PH FIND it difficult to discuss with 84 you the deeply disturbing reali- 3 ties of the world. It isa comfort- = ing and inspiring experience to look into the brave, open countenances of young men who are about to go out into the world and take up the task which 1s waiting—to carry on the fight for the ideals and privileges of freedom and liberty which we all hold dear. The obstacles and trials in the paths of each are many and grave: heroic and forthright qualities of the soul are required to conquer them. Those very obstacles, however, constitute a great and glorious challenge—a challenge 1t 1s our heritage and obligation to accept, that we may be welded, as were our forefathers, into the very brawn, brain, and sinew of our nation. In the aceptance of any challenge, the primary quality is courage. The founders of our great republic were the personifica- tion of courage in its finest form; today’s patriots can be equally brave, equally strong, and equally essential to our sorely harassed nation. We need strong, young blood to strengthen veins which have been weakened by the creeping virus of apathy, lethargy, deceit, and treachery—the rich, red blood of true Americanism! Our forefathers remained steadfast in the face of ominous difficulties. They achieved an almost impossible task. They reached a summit of accomplishment that was the marvel of the civilized world. But they attained this only because they pos- sessed an elemental, rugged, uncompromis- ing courage in the face of almost over- whelming difficulties. They never knew the meaning of fear. The word ‘surrender’ was not in their vocabulary. They were fighters, battlers for their high ideals— martyrs, if necessary. They were ready and eager to sacrifice everything that life holds dear for a cause that to them was greater and more sacred than life itself. They were proud to be Americans! The caliber of our forebears is a precious heritage. Nothing that has been handed down to us by the fathers of our country can be retained unless we exert every pos- sible physical, mental, and moral effort for the attainment of our ideals, for the reten- tion of our sacred heritage. We of the FBI know how necessary is courage. The men of the FBI must meet the challenge of the lawless elements in all parts of our country. They must risk their lives in the capture of the most dangerous types of desperadoes. They must be willing to sacrifice all that man holds dear in order Page FOUR WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE TASh By J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ¥ “Or did we forget those God - given qualities of sureness, of strength, of cour- age, and of vigilance which had made the eagle a symbol of this nation?’ ANY z2L. ry ANN that the men, women, and chil: dren of this coun- try may be pro- tected and safe in their daily life. These men have demonstrated he- roically that the youth of America, properly trained and dedicated to high ideals, are the worthy successors of the youth of 76 who won our freedom, and the vouth thereafter who blazed the trails and broke the frontiers to build the greatest citadel of de- mocracy. It would be futile for me to attempt to point out the ways and means of living in order to acquire a balanced, forceful, etfec- tive character. Countless sermons have been preached; innumerable books have been written; the texts of righteousness are all around us. We simply need the courage to apply their principles to the attainment of worthy ends. The cultivation of mind alone never will create character. There must be instilled in us, developed by us, those moral principles and attributes which have come down to us through the ages, with the sanctity of both divine and human authority. To be a university graduate does not indicate by any means that a man possesses a rounded, fully developed character. A number of university graduates I have known have traveled paths that led to crime and disgrace. They have used their education to the detriment of the commu- nity, rather than for its benefit—their lives a curse to humanity and to themselves, a tragic distortion of all that for which youth should stand. Therefore, you will be strongly fortified in your battle of life, for battle it is, if you take into the world those time-honored and proved moral principles that have been handed down to you by law-abiding, God-fearing ancestors. One of the principal reasons for the de- moralizing and shocking increase of crime in the past two decades has been the in- effectiveness of religious and moral infiu- ences In our individual communities. History in the past two thousand years has demonstrated that the forces that make men Christians make them good citizens. Let me remind you that as faith in the Supreme Being diminishes, so does charac- ter weaken—and so does the courage so vital to carry on the battle against the obstacles which today may be found on every side. In the FBI, we demand that the charac- ter of our men be unsullied and above suspicion. All of the intellectual accomp- lishments that can be secured, all of the scholastic honors that can be attained, will not entitle a man to appointment in the FBI if it cannot be demonstrated that he possesses, in addition, a balanced, forceful, moral character. Just as there 1s no substitute for strong character in the work of the FBI, there is no substitute for strong character in life itself. The world 1s desperately in need of The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE