BW Dr. Kassabian (left), of Los Angeles, and his as- sistant, Dr. Hethcock, who offered to ‘“petrify’’ the body of King George 1 of Great Britain, plate it with bronze, and place tt in a niche of Westminster Ab- bey. BB NTERNATIONAL NEWS Phat HI: Boston Post, Dec. 14, 1935, reported an address en- titled, “The Mystery of Death,” delivered before the New York Acad- emy of Medicine, by Dr. Alexis Carrel whose fame, mm the popular mind. rests chiefly on his having kept tissue from the heart of a chick living in a laboratory test tube for more than twenty-four years. In this address there were ~o many facts and intimations that fully corroborate Inspiration that I cannot refram from commenting on them from a spiritual viewpoint. All of these facts, and many more, have been a matter of divine revelation for many generations. Science has, throughout the history of man. interested itself mm an en- deavor to find the source of hfe and to produce it spontancously, but without the least encouragement of success. Revelation says that God ‘breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7.) There 1s no other way of pro- ducing hfe. Dr. Carrel 1s reported to have, in this address. defined two kinds of death— reversible and irreversible. This is right. for that is in accord with in- spiration. ‘Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans Ho 12. Tt 1s appointed unto men once to die. but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. At this judgment a decision will be made as to a second, MW Page FOURTEEN - eternal death for the transgressor, or eternal life for the obedient. The first death 1s always “‘reversi- ble.” The second death is visited upon the disobedient only, and 1s always “‘irreversible.”” “They shall be as though they had not been’ (Obadiah 16), burned up root and branch (Mal- achi 4:1.) What is man’s condition after the first, that is, “reversible,” death? Dr. Carrel says, “A possibility, very re- mote, 1s suspension of life.” No, Doctor, not at all remote as to fact. Suspension of life,—or may we say, lapse of life,—is, together with death. the most certain thing of all human experience, with but one exception: and that is of the righteous living when Christ comes and cstablishes His kingdom on earth and translates His living followers into an immortal existence. The righteous living at that time shall never see death. (Reve- lation 21:4.) ® Suspension of life?—Yes, of all who have ever died, after whieh there will be a resurrection. “ And many of them that sleep in the dust of the carth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Daniel 12:2. “Part of the human personality may escape death,” Dr. Carrel is quoted to have said. To this we say, “No; decidedly no.” No sentient part of the human personality of those who die escapes “reversible” death. Here The MYSTERY of LIFE B By Wells Allen RUBLE, M. D. i= the greatest error ever foisted on the human race. In the beginning God sald: “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Genesis 2:17. The evil one countered with this error: ‘‘ Ye shall not surely die.” Gen- esis 3:4. He, the devil, has been enunciating that falschood throughout the history of the world, and even today many Christians believe his statement in preference to that of God. In reference to the claim of spiritists that survival of the soul has been demonstrated, Dr. Carrel commented: “The impor- tance of the facts on which such specu- lations are based cannot be denied, but the interpretation of the experimental results seems to be incorrect.” ® Right, again. All seeming evidence of life after death rests on trickery, or on the activities of the evil one and his emissaries in an effort to bolster up his first recorded lie and thus to delude and lead away God's creatures. No, there 1s no life after death as vet, save the few recorded cases of special resurrection. Our dead friends are asleep. Christ said of Lazarus, “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth’™ (John 11:11), after he had been dead four days and decomposition had begun (John 11: 39). “I go, that I may awake him out of sleep,” added Christ, and He raised him from the dead. Agam, when Christ was called to the death chamber of the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue, He said of her, “The damsel 1s not dead, but sleepeth.” Mark 5:39. Although the people sneered, Christ raised her to life. The “reversible” death, to God and to all who accept His word, 1s the sleep in which the unconscious ones await the resurrection. “There 1s no scientific proof at the present time of the survival after The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE