Manuscript Release #1115--19 I was very sick for three weeks after reaching San Diego. | am Stil] weak, but [ am slowly growing stronger. I am thankful to our heaven) Father that He has been gracious to us and has spared my life. 1 caugh: cold in some way, and for a long time my throat wds very sore. I coughed 4 great deal. During the time that I was the worst, I kept closely tg my room, and did not allow anyone to come in but Sara and Maggie. I isolated myself, fearing that other members of the family might catch the influen from me. i I have not slept well since leaving home, because whether sick or well I have carried a heavy burden for these two sanitariums in southern Cali- fornia. The buildings that have been purchased have stood for many years unoccupied, and there has been much to do to Fit them up for patients. When we reached Paradise Valley, we found that Brother and Sister Palmer had accomplished a great deal in repairing the building and buying furniture Nearly haif the rooms in the sanitarium are furnished. Brother Palmer found some beautiful furniture for sale by wealthy people leaving the district and he purchased this furniture for the sanitarium, It is of first class quality, but cost only as much as cheap furniture. The furniture includes bureaus, washstands, rugs, easy chairs, and a good sideboard for the dining room, We found the workmen busy d41gging a well on the lower part of the land This work has gone forward successfully, without incident of any kind, and I am very glad to be able to tell you that & good supply of soft, pure water has been found. The workmen went down 90 feet, and one morning, when they went to work, they found 18 feet of water in the well, with all their tools . t 5 at the bottom. That morning Brother Palmer and your father came to my room -232- Manuscript Release #1115--20 their faces tighted up with smiles, to tell me about tne water in the well. ph, T wish you could nave seen the joy in their faces. To get the water out of tne well was the problem now. The workmen set the pumping engine going at once, but they found that this lowered the water very stowly. So they sent for a targer cylinder and a larger pipe, and finally they got the water pumped out. They dug down a few feet further and then Dbegan making a large reser- voir, to hold the water flowing in. [t will be a difficult matter to make this reservoir, but the well-digger thoroughly understands his business, and is making steady progress. [ shall be glad to hear that the work on this new well has all been so successfully accomplished. We hope that you can all see the Paradise Valley Sanitarium sometime, but we are glad that you were not with us this time; for the workmen were pusy all over the house, painting the floors and the sides of the rooms and halls, and you would not have found it very enjoyable. When they began painting at San Diego, I was afraid that the smell of the paint might hurt me, so we came to Glendale. And lo, we found the same thing going on here, But so far the smell of the paint has not troubled me at all. There is already one patient in the Paradise yalley Sanitartum. She seems to be a very nice woman. Other patients are waiting, and will come as