CT Whee Somaya Lola DF 14 . Manuscript Release No. 1307--2 This meeting bore the imprint of heaven. We were anxious to present, and to leave on every soul, [the truth] that feeling is no criterion of our advancement in spirituality. The Word of God must be studied and practiced, and it will be a solid rock under our feet. Some words were spoken by the inexperienced ones. They expected that Sister White would tell all of them of their faults, and in a manner that would strike terror to their souls. I told them that I had such a work to do as the Lord gave me. Some individual cases had been presented before them; but my work was to deal in general principles. I wish I could give more particulars, but my time is narrowing down to a point. We have earnest work to do for the Master. [I am so sorry that any of our people should sustain Dr. Burke by giving him their patronage. They should not place themselves in connection with any man that has pursued the course that he has done, whatever may be his calling or apparent success; for in thus doing they make themselves serve with his sins, and the Lord is not pleased with their course of action. The Lord's Spirit has been grieved by the unstable course pursued by some of those who profess to believe the truth. Is Dr. Burke on the Lord's side, or on the enemy's side? Is he working in harmony with the heavenly intelligences? Is he a laborer together with God? No! No! When our people have so Tittle discernment that they will strengthen the hands of him who lies and continues to do evil, they make themselves accountable for his evil course. God is not with him. In the judgment some things will be seen that men do not now discern; then will they be ashamed with linking up with such influences. (When) anyone has a burden of God in love to his soul to try to recover him from the snare of Satan, then they may do this and God will give them grace that they will not endanger their souls. But when men and