________________________That night in a dream, God warned them not to return to______________________, so they went home another way. 6. When they had gone, the angel told Joseph in a dream to flee to , because Herod was seeking to_____________________________ -------------------------- This made Herod so angry that he slew all the little children under-----------------years old. When Herod was dead, the angel told Joseph to return to the land of___________________________, so he came to ____Soon, the angels . hurried away in search of . years old, He went to Jeru---------------- On their way Jesus. After they found Him, they told every one they met, and the people ___________________at the words of the _......—......-........... 4. When the Child was______________________days old, He was named Jesus. When He was about six weeks old, Mary and Joseph brought 7. When Jesus was_______________ salem with His parents to attend the____________ home the parents missed Jesus, and returned to . to look for Him. After-------------------days, they found Him talking with the-------------------------in the temple school. When His mother reproved Him, He said, "________________________________________________ First Period Review 7 8. When Jesus was______ __years old, He heard the people talking about the mighty preaching of______________________________________ ------------------He knew from the prophecies that now His time had come to preach, so He came to the_________________________River and was When He came out of the water, the Spirit of _ lighted upon Him, and the voice of His Father God like a___________ from heaven said, By this sign John knew that He was the_______________________ 9. After His baptism, Jesus was led into the........ by the ...........—.......... When He had fasted_______._____ Son of God, . . days and . nights, the devil tempted Him, saying, "If Thou be the live by bread alone, but by . ...........Jesus answered, "Man shall not Then the devil put Him on the top of the- saying, "If Thou be the Son of God, and God will keep you from harm. Jesus answered,. "Thou shalt i The devil then took Him to a high . , and showed Him all the world, and said, "All these things will I give Thee, if Thou wilt_____________________________________________________ -------Jesus answered, "________________________________________, for it is written, Then the . . left Him. 10. After this, Jesus called live disciples whose names were.......... ------------------,------------------,------------------, and-------------- These men had been disciples of____________________________________________ 11. Jesus and His disciples next went to__ -------------------During the feast, the._ . to attend a _ gave out. Near by, there were---------------waterpots that would hold_________________or --------------firkins, or about--------------------gallons, apiece. Jesus told the servants to fill the waterpots with____________and draw it out They did so, but when it came out, it was__________. 12. In the spring of the year.......A. D., Jesus went to Jerusalem to attend the.................... The temple courts were made a place of dishonest________________instead of being a house of____________ Jesus commanded them, saying, This was the first cleansing of the________________________. 13. One night,_____________________________________, a ruler of the Jews, came to talk with Jesus. Jesus said to him, "Ye must be... ...” The ruler did not understand. Then Jesus explained that he was to believe his own personal Saviour. He said, "God so loved the world, that.................................... 14. For a time, Jesus remained in Judea, preaching and----------- Then he went to______________________ On His way He passed through At Jacob’s well He met a . , and told her about the . The disciples were surprised to hear Jesus speaking to a .._................., for the Jews had no dealings with the________________________________ Jesus taught the disciples that the Gospel is for____________. As a result of this visit, many_______________________________believed on Jesus. 15. When Jesus reached Galilee, He came first to_________________________ Here a nobleman who lived in_______________________________________besought Him to come and heal his____________________, who was at the point of death. Jesus said, "--------------------------;-----------------------------------.” 16. When the spring of . attend the____________________ . A. D. came, Jesus went again to ______________________Here He healed a man who had been unable to walk for . years. It was at the pool of_____________________ . day. The Jews said Jesus had broken the . , and it was on the and they sought to _ . Him. 8 Second Period Diagram On the map of Palestine write the number, or letter, showing the location of the following places: Cities and Towns 11. Sarepta 14. Nain 12. Tyre 15. Gadara 13. Sidon 16. Gergesa Countries Bodies of Water IV. Sidon VII. Nephthalim C. Sea of Galilee V. Syria VIII. Idumaea VI. Zabulon IX. Country of the Gergesenes or Gadarenes Other Places b. Castle of Machaerus (Where John was in prison) Jesus’ First Work in Galilee 9 From 24 to 31 tells “Jesus’ First Missionary Journey, Through Eastern Galilee.” From 32 to 38 tells “Jesus’ Second Journey Through Southern Galilee.” Numbers 34 to 35 belong to Jesus’ “First Series of Parables.” Write these three statements on the dotted lines indicated for them. At the arrow point extending from 33, write, “John’s Disciples Visit Jesus.” 10 Second Period Review Put the right word or words where the blanks are. 1. After the Passover in the spring of--------A. D., Jesus went to ...................................On the Sabbath He went into the ______________________________and read to the people from the prophecy of ______________________. When He told them that this prophecy spoke of Him, they said, "Is not this...................................?” Christ’s words made them so angry that they tried to throw Him down a steep ...............but angels protected Him. 2. Then Jesus left Nazareth, and went to-----------------------. At the Sea of .................., He saw two brothers,................... and...................., fishing, and two other brothers, —..............- and...................., mending their nets. He said to them, "Follow Me: from henceforth, thou shalt catch---------------” 3. On the Sabbath, Jesus went again into the......................... A man with an__________________________________________came in and tried to break up the meeting, but Jesus commanded the spirit, saying,........... ___________________________________________ and the man was healed. Leaving the synagogue, He went into the house of--------------------, and healed __________________________________________, who was sick with............ 4. From Capernaum Jesus started on His first missionary journey through Galilee. On this journey He healed a....................— He also healed a man whose friends let him down through the................. into the room where Jesus was -------------------------- This man was sick of the_____________________ Before Jesus healed him, He said, "Son, 5. After this, Jesus saw---------------------------------------sitting at the receipt of custom, to whom He said,----------------------------------------- On one Sabbath day, Jesus and His disciples went through a----------------------- _________________and picked the grain to eat. The Pharisees accused them of----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus answered them, "The Sabbath was made for__________________, and not 6. Again He went into the synagogue, and healed a man who had a Because He had done this on the - ---------------day, the Pharisees plotted to_______________Him. Then He went up into a mountain, and ordained ________________________disciples. Their names are ..............,_______________,___________, ...._.........t -------------,-------------------,-----------------, and______________________ 7. Seeing the multitude, Jesus went up into a mountain where He preached a sermon called ____________________________________________ ____ — ..-......... This sermon is found in the book of..................... chapters ....,......, and---He began by speaking nine blessings, which are called the..........................These blessings are: Blessed are the____________________________________: for theirs is ....... Blessed are they that .............: for they shall............................. Blessed are the ....._......: for they shall ...................... ........ Blessed are they which do...................................................... ......................: for they shall...................... Blessed are the......................: for they shall....................... Blessed are the..........................: for they shall.................... Blessed are the--------------------------------: for they shall be called___ Blessed are they which are_____________________for__________________________ sake: for theirs is the__________________!____________:__________ Blessed are ye, when men shall_______________________, and__________________ -------, for My sake. Rejoice, and be_________________________________: for great is your_____________________________________________ Second Period Review 11 8. In this sermon, Jesus taught His disciples not to pray to be seen of____________________, but to pray in____________The prayer which He taught them is called_________________________________________It is recorded in ---------------------------. 9. After preaching this sermon Jesus returned to Capernaum. Here a servant of a____________________________was about to die. The centurion sent elders of the____________to ask Jesus to come and-------------------his servant. As Jesus came near to the house, the centurion sent friends to Him to say, “I am not_____________________________that Thou shouldst enter ______________________________: neither thought I myself----------------- to come unto__________________: but say in a word, and my servant shall ______________________Jesus said, “I have not found---------------------- _______________, no, not in_______________” When the friends returned to the house, they found the servant----------------------. This ended Jesus’ ______________________missionary journey. 10. The next day Jesus started on His------:-----------missionary journey through Galilee. He went first to a city called------------------. At the gate of the city He met a long funeral train following the son of a ______________________to the grave. Jesus felt sorry for the weeping mother, and said______________________Speaking to the dead, He said,------------- __________________________ Then Jesus gave him alive to his--------------. 11. When John the Baptist, who was in------------------, heard of the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He really was the_______________________. Jesus told them to tell John again of His works: the_______________received their sight, the------------walk, the _______________are cleansed, the______________hear, the------------------are raised, the______________have the Gospel preached to them. 12. Then Jesus went to the seaside and taught the people by means of ______________________________about the---------------------------------- ____________________________ In the parable of the sower, some of the seed fell by-----------------------------, some fell upon________ground, some among the_________, and some into_________________________ Only the seed that feel into good ground brought forth________ In the parable of the tares, the one who sowed the good seed is the ______________________________, the field is___________________________, the good seed are the ----------------------------------------------------------, the tares are ............, the enemy is--------------------------------, the harvest is the ________________________________________, the reapers are the____________________. 13. When Jesus had spoken these parables, He and His disciples started across the sea, and a great_____________________arose. Jesus was ______________The disciples woke Him, saying, “Master,___________________ ________________________________________________________?” Then Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves, saying,_________________________________. 14. When they reached the other side of the sea they were in a country called_________________________ Here_______________men possessed of the devil met Jesus. Jesus healed them both, commanding the devils to go into a ____________________: ___________, which ran down a steep place into the------------and were__________________________ ' 15. Then Jesus returned to the west side of the sea; and a ruler named----------------------besought Him to heal his______________________. On the way to the ruler's house, a sick woman pressed through the crowd and touched the_____________________________________________________________ She believed that even this touch would_________________her. Jesus said to her, “Thy------------------hath made thee whole.” Before He reached the house where the ruler’s daughter lay, the ruler received word that she was__________________________ Jesus said to the ruler, “Be not___________, only-----------------------.” When they reached the house, Jesus took the dead one by the hand, saying_________________________________ The girl, who was-----------------year old, was restored to life. After this Jesus returned to Capernaum, haying completed His_________________missionary journey. 12 Third Period Diagram On the map of Palestine write the number, or letter, showing the location of the following places: Cities and Towns 17. Tiberias 18. Magdala 19. Caesarea Philippi Countries X. Land of Gennesaret XI. Syro-Phoenicia XII. Decapolis Bodies of Water Mountains C. Sea of Tiberias c. Mt. Hermon D. Dead Sea E. Mediterranean Sea, or the Great Sea Jesus’ “Third Journey, Through Central Galilee” begins with 39 and ends with 43. His “Closing Work in Galilee” begins with 44 and ends with 52. The arrow point at 41 indicates when “Jesus Heard of John’s Death.” Where these three statements in their proper places. Why is 49 doubly circled ? What color should be marked around it ? 14 Third Period Review Put the right word or words where the blanb are. 1. It was in the spring of the year_______A. D., that Jesus began His _____________journey through Galilee. As He left Capernaum, two _________________men followed Him, crying, 'Thou....................... _________________, have mercy on us.” They believed that Jesus could ............ them. Jesus................. their eyes, saying, "According to ..................................., be it unto you.” And their eyes were 2. On this journey, Jesus sent forth the twelve apostles to preach, saying, "The............................— at hand.” He told them not to go into any city of the.........................., to take no ................with them, nor extra .................. ... He told them to be wise as________________and harmless as--------------------, and if the people persecuted them in one city, they should........................ .............He also told them to heal the......................, cleanse the .............raise the...............and cast out ------------------- 3. About this time, Herod beheaded -----------.....................— .. The disciples of John buried the body and then came and told............................ When Jesus heard it, He crossed the sea to a................................ This was at the time of that Pass- over which Jesus did not........................—, in the spring of the year ............. The multitude, who were on their way to followed Him. At evening He fed------------------------ men, besides----------------------and---------------------, with--------------loaves and ................small fishes. After all had eaten there were ...................... baskets of food left over. After this miracle, the people planned to take Him by force and make Him___________________. But Jesus sent them away, and told His disciples to cross___________________Then He went into a mountain to____________. 4. During the night, there was a_________________on the sea. Near morning, the disciples saw Jesus walking to them on the_____________________. At first they were afraid, for they thought it was a ....................... When they saw who it was, ...................tried to walk to Jesus. Soon he began to..............., but Jesus......................Him. When they entered the ship, the wind...................... Then Jesus and His disciples returned to Capernaum. This ended His____________________________missionary journey. 5. The next day the people found Jesus. Jesus said they followed Him because of the ______________ and__________________ Then He preached to them, explaining that He was the...............................which came down from heaven. This offended many of His followers, and from this time, many walked no more with Him. Thus the people of Galilee rejected ____________________ 6. Then Jesus left Galilee, and went into the country of_____________ ....................................... Here a woman who was not a Jew begged Him to heal her------------------------------who was vexed with a ..................... The disciples were annoyed, for they were interested only in------------------- Jesus knew their hearts, and said to the woman, "I am not sent but unto__________________________________________________ The anxious woman still pleaded, Third "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the........._...........which fall from their__________________________________Jesus answered, "O woman, great is thy ___________________And her daughter was ........................ From this the disciples learned that Jesus will listen to all who have faith in Him, whether they be...................or................. 7. After this, Jesus went into...................., and multitudes of the Gentiles came to Him. At the end of.........................days they were without food. Then He, besides...................and_________________, with...............loaves and a few little______________; and there were................- baskets full left over. 8. Jesus returned to Galilee to a place called.............-......, on the______________________side of the sea. Here He was met by unbelieving ____.___________and____________________________ These Jews asked Him to show them a sign from______________________to prove that He was the __________________. Jesus knew their unbelief, so pointing to the heavens He said, You can understand the signs in the sky and can tell what the weather will be, and if you were not hypocrites, you could understand the.................................................. Then He told them that no sign should be given them but the sign of the prophet................... Every miracle had been a----------------Still they would not---------------, so Jesus and His disciples left them and went to the other side of the sea of_____________________. 9. From there Jesus went to a place called Review 15 ______________________. From that time forth He began to show unto His disciples how that He must go unto__________________________________, and be ..........—_____, and rise again the ................. day. This was the first time Jesus had told them about His death. 10. After six days Jesus took...............and....................and -............up into a high mountain, and was.......................-...... before them. This was a representation of God’s glorious.................... The disciples saw.................and ................_ talking with Jesus. ................represented the righteous dead who will be raised to life to be with Christ in His Kingdom, and ____________________represented those who will be translated into His kingdom without seeing death. 11. When Jesus came down from the mountain He found a multitude of people with the...............-...........whom He had left there. Among them was a man who had a child that was a............................. The disciples could not cure the child because of their —..................; but Jesus rebuked the ................. and the child was ...............— 12. At this time Jesus told the disciples that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven was the one who was as humble and as trusting as a........................................................................ He said, "Their angels do always behold the face of.........................which is in heaven.” He then told them that His "little ones” were like lost________________, and that He had come to seek and....................them. He taught His disciples that if a brother should do wrong, they should try to---------------him. Jesus’ work in.....................was now finished. 16 _____________________________Familiar Sayings__________________________________ First Period 1. I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God. 2. Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins. 3. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 4. Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 5. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. 6. Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and de- scending upon the Son of man. 7. Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. 8. Make not My Father’s house an house of merchandise. 9. Except a man be bom again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 10. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish. 11. He must increase, but I must decrease. 12. The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. 13. The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life* 14. My meat is to do the win of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work. 13. Lift up your eyes, and looik on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 16. Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. 17. Sir, come down ere my child die. 18. Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. 19. Thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. 20. My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Second Period 21. No prophet is accepted in his own country. 22. I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God. 23. If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. 24. Whether is it easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? 23. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. WHO SPOKE? TO WHOM? REFERENCE 17 Familiar Sayings WHO SPOKE? TO WHOM? REFERENCE 26. The Son of man ia Lord also of the Sabbath. 27. Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? 28. If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 29. I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 30. Who touched My clothes? Third Period 31. According to your faith be it unto you. 32. The workman is worthy of his meat. 33. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. 34. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. 35. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. 36. He that endureth to the end shall be saved. 37. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. 38. Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. 39. Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. 40. 0 thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 41. Ye seek Me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. 42. I am the bread of life. 43. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 44. Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. 45. Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. 46. If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, ' and follow Me. 48. Let us make here three tabernacles; one for Thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 49. This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. 50. It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. 18 This is the Frontispiece. Cut it out and mount it on page 3. The pictures on this page, numbers 1 to 38, are for the First and Second Periods of the Diagram. 