THE MISSION FIELD went to Vostina, There we visited a family who had accepted the truth some years: ago without a preacher, merely by reading the Bible and some tracts which had come to their hands. It did my heart good to hear of the experience through which they had to pass. In spite of much mockery and persecution; they have held fast to the truth, On Sabbath afternoon, Brother Greaves baptized his second daughter. Brother Greaves has changed his head- quarters to Patras, in the country of Achaia, which is mentioned in Rom. 15: 26. May his entrance there be a bless- ing to the people. Since my return to Constantinople, new doors have been opened through the canvassing work of Brother Savvas. He is working on the line from Salonika to Uskiib, which is a great center of revo- lution. In Istomnicha, about fifteen men are deeply interested in the truth, and are waiting to join God’s people. While Brother Scior was staying there and holding meetings, the local authori- ties became suspicious and the fanatical people were excited, so that they urged him to leave the place. He will try to work in the vicinity of Istommnicha, to take care of those who are interested, and 761 instruct them in the truth. We are glad to see that something is going on in Macedonia. It is not easy to control the people there, as for many years it has been constantly in turmoil. The sur- rounding Powers have sometimes hard work to manage this district. But we are sure that the Lord has honest souls in it, who will accept the message before the Lord comes. | All the workers of the Levant Union need the prayers of Christian people. The present state of political affairs in the country is uncertain, and the future of Turkey looks very dark. As Turkey will have to surrender Tripoli to the Christians, the newspapers say that again a great massacre may hap- pen in the near future. Our comfort stands in Ps. 27: 1-6. FE. FRANCHIGER. x The Mormon Menace “MorMONIsSM seeks to invade every part of the world. Its adherents have been compelled to leave Mexico and abandon large tracts of fine agricultural land valued at several millions of dollars. This will not deter them, however, from spreading to other sections. Germany is becoming alarmed. Several Mormon mis- sionaries were recently driven from Bavaria, but despite this hos- tility it is said that in Berlin the propaganda of Mormonism is mak- ing headway. England also has been aroused against the campaign and in London and its sub- for Mormonism, urban districts an or- ganized movement is A Group of Workers in the Levant Union on foot to counteract