ce 3 == to purchase portions of the land we are now seeking to control, and could stand as bulwarks against the invasion of the Loma Linda neighborhood by unfriendly parties. gister white also said that the growing needs of hmm Loma Linda amihiestiens may make it advisable for the ingtitutbon to control the farming lands in the future, so as to make suit- able provision for the feeding of their stock, 0 Sool foo on 9) Joy 02) Yor pier , 2% over rn A ata the Iron Zoe the opportunity we now have to reveal wisdom by keeping these properties under our own control, even if we should not imme- diately deside just what disposition ought finally to be made of them; for the interest on the investment required ipl largely met by the annual crops that mea be produced, and in the end we should not be the losers, even if we should some day decide to sell the lands to those sho are favorable to the objects for which the institution has been founded. She said she was gure that our brethren who are gifted with wise discernment will appreciate the advantage of our handling these properties ourselves, thus conserving the interests of the institution, rather than to allow speculators to step in and handle the properties for selfish gain, regardless of the interests of the institu son. Jr: A orld Aoflc el | Overt: Ly leer ten commntial Ts oot 15% SS wr redlencs 2 at Goto Prin Wednesday morning, Pebruary,28, Sister White called me to her office room, and after going over some manuscript work relating to our cause in the Southern States, she dwelt on the importance of our preparing and publishing proper historical fompilations on important missionary enterprises that have been ~~