62. Copyright by the American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, Pa. Used by permission. The pictures on this page, numbers 39 to 71, are for the Third and Fourth Periods of the Diagram. Map Study (When the cut-outs are all removed, the map will be on the opposite page.) Locate each of the following places on the map of Jerusalem, by writ- ing its number on the map: Road on which— 1. Jerusalem 12. A priest and Levite saw a 2. Bethany wounded man 3. Bethphage 13. Jesus talked with two disciples 4. Mt. of Olives after His resurrection 5. Brook Kedron 14. A man was robbed 6. Mt. Moriah Place where Jesus— 7. Mt Zion 15. Wept over Jerusalem 8. The Royal Bridge 16. Sweat drops of blood 9. Home of Lazarus 17. Spoke to a fig tree Road to the town where— 18. Ascended to heaven 10. Jesus was bom 19. Was brought before Pilate and 11. The rich man Joseph lived Herod 20. Healed the impotent man 21. Place where a blind man received his sight 22. Road over which the wise men walked to find Jesus 23. Road to town where Jesus withdrew for safety after He raised Lazarus 24. Road to place where Jesus talked with the woman at Jacob’s well 25. Village to which Jesus sent two disciples for a colt 26. Town where Simon’s feast was held 27. Probable place where the fig tree withered away 28. Road over which Jesus was first brought to the temple 29. Vicinity near which Jesus was probably crucified 30. Place where Jesus spoke the prophecy of His second coming How many miles from Jerusalem to— Bethany Emmaus Samaria Jericho Ephraim Arimathaea Bethlehem Trace the probable way Jesus went— On His triumphal entry into Jerusalem When He left the temple for Gethsemane What Old Testament event occurred on Mt. Moriah that was a type of the sacrifice of Christ? 19 Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Names (Sound ae = e; ai = a; oe = e.) A bi/ a thar non A1 pine' us Ar che(ke) la' us Ar im a due' a Bap' tist Bar ab' bas Bar a chi (lei)' as Bar thol' o mew Bar ti mz' us Be el' re bub Beth' a ny (House of dates) Beth ab' a ra (House of passage) Beth es(ez)' da (House of mercy) Beth' le hem (House of bread) Beth sa' i da (House of fishing) Bo an er' ges Cae sa re' a-Philip' pi Cai' a phas Ca' na an Ca' na an ite Ce(se)' phas Cho ra' zin Cle' o pas Cy re' ne Dal ma nu' tha Did' y mus E lis(liz)' a beth Em ma' us E' phra im Ga' bri el Gad' a renes Gen nes(nez)' a ret Ger' ge senes Gol' go tha I du mat' a Ja i' rus Je ru' sa lem La' ma- sa bach(bak)' tha ni Mag' da la Mag' da lene Na' a man Na' in Na than' a el Naz' a rene Neph' tha lim Nic o de' mus Pon' rius (shus)- Pi' late Rab' bi Sad' du cees Sa lo' me Sa mar' i a Sa mar' i tan Sa rep' ta Si(zi)' don Si Io' am Sy' char Sy' ro- Phoe nic(nis)' i an Tal' i tha-cu' mi Thad dz' us Ti be' ri as Ti nue' us Zabu' Ion Zac chs(ke)' us Zach a ri' as Beth' pha ge(je) (House of unripe figs) Ke' dron Leb bz' us 20 Fourth Period Diagram On the map of Palestine write the number, or letters showing the location of the following places; Cities and Towns: 20. Bethany 21. Ephraim 22. Jericho Countries: XIII. Perea Jesus’ Work in Judea and Perea 21 On dotted lines above the following circles, print the proper statement: Numbers 58 and 59: “In Samaria.” Numbers 61-64: “In Perea. Second Series of Parables.” Numbers 67-69: “Near Ephraim.” Numbers 70 and 71: “Near Jericho.” 22 Fourth Put the right word or words where the blanks are. 1. In the autumn of the year_________________, Jesus left Galilee and went to the feast of________________________at________________________. He knew that the priests wanted to.................. Him, but He also knew that the time for His death had not yet come. It would not come until the following spring at the..............—_ feast. Therefore, although His brothers wanted Him to show Himself openly, He went to the feast in .....................and alone. During the feast, He taught in the temple, and the Jews were astonished at His wisdom, saying, "How knoweth this Man......................, having never............On the last day of the feast, He stood before the people and cried out, "If any man.................., let him come unto Me, and.....................” Some of the people said, "This is the ....................” Others said, "Shall Christ come out of.........................._.?” Because of this dispute, the priests sent officers to —...........Him. But they returned without Him, saying, .................................................................._. 2. Again Jesus went into the temple and taught, saying, 'T am ________________________________________________________” Because of this the Jews tried to.............Him, but He left the temple and hid Himself from them. Outside the temple, He met a man who was bom .................. Jesus said to the man, "I am........................... ...............................” Then He put clay on the man’s eyes, and when he had washed in the pool of____________________________, he received his ....... ......... Because this man said that Jesus was of God, the Jews cast him out of the......................., and they hated Jesus more than ever. 3. To help the Jews to understand why He healed people, Jesus told them a.....„................... He said, "I am....................... ..................... I lay down My life for the ....................” When He said, "The hireling fleeth, and careth not for the.....................,” the priests knew He meant them. Jesus knew they wanted to kill Him, so He said, "I lay down My life. No man .................................. ..........” Then He left Jerusalem, and went again into Galilee. Review 4. The time was approaching when He should be "received up,” and He steadfastly set His face to return to............................ On His way, He passed through a country named----------------------------- The people of this country would not receive Him, because He was going to---------------------------- To punish them for their lack of hospitality, ---------and____________________asked Jesus to let them command............ to come down from_______________, and consume them. Jesus said, "The Son of man is not come’s lives, but to...........them.” 5. At this time, Jesus appointed______________________more disciples. He told them to go before them into the cities and...................the sick. He did not tell them not to go to the__________________________, as He had told the twelve. When they returned, they said, "Lord, even the ............. are subject unto us through Thy name.” 6. A Jewish lawyer asked Jesus what he should do to inherit -------------------------- Jesus asked him what he understood God’s ---------to mean. The Jew answered that it meant to love................... and love ------------------------------------- Jesus answered, "This do, and thou shalt----------------"But who is my______________________?” the Jew asked. Jesus knew that the Jews did not regard the Samaritans as their neighbors, so He answered the question by telling him die parable of die---------------------------------This parable teaches us that if we inherit ............— —........., we must help anyone who needs our help. 7. Jesus had been laboring in a country called................... He was weary with the unbelief of the people, and longed for rest in a place where people would gladly listen to His words. So He went to the home of-------------------and-------------------, in the town of ---------------------- -------------sat at His feet to hear every word, while................... prepared the meals. 8. After resting at this home, Jesus returned to Perea, where He taught the people by means of.......................... One of the para- Fourth Period Review 23 bles was________________________________________________________This man’s ground yielded so plentifully that his____________were not large enough to hold it all, so he said to himself, "I will___________________________—---- and____________________________” That night he died. Poor man! He had laid up treasure for____________________, but was not rich toward.......... 9. Another parable which Jesus spoke is called...-................ ................... This supper represents the Gospel feast which Jesus came to the world to give to..................... The Jews were first invited, but they ......................the invitation, and soon they rejected Christ and killed Him. If we refuse the Gospel, it will be said to us as it was to them, "None of those shall taste of My_________________” 10. When ........................ came to hear the words of Jesus, the Pharisees murmured. Then Jesus told them two parables,--------------------- ............................ and________________________________ He said if they had...........-...........- sheep and should lose -............. , they would leave the ..............._ .................and hunt for the one that was................. The joy that was felt when the........