be’ ritton instead of being printed, as in the past. The - ty . 2 . tition; however, should be written by some good pen- | to your pockets or wan, 80 8s to influence with it from the stand- | cense from Presbytery point of scholarship. Where this cannot be done, if so into the ministry, no caho destred we can send a printed petition, when needed. | into.” Butif he has put If thereis no good penmau in your scclety, get the | are ordained, and } school teacher: or some other good peuman to rite it | and the anvil your pulpit for you. The proper form will be given in the WORK- | the iron, the hammer of God’a try xB when it is needed. So walch the WORKER, and if | heart 1n pieces. Peter was: De it becomes necessary to act, we hope that the elders ani | Joan a freshman, Harlan Pugs Librarians of every society will feel that they are needed | gent to the parabola visects the: single as leaders, to set the work in motion in their several loc- | point of contact by.a perpendicdlér o alities, | a lino drawn to the focus.” Hf George Mal “And here let meask: Are you all doing all that you | tempt chemical experiments in a phif would be pleased to see recorded in the books above | tory, he would soon blow hiniself-up.. with that leaflet, * Now in Jail for Conscience’ Sake? If} men, grandiy nseful, were never struck, d Lut, why not? H. F. PreLPs. | nent stage by a boguet flurg trom t i Quick! let us tind our work, You ' you give a tract; you hand a flower; | give a crutch to a lame man; you t TTT To ~ T7777 class their A, B, C's; yeu koi: a par of A lutter received from one of our librariens says: - ling; you pick a splinter from 5 Bhiid’s THE MISSIONARY WORK, - «I'wish the librarians of the different societies would” thing. Du it now. Christ will come 8000 report through the WORKER. We want to know what they are doing.” All right, we wish so too. However, the wost earefL] search ic the aforesaid letter fmled tu | reveal a single item for the WORKER. Strange, wasn'l | ite : CL - — As stated 10 my last repo Biank reports have baen sont to all librarians, whieh | (ther visit Lo tho Livable ol the we hope will be promptly returned. To will bo a great! his i nave cous; going to * Llp to us, also, if every one will send a Full reply to U0 | powers of wut dated pe vist ha letter which accompanies the blanks. tne Spirit oi the Lord difted up asten 1f 5 new hbraran has been olected, ti.c one who tor | A church was organized conststil ierly held the office should fill ouv and send the repott | Trusioes wes wisy blecied 16. hud ior the last quarter, and also, with the report, the nue | A Trocl Suviety vw. uiganized, with 8 of the newly el cted officer. : | Librarian. This was nocoss i } — - + dence of the cxisiance of a soci We still hear, occasionally, some chronic grumbler it. oto Gocisty. © Suops WOES ta saAs quiring, “why is 1t necessary to report?” but our nve ! further 1MpPrOV6 Li«. ciurch bt societies and workers have long ago outgrown such | altendanse wus o ob what wa bi qu-iies, The subject . has been so fullyandclearly! o.p 0 10rd was with i treated of so many times, thst they must be dull 10 stroy tLe work eA bib deed who cannot see that itis not an arbitrary require | C0 the organization w of wewt or 8 matter of personal preference, but a part of the Lord’s business as much as the reporting of the |'w.i) vor he udded t +itbes and offerings. “Cursed be he who doeth the Work | yi 19th ult., I of the Lord negligently” Then don't neglect thete: | 4, rere W ports. God. ‘The Spirit of “a . So led ‘manner, andt Do you keep the Worker on fils? Ifso, you. have { my co who took th yo ere frag ots . : © on.y to look back to the date when the department of. established and settled nts 1g ‘Missionary Work was first started in its columns, and ' dani ! 4 { were added to the Babb follow that. department down: tothe present time, to : : find that nearly every question that ever comes up in| gine the : "tiist every live of missionary work; with very many |, “liglpful hints, suggestions and items of personal exper- g now to save them. [hey are of convenient size and | shape for preservation. referefice to that work hasbeen fully and. clearly ane | gy puach wish ha wered, that definite nstriiotions have beet given in “al: | 5jogeg my work Wi ‘fence. Ifyou have thrown away your papers, begm- "with joy unspeakable and full of glory. "in the beginning, but the best was brought 1b at the © Some that have attended several camp meetings sad “that will keep us unspotted from the world, “den Lake. The blessing of the Tord attended the ef. ) 1.4lso spent a short time with B "hug ‘been conducting at that place. These meetings hus been manifested vn the part of many, and it is ex- 7 THE MINNESOTA WORKER. asking for editorial comments regarding the same. Pray for this line of work. - H.F. PHELPS. Brainerd. The week of prayer isio the past, but the remem. brance and effect we believe will bo lasting with tais company here in Brainerd. From the first, the meet- ings were of Jeep interest, and kept increasing as such till the very close. Lvery vae, nearly. seemzd to under- stand what we were gathered together for. To seek the Lord with all the heart, aud todraw that strength frow above, which is so much needed in these perilous times. Brother illiard was with us till Thursaay morning, then Sr. Hil iard and I took the respunsibility of the meetiLgs. Wu held two meetings each day, and Since my last report I have visited Villard, West Un = ion, Sauk Center and St. Cloud, and we had good meet- ingsat all these places. Bro. C. M. Emmerson was with us at Villard and spoke twice to good acceptance, Our meetings there were attended by the M. E. and Congregativnal ministers. The M. E. minster publicly stated that be enjoyed the meetings much. At St. Cloud we bad the halp of Bro. Hilliard. The Lord gave treedom in presenting practical truth for this time, and it was well received by the brethren. We hope that aow the week of prayer with its priviliges and blessings is In the past, we will not slacken our zeal in the leust, but press on with renewed consecration to tke work the Lord has called us to do. Pray for us. W.B. HL. . most every member was present at all the meetings, and there seemad to be a hungering and thirsting after) righteousnass, aud the promise “ye shall be filled” ‘was } verified unto us. Truly some of the droppings of the | sanctuary fell upon us, and we ware made to rejoice There was not a note of discord throughout the en- tire meetings. We seemed to nave come back to the time when we first embraced the “Third Angol’s Mes- sage,” and indeed, brethren, it was good to be here, as all testified in our last meeting. The wine was good last of the feast, Oue message Was, “Arise and shine, for the light is come, and the glo-v of the Lord is risen upon thee,” and each caoght the inspired words, and} joy ana gladness beamed nupon every countenance. that these were the best meetings they ever attended.’ Our sheaves were gathered in Sunaay (the day “ap- pointed) and $31 were gleaned out. We took it and all bowed together in pra er, asking tt.e Lord to accept ity and sow it where it would produce a hundred “fold “to His honor snd glory, and dear brethren, we believe “we will see the fruit of this offering in the New Earth. We are of good courage here, and graying earnestly | for a revival of that pure and undefiled religi on that visits the wido~s and fatherless in their affliction, and" Mrs. MARIA MEAD. Among tha Churches. . Since my last report I have visited the companies at ‘Passel and Hutchinson and also the few believers at) fe rts put forth at these places and we were glad to seo # spirit of umty take possession of the brethren and sisters and a desire tr 1. y aside the little differences and | imaginary injuries that had been magnified into 8 mid- dle wall of partition Ly the accuser of the brethren, whieh of course always shuts Self in and Jesus out. But he 1s our peace who havh made both one, having’ otished in his flesh theenmity. i} i ro. Pogue at lake Hook, assisting hit what E conld in the meetings he have been well attended and a good degree of interest enn. THE SABBATH SCHOO. A New Program for Family Study. Al of our schools as far as we have been a ble to learn whieh adopted the program for. family study were so well pleased with the results that we have decided to. - continue the plan this quarter, and have accordingly arranged a program suited to-the present lessons. A number of these have been sent to each school in the State so that each family may receive a copy. Should any fail to receive one if they will let us know we will supply them at once. "Phere ure many advantages to be gained by a daily ‘systematic study cf the lessons. In order to gain the best results each one engaged in the study should have his Bible and tura to the references, that the location on tho page may be observed and be fixed in mind. This mids greatly in becoming familiar vith the Bible and also impresses the lssson more clearly on the mind. All may take turns in reading the answers to the ques tions and thus all, even the little ones will have an in- terest in the exercises. If only ten texts are committed to memory each week, and wore can easily be, we should have 520 pree- jous passages of Scripture stored up in our minds at the end of the year. I am afraid that is more than | mawy of ushave done in the past. : . Irssons learned in this way are certainly fixed in mind and longer remembered than they ever can be if studied one or even two hours at the end of th week. , Some object to this plan as taking too ‘much time. ‘But if we wait until we have plenty of time, Satan will gen to it that we never have any more time than we have now. co a oo . ~ Parents will draw their children nearer to them by this kind of study and their influence over them will be strengthened. Our Sabbath Schools can do much for the children but they can never do the ‘work of the ‘parents. - “While it 18 esseriial. that wiss, patient -et- forteshould be made by the, teacher, the work must not ‘be left altogether to the Sabbath School teacher and the church worker, but must find its foundation and support in the work of the home. Parents haves sac ted responsibility and coarge committed to them, and - ‘they are called upon to keep their charge, to bear their pected ¥hat some wiki obey the truth. a responsiblity in the toer of God, watching for the ols A of their children as they who mist gif an socoun