because of the many large educational institu- tionis that are located there. Nashville is called the * Athens of the South,” Here are hundreds of teachers and thousands of students from all parts. We are reaching many of these. They learn of our principles, and in turn carry them to their homes, thus spreading the truth in a most successful manner. Our institution 1s known as a Seventh-day Ad- ventist institution. In no way have we been afraid to let this be known. I could speak of cares that have accepted the Sabbath and other points through ther connection with the Sanita- rinm. [ am glad to tell vou who are the members of our Samtartmn Board, We think we have a good board. especially because of those men on 1t who have had such long experience in the truth and are prepared to give good counsel. FKlders Geo. I Butler, S. N. Haskell, and N. W. Allee, and Brethren I A. Ford and B. W. Spire, with Dr. Hayward and myself, make up the board The board has determined that it will not erect large buildings, create big debts, or move any faster than the means in hand will allow, believe ing that if we make a plain statement of the situation to our people. and they see that we are dependent upon them, they will come to our help I could spend much time now telling vou of our needs. They are many. The General Con- ference has voted us means. but we must get the money ourselves, as they do not have it for us. We are now trying to get it. Don’t you want to help? Don't you want a part in that work? The responsibility of this work 1s upon all our people. and unless they do their part, unless you do vours, the work will suffer. We have pledee blanks for those who do not have the ready meomev. You may fill them ont for