-.....was found and when the son returned to his....................—, was to teach the Pharisees how wrong it was for them to murmur when lost................ came to hear the words of life. 11. While Jesus was still teaching in Perea, —......................, the brother of Martha and Mary, died. Before he died, the sisters sent word to tell Jesus that he was.............. Jesus waited............days before He started for their home. On the way He told His disciples that...........................was dead. When He arrived in Bethany, He found that_____________________had lain in the grave.................- days. Bethany was about--------------------furlongs, or---------------miles, from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to comfort Martha and Mary. The people followed Jesus to the grave. After Jesus prayed, He cried, __________________________________________________________came out of the grave. Then many Jews believed that Jesus was the ................- .......• 12. When the priests heard of this great miracle, they were afraid that everyone would-------------------------------------------From that day forth, they took counsel to________Him. Jesus, therefore, walked no more openly among the_______________ He went to-----------------------. 13. Near Ephraim He told a parable of two men who went into the temple to pray. One was a__________________________________, and the other a ...................... In this parable, the-----------------------represents those who think they are righteous, the-------------------------- represents those who know they are sinners, but who pray that God will be merciful to them, and .................their sins. 14. While Jesus was still here, some mothers brought young children to Him that He should...................them. The ........................ rebuked those that brought them. But Jesus took the children in His arms and__________________them. 15. Then a rich................_, who said he had obeyed God’s law from his youth, asked what else he should do to inherit.............-......- __________________ Jesus answered, "Sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the..............., and thou shalt have treasure in............-.....-J ■ and come,.............................” 16. Again Jesus started toward Jerusalem. As He came near to .................., He healed a blind man, named .............. .... ; who sat by the wayside..................—......—. As Jesus passed through Jericho, a man named ..................., a chief of the .................— and a great sinner, desired to see Him, but could not because he was ....................................................... So he climbed into a .................................., where Jesus was to pass. Jesus saw him, and called, saying, "Make haste, and come down; for to-day I must ________________________________________” The Jews murmured because Jesus had gone to be the guest of this---------------, yet they claimed to be the children of Abraham. But Zacchseus was trying to right the wrongs he had done, therefore Jesus said, "He is the son of------------------•” 24 Fifth Period Diagram "The tench da/* Ex. 12:3 Numbers 76, 77, 83, 84, and 85 belong to the “Third and Last Series of Parables.” Numbers 76 and 77 are “Parables Given in the Temple.” Numbers 83 to 85 are “Parables Given on the Mount of Olives.” Write each of these statements on the proper dotted line. Why are 81 and 86 doubly circled? How should each be colored? Under the name of each day given above, write the text and the expression in the text that tells which day it is, as follows: Sabbath—John 12:1 Tuesday—Mark 11:27 Friday—Matt. 26:20 Sunday—John 12:12 Wednesday—Matt. 26:2 Monday—Mark 11:12 Thursday—Matt. 26:17 The Last Week Before the Crucifixion (Each night Jesus stayed with His friends at Bethany.) On the map of Palestine write the number, or letter, showing the location of the following places: Cities and Towns Mountains 23. Bethphage d. Mount of Olives 25 The fourteenth day” Ex. 12:6 Thursday £ Friday The Evening Following Thursday' 25a Study of the Temple Locate each of the following places by writing its number on the plan of the temple: 1. Where Zacharias was standing when Gabriel spoke to him 2. Where Jesus taught in the temple 3. Where Jesus drove out the money changers 4. Where the widow offered her two mites 5. Where the Greeks were when they saw Jesus 6. Where the priests had their councils 7. Where the burnt offerings were sacrificed 8. Where Peter and John had the lamb slain for the Passover 9. The "Beautiful Gate” of the temple 10. The holy place 11. The holy of holies 12. Court of the priests and Levites 13. Court of Israel 14. Court of the women 15. Court of the Gentiles 16. The Royal Porch 17. Solomon’s Porch The outer wall of the temple was 400 cubits square. The low wall enclosing the priests’ court was one cubit high. The marble pillars supporting the porch that separated the court of the Gentiles from Israel were 25 feet high. The "Beautiful Gate” was gilt, magnificently carved. Some think this gate was between the court of the women and the court of Israel. The stones of which the temple were built were of white marble. Some of them were 45 feet long, 12 feet thick, and 18 feet wide. The thirteen trumpet-shaped treasure chests were under the porch around the court of the women. Each was labeled so as to indicate the object of the contribution—to pay for sacrifices, to provide incense, wood, etc. The marble pillars of the Royal Porch supported a flat roof of carved cedar; the pavement was mosaic. The center aisle was 45 feet wide and 100 feet high; the two side aisles were 30 feet wide and 50 feet high. There were 40 pillars in each Plan of the Temple in the Time of Christ—Called the Temple of Herod row. Note: Keep this plan unfolded when you are studying the “Sixth Period Diagram.’ 26 Fifth Period Review Put the right word or words where the blemb are. 1. Jesus reached Bethany-------------days before the Passover. Here lived Simon who had been healed of_________________________________, Mary, Martha, and their brother_____________________who had been raised from the dead. To show their gratitude, these friends made a feast at__________ ---------------house, to which they invited______________and______________ ------------------------ At the feast,________________anointed the feet of Jesus with costly ointment. Judas, because he was a______________________, and wanted the money that the ointment would sell for, reproved her, but_______________said, “Let her alone.” 2. On “the next day,” which was_____________________, Jesus made His triumphal entry into_________________________From the Mount of Olives He rode on a___________________which the disciples had brought from the village. Then all the people shouted, “Blessed be the-------------------” This was the only time Jesus had ever allowed the people to honor Him as--------------------When the procession reached the top of the Mount, Jesus looked over the city, and_____________as He foretold its destruction. 3. “On the morrow,” Jesus again went to-----------------------------. On the way He saw a_______________________covered with leaves, but having no_________________ The fig tree represented the__________________nation, who pretended to be very righteous, but who from that time would not bring forth_________________________for God. Therefore, Jesus said to the tree, “No man eat____________________of thee hereafter forever.” 4. When Jesus reached the______________________He drove out all who were dishonestly buying and selling, saying, “My house is the house of _____________: but ye have made it a_______________________________” This is the______________time Jesus cleansed the temple. 5. After this, Jesus and His disciples “come again to Jerusalem,” and Jesus taught in the__________________________He told the parable of the ___________________ In this parable the householder represented__________, the vineyard the_____________nation, the hedge the___________of God, the tower the---------------, the husbandmen the________________, the servants the---------------------------, the son of the householder-----------i— 6. In the parable of the marriage of the king’s son, the king represents -------------, the son represents_______________, those who refused the invitation represent those who reject . ment represents a_______________________ , and the wedding gar- character which Jesus will give us. 7. The priests were determined to get Jesus to say something so that they could-----------------Him. At last they sent____________________ who asked, “Is it lawful to give tribute unto - pointed to the picture and writing of Caesar on a . wisely answered, “Render unto_____________ _?” Jesus _____and . the things which are , and unto _ . the things that are . 8. Then the Pharisees persuaded a . which was the greatest of the ten________ . to ask Jesus -------- Jesus summed up the law of God in two parts, love to . . and love to second was _ ----------------at all” 9. In the court of the . . He said the first was the great commandment, and the - “After that they durst not ask Him any were kept, Jesus saw the _ He saw a poor______________ . This is about. . put m . -------where die treasure chests . casting in large offerings. Then -------------------which make a — in our money. Jesus said she gave more than all the rich men, for she gave all her__________________. 10. Just then, two of the disciples_______________________________and -----------------------, came to Jesus and told Him that in the outer court, which is called the court of the____________________, some__________________ desired to see Him. He had done all that He could for the Jews, and as He turned to leave the inner court of the temple, He exclaimed, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the..............................., and ------------------them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have -------------together, even as a__________________gather- -----------------------------------------------------, and gathered . eth______ ye would not.” His last words as He left this part of the temple were, “Your------------------is left unto you_______________His work for the------------------------nation was done, and He never entered the Fifth Period Review 27 ______________________again. As Jesus approached the Greeks, He prayed, "Father_____________________________________________” To prove to these heathen Greeks that Jesus was the.........................., the Father answered Jesus with His own voice. Some who heard it thought it was.................... Others said, "An________________spake to Him.” Twice before this the Father’s voice was heard speaking to Jesus; the first was at His__________________, the second at His________________________ 11. The long, weary day was drawing to a close when Jesus left the temple courts forever. As He passed out, the disciples were thinking of His words about the temple being left........................ When they reached the Mount of Olives, they asked Him, "When shall ............................ ........?” Jesus then told them about the destruction that was to come on............................ The disciples thought Jerusalem would not be destroyed until the end of the world, so they asked, "What shall be the................... of Thy coming and of the----------------------------------------?” Jesus gave them............. signs of His second coming. Some of these signs are:....................... 12. It was night. The full moon was in the sky. They saw a bridal party with lighted torches waiting for the bridegroom. Then Jesus told His disciples a parable about His second coming. He said, "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto................................, which took their.....„......................and went forth to meet the ..........-....-.....—The bridegroom represents .................... The .................virgins represent those who will not be ready when Jesus comes to go with Him into the kingdom of heaven; the ________________ virgins are those who will be ready. 13. After this, He told them the parable of the................._ , to teach them what to do in order to be prepared for the kingdom of heaven. The servant with five talents made_________________more. The one with .............made two more. The one with.............. did not try to improve his talent. To the first two the Lord said, "__________________ __________, enter thou into_________:_____________________________________.” To the last He said, ’Thou _________________ and__________________servant.” He then commanded to him to be cast into outer__________________________ 14. After that, He told them still another parable about the time when the Son of man should come and all the_______________________________ with Him. At that time, there will be only________________________classes of people, those who have_________________________________unto Him, and those who have not.....---------------------------unto Him. To the first He will say, "Come, inherit-------------------------------.” To the others He will say,--------------------------------When Jesus finished these sayings, He said to His disciples, "Ye know that after_______________days, the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.” Therefore, the evening when these events occurred was..................evening, the beginning of___________________ 15. On the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, which was ---------------------, Jesus sent_________________and_____________________to kill the sacrifice and prepare the passover. When even was come, He and His disciples ate the___________________________in an upper room in ------------------------- Knowing that_________________would betray Him, after supper Jesus washed the_____________________________________ This He did to teach them that their lives must be free from all the uncleanness of--------------, and that they should serve one another. After this, Judas left to carry out his plans to_____________________his Lord. Then Jesus instituted the __________________________________The broken bread was a symbol of His broken__________________, the wine was a symbol of His ........... which He shed for our sins. After singing a hymn, Jesus and the eleven disciples went out to the ................................... 16. On their way Jesus pointed to a .._............................... having many branches. He taught the disciples that He is the.............., and we are the----------------------If the branch bears fruit it must live in the .............., so if we bear fruit for Jesus we must abide in Him. If the branch is cut from the vine, it will_________________So Jesus said, "WlYhout________ye can do___________________” 28 Sixth Period Diagram Friday-------------- On dotted lines above the following numbers, give the time of day when each of these events occurred, as told in the given text: 90. About midnight 96. The third hour—Mark 15:15-25 98. Just before the Sabbath- 92. At the cock crowing—Matt. 26:57, 74 97. The sixth hoifr—John 19:14-18 Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-54 93. In the morning—Matt. 27:1-2 The ninth hour—Mark 15:34, 37; Luke 23:44-46 99. Before sunrise Sunday morning—Mark 16:1-6 “Between the two evenings.” Ex. 12:6, margin From Gethsetnane to the Ascension 29 “I will come again.” John 14:3 “This same Jesus ... shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 Under the name of each day above, write the text and the expression in the text that tells the day, as follows: Friday—Luke 23:54. Sabbath—Matt. 27:62. Sunday—John 20:1; Mark 16:1, 2 On the dotted lines under “Sabbath,” write the words: Resting in the Tomb. The forty days. Acts 1:3. On the map write the number showing the location of: 24. Arimathea; 25. Emmaus. “It is finished.” John 19:30 Sixth Period Review 30 Put the right word or words where the blanks are. 1. When Jesus and His disciples left the upper room where they had eaten the _________________________________, they went out to the garden of............................, at the foot of the................ Jesus had come here to He prayed this prayer: ”0 My Father, if it be possible,. nevertheless not as _______________, but as_______________________” 2. As He finished praying, a great muldude with ....................... and......................sent by the chief____________________, and led by _______________________ came to arrest Him. Judas betrayed his Lord with a _______________ For betraying Him, the priests paid Judas.................... pieces of silver. Peter had a____________________and with it he cut off the right ________________of one of the high priest’s servants. Jesus reproved Peter, then He________________________the servant’s ear and___________________it. As the soldiers bound Jesus, all the disciples________________________ Him. 3. The soldiers first took Jesus to________________, then they led Him away to________________________, the high priest. _____________________followed afar off to the palace of the high priest, where a_____________________accused him of having been with Jesus. __________________times Peter _________________ his Lord, the last time with_____________________Immediately,.................. Herod wanted Jesus to do some________________________, but Jesus did nothing. Then Herod sent Him back to_____________________. 5. When Jesus was brought before Pilate the second time, Pilate’s _________________sent him word saying, "Have thou nothing to do with that ________________________man; for I have suffered many things this day in a _______________because of Him.__________________times Pilate told the mob that Jesus had done nothing worthy of________________, and that He ought to be ______________________ But they demanded that ______________________, a murderer, be released, and that Jesus be_____________________Then Pilate ----------------------------------------, saying, "I am___________________ of the blood of this_____________person.” After that, he__________________ Jesus and gave Him to the mob. This was about the______________________ hour. 6. The soldiers put a-----------of___________________upon His head, and dressed Him in a--------, and mocked Him, saying, "Hail, King of the ----------------1” Then they put the heavy cross upon Him, and took Him to_________________________________ When Jesus could no longer carry the cross, they compelled a man named_____________________ to carry it About the-------------------hour, Jesus was crucified. 7. Jesus died on the cross at the____________hour, which in our time would be____________________o’clock in the__________________________ His prayer for His murderers was,--------------------------------------------- 4. When morning came, the whole multitude led Jesus to.........., the governor. When Judas saw that Jesus was condemned, he brought the thirty pieces of silver to the....................................., and confessed that he had betrayed an ___________________________________ man. Then he went and_______________________himself. When Pilate knew that Jesus was from__________________, he sent Him to______________________ From the sixth hour to the ninth hour there was _________________________ over all the land. When Jesus breathed His last, the_______________of the temple was rent from top to bottom, the earth_________________, and many ------------were opened. 8. Before the Sabbath,__________________of Arimathsea went to -----------------------and begged the body of Jesus. Then he and Sixth Period Review 31 -----------------------gently took the body down from the cross. With the----------------------------------------which Joseph had brought and the spices which-----------------------had brought, they tenderly wrapped the body, and laid it in__________________new tomb, and rolled a great----------------to the door of the sepulchre. The next day, at the request of the______________________________.,________________________were set to watch the tomb, and the Roman________________was put on the stone at the door. Jesus rested in the tomb during 9. '‘When the Sabbath was past,” while it was yet............., on the---------------day of the week,________________________________________ and the other-----------------and___________________and _________________ were on their way to the____________________to.............._..... the body of Jesus. They reached the sepulchre at_____________________________ "There was a great-------:-----------: for the_____________of the ................ descended from----------------, and came and rolled back the................. from the----------------, and________________upon it” The soldiers fell as ----------men. The angel told the women that Jesus was_____________________, and that they should go quickly and tell_______________________________As they went, Jesus met them and told them to tell His disciples to meet Him in------------------------------ When the priests heard the news, they gave money to the---------------------to say that during the .......................... the disciples had----------------the body of Jesus while they .................... 10. The same day toward evening,_________________disciples were walking to a village named__________________________On the way____________________________ joined them, but they did not know Him. They were talking about the events that had recently occurred in................................ Jesus explaining the meaning of these things by telling them what the ------------------------had written. When they reached Emmaus and sat down to------------------, as Jesus blessed the______________, they knew it was He. Then He disappeared from their sight. They quickly returned to-----------------------and told___________________________________________. 11. While they were speaking, Jesus appeared and said, ............ --------------------------------------------------- They thought they saw a -----------, but by showing them His___________________and His______________ and His--------------__ Jesus proved that it was indeed He. 12. One night after this, the disciples were..................on the sea of---------------, but they caught__________________________ Then Jesus, calling to them from the shore, said, "Cast the net on the.................. side of the ship, and ye shall find.” They did so, and gathered ............ fishes. When they reached the shore, they saw a fire and____________________ laid thereon and----------------------------------- By this miracle they knew that it was---------------------who had spoken to them. After they had eaten, Jesus and His disciples went into a mountain in Galilee. Here Jesus gave His great commission to His disciples, saying, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all________:______________, baptising them in the name of the.....—........., and of the______________, and of the ................ ...........-....: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever........ ------------------------------------------: and, lo, I am with you alway.” 13. The last day that Jesus was with His disciples on this earth, —..........----------days after the resurrection, He led them out toward -----------,----to the-------------------of------------------- Here He was carried up from them into__________________, and a ................. received Him out of their sight. As He ascended, two ....................... appeared to the disciples and said, "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come___________________________________________as ye have seen Him___________________________________________ 32 Familiar Sayings WHO SPOKE? TO WHOM? REFERENCE Fourth Period 1. How knoweth this Man letters, having never learned? 2. Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? 3. One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. 4. I am the door of the sheep. 5. No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the king- dom of God. 6. Peace be to this house. 7. Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. 8. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind. 9. One thing is needful; and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. 10. This night thy soul shall be required of thee. 11. Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor bam; and God feedeth them. 12. Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in. 13. Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. 14. I will arise and go to my father. 15. Son, thou are ever with me, and all that I have is thine. 16. Thy brother shall rise again. 17. It is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not 18. God be merciful to me a sinner. 19. Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is die kingdom of God. 20. The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Fifth Period 21. The poor ye have always with you; but Me ye have not always. 22. Wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached . . ., this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. 23. Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. 24. If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. 25. If thou hadst known ... the things which belong unto thy peace! 33 Familiar Sayings WHO SPOKE? TO WHOM? REFERENCE 26. All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. 27. The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the comer. 28. Friend, how earnest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? 29. Show Me the tribute money. 30. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 31. Sir, we would see Jesus. 32. As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 33. As the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 34. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. 35. Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. 36. Lord, when saw we Thee as hungered, and fed Thee? 37. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. 38. Lord, is it I? 39. This night, before the code crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice. 40. Without Me ye can do nothing. Sixth Period 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. 42. I And no fault in this Man. 43. Lord, remember me when Thou cometh into Thy kingdom. 44. He saved others; Himself He cannot save. 45. Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. 46. Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus.... He is not here: for He is risen. 47. Did not our hearts bum within us, . . . while He opened to us the Scriptures? 48. Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. 49. Feed My lambs: feed My sheep. 50. Lord, and what shall this do? 34 Best Lessons Learned First Period Second Period At the end of each period, write one or more of the best lessons you have learned from your study during the period. These may be quotations from your "Notes” Fourth Period Fifth Period Third Period Sixth Period 35 36 TO THE TEACHER Aim. The main purpose of the pictured diagram of the life of Jesus, given in the Notebook, is to make more vivid and real the great work of Christ for our salvation, and to enable the student to see and carry in his mind as a unit the whole panorama of the earthly life of Christ. By thus appealing to the eye as well as the mind this can be accomplished with pupils of average sixth-grade ability, and it is a definite help to anyone. In filling out the Notebook, let the student be self-helpful just as far as possible. Encourage him to read the directions and follow them. Part of his grade should depend on his ability thus to interpret and execute directions. When Should the Pictures Be Mounted? As a rule, the best time to do this is at the close of each natural thought unit, in connection with the review of that part of Jesus’ life. At such times, it is well to devote a full class period to notebook work, thus giving time for such teacher supervision as may be needed. These thought units arranged in their order in the various periods are as follows: First Period Diagram—Jesui Early Life 1. Childhood and Youth of Jesus (Pictures 1-9 inclusive) 2. Beginning of His Public Ministry—from His Baptism to the first Passover (Pictures 10-13) 3. From the First Passover to the Second (Pictures 14-19) Second Period Diagram—First Work in Galilee 1. Jesus in Galilee (Pictures 20-23) 2. His First Missionary Tour Through Galilee (Pictures 24-31) 3. His Second Missionary Tour Through Galilee (Pictures 32-38) Third Period Diagram—Work in Galilee Finished 1. Jesus' Third Missionary Tour Through Galilee (Pictures 39-43) 2. His Closing Work in Galilee (Pictures 44-92) Fourth Period Diagram—Closing Work in Judea and Perea 1. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (Pictures 53-56) 2. His Last Journey From Galilee (Pictures 57-60) 3. In Perea—The Second Series of Parables (Pictures 61-66) 4. His Last Journey to Jerusalem (Pictures 67-71) Fifth Period Diagram—The Passion Week 1. Events of Sabbath, Sunday, and Monday (Pictures 72-79) 2. Events of Tuesday (Pictures 76-81) 3. Events of Wednesday 1 Pictures 82-85) 4. Events of Thursday and the Evening Following (Pictures 86-89) Sixth Period Diagram—From Gethsemane to the Ascension 1. Events of Friday (Pictures 90-98) 2. Events of Sabbath, Sunday, and The Forty Days” (Pictures 99-103) Reviews from Bible Wall Charts. A set of Bible Wall Charts is now available which give added interest and pleasure and value to the study of the life of Jesus. These wall charts, six in number, correspond to the six period diagrams in the Notebook. The pictures are four times the size of those in the Notebook, to allow for class use. Instead of pasting the pictures on die chart, the pupil hangs them on with card holders. The pictures can then be removed in a moment's time, thus affording several pupils opportunity to test themselves in one class period. Thus mind, eye, and hand co-operate in making the most lasting impressions on the heart. A printed folder accompanies each set of charts describing twenty interesting ways of giving drills. When these chart drills precede the notebook work on “Notebook Day,” the pupil is prepared to do excellent notebook work with little or no teacher supervision. The charts complete may be obtained of Bible Notebook Department, Angwin, Calif. Story Outlines. (Pages 6, 7; 10, 11; 14, 15; 22, 23; 26, 27; 30, 31.) Always use the story outlines for oral class reading before written work is called for. These exercises both oral and written, are very good reviews at the close of each period. Pupils may read by paragraphs in turn, or by short time limit periods (as one or two minutes), or one pupil may read until some other pupil detects an error, or until the teacher calls on some one else. Map Work. (Pages 4, 18, and 25a.) Make sure that at the time the event is studied, pupils know the location of each place Jesus visited. The large outline map which accompanies the “Bible Wall Charts” for class use is admirably suited for tracing from memory the Journeys of Jesus and telling what He did at each place. The map study on page 19 and the study of the temple on page 25a will suggest other ways of varying the map drills. Familiar Sayings. (Page 16, 17; 32, 33.) The "familiar sayings” should be filled out—not all at one time, but at the end of each period. The parts "Who spoke?”, and 'To whom?” should first be recited orally. In finding the Bible references, let pupils use their Bibles, as this exercise is to give them practice in turning quickly to well-known passages. This exercise may be varied by letting all pupils work together silently to see how many texts each pupil can find in a given time limit (as five minutes), or how long it takes each pupil to find the first five, or the first ten, or the whole list for the period. Which were the hardest ones to find? Give a little special drill on these. When a pupil has found all the texts, let him try again and see how much more quickly he can find them the second time. Best Lessons Learned. (Page 34.) Pupils love to fill out page 34, if at the end of each period they are allowed to select and copy from their notes or collateral reading or from the Bible, one or more sentences that they have liked the best, or that have helped them the most. Never sould they be required to fill out this whole page at one time or even on successive days. This page filled out may be to the teacher a key to the heart of the child. The Pictures as Works of Art. a large number of the miniature pictures in this Notebook are from the paintings of the world’s master artists. Let the pil find Hofmann’s pictures, Plockhorst’s, Dore’s, Bida’s, etc. Which were painted LeRolle? Raphael? Murillo? Biermann? Whose pictures do you like best? Which pictures? Why? In various ways help the pupils to appreciate these works of art. Many of them express wonderful character. We are told that Hofmann’s head of Christ (number 54) most nearly represents the features of the Man of Calvary, who once walked among men.